Chapter 15;Knowing the truth
(A/n: Hey guys, I hope your enjoying reading this book so far😅😅... Hope it's not boring...
And also I hate algebra 😑😑.... Literally, why do we have to find out what's x and y!!😤😤
Anyways, this will be the continuation of the last chappie.
Let's just get started with this chappie now...)
Applejack's P.O.V
It was scootaloo. Dash's small sister..
"Hi" she said.
"Hi scootaloo" we all said.
"Who are y'all?" She asked.
"We are Dash's friends. This is fluttershy, this is-" Pinkie said but got interrupted by scootaloo.
"I know your name, no need to say it again..." She said.
"Oh ok" Pinkie said then backed off.
"Soo.. why are you all here??" She asked.
"We are here to meet dash, is she alright darling ??" Rarity asked her.
"Yes, she's alright.." she said and looked down.
"Then why she didn't came to school today??" Fluttershy asked.
"I don't want to answer that question...." She said and started hiding behind the door.
"Why? What happened darling??" Rarity asked.
"Nothing.." she replied.
She looked downcasted. (A/n: is the word written correctly 🤔. If now you can point it out😊)
"Hey sugercube, whats wrong." I said as I kneeling down and lifting her face.
"Amm... Nothing..." She said and gave a smile. I know it was a fake one.
"Fine, if you say soo.. but just tell us where's dash??" SciTwi asked.
"Amm..*glup* *sigh* She's- she's right there" she said pointing behind us.
We turned to where she pointed and saw dash with a boy that looks just like her.
"Who are you all girls??" The rainbow haired boy (A/n: it's blitz) asked
"They are my friends blitz.." dash said.
Ohh.. so his name is blitz. Fluttershy told me that blitz is her twin brother. That's why they looks so familiar.
"So what are you all doing here??(0_0??)" Dash asked.
"We were worried about you, we thought that you were sick" fluttershy said.
"Oh... Thanks, it's sweet for you to think about me. But don't worry, I am fine." She said and gave us a smile. I can sense that it was a fake one. But I think others didn't noticed it.
"That's great to hear darling that you're fine" rarity said.
"But then why didn't you came to school today??:-\" Twilight asked.
"Amm..(•~•;) why don't you come inside with us and then we talk. It's knida chill here and if we stay here we might catch a cold (◠‿◠;;)" she said.
"Fine, if you say so.." we all said and went inside the house.
We sat on the couch while blitz and dash were doing something.
"Whatcha doing there dashie??" I asked her.
"Amm.. nothing. Why you ask?" She said.
"Just wondering..." I replied.
"Ok, amm.. do you all want something to eat??" She asked all of us.
"No thanks, we are not hungry yet." We all replied.
"Ok, whatever you say" she said and turned back to blitz.
Few minutes later..
We were still sitting on the couch. It's been 30 mins and it looks like they are packing clothes?? But why?
"Dash, can we please talk with you. If you don't mind.." fluttershy spoke.
"Ok, sorry for keeping you all hanging." She said.
"Rainbow, why didn't you came to school today? Is something wrong?" Sunset asked.
"And why are you packing darling??" Rarity added.
"Are you leaving us!!?? Why!!??" Pinkie shouted.
"Oh on, please don't leave us." Fluttershy said stroking her hair.
"Yeah, you can tell us your problem, maybe we can help you?" Scitwi spoke.
"Yeah" Twilight said.
"It's not what you think! I am not leaving, it's just- just" rd said.
"What darling?" Rarity said as she placed her hand on her left shoulder.
"Yes sugercube, you can tell us, we won't tell anyone.." I said as I placed my hand on her right shoulder.
She sighted. "Fine!!" She said has she sat down on a chair.
"It's just that-that.." her voice cracked after every word.
"What is it dashie" sunset spoke.
"Just that-that.."
We all we looks at her curiously. I think she got sacred by the way we were looking at her because she suddenly shouted-
"THAT MY PARENTS ARE DEAD!!!!! are you happy now..."
We all were shocked by her words.
"Darling how in the world did that happen??" Rarity said kinda sad and shocked at the same time.
She started tearing up. Her eyes were filled with tears.
She pushed Pinkie and fluttershy and quickly ran away. Twilight and sunset helped them both stand.
"Amm guys, I think I should follow her..." I said. I didn't wait for their reply, I started Chasing rd... She's really depressed now.. and she needs a friend by her side..
Rainbow dash's P.O.V
After I told them that my parents are dead my eyes filled with warm tears.
I wanted to be alone for sometime so I quickly ran away pushing Pinkie and fluttershy.
I ran straight to the place I usually go when I am sad or drepressed.
It was a small pond hidden in the park. No one knows it's here so it's perfect for the time when you want to saty alone.
I sat near the edge of the pond. I was looking at the crystal clear water . The smallest movements of the watet makes me calm down a bit.
I was just sitting there when I heard a rustle from the bushes. I turn to see who it was.....
-987 words
A/n: Sorry if there's some spelling mistakes or grammar mistakes in this chappie.
It's late night here and I am really sleepy... And I am kinda bored to check it...😅😅
And also I am working on another book ... it's not yet published. It might take a long time to be published since I am preparing it...
*Yawn* I should really get some sleep now😴😴. I have been studying algebra all day without taking rest... *Yawn* (and I still don't understand a single word about it😑😑...*yawn* And why do we need to find x and y again😐?!?!
Who invented this algebra🙄🙄!!! And why!?!?!
No offense to the ones who like algebra.
Btw, I am not a bookworm....*yawn* So it's really hard for me to study all day😐🙄)
(Sorry for yawning😅🥱)
Bye!! Cya!!
stay healthy, eat healthy.
And stay away from covid (Even though you can't see it nor know whether it's near you 😅)
Peace out😎😎🥱😴
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