Chapter 13; A tragic event
(A/n: hi guys, sorry for not updating for 2 days🥺🥺. I was out of ideas..
Anyways this chappie can be a little upsetting and sad . So don't tell me later that I didn't warn you...
Let's get started with this chappie now.....)
Rainbow Dash's P.O.V
After I reached my home I went to my room, took a shower, wore new clothes and then I went down to the living room.
My parents, blitz and scoots were waiting for me.
I sat down on a chair near them.
"So why did you call us mom and dad? " blitz asked.
"Me and your mom are going on a business trip to Manehattan for a week, we just wanted to ask you whether it's ok for you or not" my dad said.
"If you want we can cancel it for you" mom added.
"No it's ok, you don't need to cancel your trip for us; besides, it's only for a week." I said.
"Yeah! We can take care of ourselves" scoots spoke.
"And also you don't need to worry when I am here. I can take care of my crazy sisters alone......... As long as they don't become too crazy and act like party animals." Blitz said with a grin.
"Who are you calling carzy blitz!!! Your the one who's carzy, not us." me and scoots shouted at the same time.
"Woah woah woah lady's, I was just joking, don't take it seriously. And also stop staring at me like owls stare at their prey..."
"Whatever" me and scoots said at the same time.
Our parents giggled. Then my father spoke-
"Fine, we trust you. But don't make a mess here while we are gone"
"Ok" me and blitz said.
"When are you leaving??" Scoots asked.
"Tomorrow" mom said.
After that we family hugged.
After 2 mins mom spoke-
"Alright, it's pretty late now, let me cook your dinner and then go straight to bed , am I clear"
"Yes mom" we all said at once.
After the dinner we went to our rooms and jumped straight to bed.
It is the first time our mom and dad go out for trips for one whole week. They usually stay at home and do their work or go to trips on video calls.
We sure will miss them even though they will be gone only for a week.
*Yawn* ahhh...... I should better go to sleep now....... Zzzzzzzzz...........
The next day
"Beep! beep! beep!" "Arrrr!!! Shut up you alarm clock!!" I said and threw the alarm clock towards the wall. As usual, it broke... but I was not sleepy anymore so I checked the wall clock. It was 7:30 am only...
I got up from my cozy bed and did my morning routine, (A/n: I was bored to write the same old morning routine...😅😅.)
Then I went down and saw 3 suitcases. Oh! I forgot for a seconds that my parents were going out on a business trip. Hehe😅.
I saw my parents checking whether they got everything packed while blitz was cooking. He sure is going to become a professional cook one day...
After everything was done, scoots woke up and we ate our breakfast.
Mom and dad were going to leave after the breakfast .
We family hugged for the last time.
"I am going to miss you a lot" scootaloo said.
"Me too" me and blitz said.
"I wish we could stay like this a little longer but we have to leave now. We don't wanna be late you know" dad said as we let eachother go.
Then we said bye and then we went to our schools.
I don't know but I was feeling like I was about to lose someone. It was kinda strange feeling. I can't discribe it...
Time flied fast after their parents left...
After one week...
Yes!! Finally!!! Our parents are coming home from their business trip.
Nothing new happened at school this past week. Lighting dust kept hurting me but somehow I escaped everytime she try doing it, snow kept on flirting with me, the studies were boring as usual.
But besides that I made new friends. They are Spitfire, fleetfoot, soarin, suprise, wave chill, fire streak, misty fly and Rapidfire. 8 new friends. That a lot. I can't wait to tell my parents about it.
I quickly ran off to home after school. I told my friends about it so they let me go home early today.
I can see blitz standing near the door.
"Oh hi dash!! Are you excited to see our parents today!" Blitz asked.
"Duh, of course I am, I can't wait to tell them about the things that happened in the past week while they were gone. " I said excitedly.
"Me too... Especially scootaloo." Blitz said.
I went to my room and got fresh.
Then we three sat in hall waiting for our parents to call us....
