[Parvill] Fear of Falling Apart
A/N: So, hey! I'm back after a bit of a break due to personal reasons. I probably would've started writing earlier but I started year 11 a week ago and its been hectic.
Anyway. This fic was inspired by the above song. "This is Gospel" by "Panic! At the Disco". It's a really good song! I suggest you listen! Go on, click it. I know you want to. Click it. Click the button. Click. It. I SAID CLICK IT! HOW DARE THY NOT CLICK THE BUTTON.
*cough* anyway. um. Yeah...
I hope you like this little one-shot, I'm actually in class as I write this, so, #Rebel4Life.
TRIGGER WARNING: Self harm and references to suicidal thoughts
It was quiet as Strife walked through the halls of the high school. It was early in the morning and everyone else was either waiting out at the front gates for the bell to ring, or had yet to arrive.
It'd been a hard few years for Will, but as the months progressed it steadily got worse as weeks turned into days, and days into hours, until every minute of his existence was against him and every heart beat seemed to taunt him endlessly.
He was suddenly jarred from his thoughts when he realised he'd made his way towards an oh so familiar supply closet. He was faintly aware of the slight twinge his wrist made and a slightly sense of longing when he set his gaze upon the door. Taking a deep shuddering breath, he forced himself to turn away from the green wood and continue towards his locker.
He'd just finished scrolling his code into the lock when a shrill clanging sound met his ears, causing him to involuntarily flinch. He opened the plastic door and began shoving his things neatly inside, all the while muttering under his breath disdainfully about the schools choice of bell.
Suddenly, an arm wrapped itself around his shoulders and jerked him to the side, making him stubble into the offender with a small yelp.
"Heya Strifeykins!" Came the overly cheerful voice of none other than Parvis. Will internally groaned, he wasn't ready for this.
"Hello Parvis." He replied, slightly deadpan, removing the dark haired mans arm from himself and fixing up his red dress shirt and black vest. He turned back to his locker and grabbed out a few books and shoving a pen into his top pocket, before closing it and messing up the combination. He slipped his books into his shoulder bag and turned to walk towards his form room.
He heard Parvis run up behind him to follow him, but Will stopped himself from turning his head to look at his friends face.
"Strife?" Parvis asked, concern twinging his usually excitable tone. Strife pretended not to hear and kept walking, not wanting to see the look of concern on the taller mans face.
He walked into the room and sat himself at the back of the classroom and began to pull out some work he hadn't been able to complete the night before. He felt, rather than heard, Parvis sit beside him and look at what he was doing.
From the corner of his eye, he saw Parv open his mouth to ask something, but Will cut him off, barely managing to keep the slight smirk from showing on his face.
"It's the work we were given yesterday for physics, get it out and I'll help you. And no, you can't just copy my work." He tilted his head so he could see the lanky mans face, and snorted amused. His mouth was still opened and had a dumbfounded look on his face.
"How did you-"
"Parvis, physics book, now." Strife said sternly, before looking back down at his work and finishing it off. Satisfied, he turned to Parv and began explaining what to do to him. It was lucky they'd had a free hour of study or Parv would've been in trouble, again for not completing his work, when they went to their physics class right after.
The day had been mostly fine, until sometime in the afternoon when a wave of panic suddenly settled inside his chest and his throat constricted, making it hard to breathe. His eyes widened as he was about to step through the door into his next class. He suddenly felt very claustrophobic with so many people so close to him as they all piled into the room trying to get the best seats with their friends.
The panic he was feeling increased and he started hyperventilating. He barely heard Parvis ask if he was okay, before he bolted. He dropped his bag and sprinted down the corridor, twisting his way past anyone who past, trying to get as far away as possible.
Behind him, he heard Parvis running after him and calling his name, desperately trying to get his attention. But Will didn't even register what was going on around him. He turned sharply around the next corner and burst into the first room he came across.
He quickly shut the door behind him, taking a moment to survey the room he was now in. It was the supply closet. He didn't care about the irony at this moment in time though. He slid down the nearest wall and shut his eyes, leaning his head on the wall. Tears began to sting at his eyes and he clumsily shoved his shaking hand into his pocket and pulled out a small piece of metal that sat neatly in his palm.
He barely felt anything as he pulled up his sleeve and shifted the bandage that covered his previous scars. He pressed the metal to his skin and drew a thin line across his wrist, wincing at the pain, more tears falling freely from his eyes.
His hands shook more now, his wrist throbbing with his heart. He threw the metal away from himself to prevent him from cutting again and hastily pulled the bandage back over the fresh wound. Taking a steadying breath, he shut his eyes again and braced his head between his knees.
He didn't know how long he'd sat like that, silently crying as the quelling panic subsided and left him feeling empty. It was almost too much and he found his mind drifting to unpleasant thoughts of an end to his suffering.
Some time later, he heard the door creak and he jumped, pushing himself against the wall and staring at the door. A tall dark haired figure entered, shutting the door behind him.
"Will?" He asked, frowning in concern, taking a step forward. The blonde only shrank further into himself in response, a movement that didn't go unnoticed by Parv.
Will watched as Parvis moved forward and sat in from of him. They sat staring at each other for a long while before Will sighed in defeat and pulled his knees to his chest.
"I'm not gonna ask if you're okay, 'cause you're obviously not... but, do you want to, talk, about it?" He tried, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
Will barely shook his head in response. He shifted his left arm to hang over his knees while his right held them in place. He heard Parv gasp and he started, realising his mistake. He pulled his arm back and pulled his sleeve back down over the reddened bandage in a vain attempt to hide what had already been seen.
"Will?!" THe blonde could hear the disbelief in his voice, as well as disappointment. "How... how could you... you, do that?" If Parvis was expecting some sort of excuse or reasoning, he would be sorely disappointed.
"I'm sorry..." Will said weakly, eyes welling with fresh tears. "I'm sorry..." He whimpered, burying his face in his knees, shoulders shaking as he cried.
Unexpectedly, he felt arms wrap around himself in a comforting embrace. This only made his tears come faster.
"It's gonna be alright, Strifey. It gets better, it always does. You're allowed to be sad, but don't hurt yourself..." He said quietly, pressing his face against the side of Wills head, rubbing his arm as he did so.
"Does it really though? I'm just not worth..."
"Don't be silly Will! Of course you're worth it! You're really smart, and nice, and cute..."
"Yeah! You're really cute when you get all flustered and when you're concentrating on your work, and your smile! Your smile and your laugh! Just your voice in general. Your voice is amazing."
Will lifted his head to look at his friend, who had a genuine smile on his face.
"Do you... do you really think so?" He asked, still not entirely convinced.
"Yeah, I do."
Will couldn't muster enough courage to reply, so he just nodded his head.
"Just promise me something, 'kay Strife?" The blonde looked up with a questioning look.
"Don't ever, ever do that again, you hear?" Parvis told him sternly, pointing at Wills left wrist.
"I promise." He replied, embarrassed, looking down in shame.
"'Come 'ere." Parv grabbed Will forcefully, and yanked him towards his chest and squeezed him in a crushing hug, momentarily knocking the wind from his lungs with a small gasp.
And that was how they sat. Alone together in a supply closest, in each others arms until the final bell of the day rang and forced them to retreat from the suspicious location.
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