girl meets first date
MR. MATTHEWS has always been a father figure to Sophia.
So he treated her about the same as he treated Riley.
Riley and Sophia were standing at our lockers when Thomas and Lucas peaked the corner.
"Nooooo!" Mr. Matthews shouted.
He threw Riley over his shoulder and grabbed Sophia by her arm, rushing the two into the classroom.
"Dad, are you out of your mind?"
"Sophia and Riley. It's time for the talk."
"In front of the whole class?" Sophia asked.
"Yeah, give them the talk let's see what you know." Maya said.
"Okay. When a daughter or daughters best friend-"
He looked over and saw the two rushing towards the other door.
"Excuse me. Not today, Chachi's."
Lucas easily opens the door.
"Sir, you've known us all year. You like us, admit it." Thomas said.
"I don't wanna." He said.
"I'm one of the good kids. What are you so afraid of?" Lucas asked.
"Okay." Mr. Matthews said.
The two boys went to their seats.
Mr. Matthews erased the words Belgium off the board.
"No!" Farkle screamed standing up with a Belgium flag.
"Okay, guys. It's the seventh-grade spring fever, which leads to dating, which leads to movies, which leads to popcorn, which leads to putting your hands together in the dark touching popcorn, which leads to holding hands, which leads to that!" He said.
Darby and Yogi were Eskimo kissing.
"Oh, I am not ready for this." He said.
He pulled Yogi away from Darby.
"Riley, Sophia, I am begging you to stay in Neverland, okay?" He asked, "No growing up."
He put Yogi on his desk.
Farkle raised his hand.
"What do you want?" He asked Farkle.
"The way I see it, I'm in an interesting position here."
"How do you figure Farkle?"
"Let's approach this as a scientific equation. You're scared of Thomas going out with Riley, right?" He asked.
"Oh, does it show?" He asked.
"Yeah, He's good-looking and athletic."
"They're thirty-six!" He said.
"Give your daughter to me. I'll Give you four oxen and my best milking cow." Farkle said.
He was thinking about it.
"Are you actually thinking about this?" Riley asked.
"It's a good deal." He said.
Riley stood up, "I will decide who I go on my first date with at such time as somebody asks me."
Sophia turned her head and saw Thomas's hand in the air.
Riley then became all giddy.
"Why do you think he put his hand down?" Riley asked.
"Because your dad wouldn't call on him." Maya answered.
"And I don't think he ever will again." Sophia said.
"Life used to be so simple, Sophia and Maya. Wake up, brush my hair, Eat cereal, Pick up the bowl of cereal that I dropped." She said.
"When did all of this pressure happen?" Sophia asked
"Boys have it easy, they get to ask." Riley said.
"Girls have it easy." Farkle said.
"Yeah, we gotta do all the asking." Thomas said.
"All they have to say is no." Farkle said.
"Well, they could say yes." Lucas said.
"They could do that?" Farkle asked.
"Oh yeah, they wouldn't last a day in our shoes. Waiting for them to get the courage to ask us." Riley said.
"And then doing the vacuuming and ironing the babies." Maya said.
"I don't think that's right." Sophia said.
"Riley, Sophia, this isn't the nineties anymore. You want something you go get it." She said.
"You're telling me you're not a little bit afraid of this?" Riley asked.
"No." She said.
"You're saying that if you had feelings for somebody that you wouldn't be nervous?" Sophia asked.
"No, the only thing that makes me nervous is that the thing that everybody wants to happen never happens because everybody's too afraid to make it happen." Maya said.
"You know what I was afraid of?" Farkle asked.
"You." He said.
"How come?" Lucas asked.
"I know we're good friends and all, but I've always considered you a bit of a threat. Just like I know you've always considered me a bit of a threat." Farkle said.
"Yeah, you keep me up at night." Thomas said.
"But now I realize you're actually the solution to my Riley, Maya, Sophia dilemma." He said.
"How do you figure, Farkle?" Lucas asked.
