𝟏𝟑: 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬 (𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫)

A/N: Title taken from the Fame on Fire song of the same name.

Genuine question: should I keep Rory and Anthony together, or have them break up, so it can be Rory and Logan? 


Have Rory date them both? Like Logan tries to win over Rory but realizes that she really loves Anthony, but Logan knows that Rory also has feelings for him too.

Then Logan finds out that Thea is dating both Sage and Aiden, which makes Logan consider the possibility of turning the relationship that maybe there is a chance for him to get with Rory too. However, Rory is considering the idea of being in a polyamorous relationship with both boys.

Even though I really like Anthony, I can get rid of him.

"Oh, good, you're all here, so we can this up," Paris said. "I found these lying around and it must belong to one of you because who else would have clothing here? I ask you." She held up a jersey with the name Kleebold across the back, "Anyone? Anyone?"

"Paris," Janet started.

"Anyone? You know, maybe I misspoke," Paris said. She looked at the jersey, "It may not be a shirt. Anyone lose a car cover? Anyone? Anyone?"

Janet took the shirt from Paris, "Knock it off."

Paris said, "I'm just trying to find a nice way to tell you that your behemoth boyfriend is getting a little too comfortable around here. And I speak for everyone."

"Leave me out of this," Rory said.

"Me too, please," Tanna added.

Paris turned to Rory, "And what about your boyfriend?" She held up a gray shirt, "I don't recall ever seeing this shirt on you."

Rory took the shirt from Paris.

Paris spoke to Janet, "I just don't want to walk into our bathroom and find him sitting on the john shooting up steroids."

"He does not take steroids," Janet defended.

"You mean that unsightly girth is nature given?" Paris said, "He must curse God nightly."

"Enough!" exclaimed Janet.

Paris turned to Rory, "And you..."

"What did Anthony do to offend you?" asked Rory.

"Go visit him so I don't have to come back to find with a towel on his head, going, 'I am towel man,' again," Paris said, waving her arms in front of her like she saw Anthony do when she walked into the suite.

"I, for one, found that hilarious," Tanna said, holding a finger up.

"At least he was wearing clothes," Rory muttered. "It could've been worse."

Paris nodded, "True. He could've dropped a baby in the deep end of a pool this time."

Rory got a part time job swiping cards. She sucked at it, but especially when she was leaving voicemails to Lorelai.

Jess 'moved out' of Thea's suit and back in with Luke since Liz and T.J. were gone.

Lane decided that it was time to move out since she didn't actually go to Yale and temporarily moved in with Lorelai.

Thea was pretty sure that Rosalyn and Kira missed Jess and Lane, but it was crowded with two extras around.

Apparently, Rory and Anthony had a spat of some sort. Rory had to drop a class because she got a D, and she went to Anthony for comfort. He did comfort her, then proceeded to say, "Rory, I'm telling you this as a friend...I think it's good for you to find out that the sun doesn't shine out of your ass. I mean, yeah, Stars Hollow treated you as such, but failing at something is good for you. Because being on a pedestal is not a way to go through life and getting knocked down is a good way to prepare you for disappointment later in life. Better now than later."

Then Rory stormed away in a huff and Sage, who had heard the entire situation, looked at Anthony and said, "Well, you're not going to get laid for a month.

Anthony had said, "I'm well fucking aware of it."

Then Rory got a cold so there was that and Anthony brought her a can of soup to at least make some kind of amends with her, which Rory did accept.

Lane ended up moving out of the suite and into an apartment with Brian and Dave, (Lane got her own room while Brian and Dave were in the living room.

"What are you doing here?"

"Funny," Rory replied. "I was going to ask you the same thing."

"Ah, well, I thought I would transfer colleges and go to Hartford community college," Dean replied. "I picked up construction as a part-time job. So, what are you doing here?"

"I'm meeting my mom here," Rory said. "We're playing hooky today."

"The flower's a private joke for her?" asked Dean.

"You know me to well," Rory replied.

"Yeah, I do," Dean replied. "Better than Anthony, right?"

Rory cringed a little at that jab, "Oh, I mean, I wouldn't say that." At least, Anthony knew her intimately.

"What happened?" asked Dean.

"Oh, I just got a D and was told to drop a class," Rory said. "I kind of had a nervous breakdown and Anthony told me that's what happens when you've put someone on a pedestal most of their life. So, he told me that it's a good thing I find out that I'm nothing special than later in life. Gives me more time to embrace the disappointment and get used to it."

