So again, the characters are aged as the following in this book:
Max is 10, it's confirmed, and I won't age him up unless I state that he's aged up. He's mature enough honestly.
Neil is 11-13. He seems old enough to understand science to basic standards. I'm older than that and I don't even know what he rambles about most of the time.
Nikki is 10-11. I'm pretty sure Max is the youngest out of the trio tbh, so it seems reasonable.
David is 24. It's confirmed.
Gwen is 21-23. I feel like she'd be in her 20s, but she's probably still younger than David.
Harrison is 13. He seems the right age with looks and mentality and such.
Nerris is 12. She seems this age with her vocab and mentality and all that, plus looks.
Preston is 12-13. This background trio just seems older than the main trio, but I'm probably right.
And with those^ you will be aged as the following with certain characters;
Max - you'll be aged 10-12 at best. Your choice tbh.
Neil - 10-13 at best. Your choice.
Nikki - 9-12 at least. Your choice.
David: 22-25 at least. Your choice.
Gwen - 19-24 at most. Your choice.
Harrison - 11-14 at most. Your choice.
Nerris - 11-13 at most. Your choice.
Preston - 11-14 at most. Your choice.
Thanks for the understanding my duderinos.
• ────── ✾ ────── •
You grabbed your bag up from the back of the bus and groaned, dreading this. There were so many things you hated about the outdoors. The mosquitoes, the sweat, the work. You wanted to relax this summer but your family sent you to this hellhole. You thought earlier in the year you'd spend the summer with your grandma again, but it hurt when she passed. Now you're stuck here.
You stepped off the bus from the creepy 'Quartermaster', and behind two very talkative kids. The girl tried talking to you, but you had snuck your music with you, so you just ignored her. Anyway, the man who greeted you came up to the bus followed by a boy who held the same resting bface as you did. "Why hello! You must be Nikki!" The teal haired girl just bit him in response. "Yo, get this circus on the road, Betty, I wanna nap." You earned a grin from the fluffy haired boy behind the tall, red-kneed counsellor.
Once everything happened (you weren't paying much attention to your surroundings considering your earbuds were still in) you were awaken from your little zone-out as Max grabbed you and the Neil kid. "Do you guys wanna escape this f-kin nightmare?" "Please!" You rolled your eyes after taking out an earbud, stuffing your hands in your jacket. Nikki created a distraction, and soon you all were running to the bus. Once you got on, you stood behind Max and flipped the counsellors off. "Bye suckers!"
You stood beside Max with your hands shoved in your pockets. "We were so close!" You patted his shoulder a bit. "Should've let me drive. My gramma let me drive her places all the time." You and Max were always closer than the others from that day on.
You honestly didn't know what you expected, but you weren't surprised. You wanted to go to architecture camp, or whatever it was, but this was some trash multi-activity camp. As long as they had parts for you to tinker with, they wouldn't be fought.
A week had passed and you befriended Max, tinkering all week. You eventually made a somewhat useful raspberry pi, and you used it to download info from David's phone.
Once the new kids arrived and all that jazz, you hid. You disliked socializing with new kids who were probably dumb, but then when you saw a shadow of a kid form behind you, you grunted. "You're taller than Max. Who are you?" You muttered, taking a screwdriver and screwing a case shut over another contraption you made. "I-Is that a raspberry pi?" "You know it. I'm trying to recreate it. The first one had David's social security number and all that jazz. Gonna download it and background check once I make a computer or whatever." The boy stared in awe at it and you two continued to talk science, though you asked questions about some stuff. Although he grunted at them, he answered happily.
"So wanna learn how to make a RPi?" You looked up at the curly Jew, and he nodded excitedly. You nodded and started telling him what you learned on how to wire it correctly, and where the USB port would go. You pulled out a small box of parts and let him try out a few on your WIP rpi. And you two became quite close afterwards.
You grunted as you stepped onto the bus to go to your camp. You were actually the first one on there, so you just hummed and stared at the window. You had a little notepad, and every animal you saw would get its name in there under the date. You were quite excited to see what animals you'd get to care for at this camp. You stared down at your little booklet and jotted down 'dog'. After the bus doors opened, you jolted your head up to be met with a teal haired girl. You grunted as you looked around outside. 'Bird.' She sat beside you and started talking away instantly, setting her bag on the floor. "Hi, I'm Nikki! Are you going to the camp, too? Oh, I'm so excited! There's gonna be endless possibilities!" Uhuh." You scribbled some more animals down, ignoring her babbling. You couldn't wait to get there, honestly.
Once you got everything set up at the camp, and got your tour done, you found out you were sharing a tent with the real haired girl. Ever since you two bonded more, you took a liking to her. She became your friend quickly, and you two had lots in common actually.
You sighed and parked your car, grabbing out your resume. You couldn't get a job literally anywhere, considering you didn't wanna go to college just yet. This would get you some good money for a while, at least you had time to search through jobs you actually wanted, instead of slaving the rest of your life with a dck manager in a crappy factory that makes scrap parts. You knocked on the door loudly and waited for this Gwen woman to come out. Instead, a small dark-skinned kid answered. "Who the f-k are you?" "I'm here to... Apply for a job." You stared down at the poofy haired kid, resisting the urge to pet him. "Oh. If you're another cult leader I swear-" "You guys hired a cult leader?" "David's a dumb-ss." A tall man and woman soon came out of the doors afterwards, "Ah, you must be the new applicant!" You nodded at the eccentric man's words. "Come on, then! I'll get your employment papers and show you around!" 'Mmkay." You followed him back to the room to do your resume check and application. Luckily, you got the job.
