Chapter 10: The Beauty Underneath

A week later...

"Erik, are we ready to go?" Charlotte asked from the foyer as she slipped on her shoes.

"Yes, just about." Erik came down the stairs, straightening his tie as he went. He stopped as she came into sight and smiled fondly at her. "You look beautiful, Charlotte."

"Thank you," Charlotte smiled. "I thought maybe you'd like the blue."

"I do, very much. It brings out your eyes," he said.

"You're such a romantic," Charlotte giggled, lacing her arm through his. "Ready?"

Erik nodded as he opened the door for her. "Let's go," he replied.

"You know, I'm really happy that we are finally able to do this," Charlotte said as they made their way to the carriage.

"I am too. I'm glad to finally get out, and I'm even happier that I get to go out with you."

"I'm glad," Charlotte grinned. "And I'm happy to see that you're in better spirits."

"Yes, now that Gustave is no longer sick, it's easier to have a smile on my face."

"Wonderful," Charlotte smiled. "I thought it was really sweet how you were caring for him even though you didn't feel great yourself."

"He's my son. That's what parents do, is it not?" Erik asked.

"I wouldn't really know," Charlotte sighed. "But it's what I've heard."

"Would you want to have children one day?" Erik asked, only to start stumbling over himself as he added, "I mean...not with me. Just have children general."

Charlotte giggled at him as his cheeks turned bright red. "You don't need to be so embarrassed. It's a simple question. And yes, I do suppose I would want at least one."

Erik chuckled. "I know, I'm sorry. It just...I didn't want to make any assumptions about our relationship and all that- never mind. It's nice that you want to have children. You would be an amazing mother, I think."

"Thank you," Charlotte smiled. "And don't worry about making assumptions. If you do consider us courting, then technically that's where our future would be heading. Courting means being romantically involved with the intent of marriage."

"I suppose that's true, isn't it? To think we could be married in the future is...a little bit crazy."

"A good crazy, I hope," Charlotte chuckled, stepping into the carriage with Erik's help.

"Certainly a good crazy, yes," Erik replied, stepping in after her.

"Personally, I think it could be nice," Charlotte smiled as she kissed his cheek.

"I do too," Erik said with a smile. "To think I could be married. I only thought that would happen once, did not go the way I wanted it to whatsoever."

"Well, I can say with absolute certainty that nothing will go wrong this time," Charlotte said softly, resting her head on his shoulder.

Erik took her hand and gave it a squeeze. "To say nothing is a bold statement, my love," he replied. "Do you truly believe we would be capable of that?"

"Of course," Charlotte nodded. "We love each other. That's a very powerful thing."

Erik smiled and leaned over to give her a kiss. "It is indeed."

"Do you believe us capable?"

"I do, yes. Perhaps not right away, but in due time, I see us managing to make it work."

The couple chatted the rest of the way to the restaurant, making statements that would make the other blush, trying to get the other to laugh, and so on.

When they arrived, they were taken to a table in the back of the restaurant that was slightly set apart from the others - perfect for a romantic evening.

"Your server will be over shortly," the maître d' nodded, handing them their menus before quickly leaving.

"This is lovely," Erik said as he took a quick glance at their surroundings.

"Yes, very," Charlotte agreed. "The ambiance is are you."

Erik laughed and shook his head. "Don't be ridiculous," he replied.

"I'm not being ridiculous," Charlotte chuckled. "You're a wonderful man, Erik."

Erik kept his eyes on the table. "Charlotte, you''re very kind, but I don't know how true that is."

"It's very true," Charlotte said softly, putting a hand on his. "You're a wonderful man and an even more wonderful father."

Biting his lip, Erik looked back up at her, unable to keep tears from welling up in his eyes. "Thank you," he said with a small smile.

"There's no need to thank me," Charlotte smiled. "I only speak the truth. You're an amazing person and you deserve you know that."

"No one's ever told me that before, you know, so excuse the emotional response," Erik replied, quickly reaching up to wipe a stray tear.

"I don't mind," Charlotte said softly, putting a hand to his cheek as she looked him in the eye. "I love you so much."

"I love you too," Erik replied, turning his head briefly to compose himself as the server approached the table. "I'll have whatever you have, love. Order wisely," he said as he looked back to Charlotte.

She nodded and after she gave their orders to the server, turned her attention back to her date. "Erik, don't doubt your worth. Okay? You are an incredible person. I want you to see that."

"Well, after years of being told I have no worth, wrapping my mind around a statement that is the complete opposite is a bit difficult," he admitted.

"I promise that I'll make you see yourself differently," Charlotte smiled.

Erik nodded. "I believe you," he said with a small smile.

"Good," Charlotte nodded. "I'm so glad I found you, Erik Destler."

"And I am more than thrilled to have found you, Charlotte Daaé."

"I'm very happy to hear that," Charlotte smiled.

"Now, how was your day? I know you were out selling your paintings today," Erik said as he sipped the wine that the server had just brought.

"It went well. I sold four out of the five. I sold the one with the girl in the butterfly garden, the one with the fish, the abstract blue one, and the landscape of the city."