"Well, he's wrong," Dean said. "You are special." He took a few steps towards Rory, "And you are perfect."

Rory took a few steps back, "No, no. Anthony's right. I had a nervous breakdown because I got a D and was told to drop a class."

"Oh, yeah, like Anthony's perfect himself," Dean replied darkly.

"He isn't," Rory replied. "He knows he isn't perfect. I'd rather date someone who knows and accepts that he isn't perfect and is going to screw up a couple of times, over someone who pretends that they're perfect."

Dean knew that she had him there. He looked at Rory and said, "I like your earrings."

"Oh, thanks," Rory replied, touching a red heart. "Anthony gave them to me."

Dean hated them immediately.

Rory continued talking, "His aunt makes jewelry, so when I accidentally lost these really cute coffee mug earrings that he got me, he asked his aunt to make me a pair and she sent me these. But don't worry, as far as we both know, his uncle didn't rip the teeth off the dead to have his wife make them."

Confused, Dean asked, "What?"

"Nothing," Rory replied, quickly.

Lorelai, thankfully came in. "Rory? Rory? Rory?" She gasped at a large, gruff-looking construction worker, who jumped at Lorelai's gasp. "Rory! Rory! Rory!"

"Ha ha," Rory said dryly.

Lorelai spoke to the construction worker, "You're never going to attract a man looking like that."

"Hey," Rory said, slightly offended. "I already have a man and I'm over here, Biddy Bidster."

"Oh, bye," Lorelai went to Rory and hugged her, "Hi. Oh, you wore a rose."

"That was the agreement," Rory said.

Lorelai noticed the shirt Rory was wearing and the earrings, "Nice earrings my little Odd Goblin."

"Oh, this shirt was Anthony's, and his aunt made me these earrings because he asked her too," Rory explained. Anthony had watched her take the shirt from his closet and just smiled at her, because she thought she was being discreet.

Dean made a face because he actually liked the shirt that Rory had been wearing, then it turned out to be another thing that she got from Anthony.

Thea ended up running into Lorelai and Rory at the mall.

She was just trying to find something to give to Lane as a housewarming gift, because the others did.

Sage, Aiden, and Georgia got Lane candles, while Todd got them a desk organizer in the shape of a cassette tape, and Anthony got them a key hook that was in the shape of an amplifier.

Jess and Luke gave them food from Luke's.

Rosalyn got them plants, along with instructions on how to care for them.

Kira's older brother apparently was a woodcrafter and was making them a coffee table.

Paris got them a regular bookshelf.

So that left Thea trying to find Lane something cool, hence going to the mall.

She took a free sample from a man named Howard and then got dragged into going up the escalator with Emily.

On the up escalator, she spotted Lorelai and Rory, who were doing a poor job of hiding their faces.

"Lorelai, Rory!" called Emily, who spotted them too.

"Mom, Thea, hi," Lorelai greeted.

"Hi, Grandma," Rory greeted.

"Meet us up here," Emily told them, pointing to the landing.

"Oh, we're going down," Lorelai said.

"Meet us up here!" repeated Emily.

"Okay," Lorelai said. She and Rory started to walk up the down escalator.

Oh, god, thought Thea, embarrassed.

Impatiently Emily said, "Go down, then meet us up here!"

"Right," Lorelai replied. "Coming." She spoke to Rory when they got to the bottom. They turned and went up the up escalator.

"Hi," Lorelai and Rory greeted, when they got to the second floor.

"Wow," Lorelai added.

Emily asked, "What are you doing here?" She noticed Rory's shirt, "And what are you wearing?"

Thea looked at the Odd Goblin shirt, "Anthony's shirt?"

"Yeah, I borrowed it from him," Rory told Emily.

"That man has the oddest taste in clothes," Emily muttered. She spoke to Lorelai and Rory, "I thought you both were swamped with work."

Lorelai and Rory started stammering out half excuses, before Lorelai said, "We're playing hooky."

"You could've just said that from the beginning," Thea muttered.

"Agreed," Emily said. "How long have you been here?"

"I just got here," Thea said.

"I know that. I saw you walk in," Emily replied.

"Hour and a half," Lorelai told Emily.

Thea looked at them, "And you've got nothing?"

"We're just window-shopping," Rory defended.

Emily sounded incredulous, "Window-shopping?"

"Like Roz Russell and Ava Gardner," Lorelai said.

"What's the fun in that?" asked Emily.

"There's no fun in that," Rory admitted.

