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Rory ended up hosting a Chilton student named Anna.
Thea was trying to get to the Yale Newspaper Office carrying some containers when she heard, "Hey, Heart!"
She considered running into the crowd, but Logan and his buddies came up to her.
"What you got there?" asked Logan.
Why did this guy care about her again?
"I made some cookies," Thea said. "I was going to drop these off for Paris and Rory to try." She wanted to know how they liked it so the bakery could sell them for the holidays. She tried to ignore the way that Finn looked at her outfit.
Logan took a container and opened it, "What kind of cookies are these?"
"Lemon poppy seed Linzer cookies and brown sugar cinnamon cookies," Thea said, her irritation growing when Logan started passing the cookies to his friends.
Logan took a bite out of the brown sugar cinnamon cookie. He nodded at Thea, "What else can you do?"
Thea smiled as serenely as she possible could as she took the container back and whispered, "Stab a man." She went to the newspaper room.
Paris was busy arguing with Doyle. She was saying, "I do not care."
"Hey! I am the editor, Paris, and I demand that you tell me," Doyle replied.
"I won't tell you where I got it, Doyle," Paris stated.
"You will if you want to stay on this newspaper," Doyle warned.
Rory spoke to Anna, "Okay, you are now privy to one of the classic journalist dilemmas between reporter and editor, the right to withhold and protect sources."
"Dammit, Paris, you tell me where you got that pen right now," Doyle said.
"The pen fairy," Paris said.
"That was one of my personal fine point, gel tip pens from my bottom right-hand drawer and you went into that drawer, and you took that pen and its mine," Doyle said.
Rory spoke to Anna, "Okay, for 'fine point gel tip' substitute 'confidential source deep within the administration.' Hmm, you get a little thrill. Don't you?" Her phone rang.
Doyle said, "And so help me..."
"Hold on, I will continue arguing with you after I see what my friend made for me," Paris told
Doyle, getting out of her desk and going over to Thea. "What you brought?"
"Cookies," Thea told Paris, "Poppy seed lemon Linzer and brown sugar cinnamon."
Paris took the container and went to her desk.
"Hey, do you know what Luke's Dark Day is?" Rory asked Thea, "November 30th?"
Thea was confused, "The day that his dad died?"
Paris had opened the container and crammed a cookie in Doyle's mouth, "Here, have a cookie and leave me alone over the pen."
Anna was staring at the container of cookies.
"Go ahead and grab some," Thea told Anna, who went after the cookies, along with practically everyone else on the newspaper team.
Doyle was grabbing some cookies. "Where did you buy these?"
"I made them," Thea told him. "I just wanted to get everyone's thoughts on them."
The newspaper staff gave her thumbs up and their muffled approval.ย
Rory decided to show Anna the library, "Now, outside we just passed the women's table which was designed by Maya Lin. She's also the one who designed the Vietnam War Memorial which, by the way, originally was a class project for which she received a B. The teacher who gave her the B also submitted a design for the war memorial, but hers was chosen. His was not. That's a life lesson to remember. This is Sterling Memorial Library, one of my favorite places on campus. It was built in 1930, and it houses over one third of the university's ten million volumes. I love libraries. I spend I can't tell you how many hours justโ" She looked at Anna, "You're not writing."
Anna said, "Oh, sorry."
Rory started explaining, "I come here sometimes late at nightโ"
"I just love how everybody's dressed," Anna interrupted. She gestured at Thea's outfit.
"What?" asked Rory.
"No uniforms. I love that there's no uniforms," Anna said, "College to me means no more uniforms."
"Oh, right. However, wait 'til you're late to class and it takes you twenty minutes to put together an outfit. Suddenly you'll miss those uniforms," explained Rory.
"This is college," Thea said. "No one cares about how you dress. You can wear your pajamas to the lectures, and no one bats an eye. Todd once wore an entire magician's outfit, and nobody cared."ย
Anna asked, "How many guys have you two dated since you've been here?"
"Oh," Rory replied. "Well, just one. I met him last year and we celebrated our one-year anniversary together."
Anna looked at Thea, "And you?"
"None," Thea replied. "I have two boyfriends and I've been with them during the summer before our sophomore year."
Anna's eyes widened, "You're allowed to have two boyfriends?"
"Anyhow, the books," Rory replied, trying to get things back on track, "Are you seeing the books? Everything you'd want to read is right here." She picked up a book. "Feel it." Anna took the book, "Feels good, right? Now smell it." She inhaled and sighed, "Nothing โ nothing smells like that!"
Thea looked at Rory, "Does Anthony know about your little book huffing habit?"
"I'm sorry, excuse me, did I just see you smell that book?" asked Logan, coming over to them.
"And I agree with Heart over there. Does your boyfriend know that you huff books? Is this some new type of drug that he should be concerned about you getting into?"
