𝟎𝟕: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐀𝐫𝐭 𝐅𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐥
"How's the New Girl at the bakery?" asked Anthony sitting at the table that Thea was sitting at.
"She would be fine, if she didn't drop three finished cakes," Thea said. "The woman is terrified of taking things out of the oven after she got burned on the oven rack."
"Just as long as you don't use butter on the burn, she'll be fine," Sage said. He remembered his arm getting burned in the oven and his mother using butter to draw out the heat, which didn't work. He still had the burn on his forearm.
Anthony asked, "So...?"
"I really don't want to fire her," Thea replied. "She's just a trainee."
"Even though Craig and Dave didn't drop the cakes," Sage replied.
Georgia, Aiden, Paris, Liberty, and Rory came over to their table.
Eventually, Todd came over and flopped down in a chair, "I feel so stupid. I went to the wrong lesson."
Liberty rubbed his shoulder, "It's okay. I went out into the hall with no shirt and bra on and got stared at by people before I realized what happened."
"If you ever feel stupid, you should hear the story of how the government released my Great-Aunt Ruth who was on death row because she murdered sixteen men."
"Okay," Paris said, scooting her chair forward a little. "You got me curious to know more about why they released her."
Anthony started explained, "Okay, so she was a sex worker and she said some men would say gross things to her like, 'you look like my daughter.'"
"Okay, I would resort to murder too," Georgia said, disgusted.
"Yeah, and some said, 'you look like my niece' and others said, 'you look like my sister'," Anthony explained.
"I really understand where she's going from," Liberty said, disgusted.
"Yeah, those men who said those things get the worst of it," Anthony stated."The police thought there were two different serial killers due to the nature of it. Like, she also murdered married men so their wives and children can get life insurance money. And she also stole the money that they had on them."
"Ah, well, she's going to jail for killing somebody," Aiden said. "Might as well rob their asses." Aiden was clearly thinking of Scary Movie.
Thea, Georgia, Sage, Aiden, Todd and Liberty started snickering at the reference.
"Yeah, true," Anthony agreed, clearly not getting the reference.
Not even Paris or Rory for that matter understood it.
Thea had to remind herself to show Anthony and Paris the movie.
Anthony explained, "So, she got caught, she confessed to the murders, and she was sentenced to death row for it. Some investigators thought they found some evidence that meant that Great-Aunt Ruth was innocent for the crimes, because there's false confessions all the time and some of it didn't line up with the timeline of the crimes. So, they released her and she was given money for being falsely imprisoned. So, she hauled ass out of there and like two weeks later, they realized that, 'Oh, shit, we released a serial killer.' And they couldn't do anything about it because they can't rearrest her because of double jeopardy laws."
"The justice system at its finest," Aiden said.
Kirk apparently got a girlfriend, judging from the way he kept saying, 'my girlfriend.'
"Excuse me," Kirk started. "Can my girlfriend and I sit here? This is my girlfriend."
"Should we be nervous about this?" asked Babette.
"I don't know," Andrew said. "Did Taylor tell anyone why he called an emergency meeting?"
"He said nothing to me or my girlfriend," replied Kirk.
"You have a girlfriend now?" asked Sage in mock surprise.
"Who knew?" asked Aiden with equal mock surprise.
"He's speaking with the enthusiasm of a thirteen-year-old boy who got his first girlfriend," Anthony said in a low whisper to Rory.
Rory had brought Anthony with her, so she can introduce Anthony to Lorelai. She had to tell Anthony not to tell Lorelai about the former addiction and arrest so Lorelai can get to know him better before knowing about that whole other aspect of Anthony.
"You speaking from experience?" asked Rory.
"Yeah," admitted Anthony. "My whole one day girlfriend."
"What happened?" asked Rory.
"She dumped me, but she said that I was the best boyfriend out of the eight other boyfriends she had that week," Anthony explained. "And it was only Monday."
"I can't remember the last town emergency meeting he called," Miss Patty said.