"We're thinking of suing Roz and Ava's estates," Lorelai said.

"Well, come on," Emily said to them, started to walk away.

"Oh, ah, where?" asked Lorelai, stopping Emily in her tracks.

"Shopping," Emily said. "Come on. Pip-pip." She started to walk away.

"Mom," Lorelai started. "We were just leaving."

"You're not leaving," Emily told them. "Now, come on."

"I guess we're following my mother," Lorelai told Rory.

Thea followed Emily, who looked back and stopped walking. Emily sounded exasperated, "Come on!"

"Coming!" called Lorelai.

While they tried to keep up with Emily, Rory told Thea about Dean working on the Dragonfly and transferring to a community college in Hartford.

Thea felt unsettled by that. They walked in a department store.

Lorelai sighed and said, "Uh, Mom, where's the fire?"

"We have a lot to get through," Emily said over her shoulder.

A saleswoman approached them, clearly having no problem in keeping up with Emily, "Mrs. Gilmore, did I know you were coming?"

"Not unless you're clairvoyant," Emily replied.

"What are looking for today?" asked the saleswoman.

"What are we not looking for?" Emily said, "This is my daughter, Lorelai, and my granddaughters Rory and Thea."

The saleswoman looked at them, "Nice to meet you."

"Same here," Lorelai said.

"Hi," Rory and Thea said in unison.

"What's new?" Emily said to the saleswoman, "I want a full report."

"We have a China set that just arrived still in its crate the screams 'Emily Gilmore'," the saleswoman stated.

"Hand-painted?" asked Emily.

"Designed in 1870 for the Shah of Persia – the finest," the saleswoman said. "Would you like to see it?"

"No need. Give me a set of twelve. Plus, soup tureens, sauce boats, the works." Emily asked, "What else?"

"Doreen," the saleswoman called out to an approaching woman.

Doreen showed them a glass ornament, which Emily glanced at, "That's gorgeous."

"From Giorgio Baldi's studio in Venice," the saleswoman explained, "They only made eighteen."

"Wrap them up," Emily replied.

"Right away," the saleswoman said and walked away.

Emily stopped in her tracks and Lorelai bumped into her. Emily chided, "Lorelai!"

"Your brakes lights were out," Lorelai replied.

Emily spotted a salesman, "You!" The salesman looked at her, "You've got Richard Gilmore's sizes on file. Pull the latest Brionis in an assortment of colors and charge them to our account."

"Yes, ma'am," the salesman said.

Rory whispered, "What are Brionis?"

"Suits and jackets," Thea replied.

"And it's six months of my car payments, plus a car," Lorelai whispered to Rory.

Emily continued talking, "Include accessories and three pairs of loafers – Italian. They should feel like butter. Make it four." She paused and added, "Hell, make it six."

"Yes, ma'am," the salesman said.

"And jewelry," Emily continued. "Add an assortment of jewelry appropriate for a man with a moustache?" She looked at Rory, "Rory, you're dating someone with facial hair. What jewelry does Anthony wear? Bracelets, pinkie rings?"

"He doesn't," Rory replied.

"Add it anyway," Emily told the salesman. "And a moustache comb – the most expensive one you've got."

"I will look," the salesman said. "Excuse me." He walked away.

Emily continued her stroll.

"Uh, Mom," Lorelai started.

"Keep up," Emily told them.

Lorelai asked, "Does Dad even want any of this stuff?"

"He doesn't know what he wants, Lorelai," Emily replied. "So, I choose what he wants." She stopped and looked at a globe. To a salesman, she said, "Excuse me?"

The salesman went to her, "Yes?"

Emily pointed at the globe, "I want this."

"I'm sorry, ma'am," the salesman said. "That is just a display. It's not for sale."

"Everything's for sale," Emily told him.

"I will take care of it," the salesman said and hurried away.

"Mom," Lorelai started. "Dad does not need another globe."

"Then Rory and Thea can share it or give it to Anthony. They can use a globe," Emily said, before walking away.

Thea looked at the globe, "I think that's a made-up country."

"Come on," Lorelai urged them.

"It doesn't even have California," Rory added.

They walked through the store to the women's accessories department.

"Start picking," Emily told them.

Lorelai was confused, "Start picking what?"

Emily gestured, "Everything, anything."

"Mom, we don't have any money," Lorelai told her.

"It's on your father," Emily replied.

Rory started, "But Grandma—"

"Some help, please," Emily interrupted, beckoning to a nearby saleswoman. She looked at Rory and snapped her finger, "You like hats?"