Time passed.....
It's been four hours and we haven't received a single call by our parents.
"When are they going to come. I am bored..." Scoots said.
"Don't worry, they must be arriving a little late" blitz said.
One more hour passed.
I was gazing through the window.
The baby birds were returning to their homes. To their family.
Then I looked at my silblings .
Blitz was gazing like me while scoots fell asleep.
"Blitz, blitz!! "I wispered yell.
"What!" He replied.
"Scootaloo fell asleep, I better take her to her room, it's kinda chill here. I don't want her to catch a cold." I said.
"Fine" Blitz said.
I took scoots to her room and layed her down in her bed and pulled the blanket over her.
Then I went down and waited for the call..... Again.......
"Hey blitz, Why don't we watch T.V , I am really bored . " I suggested.
"Fine sis" he replied and started the T.V . There was nothing interesting to watch. Then suddenly the phone rang. Blitz put it on speaker.
Blitz & dash - Hello??
????- Hello, is it you blitz and dash??
Blitz- Yes, but who are you??
????- It's me roselet, I work with your parents .
Blitz- Ohh... Speaking of our parents, do you know where are they? They haven't reached home yet... What happen??
Roselet- I called you for that reason only. But wait! Before I continue, is scootaloo there with you...
Dash- No, she's asleep in her room.
Roselet- Ok, So anyways, I wanted to say that......
Dash- Say what??
Roselet- Ammm...... Well......
Blitz- What? Say it.
Roselet- How am I suppose to tell you this......
Dash & blitz- What do you mean??
Dash- Just split it out!
Roselet- Fine!! *Sigh* Your parents died on a plane crash!! Their plane crashed in the ever-top mountains......
Dash & blitz- WHAT!!!!!
Dash- Is this a prank cause I don't like it.
Roselet- It's not a prank...*sigh* I am sorry...
Blitz- But-But you don't have any proff about it.
Roselet- Haven't you seen the news yet. If not then see it . That's the proff...
Me and blitz switched the channel that we were watching to news channel......
Repoter- Good evening to all the people of Canterlot. Today we got a shoking news. Plane A-3749 (A/n: I made it up) crashed on the ever-top mountains. Here are the pictures of the crash place.
The flight took off from Manehattan and it's destination was Canterlot.
There were 94 people in total. 80 passengers, 12 plane hostesses and 2 pilots. Unlucky, everyone died in this plane crash.
The investigators are still investigating the case. But for now they say that the plane's engine no.2 was not attached well to the plane.
In between the flight, some screw got unscrewed and due to this the engine got separated from the plane and the plane got out of control.
The pilots try to do a safe landing but because one engine was missing it crashed the mountains.
The investigaters say that if the plane had managed to travel an extra 2 km then they could have a safe landing. But unfortunately, it crashed before that.
Let's pray to all the people who died to rest in peace and that their families stay happy...
And also-
I switched off the T.V .I can't believe what I just saw... My eyes filled with tears.
Roselet- See, it's not a prank.*inhales* I am-
Dash- It's not true, maybe they didn't checked properly, Maybe they didn't found their bodies yet. Maybe they are still alive. One can never be sure right...
Roselet- Dash they found all 94 bodies. And the docters checked them all and they were confirmed dead...
Dash- How are you sure!! How can they be sure........
Roselet- Dash, I know it hard to admit it, but it's the truth and you can't change it...
Dash- Maybe I can change it. Maybe-
Before I could continue I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was blitz.
Blitz- Dash, roselet is right... You saw it on the news right. They are dead...
Dash- Blitz not you too.. Blitz please don't give up your hope's, please....
Blitz- I know I shouldn't admit it, but I have too... Because even if I don't believe it, I can't make our mom and dad alive....
I was speechless.
Roselet- I am sorry, I shouldn't have offered them this trip... It's my fault...
