Chapter 17;What actually happened

( A/n: Sorry for posting this late. My keyboard was going carzy and was typing anything. It was like it was drunk or something. #drunk_keyboard 😂😂

Anyways, you all must have guessed from the title that what is this chappie all about😅

I literally don't know what I wrote last chappie. Seriously, I myself didn't planed any of this😂😂. It just popped in my head and I wrote it😅

This story might be confusing for some people. You can blame me for that because I am not good at explaining things and this whole chappie is about explaining you what happened last chappie. (Sorry for the spoiler)

Anyways,*Pulls my sleeves up* let's get started with this chappie now.....)

Applebloom's P.O.V (didn't guessed that coming huh 😏)
I was in my last class which was history. Sweetie bell was sitting by my side.

"Piss! Piss! Applebloom!!" Sweetie bell suddenly whispered to me.

"What! I whispered yell.

"Have you seen scoots anywhere? I can't find her today in school" she asked me.

"No, I think she didn't came to school today" I replied.

"So why do you think that scootaloo didn't came to school, I mean that it's not like her to come to school." Sweetie bell asked.

"I don't know, maybe she's ill or something." I replied.

"But her big sister didn't came to school etheir. And also I don't think she ill. She always informs us if she's ill you know" sweetie bell said.

"Why don't we pay her a visit later to her house, to check if she's alright?" I  said

"Fine, if you say so" Sweetie bell said.

"Ok" I replied.

Suddenly our teacher miss Sunshine hit her hand on the table.

"Who's there whispering like a mouse!?!?" She shouted.

"Mam, it was applebloom and Sweetie bell" diamond tiara said pointing at us. (A/n: I replaced red flow (the weird name I created in the 2nd chappie) into diamond tiara)

"Applebloom and Sweetie bell stand up" miss shouted.

We both stood up.

"Soo, what interesting stuff you both were whispering that you can't wait for the class to get over?" Miss said while raising a brow🤨

"Amm.. We were talking about scootaloo because she didn't came to school today and we through that it's not like her so we were worried about her" sweetie bell said. I nodded.

"Fine, I am letting you to go this time because your my good students. But I will not leave you both if you did this next time. Am I clear?" Miss said.

"Yes mam" we both replied.

"Good, now sit down" miss said as we sat down.

"Hey, that's not fair. Why did you let them go while you always punish me..." Diamond tiara said pouting and her hands crossed above her chest.

Miss Sunshine just rolled her eyes and continued teaching.

After the bell rang we all ran out of the class.

We kept our things in our locked and got out of the school.

We both started heading to scoots house.


While me and SB (A/n: SB means sweetie bell, I am tired of writing her full name😅😅😑😑) were walking suddenly we saw scoots sister running to the park.

Then I saw that my sister was running after her. But why???

"Hey applebloom, isn't that your sis chasing scoots sis, rainbow dash??" SB asked me.

"Yes you're right. But why??" I asked myself.

"Why don't we find out by following them quitelty?" Sweetie bell suggested.

"Fine, you follow my sis while I follow scoots sis." I said. She raised her thumb up 👍

"Do you have your phone?" SB asked. I nodded.

"Ok, we both will follow them in different directions. So that we don't create a noise and they wouldn't know that we followed them." SB said.

"And call me if you see something ,ok" she continued. I nodded.

"Ok, let's go" she said and started following Aj while I started following rd.

Sweetie bell's P.O.V
After I got separated from AB, I started following AJ.

While following them, I think that AJ kinda lost her tracks because dash was running in a different direction.

I continued following AJ. She was heading towards the park.

While following her, suddenly she came across a place where no one was around. The grounds were covered with flowers while there was a pond in the middle. It looked like a mini garden. It was beautiful!!

I can see that aj was admiring it too because she was roaming around peacefully. Did she forgot about her chasing rd??

Then suddenly she hitted both her hands lightly on the cheeks.

"But wait!! I am here to find dash, not to calm myself!!" She shouted to herself but enough for me to hear.

She then started running out of the mini garden. I heard some rustle of the bushes from the other side but I didn't focused on it and chased AJ........

Applebloom's P.O.V
I was following rd. She was heading towards the park. She sat on a bench that was facing the lake which was in the middle of the park (A/n: I am sorry, I forgot to mention this😅😅. Please forgive me)

Suddenly, she got up from the bench and started walking towards the bushes that surrounded the park.

She then got lost in the bushes.

I started searching for her in the bushes.

When I got out of the bushes I saw myself in small but beautiful garden. There was a small pond in between while the rest was covered with flowers. (A/n : I don't know how many times have I wrote the sentence that describes the garden😶😶 1,2,3,4.... Arrrrgh, I lost counts😑😑)

I was admiring the park when I saw someone running out. I quickly hid myself in the bushes and peeked a little.

Aj was walking out of the bushes while Sweetie bell was following her. I was gonna go after them but just then rd came out form the other side and sat down on the ground.

I stood there, making myself clear that she can't see me.

She was staring at her own reflection on the pond. She seem to be calming herself down.

While she was sitting suddenly there was a rustel of bushes heard from her side. (A/n: Too many rustel of the bushes can be heard in this chappie😑😑 too many!!)

At first I thought that it was due to air, but then I saw a figure of someone.
(A/n: It's it a monster!! a zombie🧟!! a werewolf 🐺 !! A human!! *Ahem* Amm.. sorry for that.. me and my imaginations are pretty crazy you know..)

It was wearing black clothes.

