Chapter 35 Counsle meeting
A Blue Dragon walked in while I was hurrying to finish the report for Raven to put out on the board for everyone. "Hold on I'm nearly done."
"Of course Black Dragon." The voice made me look up from my work.
"Topaz! You're here." He smiled and came over to me. "I need to be carried to the council chamber but I need to finish this first." He smiled standing on the other side of my desk waiting for me to finish my work.
Once I was done I stood and he scooped me up. "Will this take long my gem? Your mother expressed a concern over you. I have to agree, you look very tired."
I shrugged. "I have no idea how long it will run. This meeting was meant to be about what is happening next but Mum needed to talk to them and now Reina has an issue she needs to speak about." I sighed rubbing my back. "I'm already tired so I will try and stay awake."
He frowned and set me on my feet lifting my shirt and rubbing my back where it hurt. "I have some painkillers for this if you want them."
I shook my head. "I'm going to struggle to stay awake and this pain will help."
Topaz grumbled quietly and picked me up again. He walked quickly to the council chamber where the Elders were just meeting. "Ahhh Black elder. We were just talking about you." Silver elder said looking at Topaz.
I smiled and gave them a small bow in reply to this as soon as he put me on my feet. "I see hopefully you do not think I have overstepped my authority already."
Green elder chuckled. "Of course not we were just wondering if your escort could carry you to your seat. Unfortunately, the rules are quite clear on this. All the elders must walk to their seats."
I nodded and looked up to Topaz. He nodded offering me a bottle and giving me a smile. "I will see you later Black elder." He bowed low and then walked away.
Reina took my arm and sighed. "I will aid you to your seat elder. There are no rules about aid." I smiled and we all walked into the large room. My eyes were drawn to the seat that was old and unused. Each of us stopped at it and bowed to it before going to our seats. I'm glad that Reinas is next to me. I thought as her hand left me and she climbed into the large seat. I was also glad I was taller than Reina in Rat form and was able to get into the large chair earlier.
Reina stood on her chair and looked around the elders. "Where shall we start today?"
The silver elder looked at me and I nodded. "We should call Duha Black Dragon in. I believe she has an issue that could be a problem right now. Most of the things on our agenda are problems that are going to crop up soon. However, this is something that could be a problem today."
The Dragons grumbled and I sat back on my chair. "You use your elder title to give her a spot on the agender." Green elder growled.
"Only as she came to me as a Black Dragon. As the alpha of our pack, she could have ordered me but she asked. If it wasn't for the problems she talked to me about I would not have granted her request. As it is I have already stopped her from trying to do something more to the Dragon that attacked me." Silver elder sighed shaking her head and I knew what she would object to. "I will not offer an opinion on this matter and will ask the head of the blades to offer hers. I'm too close to this to have an opinion."
Silver elder smiled and the other two nodded. I looked at Reina who was smiling. "The only problem is Garnet is in the field. It would take too long for her to be contacted. I think that because the Black elder is trying to excuse herself from this that already makes her impatal. If she says anything that could be considered bius we could disregard the comment."
The other elders nodded. "This seems like a reasonable solution to the situation." Silver elder said standing. "Bring in Duha of the night wolf pack."
At her slightly raised voice the door was opened by a pair of Black Dragons that had stayed so still I hadn't seen them in the shadows by the door. Mum strode into the room wearing her black scaile armour and bone helm. She stopped in the centre and took her helm off. "The night wolf pack requests aid from the Dragons as the old alliance stands. We came to your aid and I now need yours."
I was filled with pride but kept my face straight. "We have just finished fighting the humans. Everything we have is stretched thin. What could you need of us when you are working for the same goal as us." Blue elder asked softly.
"I am alpha of the night wolf pack. We are small and weak but have resources other packs are after. I have been sent a challenge by the forest wolves and the wolves of the east. These packs are larger than my own and they wish me to step down from the mayor position in the village and hand it over. As an alpha, I can't just give up my territory. If the Dragons do not step in we will have many challenges in the halls of your home and then in the streets of the places we take back from the humans. This is a power play on the part of the others. I request the Dragons keep the peace we bought with our blood."
Reina was frowning at the others and they all looked at me at the same time. Mum turned to me when she saw them all staring my way. "Black elder as this is your family we are about to decide do you wish to add anything." Reina asked me.
"I did not know of the challenges. When we spoke she told me of tertory and things wolves expect from pack lands. I suspect she didn't tell me of the challenges as she knew I would worry about them. We spoke of growing the pack to look stronger and asking for help in giving us time to do that." The other elders nodded. "Tell me Black Dragon why would you keep this from me." I knew she would know I was saying that as her elder, not her pup.
Mum bowed. "I had only received a threat when we talked. When I left you I received two challenges and they are meant to happen the next time we meet. They are on their way here now."
