Chapter 11: These Things Do Happen
"Good morning, Gustave," Charlotte said softly.
"Good morning," he replied, snuggling close to Charlotte as he made an effort to stay asleep.
"Come on, dear. You need to wake up," Charlotte giggled.
"What if I don't want to?"
Charlotte chuckled softly. "Then I guess we can stay here for a few more minutes."
"Good," Gustave said with a quiet laugh.
Charlotte shook her head fondly at the boy, giving his forehead a kiss. "I love you."
What the pair didn't notice was Erik watching from the doorway. He was smiling, but...was that a twinge of jealousy? Why was he jealous? This was his son clearly taking comfort, so what was it about it that made him so jealous?
Charlotte looked over and noticed him standing in the doorway. "Hi," she whispered.
Her words snapping himself back to reality, Erik gave her a smile. "Hello," he said, leaning on the doorframe. "What's this?"
"He slept with me last night. Had a bad dream," Charlotte said quietly.
"What about?" Erik asked as he walked over and knelt beside the bed, pressing a kiss to Gustave's temple.
"It had something to do with the painting," Charlotte sighed. "I'm beginning to think we should burn that thing."
"Burn it, no. Perhaps keeping it tucked away would be wise, though."
"Possibly," Charlotte nodded. "Gustave's still a little tired. Just let him sleep."
"Of course. Shall we head down?"
"He's curled up on me. If I move, it may wake him."
Erik sighed. "Very true. I'll have to eat breakfast alone then," he said.
"Or you could lay down next to me," Charlotte smiled.
"In- in the bed? With you?" Erik asked, a bit flustered at the suggestion.
"Yes," Charlotte chuckled. "Come on."
"Charlotte, I don't know," Erik said with a little laugh. "I'm fine to go downstairs."
"Why are you so shy all of a sudden?" Charlotte asked. "You've fallen asleep on me before."
"I don't know. Perhaps my son being in the room has some bearing on it," Erik replied. "I'll get in the bed, though, it's fine."
"Wonderful," Charlotte smiled, moving the sheets so that he could join her and Gustave.
Erik sat on the bed, Gustave in the middle of him and Charlotte. "Did he seem very upset when he came in last night?" he asked quietly, running his fingers through the boy's hair.
"A bit, yes," Charlotte nodded. "Are you alright? You don't seem happy?"
"I'm alright. Just still a bit asleep, I think," Erik replied
"Are you sure?" Charlotte asked softly.
Erik nodded. "I'm fine," he said.
"Alright," Charlotte smiled, giving him a gentle kiss.
Erik smiled back at her, brushing hair out of her face. "Did you sleep well?"
Charlotte nodded. "Gustave kept me nice and warm."
"Ah. He did, did he?" Erik asked, dropping his eyes back down to look at his son.
"Yeah," Charlotte said quietly. "It was really sweet how he snuggled up next to me."
Erik nodded absentmindedly, finding that little bit of jealousy sneaking up again, even though he knew how ridiculous that was.
"Darling, what's wrong?" Charlotte asked, frowning at his sudden change in mood.
Erik smirked. "It's nothing. It's ridiculous, really."
"Tell me," Charlotte nodded, putting a hand to his cheek.
"Is it completely ridiculous that I feel the tiniest bit jealous of Gustave coming to sleep in here with you?" he asked.
"Of course not," Charlotte smiled. "it's natural. He's your son, and you missed out on ten years of his life. You want to spend as much time with his as possible and be the best father you can be."
Erik nodded. "I just wish he would come to me when he has a nightmare, when he's seeking comfort. It is nothing against you, dear, I'm glad he feels so safe with you, but...I'm his father. I want him to feel safe and secure enough with me to come to me with that sort of thing," he said quietly.
"I think he only came to me to assure himself I was okay," Charlotte nodded. "It wasn't personal."
"I know, I know. Like I said, it's ridiculous."
"It's not ridiculous," Charlotte assured.
Erik shrugged. "It is a little bit. I'm bitter that my son isn't coming to me for comfort when I should be glad that he's getting comfort at all."
"It's okay to be jealous," Charlotte chuckled. "Don't be upset at yourself over it."
Erik sighed. "I don't even know where my head is anymore," he mumbled, leaning his head against his headboard. "I'm jealous of the woman I love."
Charlotte pulled him into a tender kiss. "I love you too. And I think it's cute that you love your son so much and want him to go to you."
Erik smiled. "Thank you, my love," he whispered. "I appreciate that you think this is cute."
"I do," Charlotte smiled. "If you want to start breakfast, I'll be down in a moment."
Erik nodded. "I'll see you down there," he said, giving her another kiss before he slowly got off of the bed.
"I love you," Charlotte grinned. "Now, get cooking. I'm famished."
"Alright, alright, I'm going," Erik said with a chuckle.
"Thank you," Charlotte smiled, watching him leave the room. "Gustave," she whispered.
The boy stirred a bit. "What?" he groaned.
"You have to wake up, sweetheart," Charlotte said softly.
Gustave sighed but eventually lifted his head, his eyes still half closed. "Okay," he mumbled.