"Me and my girlfriend can't either," Kirk said.
Lane came in and went over to Thea and her friends, "We might have found the most amazing guitarist. He sounded cool over the phone and we decided that we're meeting him tomorrow."
"Glad you found someone," Georgia told Lane.
"I don't want to get my hopes up," Lane replied.
"I don't either," Thea said. She was happy for Lane.
Lane continued explaining, "I've already figured out that our Spin cover should be against a blood red backdrop with a skull hovering over us."
"I can't tell if that woman's staring at me or Anthony," Rory said, looking at the woman.
"Oh, Mrs. Van-uppity?" Lorelai said to Anthony, "Well, maybe Rory's just her type."
"Hate to break it to you," Anthony said, "But there are people who swing both ways. Maybe she's checking me and Rory out."
"All right, cool it, Stud," Rory said.
Anthony looked behind him at Sage and said, "Or maybe she's checking Sage out."
Sage looked over at the woman, "Damn." He nodded, "She's good looking."
Thea held back a laugh.
Taylor came in, "People, thank you for assembling on such short notice."
"What's up, Taylor?" asked Babette.
"My girlfriend was wondering that, too," Kirk said.
Taylor started explaining, "As you know, every year, one lucky town in Connecticut gets to host the Festival of Living Pictures, a show which presents onstage recreations of famous works of art – statues, painting, et cetera, with real people posing as the figures in the art. We hosted it seven years ago – successfully, I might add."
"Yeah, it was a blast," Babette said.
"Definitely," Lorelai agreed.
"My girlfriend's gonna love this," Kirk said.
Thea rolled her eyes at Kirk's 'my girlfriend' comment. It was beginning to get aggravating.
"The town of Woodbury was supposed to host it this year, but because of recent flooding, they canceled at the last minute and I offered Stars Hollow to be the host." Taylor asked, "How does that sound?"
"Cool," said Rory.
"Yeah," Babette agreed "Sign us up."
"Yeah, Taylor, you finally did something right." Miss Patty flirted, "Your beard is so sexy."
"How much time do we have?" asked Andrew.
"One week," Taylor said. "And as per tradition, we need to come up with one original recreation to go with all the others that are in the show every year."
"Well, that's not a lot of time," Miss Patty said.
"Yeah, Taylor," agreed Lorelai. "Is it even possible?"
"Well, it'll have to be," Taylor said. "I've already assured Hank, who is the Taylor Doose of Woodbury, that we'd take it over successfully. It's a challenge, people, but doable. Now, I would like to introduce you to a key player in our execution of this endeavor, the head of the Connecticut Arts Council, Buff Otis."
The woman, Buff, stood up.
"Hey, it's your future wife," Lorelai joked to Rory.
"Shut up," Rory replied.
Taylor asked, "Would you like to say a few words, Mrs. Otis?"
"Your enthusiasm..." started Buff. "Shocks me."
"Is that good?" asked Lorelai.
"Hard to tell," replied Rory.
"It might be," Lane said.
"Scary broad," Babette said to Andrew, who nodded.
"I will be managing the event and emceeing," Taylor said. He said, "Uh, Miss Patty, you will be stage-managing. Uh, Lorelai, if you could help organize the costumes?"
"I'm here for you and your sexy beard, Taylor," Lorelai said.
Taylor added, "Uh, Thea, would you mind helping out by making refreshments?"
"Um, sure," Thea replied.
That must've been the wrong thing to say, because it felt like everyone turned to her and started demanding what they wanted.
Georgia yelled, "She'll make whatever she wants and you'll like it!"
The demands subsided and Jess looked at Georgia with hearts in his eyes, because he was clearly in love with her.
Taylor continued, "Um, everyone should sign up now if you want to be considered to be cast in one of the recreations. Mrs. Otis and I will make the final decisions."
Babette looked at Lorelai, "Hey, you're gonna be the girl in that Renoir painting again, right? You were such a doll in that."
