𝟏𝟒: 𝐖𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐕𝐚𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧

A/N: Title taken from the Ice Nine Kills song of the same name. However, unlike the movie that the song is based off, no one gets tortured.

It also hit me that I should have left Anthony and Rory as friends, where they slowly build up a relationship, and when Thea had the Grand Opening of the Dragonfly, Rory invites Anthony along, Dean sees them flirting, gets jealous. He realizes that Rory and Anthony headed to Rory's home for something. So, Dean sends Lorelai home, and she either finds them in bed together or the aftermath of them sleeping together and freaks out because she knows about Anthony's past. I like to think that during the course of the story, Dean would flirt with Rory, but she's not having any of it because she likes Anthony.

I have decided to have Anthony and Rory be endgame.

This chapter is mostly Rory-centric again. Next chapter will be Thea-centered.

Also, sorry about the time jumping around in this.

Rory asked Thea and her friends, "Hey, does 'small band of followers,' 'rain-soaked highway' and 'herd mentality' sound shady to any of you?"

Todd asked, "What do you mean by shady?"

"That it sounds like plagiarism," replied Rory.

"No," Thea replied.

"Why?" asked Sage.

"Because Doyle got after me for using those phrases," Rory said.

"You should do what my brother did to me as revenge," Anthony replied.

Paris leaned forward, "Okay, now I'm curious. What did he do?"

Anthony explained. "He gave me a letter and when I opened it, red glitter spilt everywhere in my room. The letter simply said, 'Congratulations, you're an asshole. You pissed someone off and your douchebaggery hasn't gone unnoticed.'"

"What did you do to deserve that?" asked Georgia.

"For some reason, my parents had this weird 'please keep off grass' sign in their yard and I broke it to where it read 'ease off ass' and blamed Blake for it. And he got grounded for it," Anthony replied. "So, he glitter letter bombed me in return."

"Seems like pettiness runs in the family," Aiden pointed out.

"That it does," Anthony replied.

Liberty asked, "How'd you find out it was from your brother?"

"I recognized his handwriting," Anthony replied.

Although, sometime later, Janet got a typed letter that ended up spilling blue glitter on the floor and the letter read, "Congratulations, you're a bitch. You pissed someone off with your exercise habits and your gigantic boyfriend. And it hasn't got unnoticed. Your trophy has come in the form of glitter. Enjoy."

And later, Doyle has received his own typed glitter letter, which read, "Congratulations on taking the Yale newspaper so seriously that you became an asshole. Your trophy has been enclosed in the letter in the form of glitter."

Then word spread about the glitter letters that it seemed like everyone started receiving their own and the administration had to send a mass email telling them to knock it off.

Trix had died, so there was a funeral for her.

Anthony had offered to go with Rory as support, who agreed to it.

Marilyn was an interesting person, Thea noticed. Although Marilyn oddly enough reminded Thea of Trix. Emily had ended up forcing Anthony into having a conversation with her, so he was distracted by Emily, while Thea, Rory, and Lorelai were sidetracked by Marilyn.

"And you two," Marilyn said, looking at Rory and Thea, "Am I possibly related to you both also?"

"Yes," Lorelai said. "These are my daughters, Rory and Thea."

"It is a thrill to meet you three," Marilyn said. "Horrible circumstances, I suppose. Anyway angels, tell me: when you were last over at your grandmother's house, did you possibly notice some darling little bar glasses?"

"No," replied Thea.

Lorelai asked, "Bar glasses?"

Marilyn said, "Crystal, with this little god-leaf pattern around?"

"No, I don't think so," Lorelai replied.

"Oh, well, I was just wondering," Marilyn said. "They weren't valuable, just sentimental. I used to admire them as a small child."

"Well, sure," Lorelai said. "What little kid doesn't have a fascination with bar glasses?"

Anthony had gotten away from Emily, "I mean you—"

"That's enough family stories out of you, mister," Lorelai told Anthony.

"Oh, Mom, let him talk," Rory said.

"I was going to say you can have a fascination with them if they're novelty glasses," Anthony said. "My mom has a collection of novelty bar glasses."