It looked like a ghost.*cold shivers in spines* Scary...... (A/n: applebloom!! Your making me scared now 🙀😐 *hides under a pillow* this is my favourite place when I am scared..)

Rd turned her head towards the figure while I hid myself more into the bushes. What!! I am scared, who wouldn't if you see an unknown black figure while no one's around you??? (A/n: AB don't try to break the fourth wall😑😑)

When it came out I could clearly see that it was a boy. He was wearing a black hoodie with black jeans. He was also wearing a black mask so I couldn't see his face clearly. (A/n: is it you Alan Walker???😂😂)

Dash stood up and put herself into her defence mode. I think. "Who are you??" She asked him.

He didn't said anything and started walking towards her.

She slowly started walking backwards has her hands formed a fist and looked like she was gonna punch him.

He didn't seem to care about it and continued walking towards her.

Suddenly, dash tripped over a small stone.

Just then the the dark hoodie boy
(A/n: That's his name for now. "Dark hoodie boy". Kinda weird name😐) ran towards dash and covered her mouth with a handkerchief in his hands.

Dash struggled and try to get out of his grip, but no use.

She slowly calmed down a bit a and suddenly fall asleep. Wait!! Asleep???

Then the boy removed his hands from her mouth and carried her on his right shoulder. Then he started walking out.

My eyes widened. My legs were shaking and I was not able to move. Somehow I managed to move and followed him quitelty.

No one was around so I can't ask for help so I just followed him. He climbed the walls that surrounded the park. The walls were not small enough for me to climb so I just peeked through a small hole on the wall.

He was walking towards a black car. (A/n: At first I wrote "cat" instead of "car"😂. What!! R and T are beside each other in this keyboard..)

He stopped in front of it and opened the back door of the car and placed dash inside.

Suddenly his hoodie got off and now I can see some of his features clearly.

He has yellow skin and white hair with blue stripes. I could only see that much.

He quickly covered his head with the hoddie and when to the drivers door and sat there.

Then the car started moving.

I was completely frozen. "Did she just got kidnapped???" I asked myself.

The only thing I could think of doing that time was to call the police and my sis.

And I did it.

I dialed the numbers and called the police first. I told them about what happened and they said they will come here in half an hour..

Then I called my sis..



Ab- Hey sis, I wanna ask you something.

Aj- What sis??

Ab- Do you have a friend with rainbow hair??

She didn't reply for a while... They she asked..

Aj- Bloom, If you don't mind can you discribe her a little more, I mean what skin colour she had and other things?

Ab- No prob, she has cyan skin with magenta eyes.

Aj- Dash!! It's dash!! Is she with you???

Ab- No, but I want to say that while I was walking (A/n: here's the continuation of the call..)with sweetie bell, I saw you chasing dash. So we decided to follow you both-

Aj- Wait? You followed us?? Without our permission?? (A/n: AJ that's not important!!)

Ab- yay, sorry for that... But That's Not Important!!! (A/n: that's my applebloom 😌) So yeah, we were following you both. Sweetie belle was following you while I was following dash. While I was following dash, she sat down in a mini garden where no one was around. While she was sitting, suddenly a boy came out of nowhere and walked towards her and took out an handkerchief from his pocket and covered her mouth from it. She struggled but slowly fall asleep. I think that there was some kinda chemical in the handkerchief that make her fall asleep. So after she fall asleep, he took her inside his car. I think she got amm.... kidnapped!!!

Aj- Wait what!?!? Kidnapped!! How?? Applebloom, Where are you now?? Are you alright??

Ab- At the park where she got kidnapped. Yes I am fine, I have called the police and they said they will come her within half an hour. I called you because-

~AJ cutted the call~

Before I would continue she cutted the call..

Woah! What was that.. Weird...

So anyways, after sometime I saw the police coming . Just then I saw my sis the other side .

She was looking here and there , I think she was looking for etheir me or dash. Then she suddenly started crying. Crying?? I went to her and hugged her. At first she paused, but afterwards she did the same.

"Are you alright applebloom??" She asked.

"Yes, I am alright. But not dash. She's kidnapped!!" I said. She kinda looked sad. Before I could say another word the police asked me something.

"Soo.. who's the witness??" The police asked.

"I am the withness ,sir." I replied.

"So child, tell us what exactly happened here??" He asked.

I told him every I saw. While I was explaining I saw that AJ was looking kinda suprised but then she looked down sad and more tears rolling out of her eyes.

"So that's what happened. Can you tell how the assailant looked??" He said.

"Sure, the assailant was a boy. He had white hair with blue stripes and has yellow skin. But I was not able to see his other features...." I said.

"It's alright, by the way, is this your sister or someone else here with you now " he said pointing towards AJ.

"Yes sir, she's my sister" I replied.

"Ok, we will investigate this case a little more. Anyways, Who's the victim??? I mean do you know the victim ??

"Yes, my sis knows her. I think.." I replied.

"Yes I know her" AJ spoke.

"So" he turned his head towards AJ "can you tell us about the victim. Her name, age, her relatives and ect.." he continued.

"Yes" my sis replied.

"Her name is.....


A/n: Finally done!! I don't know what I have wrote in here🙄.

Hope your not confused. Sorry if you are😅....

Btw, I think I need to do something of this keyboard because is acting super carzy now. It's even hard to type a word... (it look me ages to type this😅)

Anyways, I hope you like it so far...

-2290 words

Bye!! Cya!!

Stay safe and healthy. Peace out😎!!

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