girl meets belief
"YOU KNOW why it's a great day?" Riley asked.
"For you? Because it's a day." Maya answered.
"Endless possibilities lie ahead." Riley said.
"Nothing is endless except your goofy face." Sophia added.
"What a great day! Looky here. What should we buy?" Maya asked picking up the five dollar bill.
"We're not buying anything. That money is not yours." Riley said.
"This is where our friendship ends, right here, right now. Goodbye forever." Maya said.
"Maya, somebody dropped that." Riley said.
"Who? Name? Whose is it? Whose? I'll take any "whose." I'll take the "who's" with the apostrophe because I never know which is right." Maya said.
"How could you live knowing that that belongs to somebody else?"
"Everything I own belonged to somebody else. Riley, it's a five-sky. Not even a one-sky. Anybody could find a one-sky."
"Put it back."
"This is my only source of income."
"Read what it says, Maya. "In God we trust.""
"Seriously, you're going to go all the way there?"
"Don't you believe that someone is always watching to see if you do the right thing?"
"Not anymore."
"Maya, you know what I'm talking about."
"And you know what I'm talking about? Three mocha-chip ice-cream cones."
"Mocha-chip, you say? With a mocha chip in every bite. How do they do that?"
"Riles, how about I do what I do, and you do what you do?"
"That's ridiculous."
Riley pulled out another five dollar bill and put it on the ground.
"What's the point of that?" Sophia asked.
"Someone who dropped their dollar can have my five dollars."
"Riley, Sophia?" Maya asked walking out and looked at the five dollars on the ground.
"Oh, no." Riley muttered.
"What a great day! I mean, come on!" Maya said walking back in with Riley following behind.
"Are you seeing this?" Sophia asked, looking up.
"Riles, it was just a coincidence; I happened to find it. Can you leave it alone?" Maya asked.
"There are no coincidences, Maya. A coincidence is just the universe's way of saying, "Hi."" Riley said.
"Hi." Mr. Matthews said.
"Somebody here needs to learn a lesson." Riley said.
"In 1425, Joan of Arc, a 13-year-old girl, believed that she heard the voice of God-"
"This is your lesson." Riley whispered.
"Telling her to drive the English out of France."
"Amazing." Riley said.
"Yeah, back then you could drive at 13?" Maya asked.
"Nobody hears voices in their head. That's just crazy. It is so!" Farkle shouted.
"Now Joan knew that this belief could cost her her life." Mr. Matthews said.
"What if she wasn't crazy, Farkle?" Lucas asked.
"What if she just deeply believed in something?" Thomas asked.
"Well, why believe in anything you can't prove?"
"Ah, now there's a question. Guess where this is leading us." Mr. Matthews said.
"To an assignment." Maya said.
They had all groaned and Farkle cheered.
"You've all walked through life long enough with your blissfully empty heads. But what do you guys really believe in? Some of our greatest thinkers believed in something so strongly that they gave their lives to change the world." Mr. Matthews said.
"Show-offs." Maya said.
"Does anyone here believe in anything, anything at all?"
"I believe that Maya did wrong by taking somebody else's five dollar bill." Riley said.
"I believe in five dollars' worth of ice cream." Maya said.
"I believe food is the answer to everything." Sophia said.
"And I believe that you three are the perfect team for this if there ever was one. You guys are going to report on Thomas Jefferson and Marie Antoinette."
"That means we would have to split into three teams of two." Sophia said.
"Aw, boo!" Maya said
"Farkle, you're a man of science."
"I needs me my proof."
"And Lucas."
"I have beliefs that work for me, sir."
"Well, this is going to be fun. You guys are going to report on Joan of Arc."
"She's a saint." Thomas said.
"Yeah, a saint. Whoo-whoo! Now I want you two girls to really learn something from Jefferson."
"Ah, boo!" Maya said.
"Why do you keep booing Jefferson?"
"He hates us."
"How do you know?"
"He's making us do this."
"He died over 200 years ago."
"So it's you making us do this."
"Aw, boo!" They said.
"Thomas and Marie."
"Are you talking about me?" Sophia asked.
"Why would he be talking about you?" Thomas asked.
"Herr middle name is Marie." Maya told him.
"You're not gonna call me that all week are you?"
"Ah, boo!"
"So Marie." Thomas said.
"Not funny."
"I'm talking about the queen."
"So you are talking about me."
"Fine the queen of France."
"What do you know?" She asked.
"She was named after you."
"How do you know?"
"I just do."
"Why did your parents name you Marie?"
"My Nana believed Marie Antoinette did good thing, my mom knows Marie from "Let them eat cake"."
"This just got really boring."
"You know what else is boring?"