"Uh, kind of," Rory replied.

A third saleswoman came up to them.

Emily pointed at a black-and-white hat with a bow, "That one." She spoke to the saleswoman, "Put it on her."

"Ooh," Lorelai giggled as the hat was placed on Rory's head.

"I like it," Emily said.

The saleswoman from earlier came up to them, "These scarves all match and of course you'll need gloves."

"We'll take them," Emily said and walked on to the jewelry counter.

Lorelai spoke to Rory, "Hey, see those marbles rolling on the floor? They're Mom's. They spilled out of her head."

Rory looked in the mirror, "I do like the chapeau."

"I do to," Thea said. "Wear a black and white dress to go with it."

Lorelai took the hat off, "Do not get sucked in! This is craziness!"

"It's just a hat," Rory said as Lorelai placed the hat on the display.

"It's a symbol," Lorelai said. "We don't know what it's symbolizing. Resist."

"She's just upset spending," Thea replied. "I've seen Francine do something like that when she found out that Christopher hasn't been helping take care of Gigi."

"Lorelai!" called Emily.

Lorelai groaned and went to the jewelry counter with Emily, while a saleswoman went up to Rory to have her look at scarves.

Thea would've thought that Lorelai would've been excited to go on a spending spree.

"You need a watch," Emily told Lorelai.

"I don't wear a watch," Lorelai replied.

Emily asked, "Do you have a watch?"

"No," Lorelai replied.

"Then you need a watch," Emily told her. She looked at the saleswoman, "These don't have diamonds. Which ones have diamonds?"

"Next display," the saleswoman told them.

Thea looked at the jewelry while Lorelai and Emily bickered about the watch. Thea looked at a hot air balloon necklace, that had a dragonfly pendant on it, "That's a pretty necklace."

"She'll take that necklace," Emily told the saleswoman. She looked at a necklace that had diamonds in it, "And that one too."

The saleswoman got the necklaces and the watch.

After more reckless spending, they ended up in the shoe department.

"Are you keeping track?" asked Lorelai.

"I lost count," Rory admitted.

"She bought me four cocktail dresses, two evening gowns, and if I'm not mistaken, eight maids a-milking," Lorelai said.

"By the way, she bought you a wedding dress when you weren't looking," Rory said. "Vera Wang."

Lorelai stopped Rory, "Why didn't you stop her?"

"Well, how do you stop a top from spinning around?" asked Rory.

"Smack it from the top," Thea said.

Rory seemed confused, "You want me to smack Grandma from the top of her head?"

"You said it," Thea defended.

"This is too much," Lorelai said.

"Girls," Emily called. "Keep up."

"Mom," Lorelai started.

"Stop dawdling and start picking some shoes," Emily told them.

Lorelai started, "Mom—"

"These Manolo Blahniks would look great on you," Emily said, handing Lorelai some heels.

Lorelai now looked interested and started imitating Gollum, "Oh, me wants them, my precious."

"You told me to resist," Rory said.

"Yeah, but that's before I saw these," Lorelai said. "These are works of art. They should be in the Louvre."

Thea went to look for shoes. She eventually found three pairs, two of which were the same, just in different colors. 

She took the boxes of the shoes and went up to Emily who was talking to a saleswoman.

"Well, give me the four today and ship the rest overnight, whatever the cost," Emily told the saleswoman.

"Yes, ma'am," the saleswoman said and took off.

Emily looked at the shoes that Thea held. "Oh, those are pretty. Get me the same three pair." She told Thea her shoe size and Thea was sent on her way to find Emily the shoes.

"Mom, a quick word," Lorelai said.

Thea found the shoes, but it sounded like Emily was getting frazzled as her voice started rising, "Crazy? You think this is crazy?"

Lorelai started, "Okay, Mom—"

"This isn't crazy!" yelled Emily.

Lorelai started, "I didn't mean to—"

"That stupid moustache is crazy! That's what's crazy! Your father's job is crazy! That's what's crazy! He was supposed to be slowing down and now he's club-hopping with Jason and hanging out with Moby and having secret lunches with women and lying about it!" yelled Emily.

"Mom, calm down," Lorelai coaxed.

"Why should I calm down?" yelled Emily. "Are you on his side? Do you like that moustache?" She turned to Rory, "And you! Do you like the stubble that Anthony has?"

"I have no problem with it," Rory replied.

Thea tried not to laugh because Rory's only complaint was the thigh-burn afterwards, but that was a price she was willing to pay.

