𝟎𝟐: 𝐀 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐌𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠
Elowen had her professional burglar buddies help move things into the dorm rooms.
Thea's new roommate was Camelia Sanchez, and she already had the suite mostly decorated. She felt kind of sad to see that there weren't any plants around, but maybe she could buy some.
Anthony had to drop Margarita and Meatloaf off at Francine and Straub's apartment.
Apparently, Anthony's dad didn't want Anthony to take Meatball with him, so he was kind of grumpy over the fact that his dad stole Anthony's cat. Anthony had transcribed the conversation:
Me: "Where's my cat?"
Dad: "I don't know. Maybe he ran away."
Me: "Why are you guarding your bedroom door then?"
Dad: "I am not."
Me: "Then move?"
Dad: "I had checked this room. You don't have to look."
Me: "Okay, but why are you guarding your door?"
*Something crashes from inside the room*
Me: "Are you going to check it out?"
Dad: "Nope."
Me: "Where's my cat, Dad?"
Dad: "You're not taking Meatball with you."
Me: "Then who's going to take care of Meatball since you're not going to?"
Dad: "I will."
Me: "You're going to take care of the cat that you didn't want?"
Dad: "Yeah."
Me: "???"
Dad: "You're not taking Meatball with you."
So, while Thea was getting some coffee at the coffee cart vendor, when Rory and Marty, showed up. Rory said, "Professor Fleming died two weeks ago."
"And he didn't die in bed," Marty added.
Thea wondered why Marty had to specify that it wasn't 'in bed', "Well, that really sucks for Paris. What happened?"
"Heart attack," Rory replied.
Thea asked Marty, "What did you do over the summer?"
"My mom told me that she had an affair with my uncle," Marty explained. "I mean, I always thought I looked a lot like my uncle Jerry, and gee, Mom seemed to really like him."
"I cannot believe this," Rory said. "After all this time, your mother tells you now."
"How did your dad take it?" asked Thea, curious.
"I swear, he looked relieved," Marty replied.
"He did not," Rory said.
"I heard him say 'whew'," Marty stated.
"Oh, that is amazing," Rory said.
"So, what did you both do over the summer?" asked Marty.
"We went to Europe with our grandmother," Thea replied.
"I went to spend the Fourth of July with Anthony in Florida," Rory said.
A guy wearing a red button-down shirt with a red sweater vest bumped right into Marty's shoulder, which looked intentional to Thea.
"Oh, sorry," Marty told the guy.
"No, seriously, you couldn't see me there?" asked the guy.
"Not everyone's staring at you, Colin," a different guy said.
Thea was to busy staring at that guy's loud ass pants baffled, because who in their right mind would willingly wear those? If she showed Billie those pants, chances were, Billie would cry.
"Hey, I know you," the blond guy said, looking at Marty. "No, wait, wait, don't tell me. I'm seeing a uniform of some sort."
"Maytag repairman," the loud pants guy said, sounding sarcastic. He put one arm around his friend's shoulders.
"I've bartended for you," Marty explained, "For your parties."
The blond guy said, "That's right, you have. You're a talented man." He spoke to Rory and Thea, "He makes a kick-ass margarita."
Marty chuckled, "Thanks."
"It's good to see you again," the guy said. "What's your name?"
"Marty," he gestured to Rory, "Uh, this is Rory." He gestured to Thea, "And this is Thea."
Thea honestly couldn't tell if these assholes were really being nice or just humoring Marty.
"Hi," the blond guy said to the two girls. Although the blond had to do a double take at Rory's shirt.
He looked at Thea, "Oh, yeah, we met before. I gave you a tour."
Thea looked at the blond guy, "Yeah."
Logan looked at Marty, "So assuming your services are still for hire this year, your financial situation hasn't changed at all?"
"Nope," replied Marty.
"Good," Logan said. "Okay, I'll give you a call. Where are you living now?"
"Branford," Marty replied.
"Oh, excellent," Logan said. "Branford. All right. Good running into you."
"How unfortunate for us," Thea muttered. Marty heard her and started chuckling.
However, Logan and his pals started walking away.
Colin, looked at Marty and Rory, "Excellent shirts." He spoke to Rory, "I can see what you see in him."
"Don't be an ass, Colin," Logan called over his shoulder.
"Me? Never," Colin replied. "I'm a friend to all people, large and very, very small."
Thea thought that Colin's actions said different. "And as my friend, Libby, says, 'Have the day that you deserve,'" She spoke in a low voice to Marty, "'And let karma short that shit out.'"
Marty snickered, "I kind of hate those guys."
"You and me both," Thea replied.
"Really?" Rory said, sarcastically, "I can't see why."
"How have they not been murdered yet is astounding," Thea said.
The next day, they all gathered in Paris and Rory's dorm room to see how she was doing.
"My brother gave me this, along with a note that said 'have fun,'" Anthony said taking a giant pencil out of his backpack.