"Oh, I'm sure I can be persuaded," Lorelai said.
"This is an enormous challenge, people," Taylor continued. "But I saw we do it and do it well. Meeting adjourned."
As they started standing up, Lorelai touched Rory's arm, "Wait."
"Why?" asked Rory.
"I want to see if she asks you out," Lorelai joked.
Rory groaned and rolled her eyes.
"You want your usual?" asked Luke.
"Yes, please," Rory said. "Maybe I'll be a backstage person this year. There's less pressure. You don't have to get made up and...." She noticed something out the window and Anthony turned to look. Taylor and Buff were staring at them – more importantly, Rory – through the diner window. They even had a piece of paper. "What are they doing?"
Lorelai started, "Well, I bet she's coming to—"
"Hey," Rory cut in. "No more inappropriate lesbian references, please." She had ended up meeting 'Tits McGee', who's name was Keira, who's type was definitely Rory and not Anthony, like Rory had originally thought when she thought she saw Keira flirting with Anthony.
"What's wrong with lesbians?" asked Anthony. He looked at Lorelai, "Do they threaten you somehow? All you have to do, when one starts flirting with you, is say, 'I'm flattered, but I'm straight' and they'll apologize and leave you alone. Hell, some lesbians are cool. Three of my former housemates were lesbians. One certainly outdrank all of us when we played Under the Table'."
Lorelai cut in, "Okay, what the hell is Under the Table?"
"It was a drinking game," Anthony said. "We would lay out money on the table, and then we go under the table, stand up, take a drink of something alcoholic on the table, then get back under the table, stand up, drink, repeat, until only one person remains standing. They get the money and have to supply the alcohol for the next game."
"Why are they former housemates?" asked Lorelai.
Anthony looked at Rory, who gave a slight shake of her head. "Oh, you know. I decided that my parents were right and I should go to college because my younger brother graduated and I wasn't there to see it."
Lorelai had the funny feeling that Anthony just lied to her – and Rory clearly knew he was lying. She looked at Taylor and Buff, "You know what? I bet you're in line for the new painting they're cooking up."
"I feel like a used car," Rory said.
"At least they're not checking under your hood," Anthony joked.
Rory shoved his shoulder – not hard. "That was gross." She looked at Taylor, who said something. "What?"
"Turn to the side," Taylor said, moving his head to demonstrate. He pointe at his face, "We need to see your profile."
"Just what I thought," Lorelai said.
"This is a violation of my civil rights," Rory said.
Anthony was going to say something, but didn't.
"You better do what John Ashcroft says or they may just follow us home," Lorelai told Rory.
"Unbelievable," Rory said, turning her head.
"Other way," Taylor told Rory. "Other way."
"I'm a Yale student for God's sake," Rory said to Lorelai, before turning her head.
"Think of it as practice for getting a mugshot," Anthony said.
"Thank you," Taylor said.
"Crazy, doofus town," Rory said.
"Yeah," agreed Lorelai.
Dave had to leave the bakery a bit early because he had to meet up with the new guitarist and singer that was supposed to arrive for a rehearsal, and Thea was fine with it.
Dave had wanted apple rose puff pastries and cheesecake crescent rolls for the refreshments.
Eventually, Craig and Ethan came around to the idea.
Lane ended up calling Thea because she wanted Thea to come check out the new guy, who was amazing.
Thea took with her some banana pudding cookies for the band to eat while they took a break.
When she got to the garage, she held out the plate, "Here, have these." Dave, Brian, and Lane went for the cookies, while Gil, Thea was sure that was the man's name, stared confused.
Thea looked at Gil, "I work at a bakery." She handed over the leftover cookies to Gil.
"She owns the bakery," Lane corrected Thea. Of course Lane was proud of Thea.
Gil nodded, "Nice." He picked up a cookie from the plate and looked at one.
"These are banana pudding cookies," Thea told Gil.