"Aw," Charlotte chuckled. "Okay, lay back down."
"If I have to get up, I will."
"It's up to you," Charlotte giggled, kissing his forehead.
Gustave opened his mouth to reply, but flinched when he heard a crash, followed quickly by a cry from downstairs. "That was Papa," he said as he bounced out of bed and hurried out of the room.
Charlotte frowned, quickly following him. "Erik?" She called as she descended the stairs. "Erik, what happened?"
As she walked into the kitchen, she found Erik sitting on a chair, his right leg propped up on his left knee so he could hold his foot. "I bumped into the handle of the pot for breakfast and it fell on my foot," he said.
"You poor thing," Charlotte sighed. "Can you put weight on it?"
Erik stood up to try, only to wince. "It's really bruised, most likely. I'll have a nice limp for a bit."
"Sit down, darling," Charlotte nodded, helping him back into the chair. "Are you sure you didn't break anything?"
Erik shook his head. "It hurts, but not that bad."
"Can I take a look?"
"If you want." Erik took his foot out of the slipper he was wearing, grimacing a bit at the bruise he saw. "See? Just a nasty bruise. I can move everything," he said, wiggling his toes for proof.
"You're trying not to wince, though," Charlotte observed. "It may not be broken, but you should probably stay off of it."
"I refuse to stay in bed any longer," Erik said with a chuckle.
"You can't even walk," Charlotte sighed. "You'll have to stay in bed."
"Can't we get a makeshift crutch or something? I'll go stir crazy if I have to sit and stare at those four walls longer than needed."
"I'll tell you what. If you can walk the length of the room to me without help, I'll get you a crutch."
"Fine." Erik got to his feet and started to try and walk the length of the room, wincing with almost every step he took. Eventually, though, he did make it to the other side of the room, leaning against the counter for support. "See? I believe I've earned a crutch," he said with a pained smile.
"Darling, you look like you're ready to cry," Charlotte sighed. "At least stay in bed for today, alright? I'll see what I can do about the crutch tomorrow."
"That much I can do," Erik said, his voice strained as he winced again. "Because this is really starting to hurt."
"Okay, come on. I'll help you upstairs," Charlotte nodded.
Erik wrapped an arm around her shoulders and started limping towards the stairs, leaning heavily on her. "All I asked for was to make a nice breakfast for my son and the woman I love. That's all I wanted," he mumbled as they walked.
"Well, you can try again in a few days," Charlotte said softly. "Don't worry, dear. These things do happen."
"Yes, they happen, and make me look like an idiot in the process."
"You don't look like an idiot," Charlotte said softly, kissing his cheek. "Now, do you think you'll be able to make it up the stairs?"
"I would like to think so," Erik said. He took a step up with his good foot, but when he stepped with the injured foot, he groaned and stepped back down. "No, that is not happening."
"Alright. I guess it's the couch for you, then," Charlotte sighed, kissing his cheek. "Come on, darling."
"Well, it's different than my bedroom, so it'll do," Erik said.
"See? It isn't so bad," Charlotte shrugged, helping him to sit down. "Would you like an ice pack for your foot?"
"Yes, please," he said with a smile.
Charlotte nodded and went to the kitchen to fetch an ice pack, returning in a few moments. "Here you are, darling," she said softly. "Do you want to lay down?"
"I can do it, I'm alright," Erik said, pivoting on the sofa and leaning against the arm while he propped his foot up on the opposite end of the sofa, the ice pack over the bruise. "Thank you, love."
"You're welcome," Charlotte smiled, putting a hand to his cheek. "Poor dear. I feel bad that this happened."
"Yes, I do too. But like you said - these things happen."
"Hopefully, you'll get better soon," Charlotte nodded. "I'd like to go on another date."
"I would too. I really enjoyed that evening," Erik said with a smile.
"Me too," Charlotte smiled, leaning down to press a gentle kiss to his lips.
"I'll be sure to take you out again as soon as I'm back on my feet. Did you have somewhere you'd want to go?" Erik asked as he pulled away to look at her.
"Not particularly. As long as you're with me, I'll have a good time."
Erik smiled. "You're sweet," he said.
"Thank you," Charlotte grinned, kissing his cheek. "What would you like to eat?"
"Whatever you make is fine with me. Just so long as I have my coffee and the newspaper."
"I can do that," Charlotte nodded. "I'll be back in a moment, love. Just try to rest for a few minutes."
"I will. Thank you, Charlotte."
"You're very welcome, my dear," Charlotte smiled, returning to the kitchen. "Gustave, would you like to help with breakfast?"
"Yes, please. I won't drop anything on my foot like Papa," he said with a smile.
"Good boy," Charlotte giggled, kissing the top of his head. "I don't need the both of you incapacitated again."
Gustave nodded. "What can I do?"
"Get a pan from the cupboard and get a few eggs. I'm going to make scrambled eggs and toast, since it's easy," Charlotte chuckled.
Gustave quickly grabbed the step stool in the kitchen and climbed up to the top cupboards to grab a pan. "Does Papa need anything?"
