𝟎𝟕: 𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥
A/N: Title taken from the Three Days Grace's song of the same name.
Also, I'm sorry for those that wanted to see Thea grieve over Straub's death, but I just wanted to get on with this story.
This is not one of my favorite chapters, as you can probably tell.
Last month, Straub was diagnosed with cancer, which made him sick.
The cancer had spread quickly. Thea had hoped that he had gotten better, but he hadn't.
Straub had given most of his wealth to Thea, and given all of Thea's friends one million dollars, even Anthony, who didn't want it because he barely knew Straub, but he ended up keeping it because it was money after all.
From what Francine told Thea, the rest of the money went to Christopher, which had been done in private which was what Straub had wanted.
Straub had also given Thea a locket with a dragonfly on it, because of the Dragonfly Inn that Thea owned.
Thea found it interesting that even though Christopher tried to get along with Rory, and Rory didn't bring up Anthony to Christopher. Maybe Rory felt like it wasn't important to bring up to her dad.
They had a wake at Straub's home and Anthony, picked up one of those old-timey photos and looked at it in horror, "Oh my god." He showed it to Rory, who went because Anthony was going and Lorelai was going because Rory went, even though she didn't want to.
Anthony said, "Do you think people in the 1930s ever saw their family photos and be like," He took on a deeper voice, "'Oh my god, Rebecca, we look creepy as hell.'"
Rory laughed, "And the mom's like," She took on a higher pitched voice, "'Look young Theodore. Don't we look haunted and scary as fuck?'"
Lorelai looked scandalized at hearing such crude profanities come from her precious baby girl, who only uses words like 'hell' or 'bastards.
Thea had to admit; Anthony had a point. The worst pictures were the black-and-white ones where they had to stand still with dead Aunt Margaret just right there because pictures were expensive and a relative dying was cause for such a special occasion, because they had to stand very still.
Thea was talking to Todd and giving him some chocolate chip cheesecake cookies.
"Oh, they finally started filming my mom's movie," Todd told Thea. "Anne Hathaway is playing Elowen, and I found out that Zoe is playing Thomasina, which surprised me because I thought Anthony would've brought it up.""
"Yeah, that is weird," Thea agreed, because she thought Anthony would've mentioned it. Unless he didn't know either, which would be weirder considering how close Anthony seemed to be with his siblings.
"Hey, Heart, how's it going?" asked Logan as he and his two pals came up to them. He grabbed some cookies to pass to his friends.
"We're just discussing my mom's movie," Todd replied.
"Your mom is a director?" asked Logan, looking surprised.
"No," Todd replied. "My mom wrote a book and it got adapted into a movie."
Colin asked, "What book?"
Thea looked at Todd, who said, "Confessions of a Bombshell Bank Bandit."
"Elowen is your mom?" asked Logan, surprised. "My dad tried to be the first one to interview her when she was in jail."
Todd smiled, "Mitchum Huntzberger is your dad?"
"Yeah," replied Logan.
Todd looked at Thea, "My mom said that Mitchum tried to ask her questions, my mom went 'ha!' in his face and walked away. She allowed a woman to be the first one to interview her instead."
Thea smiled, "Good for her."
Logan explained, "My dad found out that their interaction made it into the book, so he tore that page out, framed it, and hung it on his office wall because she remembered him."
Todd leaned over and Thea angled her head so Todd can whisper in her ear, "That is so weird."
Thea smiled and nodded her agreement because if Todd found it weird, then it was. When she looked back at Logan and his two friends, she frowned since it seemed like Finn was watching her interaction with Todd with a weird amount of interest.
Anthony came over to them, "What's up?"
Thea held the container of cookies out to Anthony for him to grab. "Todd was saying that your sister is playing Thomasina in Bombshell Bank Bandits."
"Yeah, Zoe brought that up this morning," Anthony replied. "She's excited about it. She always wanted to be a bank robber, but our mom said no. So, this is the closest she'll get to living out her dream."
Colin seemed to be in disbelief, "Your sister is an actress?"
"Believe me or don't," Anthony replied. "If I showed you pictures, you won't believe me anyway because you think they're faked."
