Was it Just A Dream?

Yosafire's POV

Opening my eyes to seeing Wodahs above me, worry, concern, and angry all in his left eye. Sitting up I tried to move but found myself unable to, I cried out as Wodahs held me down. "Yosafire, what were you thinking?" his voice was filled with malice. He grabbed my neck and slammed my head into the pillow, I screamed as everything vanished was replaced with the face of dad as he held me close. "It's alright Yosaf it was only a nightmare," he rocked me as I held a firm grip on the fabric of his suit, "Shh... no one is going to harm you. Daddy's got you... Shh." I felt the light patting on my back as I sobbed into dad's chest. "What's the matter, Flame?" I heard the concern voice of Sherbet. I felt the light patting sooth down to a rubbing as I calmed down. "She just had a nightmare, that's all," he spoke with gentleness as he kept rubbing my back.

I felt a cold hand pat my head as I felt a gentle breeze, like a little frost sooth down on my head. Sherbet must be trying to help, I sighed and looked up at Sherbet as he gave a lazy smile and patted my head once more. "It's alright, a little nightmare can be beaten by the ones that care about you," Sherbet gave a light-hearted chuckle as he turned around, "we're close by the looks of it, but I wouldn't be so sure since there are so many angels and demons all over the place seemingly for something." I looked over the shoulder of dad and saw many looking around and yelling something. Must be insults as I hid in dad's chest once more and heaved a heavy sigh as I closed my eyes and tried to ignore their yells. But there was one that caught my attention, "Yosafire, Yosafire, where are you?" Wodahs. He was searching for me. They were searching for me.

"Ah, did you run away or something, cause I have never seen the head angel so upset and worried before, hey, he was a stoner back in the days as he never really smiled or showed real emotions like this," Sherbet chuckled as he watched Wodahs run around checking in on everyone as they shrugged their shoulders and basically left while Wodahs was yelling at them. No one cared about me. They didn't care if I existed as if I wasn't even here. But now I know that I'm a daughter of a Devil then I'm fine with the fact that I'm a devil. "Yosafire, please answer me! Yosafire," his voice sounded so broken as I heard other voices say my name. "Well, this is amusing unless the Devil told the Head Angel that you are important and had to be protected, then soon they'll find us and try to attack since head angel ain't in his right mind," Sherbet stretched and sat down on the grass.

Dad sat down as well and rested me on his lap as he hugged me and hummed underneath his breath. "So is my little girl smart and dependant, Yosaf?" I looked over at Sherbet and nodded. He gave a small smile and laid down. Wings spread and arms open to each side of him. "I like this peaceful world," Sherbet sighed as he rolled onto his side, "I wish the others could see this for themselves." Sighing I leaned back into dad's chest as I saw the gust of wind and then the frightened expression of Wodahs flying there, still, wide-eyed. "Whattup' Head Angel?" Sherbet casually said as he sat up and gave a goofy grin. Wodahs' face turned from shock to fight mode as he aimed his spear at fathers head. "Whoever you are? Stop impersonating the lost ones of the past and hand over the girl," Wodahs growled out as Dad simply puffed smoke and held me closer. 

"Do I look like an imposter and put my own daughter in danger and let her run away from the safety of the Devil of Destruction," dad growled out as he stood up and Sherbet followed suit. "Geez, I thought you finally became more relax after the war, but I guess some things never change," Sherbet sniffed the air as he let his hammer lean against his shoulders and he gave a crazed smile. "Wait. That rape face. Only Sherbet knew how to do that," Wodahs gasped as he took a step back, "but you died in the war, everyone perished when Kcalb lost control over his emotions." I stared directly at Wodahs as he landed and tried to reach for me. Moving away I held more onto my father and watch that gray eye for any other emotion besides sorrow. "Yosafire," he started as he still held out his hand, "please come home. Etihw didn't mean to say that. Please come home."

I turned my head away and felt dad's chest heave with a sigh. Looking up I saw dad's frown as he looked directly at Wodahs, "what have you been doing to my daughter since I was gone, Wodahs?" I watch as horror changed his expression as he landed on the ground, on his knees and stared up at me. "I swear we can explain everything, but please hand Yosafire to me so that way everyone knows I found her and won't try to attack you," he said reaching out once more, "I promise-" Dad hugged me tightly before setting me down. "Yosafire go with Wodahs and we'll follow behind at a distance so that way we aren't attacked like he's implying," dad told me as he patted my head. Wodahs stood up and walked over to me, "are you good at playing pretend?" What kind of question is that? I nodded my head as he pulled out a white sheet and wrapped it around me. 