"Yes, he would like some coffee and the newspaper. If you could get the latter, I'll take care of the former," Charlotte smiled, beginning to heat the pan the boy handed to her.
"Got it," Gustave said as he grabbed the newspaper from the kitchen table and walked into the parlor. "Here you go, Papa."
"Thank you, my boy," Erik nodded, giving a small sigh. "I feel bad that Charlotte has to cook again."
"I think she enjoys it," Gustave replied.
"But I still feel bad. She cooks for us a lot," Erik said. "I just wanted to give her a break for once."
"I know. You can do that when your foot feels better. I'll help you!" Gustave said with a smile.
"I'd like that," Erik chuckled, opening his arms to his son. "Come here."
Gustave gave him a hug, resting his head on his shoulder. "I love you, Papa. I'm sorry you hurt yourself."
"I love you too, Gustave," Erik smiled. "And it isn't your fault. Don't worry, I'll be alright."
"I know. I just feel bad that you have to be stuck here. You don't like sitting still, just like me."
"Yes, but I'm afraid Charlotte will make me," Erik replied with a sigh, kissing his son's forehead.
"She probably will."
"She cares too much."
"She loves you! That's all."
"I suppose that's true," Erik chuckled. "I love her too."
Gustave grinned. "Do you think you two will get married?"
Erik blushed a bit. "I...I don't know, Gustave," he stammered. "We've only been courting for a little over a week."
"I know, but you seem like you really love each other. I think it would be nice if it happens," Gustave said.
"I would too," Charlotte giggled, popping out of the kitchen. "Erik, here's your coffee."
Erik smiled, his cheeks still a bright red. "Thank you, love," he said.
Charlotte kissed his forehead. "You're welcome. And don't be so embarrassed," she laughed.
Erik shrugged. "I can't help it, honestly," he said with a chuckle.
"I love you," Charlotte giggled. "You're so handsome."
"And you're quite beautiful yourself," Erik replied.
"Thank you," Charlotte smiled fondly. "I'll be out in a moment with breakfast."
"Gustave and I will be here."
"Alright." Charlotte sent him another smile, then went back to the kitchen, where she cooked the eggs and made the toast. Once she plated everything, she brought the boys out their food. "Here you are," she smiled. "Enjoy."
"Thank you," Erik said, setting the plate on his lap. "Not to give you more to do, but can I get another ice pack? This one's gone warm."
"Of course, darling," Charlotte smiled. "It's not a bother at all. I'll be back in a moment." She quickly hurried back into the kitchen and retrieved a new ice pack to give to her suitor. Returning to the room, she switched out the ice pack and gently placed the new one on Erik's injured foot.
"Thank you," he said. "Now eat your breakfast."
"I will, I will," Charlotte giggled. "You need to eat too."
"I am! But you're the one who's been waiting on me hand and foot the whole morning. Sit down, please," Erik said.
"Okay," Charlotte laughed, taking her plate off of the table and sitting in an armchair. "Is it good, Gustave?"
"Very good. Thank you, Charlotte," he said with a smile.
"You're welcome," she grinned.
Later that day.
Charlotte put the dirty dinner dishes in the sink before returning to the parlor, where Gustave and Erik were. "Gustave, would you like to play a game of chess?" She asked.
"Oh, yes, let's play! I still want to beat you," Gustave said, moving to pull out the chessboard.
"Wonderful," Charlotte smiled, leaning on the couch with one arm. "Erik, how about you lay across my lap?"
Erik nodded. "Sounds like a good idea," he said, moving so that she could sit down before laying down across her lap. "You two play. I've got my bets on Gustave."
"Well, I'm offended," Charlotte chuckled. "I would push you off this couch if you weren't injured."
"Oh, no you wouldn't."
"Yes, I would," Charlotte nodded.
"Okay, perhaps you would. Now I know to worry about you pushing me off the couch."
"Stay on my good side," Charlotte giggled.
"I'll keep that in mind," Erik said with a laugh. "Anyhow, get to playing. I'm anxious to see who wins."
"Alright," Charlotte chuckled, looking over the board that Gustave had just set up and making her first move.
Erik laughed quietly at the concentrated expression on his son's face as he chose his next move carefully. Eventually though, he found himself nodding off, too tired to focus on watching the two play.
Charlotte would have noticed, if not for the fact that she too was concentrating very hard. After a few more moves, she smirked and said, "Checkmate."
Gustave groaned. "Again?" he said.
"Looks like it," Charlotte grinned before looking down at Erik, who had curled up on her lap. "Aw. How cute."
"Did he fall asleep?" Gustave asked with a small smile.
"Yes, he did," Charlotte said softly, pulling a blanket over Erik. "I'm just going to let him rest. You should go up to bed, though."
Gustave nodded, cleaning up the chessboard before he gave Charlotte a hug. "Thank you for playing with me," he said quietly, so as not to wake his father.
"You're welcome," Charlotte smiled. "Perhaps we could have a rematch tomorrow."
"Definitely." Gustave then bent over and gave his father's forehead a kiss. "Goodnight, Papa," he whispered.
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