Honestly, Thea would believe Anthony. He didn't brag about having an actress for a sister or act like one of those assholes who would brag about having a famous friend and talk loudly on the phone to the famous friend just to score 'cool' points. Then again, Zoe showed up to see Anthony, so it seemed like it was wildly accepted by other students that Anthony was telling the truth. And every time he brought up Zoe, he always said, 'my sister' or at least mentioned her name, never 'my actress sister', or whatever.
Sometimes Thea would honestly forget that Anthony's sister was an actress.
Lane showed up to Thea's dorm with a bunch of band pictures.
"Tell me which one you like," Lane said.
Thea looked at the pictures, "I think the one with Brian looking between his legs gotta go."
"Agreed," Lane replied. "But what do you think of me in these pictures?"
Thea looked at the pictures, "I don't see anything wrong."
"You don't think I look to mannish?" asked Lane.
Thea was confused, "Someone said that you look masculine?"
"No," Lane replied. "I think I look like the Korean version of Buddy Holly."
Thea was confused, "You look fine just the way you are."
Thea's dorm-mate, Camila, walked in and looked them, "Ooh, pictures." She went over and grabbed a picture from the coffee table. "I like looking at pictures of random families just to see if they're more dysfunctional than my family." She made a face, "Why is this guy looking between his legs?"
"He says he was experimenting," Lane stated.
"To see if he can suck his own dick like my ex told me that he could do and then actually showed me?" asked Camila.
Thea could've lived her life without knowing that. Even Lane looked like how Thea felt.
"My band and I were looking over the pictures we got taken," Lane explained.
Camila set the picture down and grabbed another one, "This one looks the most normal. Makes you look cool."
Lane looked at the picture Camila grabbed, "I don't like any of them."
"Why?" asked Camila. "You look like a real band in this one."
"I just don't look the way I look," Lane explained.
"She thinks she looks like the Korean version of Buddy Holly," Thea said.
Camila eyed Lane, "I don't see it."
The phone rang and Thea went to answer it. "Hello?"
"Can you tell Lane to get her ass down here?" Jess said, "Luke has been complaining about the damn oven's thermostat for the past ten minutes and I need Lane to be here so she can be as miserable as I am with me."
"Sure," Thea said. She held the phone to her shoulder, "Hey, Lane. Jess wants you back in the diner because Luke's been complaining about the damn oven's thermostat for ten minutes and he wants you to be miserable with him."
Lane gathered the pictures, "Okay."
"And Lane?" Thea said, "I think you're fine as you are. And whatever you choose, I'll stand by you with it."
Lane gave her a small smile, "Thanks, Thea." Lane left.
Thea spoke to Jess, "She's on her way."
"Thank you," Jess said. "Bye. Someone at a table for four is currently cussing me out in her head." He hung up.
Emily and Richard had told Thea to come down for Friday Night Dinner, even though Thea didn't want to, but they had an announcement to make.
"Well, the mystery of the Gilmore dinners continues," Lorelai stated.
"Meaning?" asked Rory.
"The pool house is empty," Lorelai pointed out.
"Grandpa forgot about us again?" asked Rory.
"Yes! Apparently, all the complexes incurred in my childhood were not enough." Lorelai said, "They need to keep a'coming."
"Did you check on Grandma yet?" asked Rory.
"I'm on my way there now," Lorelai said as they went to the window. She looked in, "Oops – oh!"
Thea looked to see that it looked like Emily and Richard were talking in an animated manner.
"What are they doing together?" asked Rory.
"Looks like they're talking to me," Thea said.
"Looks like they're arguing," Lorelai said.
"No – well, I don't know, they don't look mad,"
"Oh, great," Lorelai complained. "I'm so not in referee mode tonight." Emily laughed.
"Grandma just laughed," Rory stated.
"Thanks for pointing out the obvious," Thea said. "How does Anthony live without you?"
"Once he put his jeans on backwards," Rory replied.
Lorelai was confused, "How?"
"It was during the finals," Rory explained.
"Oh, Dad's picking up an ashtray," Lorelai said. "He's going to throw it at her! Finally."
"Wishing for him to abuse her is just messed up," Thea told Lorelai.