"Which leaves which one for the personal collection?"

"The one you liked with the sheet music."

"I'm glad. I'll take it and put it in my study."

"Wonderful," Charlotte smiled. "You know, I've been wanting to do a painting of you."

"You have?" Erik asked.

Charlotte nodded, biting her lip slightly. "But...without your mask."

Erik frowned. "Charlotte..." he started to say.

"Come on, please?" She sighed.

"I don't know," he said. "I don't want that put on a canvas for the rest of time."

"Why not?" Charlotte asked softly. "It wouldn't be to sell. It would be something for me to hang in my room."

"Why would you want that?" Erik asked. "I'm afraid I can't wrap my head around it."

"Because I love you," Charlotte stated as though it were completely apparent.

Erik stared at her, but he could tell she wasn't going to budge. "It would make you happy, would it?"

"Very much," Charlotte smiled, putting a hand on his. "I love you more than anything and that's why I want to paint you."

"In that long as you promise to keep it totally private and to yourself, then I suppose I could agree."

"Thank you," Charlotte grinned. "And if you want, I can show you a self portrait I did not too long ago. You can't see much of my face since my back is turned, but it's an emotional painting. You may find it interesting."

"I'd like that very much."

"I'll show you when we get home, then," Charlotte nodded.

"Wonderful. I'm sure it will be beautiful, given your talent. On top of that, it's a portrait of yourself, so it could only be beautiful," Erik said.

"Thanks," Charlotte smiled. "But fair's pretty graphic, as to what I've gone through."

"Honesty only brings through even more beauty, my love."

"I'm glad to feel that way," Charlotte said softly.

Erik took her hand again, locking their fingers. "I do hope you can find the beauty in yourself that I see," he whispered.

"I'm beginning to," Charlotte nodded, pulling him into a gentle kiss.


"That was lovely, Erik," Charlotte smiled, moving her shoes aside with her foot as her suitor shut the front door. "Thank you."

"My pleasure," Erik said, pulling her close to give her a kiss.

Charlotte wrapped her arms around his neck. "How about we put on some coffee and talk a bit before Gustave gets back from his friend's house?"

"Coffee sounds lovely. I couldn't get past how thrilled Gustave was to get back out to his friends. I thought he would go stir crazy while he was ill," Erik said as he walked into the kitchen with Charlotte.

"He takes after you in that way," she giggled. "You didn't love having to sit still either."

"Yes, in that sense, he is very much my son," Erik said with a chuckle.

"I get the sense that you're proud of that," Charlotte laughed, beginning to make the coffee.

"A little bit."

"He's a lot like you in many respects, you know," Charlotte smiled.

Erik nodded. "Sometimes I wish he was more like his mother in certain respects," he said.

"I think it's sweet that he's like you," Charlotte said with a nod. "I have a feeling Christine appreciated that too. It was like having a part of you with her."

"Perhaps it was," Erik said softly, then giving a laugh. "Though, considering how stubborn I am and the fact that he inherited that gene, I can imagine she viewed it as a bit of a nuisance now and then."

"Don't we all?" Charlotte teased, kissing his cheek.

Erik rolled his eyes. "I'm sure," he said.

"I'm only joking," Charlotte giggled. "You know I love you."

"I know, I know," Erik said with a laugh.

"Good," Charlotte chuckled, pulling him into a quick kiss." She finished making the coffee and poured to two cups, handing one to Erik. "Here you go, my love."

"Thank you," Erik said as he sipped the drink, but winced when he did. "God, that's really hot," he said, setting the cup down.

"Are you okay?" Charlotte giggled.

Erik nodded. "Just burned my tongue a bit, I believe," he said with a quiet laugh.

"Poor darling," Charlotte laughed, cupping his face in her hands. "I love you so much."

"With how clumsy I am? I'm amazed," he replied.

"It just means I get to take care of you," Charlotte smiled, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"And you enjoy that, don't you?" Erik asked.

"Of course I do. It means that I get to spend time with you," Charlotte said softly.

Erik smiled. "I still not quite sure what I did to deserve you, you know," he said.

"Will you just kiss me again?" Charlotte whispered.

"Well, since you asked," Erik replied as he cupped her cheek in his hand and pulled her in for a kiss.

"Wow," Charlotte said softly as they pulled gently apart, resting her forehead against his. "You're really good at that."

"Am I?" Erik asked.

"Very," Charlotte grinned. "Like I said, you're perfect."

"As are you, my love," Erik said as he gave her another kiss.

"I don't know whether to be grossed out or happy that you're together," they heard a voice say from the doorway. Turning their heads, the couple saw Gustave standing in the doorway, a little grimace on his face. "I mean, I'm happy you're in love but I keep walking in on you two kissing," he added.

Charlotte giggled, resting her head on Erik's shoulder. "You signed onto this when you suggested that your father and I start courting."

"People kiss each other when they're courting, Gustave. You'll have to get used to it," Erik said with a smirk.

"Great," Gustave sighed.

Charlotte gave Erik another quick kiss before asking Gustave, "Did you have fun with Jean?"

