Varian Fever
I don't have much to say here so lets just get to the book.
Future Ruddiger here! I do have things to say... Like usual...
I took so long on this one-
Also I'm too lazy to go over it, so this hasn't been proof read.
And, you probably don't care, but I'm currently in school and the girls sitting behind me in class are making fun of my favorite Youtubers! Sorry, my favorite Youtubers mean a LOT to me and I feel so sad that they are making fun of them. :(
Last week you were working on a project with Varian, but you accidentally got sick. (Please keep in mind that the two of you are just friends).
You were laying down in your bed with Varian sitting at the end of it.
"Varian?" Your voice sounded scratchy. "Yeah?" Varian responded.
"Will I ever be better?"
"Of course. Now its getting late I have to go home."
"No. Please stay."
Varian chuckled, "Okay, fine."
Varian crawled into bed with you and blew out the candle. "Good night, Milady." Varian whispered. You moved over in the bed so you were up against his body. Varian was surprised. You always wanted him away from you when you were sick so that he wouldn't get sick. Well, you wanted him around just not to close.
"Not that I'm complaining, but what are you doing?" Varian asked. "Shhhh... Sleepy time." You shushed him and snuggled closer.
Time Skip brought to you by more snuggling!
Varian was woken up by something nuzzling in his neck. He realized that you were awake too. "Uh, (n/n), what are you doing?" Varian asked. "I love you, Baby." You mumbled, still with your face in his neck. Varian's eyes widened, "I'm sorry. What?" "Say it back!" You demanded. "Uh, okay, I love you too?" Varian whispered. "Good, now hold me." You demanded, Varian hesitantly wrapped his arms around you. "Better." You sank into his grasp.
Time Skip brought to you by Varian freaking out about what happened to you!
It was the next morning.
"Varian?" You asked. You looked around in your bed. A certain alchemist wasn't in bed with you.
"Varian?" You started to cry a little. All you wanted was Varian.
The door slowly opened as Varian didn't want to wake you. He saw you sitting up in bed, "Oh, you're awake." "Where were you?" You asked. "I needed to go to the bathroom." Varian explained as he closed the door.
He walked up to you and saw dry tears on your face, "Were you crying?" You grabbed Varian and pulled him back into bed where he was before. "Are you okay? It looks like you were crying." Varian asked again.
"Var, please promise me that you won't leave me again." You felt more tears run down your cheeks."Of course I won't, but I do have to go back to my house. And never forget, I'll always be right here." He pointed to your heart. You pulled Varian into a big hug, "That's not good enough. I need the real thing!" You squeezed him tighter. You pulled away, "Please. Don't leave me." You started to cry again. "Alright, fine. But I have to tell my dad." He stood up and went to your desk. He took out a piece of paper and a quill. He wrote the note and called for Ruddiger to take the note to his dad. Ruddiger took it and ran off back to Old Corona.
Varian was putting the stuff he had just taken out back where it was before he heard crying behind him. "Huh?" He turned around to see you crying. Varian ran over to you. "Hey, hey, what's wrong?" He said in a calming voice. "I-I n-need y-you. I w-want to be i-in your arms. P-Please hold me V-Varian." You cried. Varian sat down on your bed and opened his arms. You crawled into them. He wrapped his arms around you and you melted into them.
To be honest he really liked this, you giving him all this attention. He never realized that he liked you till... All this.
When Varian was lost in his thoughts he felt something against his lips. He snapped out of it to realize that you were kissing him.
You felt him kissing back. You grabbed him and pulled him against you. You started chewing on his lips. You backed away for air. The two of you stared at each other for a few seconds. There was a little fear in Varian's eyes. You pinned him down to the bed and started kissing him again.
"Hey, we heard that you were sick (Y/n). How ya feeling." Eugene said as he, Rapunzel, Lance, Kiera and Catalina walked into your bedroom. "Are we, uh, interrupting anything?" Lance said as they saw you and Varian kissing. "Ew! So gross! Please stop!" Kiera covered her eyes and turned away.
"Oh, uh, hey guys." You got off Varian. "So I assuming you're doing better. And so is Varian." Eugene said making Lance's snicker at the last sentence. Varian got up and sat at the edge of the bed.
"Yeah, uh, well, me and (Y/n) were working on an alchemy project when something went wrong and got (Y/n) sick. Now she has like an addiction to me and cries whenever I'm not around her or holding her. She also just started kissing me and biting my lips right before you came in." Varian explained.
"Hey, in my defense, your the hottest thing to ever walk this earth. Even hotter than the sun." You defended yourself. "Yeah, she's definitely broken." Lance said.
"Come on guys! Its young love!" Rapunzel smiled. "Hell yeah it is." You smirked at Varian.
"No, no, she never acted like this before. She rarely gives me hugs and she rarely accepts when I hug her. Now she won't let me go." Varian looked over his shoulder to see you hugging him tight, "Yeah, she's really sick."
"(Y/n), we're gonna need you to slowly let go of the alchemist and step away from him." Rapunzel said in a calming voice. "No!" You held Varian even tighter. "Hey, (Y/n), its okay I won't be going anywhere. I'll be right here." Varian tucked a strained of hair behind your ear. "Fine." You let go of Varian and sat next to him. You giggled dreamily as you looked over at Varian.