David always took a liking to you and Gwen, but he sadly dragged you along with the kids everywhere. You actually became really close friends with Max and Neil, of all people. Max seemed to appreciate both of your hatred for David's optimism, and you always talked science with Neil, but David hung around you the most.
"Come on, Y/n. You'll do great during the job! I know you'll get it. Besides, you're great with kids!" You grunted, "I'm only fake nice to the little gremlins. Kids are violent these days, they'll fight anything in their path." "Whatever, this job is great! My sister came to one of the camps around here for a while until she didn't want to keep coming. She liked them, though!" "Uhuh." You grunted, getting out of the car with your resume. You walked around, since you didn't know exactly where you were supposed to be.
Once you got to the... centre? of the whole camp, you noticed a teal headed girl was tugging on your pants. "Who are you?" "Oh, uh.. I'm a applicant.. I'm looking for.. Gwen and David, or.. Whoever." "Okay! David! Gwen!" The kid immediately got two older people rushing towards her. "I-Is something wrong, Nikki?!" She smiled at the man, "No, this person needs you." The kid pointed up at you. Gwen nodded, "David, take care of these gremlins, I'll take you to get applicated."
Honestly, you were nervous the entire time of your interview, but you eventually got hired. Gwen even started talking about how awful these kids could be, but since you had a few brothers you told her you could handle it. You two have a bunch in common, but you're more afraid to be mean to those evil little demons than she is.
You were quietly sculpting your new little creation in your little section of the camp when Nerris came over. "Wow, Y/n! That's a really good piece!" She smiled, her braces shining a bit. You were newer to the camp, but you had talked to Nerris more than the others. "Thanks, Nerris. It's gonna turn out to be a little drago-" You were interrupted by another kid, Harrison, coming over. "Hey, guys, have you- woah!" He ended up tripping on a football, falling against the table and squishing one of your earlier pieces that was going to dry, a small fish. You had grabbed your dragon out of the way luckily in time. "What the heck, Harrison! You squished her art!" Harrison got up and dusted what dried pieces he got on his vest. "Oh no, I'm so sorry!" He looked genuinely upset, squatting over and trying to fix the mooshed fish. You smiled weakly, "It's okay. I'm just glad it didn't dry before you fell into it. That would've hurt you if it were dried!" You smiled, gesturing to the used to be, now squished pointed fin. If it were officially dried, it would have impaled him. He smiled weakly as he tried to repair it. You chuckled and sat your dragon down, "Harrison, it's fine. I can make another, I have all summer. Let me help you get that clay stain off." You gestured to his shirt. He looked down, eyebrows scrunched up still, as he started to smear it. "No, stop!" He looked up confused as you stood up. Nerris and Harrison watched quietly as you fanned the still damp/mold able clay on his shirt, "Never try to get it out while its mold able. You got to wait til it dries, it's easier to remove." He smiled, "Thank you, y/n. And I'm sorry." "Don't worry about it."
You were walking down the path when you noticed a large cardboard castle, yet it wasn't painted. That one role player, Nerris was getting some paints ready to decorate her castle. "Hey, want some help with that?" You smiled and walked over. "Oh, yes please! It has to be grey." You got a large paintbrush and dipped it in the oil paints Nerris stole from Dolph, and started brushing. "Thanks for the help, y/n. You're the newer camper here, aren't you?" "Yup." You re dipped your brush, starting to paint away. "What camp did you get?" "Oh.. It's uhm... Dance.." "Woah! You're a dancer? That's awesome! What kind of dance do you do?" You blushed from embarrassment, surprised that someone other than your parents we're finally interested in your dance type. "It's.. Actually a variety. I do ballet, R&B, a lot of different types." "Cool! Preston would love that kind of stuff in his plays!" You smiled and finished painting as high as you could reach, "Y-You think?" She smiled, "I know! He always loves having extra talent in his performances."
Later, you met up with her again, "Hey, Nerris! Want to hang out?" She smiled widely, "Yeah, definitely! I was about to go on a quest!" She fixed her little elf ears. "Would you like to join me?" You chuckled, "Why not? Sounds like fun." She smiled widely, adjusting her glasses. "Come on!" She dragged you up the steps of her castle she had finally painted, and you two played around up there. You both actually enjoyed each other's company, so you hung out lots more after that.
David had let you get the chance to prove your baking skills when you made breakfast for everyone this morning. You got to go around to tables and take orders, and oh boy, was it fun. Though you hoped you wouldn't actually be a waitress when you grew up, you liked pretending you were sometimes. You took the last order of a boy who was wearing a Shakespearean outfit. "Oh, I know what you'd want." You smiled and scribbled a certain order down. He looked confused, and was about to say something before you walked away.
Once you were taking your little orders back, you sat the black coffee with pancakes and bacon in from of a poofy haired angry boy. You took the rest of the orders, including the cupcake-iced pancakes to the teal haired kid, to their customers.
You sat the French toast sticks with homemade syrup in front of the Shakespeare kid, along with scrambled eggs and toast. "You'll like it. My grandma did, and she hated everything." He looked confused but decided to eat. You walked off to go clean up the kitchen when said Shakespeare yelled out. "Oh my god!!" You burst out, worried that your food hurt him or something. You stared at the wide eyed boy along with everyone else. "This is.. Amazing! Spectacular! How do you cook so well? Your food is delicious!" You blushed in surprise, but smiled widely, "Th-Thank you..!" He hungrily scarfed up the rest of his breakfast and kept complimenting your talents.
He decided to find you afterwards. He was so impressed with your cooking, that he befriended you. You thought he'd be one of those kids who just friend you for your food, but he pushed to know more about you. You were excited to have a new friend who recognized you beyond your cooking. You two hung out lots after, and he was always the first you offered special treats to, Max being the second, considering he always begged you to make brownies and ice cream.
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