Blitz- It's not your fault roselet, it's no one's fault, it was they faith that decided that they will
Roselet- Ammmm........ I better end up the call, I want to give you all some privacy.... And also thanks for forgiving me.. And also tomorrow you can come to the hospital to visit them if you want, I will sent you the address...Ammmm.... Bye....
Call ended
After what I heard, I was completely frozen. Tears started coming out of my eyes. I sat on my knees and started crying.
Blitz hugged me and started crying as well . I hugged him, trying to comfort him and myself. I was crying on his chest.
After a while we let eachother go. There was complete silence until blitz broke it by asking-
"Dash, how are we suppose to say this to scootaloo. We can hide this from her forever...."
"I don't know...." I replied.
Suddenly a voice spoke "You don't need to hide it from me...."
Me and blitz both saw in the direction from where the voice came. It was scoots.....
"Sc-coo-ota-alo-oo it-it's no-not wha-t yo-u th-ink it-it's -" I said but she cutted me off.
"I heard everything... You don't need to lie..." She replied.
Flashback in scootaloo's P.O.V
I was sleeping peacefully before I heard someone shouting downstairs.
I went down and saw dash and blitz talking with someone on phone. The person sounds like a lady.
"What!!!" Dash and blitz said at the same time.
Then they switch on news channel on T.V.
When I saw the news I was surprised.
I heard them said that our parents died...
"Wait! So our parents were on the plane!! And they die..." I asked myself.
Dash was trying to say that it's not true but blitz and the lady on call said that it's true.
I felt my eyes filling with tears. My legs started shaking.
Then they ended the call.
Dash started crying and so does blitz. They hugged eachother. I tried to move but I can't .
After they let eachother go blitz asked dash about how will they both tell me that our parents died on a plane crash.
I faced the ground.
"You don't need to hide it from me..." I said softly.
They both saw me and I can see that they were both suprised and nervous.
Dash was trying to say something but I cutted her off.
"I heard everything.......... you don't need to lie....." I said with a sad tone in my voice........
End of flashback.
Rainbow Dash's P.O.V
Befor I could say another word scoots came running to me and hugged me tight. I patted her back and stroke her hair.
"Why did they *sniff* left us without even asking me*sniff* Why?? " She said.
"We don't know scoots, we don't know.." blitz said as his voice got softer after ever word.
Then we did a sibling hug to comfort eachother...
We stays like this for at least 5 minutes.
After that I saw the clock and it was 9:00 pm.
"Scoots you better sleep now. It's kinda late." I said.
Me, blitz went to scoots room and layed her down so that she can sleep.
"Dash, I am not sleepy, and even if I am I don't wanna sleep.. it's just that I am not feeling like I should sleep..." She said.
"How about I sing you a song?? Will you sleep then??" I asked.
"Fine, if you say soo.." she answered and faced me.
I sat near her and started singing-
(A/n: the songs name is 'song of the sea'. Only dash is singing it so I haven't written the lyrics...)
After I finished I saw scoots half asleep as well as crying.
Just then blitz came and sat beside me. Then he started singing a song-
(A/n: Songs name is 'sleeping at last' This time it only blitz singing so I am again not writing the lyrics)
After blitz finished singing I saw that scoots was in her deep sleep...
We quickly and quietly went out of the room.
After that me and blitz went to our rooms.
I wasn't able to sleep at first too, but then my eyes became heavy and I fall asleep.....
No one's P.O.V
Dash, blitz and scootaloo were fast asleep. But still tears in their eyes...
They can never forget this day... The day when they left their childrens alone..... And left without a bye....
A/n: Guys, I am crying a tsunami here😭😭😭. Can someone give me a box of tissues, because I ran out off mine...
-2350 words
(One of my biggest chappie so far..)
This is not a true event (I think).
Remember that plane's are always tested before a flight. So there are less chances for this to happen..
I don't want you to get aviophobia because of this chappie, like I said before, there are less chances of any plane accidents to happen.
I will publish the next chapter tomorrow.
And stay healthy.. peace out.
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