"This is disgusting. I'm out." Kiera left the room. "Catalina, go with your sister." Lance told his daughter. She smiled and ran after Kiera.
"Varian, you can go home now." Rapunzel said. "Noooooo." You wined, "My Var-Bear needs to stay with me." "(Y/n), its okay, I'll be back tomorrow. I promise." Varian smiled. "No! You're staying here!" You demanded. "(Y/n), Varian needs to go." Eugene said. You started to cry again. "I think it'll be okay if I spend one more night here." Varian put an arm around you. "Really?" You wiped away some tears. "Really." Varian gave you a reassuring smile. "Varian, you can't stay another night." Rapunzel said. "I told my dad that I'll be spending a few days and nights here to till (Y/n) feels better so he's fine with it." Varian shrugged his shoulders. "We don't know much about the illness that she's going through and it seems that she's addicted to you. So you being here could make it worse." Rapunzel said. "Heh. Varian Fever." Lance chuckled. "Yeah, you're probably right but my best friend," you cut Varian off. "Girlfriend, not best friend." "(n/n) we're not dating." Varian smiled. "Now we are." You snuggled closer. "There's no way out of this is there?" Varian asked and you shook your head no, "So like I was saying before, yeah, your probably right but my girlfriend not best friend needs me right now so I have to stay." "Now kiss me." You smiled. Varian kissed your forehead. "Its good being your girlfriend." You smiled even bigger. Varian giggled.
"Alright you two. Just don't do anything stupid that'll make her illness worse." Eugene told Varian. "Yep." Varian kissed your cheek causing you to giggle. "Kid, what Eugene's talking about is that you kissing and loving up on her will feed her addiction. She could get worse and that won't be good." Lance said. "Yeah, I know but she needs me and she cries when I'm not around. I don't want my best fr-- sorry, girlfriend being sad." Varian's hand caressed your cheek, "And I can handle this, guys." "Alright Varian. We're trusting you that you won't let (Y/n)'s illness get worse." Rapunzel put a hand on Varian's shoulder, then quickly removed it afraid of what you might do because of your obsession. "You can count on me." Varian looked over to you.
"Now call us if she goes boy crazy over you or if you need anything." Eugene said and Varian nodded yes. "Good." They walked out of the room leaving you and Varian alone.
Time Skip brought to you bye you pecking Varian's cheek multiple times over and over again, causing him to giggle!
It was night time.
You and Varian were in bed snugged up together. You had forced Varian to take off his shirt so he did. He didn't really mind that you had your hands all over his torso, he liked the feeling of your hands being on his body. At one point in the middle of the night, you and Varian had started making out. Varian was definitely feeding your illness.
"Milady, I think we need to sleep instead of you having your hands all over my body and us making out." Varian whispered. "But, Baby... I want this, you're making me super happy right now and you want to take it away?" You wined. "Of course not, but we need to sleep. I'm not saying we have to stop snuggling." Varian tried to convince you. You looked like you were about to start crying again, "Fine." You pouted. Varian pulled you up against his body. You giggled and buried your face into his chest. He was so happy knowing that he made you happy. He kissed the top of your head.
"I love you, Milady."
"I love you too, Baby."
Time Skip brought to you bye your friends entering the room the next morning to check on you and Varian and being surprised of what they're seeing!
"Should we wake them?"
"Of course not. Let them sleep."
"No. Varian is feeding (Y/n)'s illness. If he's around her more she'll be sick for who knows how long."
Varian was woken up by people talking. He was still tired, so he wasn't able to open his eyes yet. The voices sounded like... Lance, Rapunzel, and Eugene? What were they doing here? Varian just ignored that and continued snuggling with you.
He heard them bickering again. "Guys, shut up. (Y/n)'s still sleeping." "Oops, sorry." Rapunzel apologized. "You're awake?" Eugene asked. "Because of you, yeah, I am awake." Varian held you tighter, "Now do you mind if we continue to sleep because that would be nice so go away." Varian snuggled more with you. The 3's reaction was surprised about such a small thing made Varian upset. The 3 left the room and closed the door.
5 minutes after they left you started to squirm in Varian's arms. "Oh, she must be having a nightmare." Varian whispered to himself. "Shhh, your Var-Bear is here." Varian stroked your cheek. You calmed down. Varian smiled and pecked your cheek before brushing a strand of your hair behind your ear. He stared at your sleeping form. You looked gorgeous.
Time Skip brought to you bye Varian admiring how gorgeous you look!
You eyes fluttered open. "Good morning Milady." Varian smiled. "Good morning Baby." You pecked his lips before you snuggled closer. "I love you. You know that?" Varian asked. "You better love me. And I love you too." Varian chuckled at the first sentence you said.
Time Skip brought to you bye you and Varian getting ready for breakfast!