"I just never asked one out because I knew it would break the heart of the other."
"What if I ask one of 'em out?" Thomas said.
He smiled, "Bye-bye I get the other two."
"What if I ask the other one out?" Lucas asked.
"Hello, I get the first one. How long do you wanna keep doing this?" Farkle asked.
"Well, there's only three of them." Lucas said.
"So, you're going to ask one of them out?" Farkle asked.
"Maybe I will someday." Lucas said.
The girls walked over to the boys.
"Hey, Canadian Boy." Maya said.
"Hey, other one." He said.
"You wanna go out with me?" She asked.
"What?" He questioned.
"Do you wanna take me to a movie and put our hands in the popcorn at the same time and see what happens, or what?" She asked.
Riley was shocked.
"Okay, you and you and me 'cause I don't care."
Farkle wrapped his arms around the two other girls.
Sophia was just as shocked.
But she knew Maya had some sort of plan.
Bay Window
Sophia said beside Riley as she tried to close her mouth.
Maya came in and she tried to close her mouth and Riley almost bit her.
"Back traitor." Riley said.
"Traitor, Me? Could this possibly be because I asked Thomas out?" She asked.
"You asked Thomas out." Riley said.
"What? You're upset?"
"I'm beyond upset. I'm whatever the next one is." She said.
"What you think he's cute?" She asked.
"He's a'ight." Riley said.
"What? You wanted him to ask you out?" Maya asked.
"Maybe, but now you ruined my eight-year plan." She said.
Sophia laughed, "I saw that on tv one time."
"Riles, you've been all goofy about Thomas since the day he walked into the classroom."
"You made me." She said.
"And now I have making him."
"What do you mean?" Sophia asked.
"Don't worry about it."
"I am worried. I am worried about our friendship which you called into question on this day." Riley said.
"Oh, all right, you want to ask each other questions? Go ahead."
"Why did you ask him?"
"How long have you known me?"
"Where are you taking him?"
"You think I would hurt you?"
"What are you gonna wear?"
"You don't think I have a bigger plan?"
"Can we at least be your maid of honor?" Riley asked.
"Of course, when I marry anybody else in the world besides Canadian Boy."
"What? You're just going to date him and then throw him away?" She asked.
"Hey, Whack job?" Maya asked.
"He doesn't want to go out with me. He's not going out with me. He's never going out with me." Maya told her.
"Well, if he doesn't want to go out with you, do you not want me to go out with him?" She asked.
"Life is changing isn't it?" Sophia asked.
"Yes. But this isn't though." Maya said.
The doorbell rang.
"Who's that? I wasn't expecting anybody." Riley said.
Maya smiled, "Oh, I was."
The girls traveled downstairs.
"Riley's not home either."
"Hi, Thomas." Riley said.
"That's right, I lied right in yo' face." Mr. Matthews said.
"Actually, Mr. Matthews, I'm not here to see her either." Thomas said.
"You're not?"
"You're not?"
"I want to do this the right way. So first, I'm here to talk to you, Sir." He said.
"I want to do this the right way too, Thomas. No!" He said.
Mr. Matthews started to shut the door.
Thomas pushed it back open.
"Mr. Matthews, would it be possible to speak with you alone?" Thomas asked.
"About homework?"
"About a grade?"
"Then this has nothing to do with me and you've come to the wrong place. Good day." Mr. Matthews said.
"I said good day, sir."
"But I need to talk to you."
"Is this about a historical event? I can only speak to you about historical events." He asked.
"Well, then go right ahead."
"I'm asking you permission to ask out your daughter."
"You tricked me!"
Thomas smiled, "That's right I lied right to yo' face."
"Get him, Topanga."
"My pleasure. Thomas, you are about the most charming young man I have ever met."
"But as delighted as I am that in this day and age you would come to get our blessing. Do you really think Riley is ready-" Topanga said but Riley cut her off.
"Riley, Be cool."