Rory seemed embarrassed, "Hey, Logan."
Anna seemed confused, "Drug? Huffing?"
Rory said and muttered, "My boyfriend is a former heroin addict."
"Hey, Ace, Heart," Logan said. "Who's your friend?"
"Oh, um, Anna, this is Logan," Rory said to Anna. Rory said to Logan, "Logan, this is Anna. She's from my high school. I'm showing her around campus."
"Hi," Anna greeted.
"High school? No, I would've sworn you were a college girl," Logan said. "So, are they showing you a good time?"
"I'm showing her everything important," Rory stated.
"Hmm, good." Logan spoke to Anna "Make sure Heart takes you by the pub. Local place, everyone goes there."
"Thea is not taking her to the pub," Rory replied. She looked at Thea, "You are not taking her to the pub."
"You know that they serve coffee there," Thea said. "It'll be fine for her."
"Please?" Anna said, "The pub sounds fun."
"Yeah, you don't have to drink," Logan agreed. "It's a cool scene. Make them take you. Bring a book to sniff since that seems like yours and Anthony's thing."
"He doesn't sniff books," Rory replied. "And stop talking about him. You don't even know him. And what are you doing in the library anyhow?"
"I was trying to find Heart over here. I was thinking of hosting a party and I wanted to see if she can make those cookies, because I've been thinking about them all morning," Logan said. "Don't worry, I'll pay you."
Anna asked, "Why do you call her Heart?" She kind of got the Ace thing, Ace Reporter and all that.
"She knows why," Logan told Anna.
"I really don't," Thea replied.
Logan looked at Anna, "She knows." He looked at Thea, "Think about the offer and get back to me on that. Don't tell anyone I was here. It'll ruin my rep." He spoke to Anna, "Anna, it's been a pleasure." He looked at Rory, "See you, Ace." He walked away.
Anna said, "He's cute."
Rory shrugged, "I guess, but not as cute as Pushkin or Anthony." She motioned, "Right this way, missy."
The funny thing was that when Rory went to the restroom, Anna said to Thea, "Back onto the 'two boyfriends' thing, how does that work? Like are you three dating each other or...?"
"Oh, no, I'm just with the two of them, they're not with each other," Thea explained. Anna nodded and flipped to a new page of her little notebook to write it down. "You don't have to write notes."
"These are for personal use," Anna said. "Now, how does this work? I mean, you said you've been with these guys since sophomore year."
"The summer after freshman year and before sophomore year," Thea corrected. Anna nodded, continuing to take notes when Thea talked, "It takes a lot of communication. Sure, relationships do too, but this one must take a lot of communication. They must be upfront with their feelings, like if one is feeling left out or if they feel like you're spending a little too much with the other. You must find a compromise about the situation, but you'll eventually get there. Again, it's all about communication. They must be honest in how they feel. If one lies about it, that's when it'll all fall apart. They must be okay with the situation. If one lies about being okay with it, that's when it'll fall apart."
Anna nodded, "Can I meet your two guys?"
Thea smiled, "Yeah."
They walked into the pub together, "I love it here."
"You love it here?" Rory pointed out, "We just walked in."
"I know but it feels so collegiate," Anna explained.
Rory started, "Actually, you know what is great about this place?"
"Eli Yale drank here?" asked Anna.
"No, they make amazing cappuccinos." Rory asked, "Do you want one?"
"Yeah," replied Anna.
"Okay, you go sit and I'll get the coffees," Rory said. She and Thea went to the bar while Anna sat down at a table, "three cappuccinos, please."
"Oh, it's you," the man behind the counter said to Thea.
"Todd isn't with us," Thea told the man.
Todd, Jess, and Georgia had gotten competitive over the darts and Todd ended up accidentally hitting some people with the darts, then Todd proceeded to call it 'free acupuncture.'
Marty came up to them, "Hey."
"Hi," Rory greeted him. "You just get here?"
"Yup," replied Marty.
Rory said, "You want aโ" She gestured to the bar.
"Yes, please," Marty said.
Rory spoke to the bartender, "I'm sorry, could you make that four cappuccinos?"
"So, how's it going?" asked Marty.
"I think I may have overwhelmed Anna," Rory said. "Her hand cramped up about an hour ago and it's been spasming ever since."
"That's because you have her take notes of every little thing here," Thea pointed out.
"Where is she?" asked Marty.
Rory pointed, "She's rightโ" She spotted Anna talking to two guys, "I turn around for one minute. Excuse me." She went to Anna.
Thea looked at Marty, "She really thinks Anna is like a mini version of her. I don't think Anna is interested in these lectures."
The bartender handed Marty and Thea the mugs of coffee, so they went to the table where Rory had succeeded in scaring off the two college men.