"Hey, there you guys are!" Rapunzel smiled as you and Varian walked outside to join your friends for breakfast. "Oh, how are you feeling (Y/n)?" Eugene asked. Kiera looked up at Varian having his arm wrapped around your waist, "Yeah, you better be better because the two of you are gross." Rapunzel, Eugene, Lance, Kiera, and Catalina looked up to see you and Varian smiling uncontrollably and rubbing noses together. "Ahem." Lance cleared this throat to get you and Varian to stop. The two you looked at them then back at each other. The two of you shared a long kiss. When you parted you touched foreheads and giggled.
"Guys, why don't you come sit down." Rapunzel tried to get you and Varian to stop. "Alright." You and Varian held hands as you sat down next to each other.
You stared at Varian dreamily. "Varian, have you been making (Y/n)'s illness worse?" Lance asked. "No. Why?" Varian asked as he turned to you then the two of you started kissing again. Without breaking the kiss Varian pulled you so you were sitting on his lap. You pulled away still sitting on his lap, "I love you Baby." You ran your hand through his hair. "I love you too Milady." Varian said making you giggle. You rubbed noses again.
"Varian, this is not helping. You could make her sick for who knows how long." Rapunzel said. Varian lifted you up and set you back down on your seat. "Come on, princess. I know what I'm doing." Varian kissed the top of your head. You rested your head on his shoulder.
Time Skip brought to you bye eating breakfast then Varian taking you up to your room for a nap!
Varian carried you bridal style up to your bedroom and set you down in your window seat.
"I know you want me to stay and I want to stay too, but I need to go to my lab since Rapunzel asked me to make a medicine for you so you can get better." Varian held your hand. "B-Baby. You're g-gonna to leave m-me?" You started to cry. Varian stroked your cheek, "Of course not. I'll be in lab that's right down the hall, so you can yell if you need me. And you need a nap." You started to have a mental breakdown, "I-I-I n-need m-my Va-V-Var-Bear. P-Please st-stay." Varian hated seeing you cry, "Shhhh. If you don't want me to leave then I won't leave." He lifted up your legs, sat down, then laid you legs back down on his lap, "Now go to sleep."
Time Skip brought to you bye you slowly drifting off to sleep!
When you were asleep, your friends came into the room and let Varian leave so he could make that medicine. "Thanks guys. Also, if she wakes up, come get me... Immediately." Varian whispered. "Alright, we will." Rapunzel smiled as Varian left the room.
Time Skip brought to you bye you waking up and everyone freezing up not 100% sure on what to do!
"Varian." You looked to where you last saw Varian and sat up. "Varian?!" You looked over to see your friends. "Where's Varian?" You said sternly. "Uh, go get Varian." Rapunzel whispered to Eugene. Eugene ran out of the room. "Guys. I can tell that you know where he is. Where. Is. My Var-Bear?" You looked like you were gonna break every bone in each of their bodies. "Uh, well, he'll be here in a minute." Rapunzel explained.
"I'm here! I'm here!" Varian ran into the room and over to you. "Var-Bear!" You smiled. You and Varian hugged. "I'm here." Varian whispered as he stroked your cheek after breaking the hug.
"I missed you Baby. Please never leave me again." You looked like you were about to cry again. "Why would I? I love you too much to leave you Milady." Varian smiled and you giggled.
"Varian. You are not helping very well. You being here is making her illness-" Lance cut off the princess's sentence. "Its actually called Varian fever." "Uh, okay then. You're making her Varian fever worse by being here. I think it would be best if you leave." "No, Princess. (Y/n) needs me. I'm not going anywhere till she's better." Varian said with a demanding voice "Please." Varian's voice became softer. He made his big puppy dog eyes. "Alright fine." Rapunzel said, "But only one more night. Tomorrow your gone. Do you understand?" "Yes." Varian smiled and looked over to you. You smiled back.
"Well then. Its getting late. I'm heading to bed and the rest of you should too." Eugene smiled sleepily. "Alright see you guys tomorrow." Rapunzel said as she, Eugene and Lance left the room.
Time Skip brought to you bye you and Varian getting to bed! (Also, Varian sleeps with his shirt off, so it was off!)
"Good night Var." You started touching Varian's chest.
"Good night Milady." Varian kissed your forehead.
"Var, can I tell you something?"
"Sure what is it?"
"I got better this morning. I feel better, I just wanted to see if you would still take care of me and if you still would continue to do what we did when I was sick and how the others would react. So I pretended to be sick."
"Of course I still care. And wait did you actually like me before Varian fever and now after you got over it you still like me?"
"Actually no. I never actually liked you... But I am in love with you. Varian, I love you so much, nothing could ever change that."
"I feel the same way. I never actually realized the feelings I had for you till now. Till you started showing me that you loved me, or at least Varian fever did that to you." You giggled at Varian's words of the last part.
Varian pull your hand away from his chest and held your hand up against his cheek.
You both leaned in making your lips collide. It was a long kiss.
You pulled away and rest your foreheads together. You giggled causing Varian to giggle.
"I love you (Y/n)."
"I love you too Varian."
Author's Note
There you have it folks the end! You were basically faking Varian Fever towards the end.
Welp that's all I have to say!
Do you have any ideas? Put your request here:
See ya soon
Word Count 3130
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