"Topanga, we really need to talk." Mr. Matthews said.
"Mr. Matthews, we really need to talk." Maya said.
"Good help me." He said.
"When a father turns a certain age, things will start happening to you that you don't understand. It'll confuse you, but it's a magical time." Maya told him.
"Shut up!"
"Look, don't worry. This is all normal and it's just your body's way of telling you that you are a woman. Look, If it makes you feel any better, don't think of it as a date. Think of it as a beautiful fantasy world that only includes the two of them and not you anymore." Sophia said.
"I appreciate you, Sophia I think you're pretty fierce." Mrs. Matthews said.
Josh walked in, "Hey, Kiddies."
"Uncle Boing." Maya said falling into Sophia's arms.
"My brother!"
"My Brother! Hey, I come with good news." Josh said.
"Thank you, I'm good." She said getting out of her arms.
"I'm joining N.Y.U. Pre-college program so I'll be here all summer." He said.
"Okay, I'm not good." She said Sophia's arms.
Sophia pouted, "I gotcha, honey."
"Josh, would you do me a favor and explain to your niece that she is way too young to go out on her first date?" He asked.
He pushed Josh towards her.
"Niece, what kept you going so long? Welcome to the party, guys. Enjoy." He said.
"Get out of my house!"
"I'll go to the party with you, Josh." Maya said.
"Still too old for you, Maya."
"Three years, what's three years in the history of love? They found some cavemen footprints, a man and a woman, they didn't know how old they were. All the scientists could tell was that they were holding hands. You know why? That was all that was important." She said.
"Wow, Maya."
"Keep looking at me."
"Oh, you know what's really important is I have my first appointment with my campus advisor downstairs." He said.
He left fairly quickly.
"So, I have everybody's permission except Mr. Matthews?" Thomas said.
"Thomas, I like you. I really do. But do I look like the kind of guy that would let his child go out on a date this young?" He asked.
Auggie and Ava came downstairs.
"I put a ring on it." Auggie said.
"What?" Topanga asked.
"We're engaged." Ava said.
"Let me tell you why you're not engaged." Topanga said.
"Let me tell you why we are. Sing it, Baby."
"Look at me. I'm Ava Morgenstern... Matthews!"
She put the ring in Topanga's face.
"What? Oh my gosh. Look at this ring. It looks just like mi-Hey! Give me this!"
"Yeah, it's Auggie's grandma's ring."
"It's actually my ring."
"Oh, you're not Auggie's grandma."
"Ava honey, are you looking at me? You looking right into my eyes? okay good, I got something to say, ugh."
"Eww." Ava said running out with Auggie.
"Greetings, Matthews, I've come to ask Riley out on her first date now that Maya has asked out Thomas." Farkle said walking in.
"What? Why would you do that?" Mr. Matthews asked.
"Because nobody does nothin'." Maya said.
"You lit the fire, huh?" Topanga asked.
"Somebody had to push these two kids together." Maya said.
"Have I told you I think you're pretty fierce?" She asked Maya.
"What's going on?" Farkle asked.
"What's going on, Farkle, is that this kid here wants my blessing." Mr. Matthews said.
He walked towards Thomas.
"You want it?" He asked.
"I do, sir."
"Then you got it." He said.
"Really? Because I got a cow in the elevator." Farkle said.
"On one condition."
"Uh-Oh." Maya and Sophia said.
"I want this to be a triple date. Okay? If you are gonna go out with him." He said.
Mr. Matthews pushed the two together.
"Then you are gonna go out with him." He said pushing Maya and Farkle together.
"That works for me because you're Riley or Maya or Sophia." Farkle said.
"Okay those two are together, and those two are together. What about me?" Sophia asked.
"Oh, he's here." Mr. Matthews said.
He pulled Lucas into the room.
"Hello." Lucas said.
"Dad, you can't just tell them who to go out with on their first date."
"Oh, don't think of it as a date, Maya. Think of it as a magical time and a journey." Mr. Matthews said.