Gil nodded in approval, "Innovative." He took a bite of the cookie and nodded his approval again, "These are rockin'."
"Thanks," Thea replied.
"I own a sandwich shop in Salisbury," Gil told her.
"Cool," Thea replied.
"You know, you can partner up with my sandwich shop by selling your cookies there," Gil started. "Obviously, your bakery will make a profit too."
"It's an hour and a half drive though," Thea pointed out.
"It'll be worth it, especially if people decide to head over to Stars Hollow to come to the bakery," Gil told her.
Brian seemed a bit confused over the business deal and asked Dave, "Seriously?"
Dave shushed him, because it also kind of concerned him because he worked there.
Thea considered it. It would be good if people visited Stars Hollow if they want to go see what else the bakery offers. "Sure." She and Gil shook hands on it.
Thea hung around the garage to watch Gil's audition.
He was intimidatingly good at the guitar. He certainly had Dave and Brian beat but that had to do with his age. He had more years on them but Thea was sure that Gil being a part of the band would be good for Hep Alien. He would lead them in the right direction.
Rory came into the garage while the band was playing. She clearly took in Gil's appearance – or his guitar abilities. He clearly intimidated Brian.
Gil did some kind of jump before finishing with his own mini guitar solo. Rory clapped for him.
"Really tight, guys, but it's getting late," Gil said. "I gotta go."
"Yeah, got to beat the traffic," Thea agreed.
"Hey, uh, Gil, this is my other friend, Rory," Lane said, standing up. "She's Thea's twin sister and it's their house."
"Hey, you guys sound great," Rory stated.
"Don't you think?" Gil said, "These guys are gonna be as good as Pink Floyd."
"Sure," Thea said as Gil started putting his guitar up.
"Well, Lane, you got my number?"
"Yeah, Gil, I've got your number," Lane said.
"Great," Gil said. "So, we'll talk later?"
"We'll talk later," Lane said.
Gil looked at Thea, "Thea, I got a challenge for you – key lime cookies. I'll email you about the partnership when I get home."
"Okay and I'll have a batch ready the next time I see you," Thea said.
"Take it easy," Gil said.
"Bye," Lane and Thea said in unison as Gil took off.
"Rory, Thea, I want to hear what you both have to say," Lane said.
"He's great," Rory said.
"And experienced," Thea added.
"And, um, Babette thinks he's really cute, so she's got dibs, and, um, he moves great. The jump was cool," Rory said.
"It kind of was," Dave agreed.
"And I think he'll be great for the band," said Thea.
"Well, he's our only prospect," Lane added.
"And he's old," Dave added.
"I don't think he's that old," Rory said.
"You're dating a twenty-six-year old man," Lane pointed out.
"I know," Rory replied.
"Who was a former heroin addict," Dave pointed out.
"I know that too," Rory replied.
"So, is Gil going to be part of the band or not?" asked Thea.
Dave seemed to be considering, "I vote 'yes.'" He looked at Brian.
"I say go for it," Brian replied. "I don't want to hear any more bad guitarists." He looked at Lane.
"I guess it's decided then," Lane said. "I'll tell him later."
"That'll be a good idea," Thea said. "I can picture him getting excited and accidentally crashing into a billboard."
"Yeah, I don't want our new guitarist to be put in the hospital," Lane agreed.
"Better start looking into a recipe for key lime cookies," Dave told Thea, who nodded.
Thea had spent her evening going over details with the partnership with Gil. They agreed that Thea gets 60% of the profit her cookies make because someone had to deliver the cookies and Weston's was making the cookies. Then Gil decided to fax over a contract.
Honestly, she should be getting extra credit in her business class just for this alone.
Then she had to figure out key lime cookies, which she tested on her suitemates Rosalyn and Kira, who seemed like they grew tired of the cookies. So, she passed the cookies off onto Aiden and Todd and their suitemates. She then passed the cookies off onto Sage, Anthony, and their suitemates. Libby and Georgia and their two suitemates seemed like they got tired of the cookies.