"Pretend to be asleep and I'll do the rest," Wodahs picked me up and spread his wings. I laid my head against his chest and closed my eyes. The sense of dreariness finally caught up to me as I heard the yellings all around me and the touches of others. Wodahs's commanding voice broke through the yellings as I felt the touching slow down as I was removed from his grasp. "Where did you find her Wodahs?" the Old Man's voice was so tensed I could sense the tension in the air. Just how long have I been gone in able to cause this much of a stir from everyone? I felt myself being taken out of Wodahs arms and held close to a warmer body. Fabric brushed over me as it acted as a shield. "Kcalb, is she alright?" That's Etihw's voice as I heard the rustling of many layers of fabric as I felt a cold hand brush across my cheek.

"I'm so sorry baby, I didn't mean anything," I felt the cold hand rub my cheek before I felt myself being placed in a sitting position and held tightly. "Haven't you've done enough Etihw, never ever mention those names ever again. It's already bad enough that I'm delaying on telling the news to Flame's twin and the Death God," the Old Man heaved a sigh before I felt the movement of walking. Peeking my eyes open, I saw those signature eyes of the old man. "Yosafire~" he cooed as he sat down in the diamond shape chair, "it's alright, you're safe now." He was gentle and spoke lightly as if speaking to a newborn. "I'm not a baby ya'know," I tried to struggle out of the blanket, but nothing happened. Why can't I move? "W-What did you did to me? W-Why can't I move?" I gasped as I tried to move any part of my body. The Old Man held me closer and purred into my hair.

"I'm not losing you like your father, not again, I can't break any more promises," I felt the sigh roll off him as he leaned back, "no more promises broke. The last one to be broke was letting you get hurt." He patted my head and sighed again. I can't move. Why can't I move? "Let me go, Old Man, I don't wanna be held right now," I tried to strain my body to move, but my body won't obey such commands. I cried out in sadness and kept trying to move. "Don't do that you're just going to hurt yourself," I felt the old man pat my back. "You've clearly broken all the promises and yet you still say you won't break them," that voice, dad's voice. From the corner of my eye, I saw my dad and Sherbet walk in with Wodahs in toll. "How?" I felt the tightening grip on me as the Old Man stared in shock at the two that was supposed to be dead but were alive. "The shadows are after me and my daughter, I have to return to my rightful world now, where we can be better protected from such threats and destroy such vile things," dad scoffed as he crossed his arms. 

"What do you mean?" the old man asked as everything started to fade and become blurred. Wait don't go. I want to see everything. Wait I can hear a voice, it's calling out to me. Where is that voice coming from? 


Opening my eyes I saw a worried Ater and Arbus. Gasping I sat up and looked around. I was laying in the meadow. "Thank goodness that you're alright," Ater giggled, "indeed sister you were just laying here so still and peacefully that we thought something really bad happened to you," Arbus chipped in as they patted the skirts of their uniforms down. "Wha? What day is it?" I asked with curiosity. They both just stared at me and gave me a funny look. "Silly, it's almost Thanksgiving day," Arbus patted her head, "and everyone is almost done with preparations to the biggest feast of the season," Ater finished as she gave a goofy grin. Wait, this day was when the bullying first happens, did I have a dream that predicted my future. If so then I need to change it the outcomes. 

Nodding my head I stood up and dusted myself off. But why did I see our ancestor's in my dreams. That dream was so realistic. Sighing, I picked up the flower crowns and gave a despairing cry as I fell into a hole. "Oh dear, she fell, Ater," Arbus gave a sigh, "indeed Arbus, she's such a cluts," Ater chipped in. There's the name calling I was looking for. Sighing, I stood up and rubbed my butt. "I'm fine," I faked a smile as I spread my wings and flew out of the hole. Landing on the ground I sighed and walked forward, not looking back at the twin demon cats. Ignoring them would be the best option as I walked back to my house. Upon entering my house, I closed the door and set the flower crowns down and grabbed my journal. Curiosity, such an old looking book was given to me by Wodahs.

