It begins
Bold: Movie
Italics: Thoughts
Regular: Characters
Seat Order (from left to right): Do | Bear | Eddie | Mrs. Adams | Mr. Adams | Katie | Nate | Nathan | Hovernyan | Whisper | Jibanyan | Venoct | Lucas
I own nothing other than the idea of this AU.
For the past five minutes Nate and Nathan were staring at Do, mouth agape, in stunned silence. The former hench Yo-Kai of Tokio Ubuane aka Dame Dedtime, stood in front of his former adversaries in silent patience. Although to say that his patience was running out was like saying Whisper relied on the Yo-Kai Pad.
"Yes, I talked, why, is that a problem?" A tick mark appeared on his forehead as he glared at the two humans.
Nate shook out of the stupor first, and quickly remedied the situation. "No, it's just that you hardly- if ever -talked to anyone, at least not while we were around."
"Ah, I see I apologize for my prior rudeness then," Do bowed in apology and snapped his fingers causing a row of chairs and a big silver screen to appear, "in any case though, we have something to watch."
Nathan finally shook himself out of his stupor and crossed his arms in suspicion. "And why should we trust you? Last we saw each other you were helping Ubuane in her plot to destroy humanity."
"Ever since you two defeated my elder sisters and master, I have been looking over the time stream to find a way to apologize for my actions, I am the youngest of my sisters and I after all so I had no choice but to always follow their orders like my now deceased mother always said." He sat down in the chair farthest to the left and pulled out a remote, "In doing so I found that your friends and family did not know your Yo-Kai related activities, so I took numerous moments across time to make a movie of sorts to show to you all; and before you ask, yes there is popcorn and choco-bars, their to your right at the counter over there."
Jibanyan's eyes sparkled with joy as he ran toward said counter and picked up as many choco-bars as he could before taking a seat at the third last seat to the right. Whisper rolled his eyes as he took out two medium tubs of buttery popcorn, and a small one for himself on top of his head, and gave them to Nate and Nathan. As everyone got their snacks and sat down in their seats, Do clicked the play button on the remote causing the screen to light up and shoe an image of Jibanyan's face with four Whisper's at the corners.
Whisper: Any attempt to imitate Yo-Kai behavior would be Ill-advised.
"No kidding," Nate said as he tossed a popcorn kernel into the air, and opened his mouth to catch it, only for Nathan to catch it in midair and eat it, "Hey you have your own tub!"
Nathan gave a cheeky smile to Nate as he swallowed the now chewed kernel, "All's fair in love and war Nate."
"Shh! It's rude to talk during a movie!" Whisper whisper-yelled at the two, only for them to stick their tongues out at him.
The image changed to show feminine hand rocking a crib, and a sweet melodic voice humming before it began singing.
As the voice sang, the camera panned to show that in the crib were two babies, one was tan with dark brown hair and in a white blanket, while the other was fair skinned with chocolate brown hair and in a red blanket.
"Hey those two kids look like Nate and Nathan," Eddie said as he put a handful of popcorn in his mouth.
"Maybe their related or something," He took a bite out of a caramel filled choco-bar, and took a handful of butter-free popcorn out of his tub, "that type of thing can happen right? Looking a heck a lot like a previous relative, I mean."
"Yeah, but it's rare."
Whisper suddenly appeared in front of them and grabbed them by the collars of their shirts, bringing their face dangerously close together. "No talking during a movie!" He zipped back to his seat making the "I'm watching you" gesture all the while.
"He's scary", Bear said after a moment.
After a minute and twenty two seconds passed, the camera panned to reveal a woman with fair skin, blue eyes, and chocolate brown hair with dark highlights wearing a night gown. She leaned into the crib and kissed the two sleeping babies on their foreheads, before standing up and yawning.
"Sweet dreams Nathan and Nathaniel, may the Oni not visit you tonight." She giggled at her statement and went off to bed.
'So that's my real mom,' Nate looked down in sorrow as small tears began to form in his eyes, 'and this is the only time I'll ever see her I bet.'
Nathan noticed Nate's look, and pulled him into a one armed hug, smiling contently at Nate who smiled back. This did not go unnoticed by Katie or the boys parents, who couldn't help but wonder why Nate was so sad all of a sudden.
The screen dimmed as a blackish purple fog encased the room and two shadowed out figures no taller than a four year old appeared over the crib.
Lucas, the Yo-kai- minus Do -and the Adams Twins stiffened at the sight of the two, knowing who they were instantly.
This did not go unnoticed by the others in the room.