"I'm not taking sides," Lorelai said to Emily.

Emily declared, "I should go to bars! I should hang out with Moby! He'd hate that!"

"Mom," Lorelai started, "I'm just suggesting that you slow down on the shopping. This doesn't have to be a whole big thing."

"Why do I need to slow down?" Emily continued ranting, "This is what I do, according to Richard. And he's not slowing down. He's got a whole new life. He's got Pennilyn Lott, he's got Digger, he's got a moustache! He's got all that and what do I have? Maybe I should get a job so I can my own life. I could sell shoes here just as well as Eduardo. I can sell food at the bakery that Thea owns, just as well as whoever is selling food there."

"Ethan, Craig, and Dave," Thea piped up.

"Thea, get me an application," Emily told Thea. She turned to the salespeople, "Get me an application! Go, go!"

Lorelai tried, "Mom—"

"I hate that moustache, and he refuses to shave it!" yelled Emily.

"Mom let's take a break," Lorelai tried again.

"I don't want a to take a break!" declared Emily.

"Well, we do, and my feet are killing me," Lorelai said.

"Well, then get some new shoes like Thea!" snapped Emily.

"Come on," Lorelai said, pushing Emily towards the exit.

"Wait, let me buy those shoes for Thea first," Emily said.

"If she doesn't, I'm pretty sure I'll end up in handcuffs," Thea whispered to Rory.

"Like, sexually or legally?" asked Rory. Thea gave Rory a strange look while Lorelai allowed Emily to pay for the shoes. Rory smiled secretively and said lowly, "I talked Anthony into buying a pair of handcuffs. I'm trying to talk him into having sex with me in a stairwell at Yale."

"Too much info," Thea said, a little scandalized at what Rory told her.

"How else do you think I caught that cold?" Rory said, "I talked him into having sex with me on campus in the middle of the night. It was a secluded area though, but still."

"Again, too much info," Thea replied, a little astonished at how Rory branched out into doing that.

Thea changed into her new pair of shoes, the pair that had the black, blue, and white butterflies on them, before they headed for the food court.

"Where are we going?" asked Emily.

"Right around the corner here," Lorelai said.

"We really should have taken our bags," Emily stated.

"They said they'd hold them," Lorelai replied.

Emily said, "I'm totally turned around. Where are we?"

"You'll smell it in a second," Rory said, as they entered the food court.

Thea wasn't entirely sure how Emily couldn't tell they were in a food court.

When they fully entered the court, Emily gasped at the sight, "What is this?"

"We're in the food court," Thea said.

"How long has this been here?" asked Emily.

"You've never been to the food court, Mom?" asked Lorelai.

"No," admitted Emily.

"Where do you eat when you go shopping?" asked Thea.

"I leave and go to a restaurant," Emily replied.

Lorelai asked, "With this Valhalla of international cuisine so close?" They went to sit down at a table.

"But it's cafeteria-style," Emily replied.

"That's the fun," Rory said.

Lorelai went to a table, "Here. Best table in the house."
Emily pointed out, "It's plastic."

"Plastic is a vital part of our bright tomorrow," Rory said.

"Soon, we'll all be living in plastic houses," Lorelai added.

"On the moon," finished Rory.

Emily turned to Thea, "What are they talking about?"

"I don't know," Thea replied. "I learned not to question thirteen years ago when I was six."

"We're just pulling your leg, Grandma," Rory said as she and Lorelai started taking off their coats. Rory had put the Odd Goblin shirt over a striped long sleeve shirt.

"Well don't do that," Emily said.

Lorelai asked Emily, "So, what are you in the mood for?"

"I don't know," Emily replied.

"I want Mexican," Rory replied.

"I kind of feel like Moroccan and Chinese," Lorelai stated.

Rory looked at Thea, "What about you?"

"I was going for Japanese," Thea said.

"So, smorgasbord," Rory replied.

"Yeah, come on," Lorelai said.

"Wait," Emily said. "Here." She tried to hand over a credit card.

"OH, no, Mom," Lorelai declined. "Moe Moroccan Palace does not take credit cards."

Emily seemed incredulous, "You're kidding."
Lorelai said, "It's on us." She whispered to Rory and Thea, "Keep an eye on her. Make sure she doesn't wander off."

"So, body slam the grandma when she wanders off? Got it," Thea joked. 

Lorelai took a phone call while they approached the table with food trays.

They sat down at the table, setting the trays on the table.

"What is all this?" asked Emily looking at the food.