Opening up the journal to the first page, there was neat handwriting, cursive, something that Ms. Grief or Mr. Lowrie doesn't teach. Who've journals was this before me? Such handwriting couldn't be mine. Mine wasn't this neat and well structured. Bringing the book with me over to my bed I opened the journal once more and started reading. These words the grammar. Could it be my ancestors? Then reading some more I found his name written at the bottom of the page. It is him. This is my ancestor's journal. So many things that I wanted to know about I can learn right here.

Reading on I somehow got distracted in the book:

Yosaflame's POV

Staring out at the bloodied battlefield I notice something in the far distance. A cloaked figure knifing an angel. Did one of their own turn against each other?  Shaking my head I headed back to the castle. Nothing can replace Wodahs' place. As he had left the previous year to become an ally of the White God. He wanted to know why he was abandoned and left to die, oh so many years ago. Sighing again as I was faced with Cranber eating another dead angel.

"Can you at least eat that in private or outside," I scowled as Cranber looked up at me. "Oh Flame~ back from patrolling already," she gave a light chuckle as she wiped her mouth, "Oh Lord Kcalb wishes to speak to you when you have returned." I nodded and started headed towards the throne room. Though being a devil myself, I am hiding from other devils who wish to cause harm to me and my twin. Gritting my teeth as I looked over at the window and saw the faint outline of the horizon. Soon night will fall and another battle will begin. Knocking on the throne room doors, I heard the gruff voice of Lord Kcalb as I entered the room. Blackness, the theme of this castle fitted the room perfectly. "Your back early," I nodded my head as Lord Kcalb stood up, "remember your sister, Yosaflame." 

"Yes, Lord Kcalb," I raised my head higher as I heard him mention my twin, "about her?" He sighed and handed out an envelope with a seal. A Phoenix curled into a circle. That's our crest. Our bond. The last Phoenix Devils. Taking the envelope I opened the letter and read the contents. "So the Death God has been taking great care of my sister and wishes for my consent to take her hand in marriage and settle the dispute about a phoenix devil not having a mate," I gave a light chuckle, "that's wonderful. Maybe I'll become an uncle way before I can have any of my own children." Kcalb grunted as he sat back down and crossed his arms, "it seems that your sister and her God have a peaceful world that can become quite the target of hate and others trying to destroy such things."

I looked up and sighed, "but you'll help either way due to the fact that the Death God saved you from your nightmare's." I watched as Lord Kcalb tensed and then relaxed. "Yes, I owe him that much, but only if he calls for it," he sighed as he gave the slightest waves as a curtain opened up, "I will not go against the wills of friendship and wait for an invitation. However, I think this was found in the green flames of your room." I looked over and saw a green crystal laying on a soft blanket. Is it already that time? Walking up to the crystal I looked at the bright flames inside as they danced around. "Is this natural?" I nodded and cradled the crystal, sighing I looked back at Kcalb. "Yes, a flame devil without realizing it will desire a young one and will create one by their own flames and care for such an infant until the young one is able to defend itself. I guess since we saw that girl I've had this feeling that I want to take care of a young one," I closed my eyes and rubbed the crystal, "now all that is left is to wait for the crystal to break and release the young one inside the flames."

"I see," I looked at Kcalb as he stood up, "I'll make sure it's under protection tonight as we put an end to this war. Either we kill one another or some miracle happens." Nodding my head as I watch as Kcalb created one of his black crystals and opened a side of the crystal. "Here, place the infant in here and if I were to die this crystal will find you or go straight to your sister. This will keep them safe and sound. I nodded my head and placed the crystal into Kcalb's black crystal as it disappeared, the sounds of trumpets and drums sounded in the distance. "So the time has come, Yosaflame let us end this meaningless war between us," Kcalb spoke as he looked out the shaded window.


Yosafire's POV

Shocked, I stared down at the last entry as I recognized the familiar handwriting of the Old Man's. Written down on the last sheet before my mindless entries were; the date, time, cause, and a long sorry note from the old man. All the information about my heritage all within a book. I was the green crystal. I was there that means the events already happened. Covering my mouth I looked at the page and started crying. I am the daughter of a Devil. A Phoenix Devil, at that. I need to keep this a secret. A secret from everyone. The only one that remembers would be the old man. So I am safe. Safe for now. But for how long?


2838 words counted

So I am thinking of changing the concept of the story and then going on for two more chapters and then head over to my one-shot book then maybe just maybe I'll finish up the stories that I put on hold and then create more stories that will revolve around some shipping's that I love from certain series and fanfictions. Welp, see ya on the flip side, bye!~

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