"So-" Thomas started.
Riley smiled, "Yes."
"Riley." Topanga said.
"Yes." She said.
"We'll fix it." Maya and Sophia said.
"Would you like to go out with me?" Thomas asked.
"Y-Y-Y-Yay!" She said.
"I can't fix that." They said.
"So, Maya-" Farkle said.
"No." She said.
"Would you-"
"I mean it, Maya." Mr. Matthews said.
"Would you whatever he's doing with her?" Farkle asked.
She looked back at Riley and smiled at her.
"Yeah, fine." She said.
She puts her arms out for him but drops her arms and he falls on the floor.
"Sophia, would you like to go out with me?" Lucas asked.
Mr. Matthews walked in between them.
"Why?" Sophia asked.
"Because in this household, she is also my daughter, I am her father and that's her mother. You want to ask her out? Ask the parents first."
"Sophia?" Lucas asked.
She smiled, "In this household, I am their daughter also, that's my father and that's my mother. You want to ask me out? Ask the parents first."
Lucas smiled back.
"Mr. Matthews, Mrs. Matthews, can I have the honor of asking Sophia out?"
The two adults turned their backs.
"Sure." Mrs. Matthews said.
"So, Sophia. Would you like to go out with me?"
"Sure, Huckleberry."
Svorskis' Bakery
The trio walked into the bakery.
"I can't believe you'd let Farkle be your first date so Thomas can be mine." She said.
"Riles, I'm not gonna look at it as a first date. We hang out with Farkle all the time. This is just more hanging out." She said.
"But Farkle thinks it's a date." Sophia said.
"Then this is just more Farkle thinking it's a date." She said.
"Then does that mean that my first date with Thomas isn't actually a date?"
"No, no, your date with Thomas is serious right-of-passage, coming-of-age, growing-up stuff." Maya said.
"Should I be scared?"
"Of Canadian Boy? Sure, Honey, you be scared as you like." Maya said.
They laughed.
Sophia looked at Riley who stopped laughing. She looked over and saw Josh with another girl.
"Well, I don't think you need to be anywhere near that scared." Maya said looking at their faces.
"We have to go." Riley and Sophia said.
"Why?" She said.
"Maya, please. Do you trust us?" Sophia asked.
"More than anyone in the world."
"Then don't turn around." Riley said.
"Okay, if you say not to, I won't." She said.
"Let's go." Riley said.
They headed towards the door but Maya stopped.
"Oh, wait, I forgot. I'm still me."
She turned around and saw the two together.
"You know what the best thing is about going out with Farkle?" She asked.
"What?" They asked.
"No matter what happens I won't get hurt." She said.
Riley's Bedroom
Maya and Sophia climbed in through the window.
"All right, let's get this thing over with." Maya said.
"Ay, chihuahua." Riley said.
"What?" Maya said.
"For someone who does not care you do look pretty ay chihuahua." She said.
"Yeah, I just figured even though I'm not counting this as a first date it seems like it's a pretty big deal for Farkle so I wanted to give him at least eighty-four percent." Maya said.
"Good." Riley said, "So you're feeling better about my Uncle Josh?"
"No, that's just another lump of coal I'll bury deep in my dungeon of sadness next to my daddy issues and ballerina dreams."
She said.
She sat on the bed.
"Maya, I didn't know that you dreamed of being a ballerina." Topanga said.
"I don't. I dream of ballerinas kicking me with their point toes while they're stabbing me in the face with their bunheads." She said.
"Oh. Well, you look great." She said.
Bleeker Street Subway Station
They made it to the train station.
The boy stares in awe.
"Hey Maya, let's run towards each other in slow motion." Farkle said.
He moved slowly while shouting her name even slower.
"Come on, you know you want to." Farkle said
"Farkle, Who else would-" She paused.
They saw Riley moving slow.
"Stop." Sophia said and she does.
Lucas walked over to Sophia.