Gustave nodded. "We tried to make paper airplanes for a while, but neither of us could quite get it right," he said.

"Well, the real thing is hardly safe, so I fail to see how a paper version is any more practical," Charlotte chuckled.

Erik smiled. "You are truly opposed to the idea of planes, aren't you?" he asked. "Not that I blame you. Flying wasn't something we were designed to do, and yet, we pursue the idea."

"Exactly. Why mess with what God created?" Charlotte laughed. "Those Wright brothers are out of their minds."

"I think it's interesting," Gustave said with a shrug.

"And that's why I love you," Charlotte smiled, kissing the top of his head. "Go get ready bed, dear. It's late and you need your sleep."

Gustave nodded, giving her and his father quick hugs before he headed upstairs.

"He's a good kid," Charlotte nodded. "Oh, I almost forgot that I was going to show you that painting. Follow me. It's in my studio."

"Oh, yes," Erik said as he got to his feet to follow Charlotte.

She took him into her art studio and picked the painting, setting it on the easel for him to see.

The painting featured a young teenage girl, leaning against a large rock. The back of her dress was terribly torn, revealing a disfigurement of the skin on her right shoulder. Her back was covered in scars and fresh wounds inflicted by the bloodied whip that lay in the grass next to her. Her face could hardly be seen, since her hair was covering it mostly, but plainly evident was the tear running down her left cheek.

Erik looked at it for a moment, trying to soak up every detail of it. "It's beautiful, Charlotte, but...I can't help but hate that this is your self portrait. That this is - was - your reality," he said.

Charlotte turned away from the painting, tears welling in her eyes. "I'm still getting over it myself. I'm trying to use my artwork as a way to cope with it."

"Come here," Erik said, opening his arms to her. "I understand, love."

Charlotte embraced him tightly. "I'm glad someone does."

"I probably understand better than anyone will," Erik said, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. "You use your paintings, I use my music."

"I love you," Charlotte sighed, burying her face in the crook of his neck.

"I love you too," Erik whispered, one of his hands moving to cradle the back of her head.

"I'm so glad to have you in my life," Charlotte whispered.

Gustave peaked his head into the room. "Papa, I came to...Charlotte, is that you in the painting?"

"Yes, that's me," Charlotte sighed, not moving from Erik's hold on her.

"Your back is all scarred and..." It was then, as he took a few steps into the room, that he noticed the whip on the ground. "That's when they whipped you," he said softly.

"Yes, it is," Charlotte nodded, lifting her head to look at the boy.

Gustave walked over to the couple, unable to take his eyes off of the painting. "Why did you paint it?" he asked, looking back at her with teary eyes.

"It's a way to help me get over it," Charlotte said softly as she bent down to his level, cupping his face in her hands. "Don't cry, dear. It's okay."

Gustave wrapped his arms around her waist. "I just feel bad for you," he said.

"I know, darling," Charlotte nodded, kissing his forehead. "But you don't have to. I'm okay now. That's what matters."

Gustave nodded, giving her a quick squeeze. "I had just come to say goodnight to Papa," he said.

"Okay," Charlotte smiled, putting away the painting. "I think I'm going to to bed as well. Goodnight."

Erik smiled and gave Gustave a quick hug before he gave Charlotte a kiss. "Goodnight, love," he said. "Goodnight to you too, Gustave."

"Goodnight," Charlotte nodded.

"Goodnight," Gustave echoed.


Later that night...

Gustave's eyes popped open as he gasped and sat up in bed, the same image that had been stuck in his head the entire night finally becoming too much for him to bear. The self-portrait of Charlotte that he had seen...the scars, the blood, the had stuck with him and was terrifying him. In need of comfort, he got out of bed and walked down the hall to Charlotte's bedroom. "Charlotte," he whispered as he stepped into her bedroom.

Charlotte turned over and opened her eyes slightly. "Yes, Gustave?" She whispered back.

"I keep having bad dreams. I can't sleep."

"Would you like to come sleep with me?" Charlotte asked softly.

Gustave nodded, fidgeting with the cuff of his sleeve as he stood by her bed.

Charlotte made room for him and opened the blankets so that he could crawl in, giving him a small smile as she did.

Gustave laid down and curled up beside her. "It was the painting I saw. Of you," he said quietly.

"Did that upset you?" Charlotte frowned, wrapping her arms tightly around him.

He nodded, leaning his head on her shoulder. "I know you said I shouldn't let it, but I can't help it."

"Aw, sweetheart," Charlotte sighed, kissing his forehead. "It's okay, darling. I'm right here. Everything's okay."

"I'm just upset that people did that to you. To you and to Papa," he whispered. "It isn't fair that just because you're a little different, you were both treated like that."

"I know, dear. It's horrible," Charlotte nodded. "People don't understand."

Gustave shook his head and snuggled closer to her. "Thanks for letting me sleep here," he said.

"You're very welcome," Charlotte smiled, leaning her head against his. "Get some rest now, okay?"

Gustave nodded. "Goodnight, Charlotte."

"Goodnight, sweetheart."

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