Marilyn told Lorelai, "Well, if you ever do see them—"

"Yes, I'll let you know," Lorelai said. "I–" She saw a passing server, "I'm sorry, I have to go check the caterer."

"Go, go, go," Marilyn said. Lorelai took off and Marilyn stepped up to the three college students, "I can visit with Rory, Thea, and—"

"Anthony," Rory said. "He's my boyfriend. Hey, I heard you talking about Gran in Egypt."

"Oh, she loved Egypt," Marilyn said. "Actually, she loved any place exotic. Did she ever tell you about the time she was stranded in Istanbul?"

"No," Rory replied. "Well, I actually didn't know her very well."

"Oh, that's a terrible shame," Marilyn said.

"I think so, too," Rory replied.

Marilyn looked at Anthony, "Lorelai doesn't seem to like you very much, does she?"

The reverend eventually came over.

"Reverend Wilder, hi," Lorelai said loudly. "Thank you so much for coming all the way up here from Florida to be with us. Gran would have been so pleased."

"Oh, thank you," Reverend Wilder said. "I was happy to do it. And you are?"

"I'm Lorelai Gilmore," Lorelai said.

"Didn't I just bury you?" asked Reverend Wilder.

"No, Reverend," Lorelai replied. "I'm the one who talked to you on the phone and I picked you up from the airport."

"Oh, really?" asked the Reverend.

"Yeah," Lorelai said.

Marilyn came over, "That was different Lorelai. This is her granddaughter. This is the reigning Lorelai."

"Oh, how nice," the reverend said to Marilyn. "And who are you?"

"This is Gran's niece, Marilyn," Lorelai said.

"You remember me from when I was younger," Marilyn said. "You married me to my first husband, Theodore."

The reverend said, "I did?"

"It would be easier on all of us if you can just pretend to remember," Marilyn said.

The reverend agreed, "Oh, well, that's probably a good idea."

Rory and Anthony walked by, but the reverend spotted them. "Hey, you, young man."

Anthony and Rory stopped in their tracks, and Anthony went up to the reverenced, "Yeah?"

"I remember you and your family," the reverend started. "You, your siblings, and cousins were playing hide 'n seek in the church. You couldn't find Nate—"

"Turned out he was hiding in the casket, and he popped out during the sermon, wondering why we didn't find him," Anthony finished. "We called the firefighters because we thought he locked himself in the restroom again."

"Whatever happened to him?" asked the reverend.

"He wore a flowerpot on his head to commit armed burglary of a convenience store, and also got charged for decent exposure because he mooned the camera," Anthony explained.

Lorelai spoke to Marilyn, "Oh, so he remembers that?"

"Well, that funeral does sound like a memorable experience," Marilyn pointed out.

Louise asked Rory, "Whatever happened to that boyfriend of yours?"

"Who?" Rory asked, "Dean?"

"How's Dean?" Louise said, "God, he was gorgeous."

"H seems fine," replied Rory.

"Is he still gorgeous?" asked Madeline.

Rory shrugged, "I suppose."

Louise asked, "You two aren't together?"

"I'm with somebody else," Rory replied.

"Really?" Louise asked, "To who?"

"Anthony," Rory replied.

"He's older," Paris told Madeline and Louise.

Louise was slightly surprised, "Oh really?"

"He's only twenty-six," Rory replied.

"He also been in jail for two years," Paris added.

"Paris," said Rory.

Louise asked, "For what?"

"Drug possession," Paris said.

"He was addicted to heroin for a couple of years and got busted because his housemate was murdered and he called in it," Rory explained. "He doesn't do drugs anymore."

"Wow," said Madeline.

Louise nodded at Rory, "Who knew you liked them bad."

"He stabbed a child molester in the eye," Paris added.

"I, too, would happily stab a child molester in the eye," Madeline said. "I would smile too."

"Lorelai didn't take it well," Paris said. "About the past drug addiction and conviction."

Madeline was confused, "Why would she freak out over that? Didn't she know?"

"That's the thing," Rory said. "She didn't. I didn't tell her about it and told him not to bring up any of that stuff because I thought if she and my grandparents knew him better, they would overlook his past. We kept that quiet for a couple of months."

"I think I would be mad too," Madeline admitted.