"Yeah, he's just moving it," Rory said.
"I don't get it," Lorelai said. "What is going on? What are they doing?"
Rory started, "I don't—"
Emily and Richard hugged each other or maybe they were kissing.
Lorelai and Rory gasped.
"Holy shit," Rory said.
"Oh my god," Lorelai said. "My parents are having an affair."
"With each other?" asked Thea.
Richard and Emily broke apart to look out the window.
"Oh, careful, it might be a trap," Lorelai said.
"What?" asked Rory.
"I don't know," Lorelai said. "I'm freaking out. This does not compute. Does not compute."
Richard opened the patio door.
"Girls!" Richard said, "Wonderful to see you. Especially you, Thea. Glad you made it."
"Hi," Lorelai said.
"Come in, come in, come in," Richard said, ushering them inside.
Emily went to Lorelai, "Hi. You're just in time."
"For what?" asked Lorelai.
"The celebration," Richard replied. A maid went to them carrying a tray with champagne flutes. "Ah! Champagne. Perfect."
"What are we celebrating?" asked Rory.
Richard handed them the champagne flutes. He spoke to Emily, "Uh, should we tell them?"
"They're going to find out sooner or later," Emily replied.
"All right, then," Richard said. "Lorelai, Rory, Thea, your grandmother and I have reconciled. We are officially back together."
Thea kind of figured that considering how they were hugging/kissing each other.
"Really? Oh my god!" Rory went to hug them, "That's great! I'm so happy."
"Congratulations," Thea told them.
"When did this reconciliation happen?" asked Lorelai.
"Yesterday," Emily replied.
"And last night," Richard said. "And this morning."
Thea could've done without knowing that. If she had to pick, she'd rather hear about Camila's ex-boyfriend who could suck his own dick.
Even Rory looked like she didn't want to know.
"Richard," Emily admonished.
Lorelai told herself, "Don't ask questions. Don't ask questions. Don't ask questions!"
The phone rang.
"And next week, your father and I are going to renew our wedding vows," Emily explained.
"A week from tomorrow, on our fortieth wedding anniversary," Richard explained.
"Aw," Rory said.
"Wow," Lorelai said. "That's great!"
"And you're going to be my maid of honor," Emily said.
Lorelai started, "Uh, wha—"
A man walked in, "Excuse me, Mr. Gilmore. Mr. Jeffries from the Windsor Club for you."
"Ah, yes," Richard said. "Thank you, Robert." Robert walked away. "Oh, by the way, I'm firing Robert next week."
"Why?" asked Thea.
"Richard won't need him," Emily told her.
"No, I won't," Richard explained. He answered the phone. "Richard Gilmore here." He paused, "The Gold Room? Ah yeah, would hold on for moment, please?" He spoke to Emily, "Uh, Emily, they say they can free up the Gold Room."
"How are we supposed to fit a twenty-piece band in the Gold Room?" Emily said, "No, we need the Rose Room."
"Right," Richard said. He spoke on the phone, "I'm afraid the Gold Room won't do. We need the Rose Room." He paused, "Well, perhaps they'd be willing to switch dates. We'd certainly be happy to make it worth their while. Of course, I'll hold."
"Richard, we just have to get the Rose Room," Emily stated.
"Don't you worry, our company insures that building," Richard told her. "We don't get that room, suddenly they have a very expensive foundation upgrade to go through."
"I married a wonderful man, girls," Emily told Thea, Rory, and Lorelai.
"Yes, you did," Rory replied.
"Hey, Mom," Lorelai started, "About this whole, um, maid of honor thing..."
"Oh, yes," Emily said. "Richard, can you spare us a moment? I want to take Lorelai, Thea, and Rory upstairs."
"Why?" asked Lorelai.
"Of course," Richard said.
"Wha – why do you want to take us upstairs?" asked Lorelai.
"Wonderful, we'll be right back," Emily said. She pulled Lorelai and Rory up from the couch, before grabbing Thea's arm to drag her up.
"Why do all three of us have to go upstairs?" asked Lorelai.
"I'll finish this phone call and then once you three finish up, Rory, Thea, and I can discuss the possibility of one of them being my best man," Richard said. "You two can flip a coin."