Paris was stacking Fleming's book Jaglon on the coffee table.
Georgia asked, "What the hell are you supposed to do with that?"
"That was my first thought," Anthony said. "And then my second thought was that I could it to mess with people."
Liberty asked, "How?"
"I can give it to someone who doesn't have a pen or pencil," Anthony said. "I could absolutely ruin someone's day by passing this to them."
"If you don't do it, I will," Paris told Anthony, setting some books down, before heading back into her dorm.
Thea tried to imagine the grumpy Blake as the prankster type. Then again, Blake glitter letter bombed Anthony once.
"I never thought of him as the pranking type," Sage said.
"I wouldn't think of him as a prankster. It's his sense of humor," Anthony said. "He's my dad's favorite because they share the same sense of humor – dad jokes, bad puns, and laugh at stupid things."
"Stupid things?" asked Thea.
"Once our car skidded on black ice and spun out right into oncoming traffic, so their response was to start laughing," Anthony said.
"I need more candles," Paris said, walking in and setting more books down on the coffee table.
"Check my trunk," Rory said. "I think my mom put some in there."
"Don't you have enough books?" asked Liberty.
"The very fact that the bookstore had any in stock shows the sad nature of American reading habits," Paris explained.
Georgia asked, "You need any help with the books?"
"I got this," Paris said. She got up and went to grab something. "But here," She passed fliers out to them, "You can put these up."
"You made fliers," Rory pointed out.
"Anyone who wants to pay tribute to this great man deserves the opportunity," Paris replied.
"Got it," Thea said, grabbing some fliers.
Anthony, Rory, Thea, Georgia, Liberty, Todd, Sage, and Aiden ended up splitting up the flyers to hang up. The others took off, leaving Rory and Thea in the building.
"Hey, I got this display case," Thea said.
"You mean bulletin board?" asked Rory.
Thea groaned, because she had Fran on the mind. She wished Paris didn't go through losing a parental figure, but Paris did. She knew how Paris felt.
"You go to that board down the hall," Thea said, pointing down the hall.
"Okay," Rory replied.
Thea hung up a flyer when she heard a guy say, "No, hold on. Hold on. Yes. Here. This is where she lives."
Thea could hear that he had an Australian accent. Logan, Colin, and their friend came down the hallway and stopped in front of Rory's suite.
"Can I help you with something?" asked Thea as Finn wrote something down on a piece of paper.
"Don't put your number." Colin was saying, "Don't put your number!"
"I'm not putting my number," the Australian guy said. "I'm putting your number." He motioned at Logan.
Rory said, "That's my room."
They looked at Rory and Logan, grinned, and said, "Okay, put my number."
"I have a boyfriend," Rory replied.
"You still can have my number," Logan replied, and Rory looked disgusted at the thought.
"Are you sure this is your room?" asked the Australian.
"I'm sure," Rory replied.
"I could have sworn it was her room," the guy, Finn, replied.
"What's her name?" Rory said, "Maybe I know her."
"Uh, it was short," Finn replied, holding his hands up to indicate the shortness of the name.
Apparently so is his memory, Thea thought. She noticed his hands. Is he wearing nail polish?
Rory spoke in a dry tone, "I can understand your disappointment, losing a potential soul mate like that, but that is my room."
"I'm sorry about the mix-up," Logan said. "My friend here means no harm. He just has to learn that Guinness and blondes – they don't mix."
"Redheads," Finn said.
Thea hoped that Rosalyn had better standards than diving towards the bottom of the barrel.
"We sincerely apologize," Logan said. "And will now leave you and your friend to finish putting up your poster of..." He leaned uncomfortably close to Thea and her flyer that was pinned on the board, "This really old guy."
Thea had to step away from Logan, "That's Professor Asher Fleming."
"What? They were out of Orlando Bloom?" asked Logan.
"Professor Fleming died two weeks ago," Thea explained. "We're throwing him a wake."
Logan trailed off, "Okay, so were either of you and Fleming..." He paused.
"No," Thea replied.
"Sorry," Logan replied. "Just you're putting a poster of him up in your hallway. You can see where I get the impression he's a little bit more than a teacher."
"He was a parental figure to my friend," Thea replied.
"And he was more than that. He was a great writer and inspiration in many other things that you couldn't possibly understand," Rory added.
Logan seemed surprised, "You both don't like me. You don't know me, but you don't like me."
"Your friend was a dick to our friend, and you talked down to him about his lack of money," Thea pointed out. "What makes you think that I'll like you?"
"And here I was hoping we could be friends," Logan replied.
Thea couldn't tell if he was being genuine or sarcastic.
"There you are," a woman said.
Thea dared to look. Two girls were standing there, one blonde and one brunette.
Logan seemed a bit interested in the blonde girl.
Rory looked a bit confused, "Madeline, Louise, what are you doing here?"
Louise smiled, "We decided to meet Anthony to see the man who made you shed your Mary status."