"She told me that she didn't want me seeing him anymore because I was lying to her," Rory said.

"Not lying if you're withholding information," Louise said.

"Exactly," Rory said. "In hindsight, I think she was more pissed that I didn't tell her that I was planning on losing my virginity to him. I only told her two weeks after I slept with him."

"You slept with him?" asked Madeline.

"Two months into the relationship," Paris said. "And she's been sleeping with him ever since."

"Gee, thanks," Rory told her, annoyed she was broadcasting her sexual history like that.

"I heard her trying to sneak back into the dorm room in the middle of the night," Paris added.

"I told you that I had something to do that was journalism related," Rory said.

Paris replied, "You gotta come up with a lie better than that, Rory."

"What were you really doing?" asked Madeline.

Rory groaned, "Okay, I overheard some girl telling her friend that she had sex with her boyfriend in the middle of campus in the middle of the night, so I managed to talk Anthony into having sex with me in a secluded area on campus."

"She also got arrested," Paris chimed in.

"Paris," Rory said affronted.

"What did you do?" asked Madeline, curious.

Rory almost groaned, "He told me that once I hear police sirens, run, and if I was asked, I have no connection with him and his family. I thought he was joking, but I got arrested just for being associated with him and his family."

"His family is notorious for getting arrested," Paris said.

Louise was in disbelief, "Really?"

Paris listed, "Murder, assault, burglary, graving robbing..."

"Look at you," Louise said to Rory, impressed. "Who knew that the Princess of Stars Hollow was such a bad girl behind that innocent face of yours. Tristan would've been so jealous."

Rory groaned at the mention of him, "Don't remind me of him, please." She realized something, "I can't believe it."

"What? Tristan wouldn't leave you alone and kept calling you Mary?" asked Madeline.

"No, I meant that you two have been to Stars Hollow twice and you both figured out quickly that they put me on a pedestal," Rory said.

Louise was confused, "What are you talking about?"

"A bit ago, I got a D on my paper and was told to drop a class," Rory explained. "I had a nervous breakdown and went to Anthony, and he told me that I was put on a pedestal and that the sun doesn't shine out of my butt, and that failing at something is good for me, so I won't fall apart when I get knocked down later in life."

Louise nodded her approval, "A man who's not afraid to say it like it is."

"I need to find me one of those," Madeline replied.

Louis asked, "Hey, if you and Anthony ever break up, can you send him my way?"

"After Miss Patty gets done with him first," Rory replied. "And Anthony doesn't drink or do drugs."

"That's okay," Louise said. "I do plenty enough for the both of us."

"Sorry, but I doubt Rory's going to let go of Anthony anytime soon," Paris said. "She's madly in love with him."

Rory was confused, "What?"

Paris looked at Rory, "Nice playing dumb act. It's obvious that you're in love with Anthony." Rory stayed silent, "Oh, I'm sorry you had to find out this way."

"You haven't even told him?" asked Louise.

"I'm not in love with him," Rory denied. "I just have...strong feelings for him."

"Someone's in denial," Paris muttered, taking a drink of her punch.

"There's nothing to be terrified of," Madeline replied.

"Yeah, sure your relationship with Dean didn't go well, but you were teenagers then," Louise said. "You're older now."

"It's just that he hasn't even said it first," Rory defended herself.

"You know, you don't have to wait for the guy to say, 'I love you' first," Madeline explained. "You can tell him first." She grabbed Rory's cell phone from her bag, "Ooh, better yet, call him and tell him."

"Madeline, no," Rory said, trying to grab her cell phone but Madeline moved out of the way. "He's probably busy."

"Or he's asleep, dreaming of you." Louise added, "Naked and on top—"

"Oh my god," Rory said, her face heating up.

"Oh, don't be embarrassed," Louise told her. "We're not virgins anymore."

"Ooh, it's ringing," Madeline replied. "Voicemail. Very sexy voice. Oops, I think it's gonna – it beeped." She held the phone out to Rory, "Tell him."

Rory put the phone to her ear, "Anthony, hi." There was giggling. "It's Rory. I'm sorry, but Madeline took my phone...I mentioned Madeline and Louise to you, but they're evil, and we were just talking about you. Um, hi. How are you? I'm gonna hang up now, so bye. Sorry, goodbye." She hung up and looked at Madeline, "I'm going to kill you."