"You and Thea get to talk to boys," Anna was saying when Thea and Marty got to the table.
Rory said, "What?"
"Well, you and Thea were over there talking to Marty," Anna pointed out.
"That's different," Rory said. "Marty is just a friend."
Thea winced when she saw Marty's face fall.ย
Rory continued talking, "Which is another great thing about college. You learn to have guy friends. Nothing romantic, just a good pal. Those boys are not interested in your friendship, unless the word friendship is tattooed on your butt. Now, drink your coffee." Anna took a sip, "It's good, huh?"
Anna nodded.
Anna was dozing off while Professor Bell spoke, "Which brings us to this question: does Campbell's work successfully resolve the disparate stances of Jung and Freud when it comes to the collective unconscious?"
Rory spoke to Anna.
"All right," Professor Bell started, "Let's call that close enough. But, now, Campbell can point to the repetition of the hero myth in culture after culture and say, 'Hey, Sigmund, like it or not here are the same basic characters over and overโ'"
Colin walked into the room, "Excuse me, I'm sorry. I'm sorry."
"I'm right in the middle of a class, young man," Professor Bell stated.
"I know, I'm sorry, I justโ" Colin went to stand next to Rory's and Thea's desks. "Rory, Thea, you both can't just walk out like that. Not after everything we've been through. You both just left. I was still in bed. I mean what is that all about?"
Thea was mortified at what Colin was saying. At least Sage and Aiden knew that was a lie, because she was with them at the time if word got back to them about this. Then she was confused, because what the hell was going on?
"Okay, you need to do this later," Professor Bell told Colin.
The worst part was that Anthony was sitting right behind Rory, no doubt even more confused than how Thea felt.
"I can't do this later." Colin said, "Rory, Thea I love you both. I love you, two, dammit! How many times do I have to tell you? God! Just talk to me."
"Okay, out right now!" Professor Bell ordered, "Out! Just getโ"
Logan walked in, "Colin! What are you doing, man?"
"Get the hell out of here!" ordered Colin.
"They're with me now. I told you that," Logan said. "Let it go."
"I will not let it go!" said Colin.
"They don't love you." Logan said, "Rory, Thea, tell him you don't love him!"
Colin said, "Everything was fine until you came along!"
"Oh, don't blame me because you couldn't keep them," Logan replied.
"I swear to god, I'm gonna kill you!" said Colin.
"Oh, I'd love to see you try," Logan replied.
Colin lunged at Logan and they started 'fighting'.
"Stop it! Stop it, right now!" Professor said, "Anthony, get security!"
"Which one?" a different Anthony asked.
"Doesn't matter," Professor Bell said, "Break it up! What are you โ Gentlemen, you are losing control!" Logan threw Colin over a desk and jumped onto him. "You are in a classroom!"
Finn enters wearing an old-time police uniform and blew a whistle, and started talking in some British accent, "All right, that's enough! Break it up, you two!" He grabbed his friends, "Rory and Thea Gilmore, you should be ashamed of yourselves, toying with these boys like this! They used to have pride! They used to have dignity! They used to have balls!" He started to leave, but stopped, "Dammit Gilmores, give them back their balls."ย
They left the classroom, but they walked back in and bowed, while the class cheered and applauded.
Anthony was the only one who said what Thea was thinking, "Well, that was fucking weird."
Thea wasn't surprised that Anna snuck off somewhere.
She, Rory, and Marty took to one bar, while Sage, Aiden, and Anthony went to another bar, leaving Georgia, Todd, and Liberty to search another one.
After leaving one bar, Rory ranted, "She's nowhere!"
"She's somewhere," Thea replied.
"This is all my fault!" Rory continued.
"Well, there's still more bars," Marty said. "We'll find her."
"God, I'm so stupid," Rory said. "If I didn't have to confront Logan like that, I wouldn't have had to send her off on her own and we wouldn't be looking for her right now."
"We'll find her," Marty said.
"He's so frustrating, that guy." Rory said, "I mean, I don't know what we did to get on his bad side or why he just has to come after us."
"Oh, stop it!" replied Marty.
Rory asked, "What?"
"He's not coming after you two," Marty explained, "He likes you both."
"He does not," Rory said.
Marty sounded annoyed, "Oh, please, Rory."
"Marty, he does not like us," Rory tried. "I mean, look at what he did. Look at that stunt he pulled. He totally humiliated me and Thea."
"Attention like that from people like Logan is like being tapped," Marty explained, "You two been anointed. You're both in."
"In what?" asked Marty.
"In with him, with his group. He likes you both," Marty said. "Stop being so naรฏve. It's annoying."
"And from what I heard, he did the same thing to Madeline and Louise," Thea said.
Rory's phone rang.
It turned out that Anna was a campus party that got busted by campus police.
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