"It's lunch," Rory said as a mall employee set a tray down. "Thanks, Lou."

"I got a little something from everywhere," Lorelai explained.

"I wouldn't know where to begin," Emily said, looking at all the food.

"Well, start at the top and stop when you hit table," Lorelai replied.

Emily looked at all the food, "I Had no idea so many different kinds of foods came on sticks."

Rory explained, "Well, some come on sticks, like the hot dogs and the fried cheese dipped in batter, but others are technically kabobs."

Emily looked at the cups, "What's in the cups?"

"Well, you got your soda, your iced tea, root beer, lemonade," Lorelai explained.

Emily took a cup, "I'll try this."

"Ah, Orange Julius," Lorelai said.

"A classic," Rory said as Emily took a drink.

"Oh my," Emily said, surprised. "That's very good. Your father and I know a man who owns a couple dozen of these stands as part of his holdings. Now I can sincerely tell him I like his product."

"I think one of Anthony's cousins got stabbed at a food stand," Rory said. Emily and Lorelai "Or did one his cousins stab a seller at a food stand?" She tried to think about it, "I think they stabbed each other."

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure that they stabbed each other," Thea agreed.

"Should ask him," Rory replied. "Oh, we forgot napkins." She stood up.

"Get some more little pepper thingies, please," Lorelai told Rory, who nodded.

Thea tuned out Emily and Lorelai talking, trying to think of what to get Lane, Dave, and Brian for their apartment.

Rory came back, "I got pepper, I got napkins, I got Lou's phone number." She spoke to Lorelai, "He asked me to give it to you."

"Oh, I'm privileged," Lorelai joked.

"What'd I miss?" asked Rory.

"I was just admiring your mother's life," Emily replied.

"Oh, I do that daily," Rory said.

They all smiled, and Thea looked at a napkin that was under a cup – like a coaster.

"Coasters!" yelled Thea, causing Emily and Lorelai to look at her. "Sorry. I just figured out what to get Lane, Dave, and Brian for their apartment."

Thea ended up buying vinyl record coasters for the apartment.

Lane honestly appreciated the coasters and the other stuff that they had gotten her.

"What are you doing here?" Luke asked Dean.

Dean said, "Wait. Hold on." He played the arcade game and lost. He lightly hit the arcade machine. He turned to Luke, "Yeah?"

"What are you doing back here, Dean?" asked Luke.

"Playing some arcade games," Dean replied, like it was obvious.

"He's the reigning champ of every game in here," Joe explained.

"Wow," replied Luke. "But I meant back in Stars Hollow."

"I like Stars Hollow," Dean replied. "I'm not letting Sage scare me off that easily with his harassment campaign. And I'm not in here that much. My roommate likes to have his girlfriend over, so I come here after dinner to get away from them."

"You know, Rory has a boyfriend, right?" asked Luke.

"Yes, Luke," replied Dean. "I know all about her junkie boyfriend."

"Former addict," Luke corrected.

Dean asked, "Does it really matter?"

"Yes, it does," Luke replied. "He doesn't do drugs anymore. He doesn't even drink alcohol and he refuses aspirin."

"I don't get it," Dean replied. "Would you let Liberty date someone like Anthony?"

"As long as he's clean and trying his damnedest not to spiral into addiction again," Luke replied. "And Libby is dating the son of a notorious bank robber." And Paris, but Dean didn't need to know that.

"Just tell me this, Luke." Dean asked, "Is Rory in love with Anthony?"

Luke shrugged, "I can't tell you that, Dean." He was pretty sure that Rory held some strong feelings for Anthony.

Dean asked, "Just what does she see in him?"

Luke shrugged again, "He's a good person."

Dean laughed, "Who went to prison."

"Jail," Luke corrected. "The only person he hurt was himself." And a child rapist, Luke mentally added. He had heard that story from Babette, who spoke of the story like she had been there, living the story.

Dean just shook his head, "Does it really matter?"

"Just leave them alone, Dean," Luke said. "Rory isn't a trophy for you and Anthony to compete over." He knew that Anthony wouldn't even try. If Rory still harbored feelings for Dean, Anthony would let Rory go back to Dean, because that was emotional maturity, something that Dean hasn't developed yet.

"I'm not here for Rory," Dean replied.

"Then leave or move on," Luke replied. "Don't chase after Rory since she's dating someone else. Don't make things worse for yourself."

He left the arcade to go back to the diner. He really hoped that Dean didn't do anything stupid.

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