"Oh my god," muttered Rory.
Louise looked appreciatively at Logan, who definitely appreciated the bedroom eyes that Louise was currently giving him. Louise asked, "Is this Anthony?"
"No," replied Rory.
"Then who's your friend?" asked Louise.
"We're not friends," Rory stated.
"I'm Logan," Logan said holding his hand out to shake.
"Louise," Louise said, shaking Logan's hand.
They were giving each other bedroom eyes.
"Logan, I think we've found it," Finn called from the staircase. He went back upstairs.
"See you around," Logan said.
"I hope not," Thea replied flatly.
Logan walked to the stairs, "Master and Commander."
"The movie?" asked Rory confused.
Logan spoke to Louise, "No, that's what I want her to call me from now on."
Louise just smiled seductively, "Ooh, I like that."
Rory groaned and Madeline took a flier from Thea, "Who is this old guy?"
"Professor Asher Fleming," Thea said. "He died two weeks ago. Paris wants to hold a wake for him."
It was a surprise to see so many people show up for the wake, but she honestly couldn't be sure if they were here for the wake or for free alcohol, even though she was sure they were there for alcohol.
"Thank you for coming," Paris told two boys. "Please feel free to take a book."
The two walked inside and went straight for the drinks where Aiden was currently at with Rory, both pointedly ignoring the books.
"Pay up, handsome," Thea told Sage, holding her hand out.
"Sure thing, gorgeous," Sage replied, passing Thea a dollar.
Paris had been surprised that 'Tweedledee and Tweedledum' – aka Louise and Madeline – had transferred to Yale.
And right now, the two girls were at Anthony's side, poking and prodding the guy, probing for information on what his intentions were for their sweet little Rory.
The weird part was that Logan, Colin, and Finn were there too. Logan trying to flirt with Louise, who was multitasking between digging for information and flirting with Logan.
Anthony looked like he was not enjoying this development.
Rory was definitely keeping an eye on Madeline and Louise, probably hoping that Anthony wouldn't spill any embarrassing details, until Marty went over to her.
Aiden walked up to Sage and Thea, holding black solo cups. "Here, root beer."
Thea took a cup and smiled, "Thanks." She kissed him. She noticed how Sage was looking at her, probably feeling left out, so Thea kissed him too.
"I wasn't expecting that," Logan said, watching Thea. "She doesn't look like the threesome type."
"She's been dating them since high school," Anthony pointed out.
Logan and Colin laughed. Logan smacked Anthony on the shoulder, "That's hilarious. You know, I should pay you to do standup at a party of mine."
"Yeah, you're a riot," Colin agreed.
Anthony gave these two a blank expression.
"He's actually telling the truth," Louise said. "Madeline and I known Rory and Thea in high school. Rory went to Chilton with us."
"Thea's been dating Sage and Aiden since they were fifteen," Anthony pointed out.
"And how would you know that?" asked Colin.
"She's my girlfriend's sister," Anthony replied.
"They do have the same eyes," Finn pointed out.
"They're twins," Anthony replied.
"You looked like you were going through hell over there," Todd told Anthony when he managed to get away from the group.
"It reminds me of that time those Christmas carolers showed up to the house when I was twenty-one," Anthony said. "When they started singing, I seriously considered intentionally overdosing just to get them the hell away from me."
"Power move," Georgia stated, nodding.
Rory took out her cell phone, "Hello?" There was some reply, "For what?"
Thea noticed Emily walking in and up to Rory, "Rory."
Rory looked surprised to see Emily when she turned, "Grandma."
Emily looked around the dorm room, "What is going on here?"
While Rory spoke on the phone, Sage told Emily, "We're worshipping Satan in hopes of making it through the school year."
"Your sense of humor astounds me," Emily told Sage.
"Bye," Rory said on the phone and hung up. "Well, this is a surprise."
"I simply had to get out of the house and your mother told you were home, so I thought I'd come by and say hello." She looked around the dorm, "Why are there pictures of Asher Fleming everywhere?"
"This is a wake for Professor Fleming," Rory explained. "He died."
Emily sounded irritated, "You'd think your grandfather could have mentioned that to me, but no. I bet he'll make go to that insufferable man's funeral, though."
Thea laughed into Aiden's neck, "She thought Fleming was insufferable."
"Creepy and insufferable," Aiden agreed, as Thea wrapped her arms around Aiden's waist.
"Got that right," Thea agreed.
Sage gone up to Thea and kissed the side of her neck.
From across the dorm, Finn was watching, intrigued by the three of them.
Logan looked to see who caught Finn's attention, spotting Thea with her two boyfriends. Logan had to elbow him, "Stop staring. You're being creepy. She's clearly taken." He added, "Yeah. It's a little weird." He paused, "Do you think the two guys do things to each other?"
For some reason, Finn hoped that the two guys didn't do things to each other. He asked, "Now who's being creepy?"
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