"Or send us out back to box each other for it," Thea muttered.
"What's upstairs?" asked Lorelai, sounding afraid.
They went upstairs together.
When they walked into a room, Lorelai gasped at the sight. There was a lot of wedding dresses surrounding them.
A woman spoke from somewhere, "Ah, Emily. Wonderful timing. Please start with the Oscar de la Renta. Susan Hayworth never wore anything but de la Renta in her final days. Clark Gable never knew what he was missing." She laughed, "He was a cad, but the crease in his pants was immaculate." She walked out of the closet and gasped, "Oh my god! It's Natalie Wood."
"I think her husband had something to do with her death," Rory muttered to Thea.
"Hello, Miss Celine," Lorelai said. "You look wonderful."
"Olive oil on the inside and on the outside," Celine said. "Anna Manana taught me that."
Emily held up a dress, "I think this has too much lace, Celine."
"Ah, there can't be too much lace, as long as it's Italian," Celine said. "What do you think, Natalie?"
"What do you think?" echoed Emily.
"Whatever you want, Mom," Lorelai said.
"Lorelai! You're my maid of honor. I need your opinion here," Emily.
"Well, you invited two others, so how is it just my only opinion you're looking for?" asked Lorelai.
"Lorelai!" said Emily.
Lorelai said, "Well, I kind of like that one, or even the one next to it."
"I'll try them both," Emily said, taking the dresses. She spoke to Rory and Thea, "You two, help me pick something out. And when I come back, you two better have dresses."
Thea went to look at the dresses on one side, and Rory went to the other.
"You'll try them all," Celine told Emily. "I had the worst row with Dietrich once. I told her, 'Marlene, until you actually become a man, you must try dresses on like a woman' and that means all of them." Lorelai laughed. "Are you married, Natalie?"
"Oh, no, not yet," Lorelai replied.
Thea was beginning to find it a little disrespectful to Natalie's memory for Celine to keep calling Lorelai 'Natalie'.
Lorelai went to look at the dresses.
Celine said, "Emily, do you need breasts or are yours sufficing for the moment?" She waved some silicon breasts around.
Thea couldn't help but laugh, because that was something she wasn't expecting to hear.
"My word, dear," Celine told Thea. "That was the most wonderful laugh I've ever heard. Like an angel flying away."
Thea smiled, "Thank you?"
Emily came out wearing a dress, "I'm fine for the moment, Celine."
"Oh my god, you're Mary Martin," Celine said. "Take it off immediately."
"Oh, dear," Emily replied in horror.
Lorelai handed a dress to Emily, "Here, try this one on, Mom."
Emily took the dress and walked to the dressing area, "You know, I'm trying to decide whether to go with a hat or some sort of headpiece, or whether that's too much."
"When I was dressing Marilyn for her wedding to Arthur Miller, I told her, I said, 'Marilyn! Wear a flat hat on your head. It will remind him of a book.' She didn't and we all saw how that turned out," Celine said.
Thea asked Emily, "Didn't you wear a tiara for your wedding?"
"Yeah, you wear whatever you want, Mom," Lorelai said, taking a dress down.
Emily walked in, "Celine, I'm going to need some help with this zipper."
"Oh, very elegant," Celine said, going to zip up the dress. "Very nice, oh. There you go, Mrs. Oscar Lavant, love that." She had Emily strike a pose and Emily did a little twirl. Celine handed Emily a jacket, "Here, try the Dior just giggles, hmm?"
Emily and Lorelai were both staring at something and Thea turned to see that for some reason, Rory was holding a dress up to herself.
"Hey, kid, you all right over there?" asked Lorelai, looking a little fearful.
Rory had been dating Anthony for a year and she was already contemplating marrying him?
Rory seemed to come back down from whatever she was envisioning. "Huh? Yeah, I'm fine." She looked at Emily and smiled, "You look wonderful, Grandma." She held the dress to Emily, "Here. Try this one."
Later, there was a coin flip and Rory became 'woman of honor' to Richard, which Thea had no complaints about, and then Emily had declared Thea to be her bridesmaid.
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