"Your freak face, I don't know why they like you?"
"They like me because.."
"This story just got boring."
"Okay, I can't work with St. Huckleberry the Perfect." Farkle said.
"Tell me about it." Maya and Thomas said.
"Riley, change partners?" Thomas asked.
"Oh, of course, you'd make it a square dance." Maya said.
John Qunicy Adams Middle School
"We want to switch teams." Sophia said.
""No can do, kids! Once you make teams, there's no switching back because what I say goes, because I have a whistle."" Maya said.
"I don't sound like that." Mr. Matthews said.
"You do."
"Okay, fine, go ahead, switch."
"Really?" Riley asked.
"Sure." Mr .Matthews said.
The group all walked out and Mr. Matthews blew his whistle.
"Wow, he really does." Lucas said.
"He's up to something." Sophia said.
"He's sneaky smart." Farkle said.
"Well, maybe we should just stay the teams that we were." Thomas suggested.
"Not a chance." Maya said.
"I'm fine with my face." Farkle said.
"Maya, come on, I won't bring it up again." Riley said.
"You, Sophia, and I are always partners. Riles, I just need a break."
"From what?" Riley asked.
"From you and all these things you believe." Maya said.
"Why didn't you work with Lucas?" Farkle asked.
"Because you don't need to look at freak face Thomas."
"I don't think she really meant that, Sophia."
"She does. She wants a break from us. Money changes some people."
"I think Marie Antoinette had a screw loose."
"Eh, she was just a goofball that just wanted to show what she thought about things." Sophia said.
"Sounds like someone we know."
"I'm not doing it."
"Do what?"
"Trying to make me fly over there with Riley and Maya."
"They have a cinnamon roll on a plate over there."
"They do?"
Sophia looked back and they were both holding cinnamon rolls. She turned back around and looked at Farkle.
"You love both cinnamon rolls and Riley and Maya."
"I do."
"You gonna fly to them?"
"No I'm gonna walk."
Instead of walking, Sophia ran towards the and brought them into a hug. After that Riley took a picture of all three of them.
"Ooh, that's a good one." Riley said.
John Qunicy Adams Middle School
"Okay, we know you're going to say no, but.." Riley started but her father cut her off.
"Switch again."
"Thank you."
"So are you and Maya back together?"
"No, Riley and I have decided to separate our work lives from our bay-window lives." Maya said.
"Well, I'm sure that will keep the love alive."
Matthews House
"Finally working with me." Lucas said.
Sophia smiled, "Finally working with you."
"Why did you work with Farkle for the first time we switched?"
"I don't need him passing out while looking at you two freak faces."
"I'm a freak face?"
"According to Farkle you are."
"So Marie Antoinette, was she a bad person?"
"I don't think she was. I believe that she was nice person. But on the outside people saw her as a rude person."
"Like Maya?"
"Maya and Riley have their moments just like everyone else does and sometimes we say the wrong thing and it could end up that everyone gets hurt or just you."
"You think that could happen to us?"
Sophia looked down at the book and back up at him, "I don't know."
"I don't want it too."
"Neither do I."
Sophia grabbed his hand and rested her head on his shoulder.
Bay Window
"Can I ask you a very personal question?" Maya asked.
"Are there any other kind?" Riley asked.
"Do you pray?"
"All the time."
"Do you?" Maya asked.
"Yeah, I do."
"Isn't that sort of.."
"Amazing." Riley said.
"Greedy?" Maya asked.
"Greedy? How?" Sophia questioned.
"Shouldn't you leave something for someone else?" Farkle asked.
"Well, I think everyone gets heard." Thomas said.
"See, I just don't get how those things are possible." Farkle said, "I mean, do you really believe He hears everything you say?"
"Do you like computers?" Lucas asked.
"I do."
"Can I find out everywhere you've been with just one click?"
"God can't do that?"
"Morning, guys." Mr. Matthews said walking in, "You get everything sorted out?" He asked
Sophia sighed, "No."
"Why won't everybody just believe everything I believe?" Riley asked.
"They won't?" Mr. Matthews asked.
"No." Thomas said.
"How dare they?"
"Farkle, I thought men of science were open to new discoveries?"
"Look, people, it's simple seeing is believing." Farkle said.
"So you don't believe that Joan of Arc heard the voice of.."
"God?" Farkle asked.
"First you'll have to prove God to me."
"Okay, I'm right, or okay, you're actually going.."
"Take a deep breath, Farkle.
Now that air that you just breathed in, that air that's between you and me, what color is it?" Mr. Matthews asked.
"It's clear, Mr. Matthews. That's why I can see you. I believe in you because I can see you."
"That's your position?"