At least Anthony was brutally honest in his assessment of the cookies, because Sage and Aiden seemed like they were trying hard not to hurt her feelings.
Then Thea tried out Paris, Rory, Tana, and that one woman who's name Thea forgot.
Paris was very thorough in her assessment of the cookies and gave Thea a C+: bonus points for effort.
Eventually, Thea finally figured out a way to make the cookies.
At least this time, everyone actually enjoyed the cookies.
Although Sage and Aiden loved the cookies a little too much, judging from the hickies they left behind.
The apple rose puff pastries, cheesecake crescent rolls, and key lime cookies were a hit.
Jessie, Thea, and Dave were manning the stand, while Ethan and Craig made more at the bakery. Elowen (who somehow landed a job at the bakery) was playing delivery woman and delivered the food (she decided to deliver the cookies to Salisbury).
Taylor was speaking, "Ladies and gentlemen, I am Taylor Doose. Welcome to the 43rd annual Connecticut Festival of Living Pictures." There was applause. "As you may know, the town of Woodbury was supposed to host this year's festival, but due to their recent flooding, Woodbury backed out. They got a little moisture over there and basically said, 'oh, well, whatever, never mind.' But the town of Stars Hollow was happy to step in because this vital tradition must continue." There was applause. "The Festival of Living Pictures has a storied history..."
"This Taylor guy," Jessie started. "He likes the sound of his voice."
"Yeah," Thea agreed.
Taylor continued speaking, "Our first tableau was created by the talented craftsmen in our little town. It is a painting by the Italian master Girolamo Parmigianino. He was born in Parma and was of the mannerist school, becoming a master portraitist, blending the sensual style with the classical style of Raphael, as you can see in his Portrait of a Young Girl Named Anthea."
Luke swung by the food stand, "I understood all of those words separately."
Jessie did seem to brighten a considerable amount. Dave nudged Thea, as if wanting to know if she noticed too.
Thea looked at Dave and gave him a slight nod, because yeah, she noticed too.
Luke took a cheesecake crescent roll.
"I thought you didn't want to be a part of this thing," Thea told Luke.
"I don't," Luke replied. "I'm just here because I really like these things." He held up the cheesecake crescent roll.
"You do know that we're also selling them at the bakery," Dave pointed out
"I'm just here to see how Thea is doing," Luke replied. He looked her over, "I see you just dyed your hair."
Thea smiled and moved her hair, to show it off, "I did."
"It looks nice," Luke told her.
"Thank you," replied Thea.
"And so now we may present The Last Supper," Taylor was saying.
Thea saw Gil in a leather jacket, so she grabbed some cookies, "I'll be right back."
"Hey, Thea," Gil greeted. "This is trippy, right?"
"Yeah," agreed Thea. "Here are those key lime cookies you wanted."
Gil took the plate, "Thanks."
Lane came over, "How you doin' Gil?"
"Great," Gil said, taking a bite of a cookie. He nodded his approval at Thea, "I saw the flyers, I thought I'd come check it out." He looked at Thea, "You dyed your hair. It's wicked. Wish I could pull off something like that."
"Thanks," Thea replied.
"You better get back over there, before your dad comes over and decks me," Gil said, looking at Luke, who had his arms crossed and was glaring in disapproval.
"Yeah," agreed Thea, and went back to the stand.
"I'm putting my foot down, Teddy," Luke started. "That man is not becoming another stray. I should've put my foot down when you brought Anthony into the diner, but I didn't."
"Relax, Luke," Thea said. "He's just the new member of Lane's band. Besides, Weston's Bakery just partnered up with his sandwich shop."
Dave watched as Gil celebrated the news that he was in the band with his wife and kids, "Our new guitarist is married."
"With kids too," Thea added.
"Wow," Jessie said, impressed. "I need to know his haircare routine. My hair just hangs like a wet, limp mop."
It sounded like Luke snorted at that comment.
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