"I thought I was going to be too nervous to say anything, but I'm not I'm talking really good. I'm a good day talker. I'm the best day talker there is." Farkle said.
"Even though this just happened, there are some moments you know you're gonna remember forever. This is one of them." He said.
"I'm the second-best day talker there is. Oh, the trains coming. All aboard. Woo woo!" Farkle said.
"Well, this is pretty easy so far." Riley said.
The two sat on the seat.
The others grabbed a pole.
"Because we're already friends." Thomas said.
"Let's always be friends no matter what, okay?" Farkle asked.
"Yeah, first let's see what happens." Maya said.
"I don't want to jinx this but it's just like us hanging out at school. What could possibly go wrong?" Riley asked.
"Sophie, Sophie, um I thought we connected pretty well." Josh said.
"I'm a junior, Junior. I got a couple of years on you don't I?" Sophia asked.
"What's three years? You think three years matter at our age?" He asked.
"Yeah, I do." She said.
She hopped off the train.
Maya walked over to him.
"She pulled the three-years-older thing on you, huh?" She asked.
"Yeah yeah. I really put myself out there."
"Oh, I'm sure I couldn't possibly identify with your pain." She said.
She sat down beside him.
"Cavemen? Footprints? Hold hands?"
"Hurts, doesn't it?" He asked.
"A little bit, yeah."
"How do you deal with it?"
"Well, me, I've got this dungeon of sadness."
"Oh yeah? You got me in there?"
"Oh yeah. you and a whole flock of ballerinas."
Sophia looked back at Lucas.
"Go over there, Sophia be with your best friend." He said.
"What about our date?"
"I had a good time."
"I'm glad you were my first date."
She saw Riley get up and they stood by a pole.
"What happened to your dates?" Maya asked.
"We had a good time and then our best friend got all needy." Sophia said.
"Yeah, I know how that goes. Thanks for being there for me." She said.
"Hey, I'm sure you'll make it up to us someday." Riley said.
"How about now?" She said.
She let Riley's hand detach from the pole.
"Whoa!" She said falling into Thomas's lap.
"Hi, I'm Riley. We were just talking about you." She said.
"I'm Thomas."
"I love it."
"You know those moments that we're going to remember forever?" She asked.
"Yeah?" He asked.
Riley pulled his face into hers and the two kissed.
Farkle ran over to kiss Maya but she puts her hand out and he kissed that instead.
"Not bad, Farkle." She said.
"Tell your friends."
Bay Window
"Mine was like when it's summer and then the breeze comes up and then it rains for two seconds and then everything glows and there's a rainbow." Riley said.
"How was yours?" She asked Maya.
"Mine was like a Shih Tzu going after a chew toy." She said.
"So it was a magical night for both of us."
"You realize, guys, that life as we know it has changed?" Riley asked.
"Scared?" Sophia and Maya asked.
"No, I got you." She said as she put her hand in theirs.
Sophia sighed, "Okay guys I've got to go but have fun tonight."
"You can't stay?" Riley asked.
"Nah, but like I said have fun."
She headed out the window.
She was walking home when her name was called.
"Hey, Sophia."
"Hey, Ranger Rick."
"Can I walk you home?"
"Um, sure."
After a ten-minute walk, the two made it to the steps of her apartment building.
"Thanks for walking me home."
"No problem."
"I'll see you tomorrow okay?"
She opened the door but she called her back.
"Yes, Huckleberry?"
"You were the only person that didn't kiss tonight."
"That's right. What are you gonna do about that?"
He grabbed the nape of her neck and pulled her into a kiss.
Sophia backed up first.
"Um, I had fun, thanks for everything."
"Yeah, no problem."
Sophia shut the door.
Never in her teen life had she smiled so hard.
Word Count: 3555
Updated on: November 3rd, 2018
Yo last chapter of season 1 now I got to type season 2
I feel achieved that I've finished so I'll be back to type season 2
See ya later
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