"Roy G. Biv."
"What?" Maya asked.
"We learned about Roy G. Biv in first grade." Lucas said.
"Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet." Riley said.
"It's a rainbow." Sophia said.
"You got a prism on you, Farkle?" Mr. Matthews asked.
"No! Who would carry a why would you think yes."
"Great. So remind me what this does, please." Mr. Matthews said, holding the prism towards the wall.
"It slows down the speed of light and refracts it into the elemental spectrum of colors."
"Ooh, a rainbow." Riley said.
"That's right. So this air that's between you and me isn't really clear at all, is it? Even though we can't see that."
"Okay, but I don't see how.."
"What's outside that window, Farkle?"
"Flowers, the fire escape, the street, the people on the street, apartment buildings."
"And what's in the apartment buildings?"
"I can't see that."
"People, families, mothers, fathers, kids." Thomas said.
"And beyond them?"
"The sky, the stars, the whole universe." Riley said.
"All of it. Every person, every child, everything out there, everything we see and we don't see all these shiny elements of a force that bound us together I like to think of that as a part of God refracted, aspects of God that I can see. What's the secret to life, Riley?" He asked.
"People change people."
"We're here to discover what it is we want to believe in. And different people believe in different things. But it doesn't hurt to listen to people we love before we decide for ourselves." He said walking away
"Oh. And, uh, Thomas?"
"I'm in your daughter's room?"
He crawled out of the and Matthews pulled off his shoe.
John Qunicy Adams Middle School
"We're all up here together because we don't know who's with who anymore." Lucas said.
"Thomas Jefferson." Riley said.
"Joan of Arc." Farkle said.
"Marie Antoinette." Sophia said.
"Before he wrote the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson warmed up with a little something called..." Maya said.
"The Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom." Riley said.
"Found it, did ya?" Mr. Matthews asked.
"You knew we would."
"He strongly believed that in a truly free society, religion should be a personal choice." Maya said.
"Thanks to him and what he believed, we live in a place where we can listen to what others have to say and then make decisions for ourselves. So how can I not do the same for you?" Riley asked.
"Thanks, Riley."
"Very enlightening, ladies. Guys?"
"Joan of Arc was the fiercest teenage girl there ever was, and I know some pretty fierce teenage girls." Farkle said.
"She believed so much in what she thought was right, her beliefs inspired a whole nation. Did God speak to her? Who can say for sure?" Lucas said.
"But there is no question that she believed. And that's what gave her a strong voice of her own."
"Nice report, guys."
"Marie and Thomas."
"Marie was a crazy person with crazy power and tired to be nice to people and she was." Sophia said.
"But with that crazy power came with crazy responsibilities and that led to people thinking she was actually crazy and really mean towards others." Thomas said.
"What do you think she wanted?" Mr. Matthews asked.
"She wanted friends to tell her she wasn't crazy and was actually doing the right thing and she had those friends she wouldn't crazy as people saw her."
"Great job guys."
"Great assignment, Mr.Matthews." Farkle said.
"Thanks, Farkle. I try."
"Want to know what I learned to believe?"
"We are somehow surrounded by the people we need in our lives. They're right in front of me. And I can see them. I don't know how it happened that the six of us are here together in this place at this time right now, That part's a mystery to me. But I'm grateful that it happened."
"What are you doing?" Riley asked when they walked out of the room.
"Well, we went on a pretty good journey for five bucks, didn't we It's worth it to me to give someone else the chance to go." Maya said.
She put the five dollars back on the ground and they walked away arm in arm.
Bay Window
"I love you just the way you are and I never want you to take a vacation from us again and I will never try to make you do any.."
"I said a prayer last night." Maya said.
"Can I say yay?" Riley asked.
"It was real quiet. I was alone in my bedroom looking out my window. And all those people in all those buildings, I just I wanted them to be taken care of." Maya said.
"We love you." Sophia said.
"You two were in my prayer last night too, and my mom."
"Ooh, what did you pray for me?" Riley asked.
"No, no, no, don't tell me. That's between you and.."
"I want you two to have an endless supply of great days." Maya said.
"Thank you." Sophia said.
"What did you pray for yourself?" Sophia asked.
"Me? Nothing. I would never bug Him about me." Maya said.
"Gee, I always bug Him about me." Riley said.
"I like what you believe, Maya." Sophia said.
"Thanks, Sophia."
"I will always have a lot to learn." Riley said.
Word Count:2554
is this the episode where they try and convince God is real to farkle? yea it was this episode is so dumb
You have no idea how much I hate this chapter
But you know more about Marie Antoinette
If any of my info is wrong it's because I googled it
Thanks for almost 60k reads
See ya soon
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