"Why didn't you tell him?" asked Madeline.

"Because I don't want to tell him, 'I'm in love with you' over voicemail," Rory said. "I'd rather it be in person first. And I'm still going to kill you! Oh, my god, I'm so gonna kill you! It's going to be bad and death-like, and..." She faltered, "I'm gonna go for a walk because this punch is starting to live up to its name."

Rory and Paris sat on the beach together, "I have absolutely no desire to ever feel this way again. I don't understand how Anthony did it when he was in his early twenties."

"Let's go home," Paris said.

"How?" Rory said, "We're supposed to stay the rest of the weekend."

"Frequent-flyer miles, baby," Paris said.

"Cool. Peanuts," Rory said, "I'm in."

"Great," Paris said. "I'll call as soon as I can get up."

Rory spotted something in the ocean, "What's that?"

"What?" asked Paris.

Rory watched as the person crawled to get out of the water, "Oh my god! Glenn! What happened to you?"

Paris added, "The last time we saw you, you went to get a hot dog."

"Hot dog?" asked Glenn, emerging from the water. "Hot dog." He walked past them. "Hot dog." He started running up towards the beach in a weird zig zag pattern, screaming.

Rory smiled at Paris, "You gotta admit, it's been a pretty good trip."

Paris looked at her, smiled, and nodded once.

Rory looked at the water, kind of wishing that Anthony was there with her instead of Paris. She asked, "Hey, Paris?"

"Yeah?" replied Paris.

"I'm in love with Anthoy, aren't I?" asked Rory.

"Took you long enough," Paris replied.

Luke seemed rather grumpy – well, more than usual.

He slid a plate in front of Rory, "Do you want me to add more ketchup to your burger?"

"No," replied Rory.

"Are you sure?" asked Luke. "I got plenty of ketchup."

"I'm fine, Luke," Rory said. "I don't need any more ketchup."

"Are you really sure?" Luke said, "It's no problem. I can add more if you want."

"I'm fine," Rory replied. "I don't need—" She looked down at the shirt she was wearing. "Oh."

"Don't mind him," Jess said, coming over to slid Thea her plate. "He's just mad because he got arrested and was in jail for a few hours."

"Join the club," Anthony told Luke.

"I don't want no part of your Former Convicts Club," Luke said.

"We're getting shirts made," Anthony added.

"Oh god," Luke replied appalled at the thought of matching shirts.

Georgia asked, "Okay, but what the hell did you do?"

"Jessie's ex-fiancé showed up and they argued. He pushed her onto the ground, and I got mad, so I hit him...over...and over again," Luke said. "And he's pressing charges against me, and I don't have a damn lawyer."

"My family has a lawyer," Anthony said.

"Oh, do they now?" Luke said sarcastically.

Anthony shrugged, "She'll get you off on a self-defense charge and bury the story about what happened. Have your girlfriend show whatever injury that she got from her ex pushing her onto the ground and she'll do it for free. If that really bothers you, just give her a hamburger and fries, and she'll accept that as payment." 

Luke sighed, "All right, give her number." He looked at some scratches on Anthony's neck, "And what's with the scratches on your neck and arms?"

Thea looked at Anthony at the scratches on his neck and arms.

"My cat, Meatloaf, jumped over the shower rod while I was showering," Anthony said. "I screamed, my cat screeched and shredded the shower curtain. My parents heard that, and my dad walked in, saw me and the cat crying while under the shower spray and just walked out. He asked if I was doing okay mentally because I tried showering with my cat and asked if I needed to see a psychiatrist. He then described it as a scene from a sad French art film."

Luke just gave Anthony a blank expression, "Why do I even talk to you?"

"Because you tolerate me?" replied Anthony.

"Yeah, that's it," Luke said.

"I had another cat named Milkshakes for two days, but I gave her to my neighbor's daughter because Milkshakes was over there a lot," Anthony said. "It made that kid's day, so that made it better."

Rory rubbed his back because he loved that cat even though he had her for two days before giving her away.

Although Milkshakes did stop by to visit him for an hour before heading back home.

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