"So these are the boys Kin?" The figure on the right said, a glistening silver medal being the only distinguishable thing about her.
"Of course Gin," the other figure responded, a glistening golden medal being the only thing distinguishing her from the area, "these two are the one who will stop Master if something is not done." She turned to her partner, a smile seemingly on her face. "Maybe send one to the past--."
"Or we could--," Gin continued her sentence as the two joined hands and a clock like device appeared behind them.
"Send one to the future!" The two finished in perfect unison as the device glowed an eerie blue, and the baby Nate was coated in it.
Many gasped at the sight of this, even Do tilted his head as he never saw how this had played out when gathering the moments. Nate buried his face into the crook of Nathan's neck as his brother gripped him tightly in his arms, not wanting to see the moment he was separated from his brother and mother.
Baby Nathan woke up, saw his brother incased in a strange light with two strange people in front of him and began crying, reaching out for his brother. He didn't know what was happening, but he did know that his brother should not be in the air with some people who clearly were not their momma. The door barged open, and the boys mother was in the room, drawn by the sound of her child's crying.
Immediately after the bang occurred Baby Nate opened his eyes, saw his brother below him and crying, and tried to get to him to hug. Seeing that his big brother wasn't getting any closer or farther, he too began crying wanting to get down to his brother.
"Put him down already," Bear said appalled at the two on screen, "can't you see that he's crying?"
"I-I don't think they care Bear," Katie said, shocked stiff at the way the two beings on screen were treating the baby.
"That's because they don't." Do said, an indifferent air about the events unfolding before him.
"Annoying pest," Gin said, her eyes gaining a blue glow.
"Sniveling brat," Kin said as her eyes gained the same blue glow.
"Be gone from now, away to the sands of time, appear in the later and remember only loneliness and a want for mother and father!" The two completed their spell, and Baby Nate was engulfed in a blinding light, his cries being the last thing anyone heard from him.
"Oh my god!"
"What the heck!?"
"Who does that to a kid!?"
Katie, Bear and Eddie yelled in shock and horror at what they just witnessed. A baby had been ripped from his family, and by what these Gin and Kin said, his own timeline. To say that they were sorry for the kid they he possibly grew up into was an understatement.
Mr and Mrs Adams on the other hand were more worried about that baby than scared for him. Had he been found by anyone, what time was he sent to, if he was found by someone then who, and why did they feel like they've seen the baby before?
Nathan was rubbing the back of his crying brother, trying to calm him down and not shed a tear at what he just witnessed.
"My baby!" The woman shrieked in horror as her baby vanished before her very eyes. Looking to the crib, she swiftly grabbed the baby Nathan, and held him protectively. "Don't you dare come near us, I mean it!"
The two chuckled wickedly, and the glow enveloped their eyes once more. "Don't worry dearie, we need not want to send you through time--." Kin said as she joined hand with Gin again.
"No, we want something different with this little rhyme." Gin said as the fog grew thicker.
"Cast through time you shall be not, only memories here shall be locked to rot," the eyes of the woman and Baby Nathan glowed the same blue, Nathan crying even harder, "Memories more than rearranged! Memories altered, twisted, changed! Ancient and powerful is this magic type, only reunification of enlightened twins can undo this wipe! Not two sons but one, no brother for the other one. Across time these two shall be divided, lest reunited truth shall never be provided!"
The screen was enveloped in a bright light as the last thing the watching audience heard was Nathan's crying.
No one said anything as the scene changed to a crying Baby Nate on the door step of a house.
The door opened, revealing Mrs. Adams in her night gown and glasses crookedly put on her face. Leaning down to pick up the baby, she looked around to see if anyone was nearby. "Hello, anyone there? Anybody?" Getting no answer, she cradled the baby and tried shushing it to sleep. When that didn't work she went back into the house and closed the door, just in time to see Mr. Adams turn on the light at the bottom of the stairs.
"What's happen--?" He cut himself off when he saw the baby, and looked at Mrs. Adams with a shocked expression.
"I don't know, but I guess this little guy is living with us now," she looked down at Baby Nate and began making silly noises and faces, "isn't that right little one, isn't that right."
Baby Nate, seeing the strange new woman making the same noises and faces his mama would make to him and big brother, began to giggle and laugh despite the tears streaking down his face.
Sighing at his wife's action, Mr. Adams went to the phone book to check for the nearest child services. "I'll call up child services tomorrow to set up the adoption, but what should we call him?"
Looking at the laughing baby's face as he tried to grab at her, Mrs. Adams looked into Baby Nate's eyes and smiled. "How about Nathan, Nathan Adams."
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