This made all the Dragons growl and Reina hiss. "So they are coming to fight you regardless of the fact we have more important things to deal with." Green elder growled.
I shifted in my seat as my pain flared at the growling. Blue elder's nose flared and he smiled at me. "Let us try and keep our temper as it seems your grumbling is causing Black elders hatchling to ster." He said looking pointedly at Green Elder. Green elder stood and bowed to me as an apology. "In any case, we must stop more bloodshed. My Dragons are overstretched caring for the wounded. There are not enough bandages and herbs to care for all that need it."
Reina stood. "Silver elder you are the one that knows the rules old and new. Is there a rule about visiting people behaving within your home?"
Silver elder was frowning all the way through everything but had stayed mostly quiet. "No. However, the gold Dragon could enforce peace on everyone until things get back to normal. Then if the wolves wish to fight over things they may as long as it is not attacking the innocent."
Mum shook her head. "It would only involve alphas. You would need to get all the alphas together and tell them what would happen if they broke your peace. We must not be excluded from that either. You can't be seen as playing favourites."
"I think we should hear why they want to attack the Night Wolf pack and if it is just a power play then make it clear we are not done yet." I said.
The other elders nodded and Reina stood. "Then we will let it be known that until the humans are out of our land and all the damage is repaired no one is allowed to fight. I doubt they will want to when they see that we are willing to work with them."
Mum bowed to us. "That was all I needed. Thank you for hearing me."
"If you do have problems I am sure we can help you. We owe you a huge debt and will always help your pack." Silver elder said standing.
My mother bowed and turned to leave. Reina sighed sitting back down on her seat. "What was it you needed to discuss Reina of the Dragon Fire." Blue Elder asked once the doors were closed behind my mother.
"My issue is with the White Dragons. I had one coming to me asking me to help her hide the fact she is having difficulty in fighting now after she got wounded." That made Blue Elder sit up straight. "She is quite young and is fearful of the others finding out. She asked me to help her but I got the feeling she was not the only one with this problem. Black elder, do you have this problem in your ranks?"
I shook my head. "Black Dragons are proud of what we do being wounded in battle is just another part of it. We have rolls for the badly wounded. A lot of the people set to guard you were wounded and on light duties. Shadow is one of the wounded and was tasked with flying reports untill he requested the task of trying to keep Eboni under control. That is why he wasn't called to fight."
Renia sighed. "The White Dragons keep the peace and don't really have light duties."
I smiled. "Then keep those that are wounded in the dragon home and send the others to patrol the roads. The wounded could take turns watching over you when you leave home. This way you can change the image from one of shame to one of honour."
"Black elder has a good point. There are many White Dragons that will refuse to admit they are in pain even though every Blue Dragon they pass knows they are. Their pride gets in the way of their health." Blue elder said fiddling with his bag. "Speaking of pride... Black elder, will you please take something for your pain. The smell is making my scales itch."
I couldn't help but laugh and pulled out the bottle Topaz had given me. "I'm sorry Blue Elder. I was using the pain to stay awake." I drank the bottle as he huffed looking up from his bag.
"Bring in the White Dragon." Silver elder said then sat down.
The doors opened and the White Dragon that brought the message from Reina walked in and went to one knee in front of us. "I know what I will do with you and all of the White Dragons in your situation." She turned and raised her head meeting something she was sure was going to be bad like the warrior she is. "We need better security in the home and out in the world. This is what the White Fang is made for. All like yourself will be asked to look after the home while the younger and uninjured will be sent out in the world to keep my peace."
She opened her mouth but Reina stopped her. "This is the highest honour I can give any that got hurt for peace. Our young are here and need battle-hardened people willing to die to save them. You proved yourself worthy of this honour. Everyone here will also be asked to accompany me if I leave. I need someone to have the honour of being the understudy and as I already offered that to you and you expressed concern about your worthiness maybe I will have to find another way of picking one so that I have someone to organise all this."
Silver elder smiled. "My mother decided her understudy on an arm wrestle. I think that maybe Blue Elder could help you here. If you wish for the wounded to be here then maybe the White Dragon with the most debilitating injury would be best placed for this task."
I nodded. "Then until that Dragon is found you are it." She said smiling.
White Dragon stood and bowed to Reina. "As you wish Gold Dragon." She sounded sullen making my blood boil.
"Any Black Dragon would jump at the chance to stand at Reina of the Dragon fire side. They would see the honour bestowed upon them and be glad to miss out on the battles and glory for the greater one."
The other elders looked surprised at my anger. "I do see it as an honour Black elder and meant no disrespect. I am a young White Dragon and fear my elder's wrath."
Reina sighed. "What would make that easier on you?"
"Maybe make an announcement elder. If you do then no one can argue with it." I said shifting in my seat. Ahhhh this is so annoying. I'm hungry and tired now. I thought trying not to yawn.
Despite my attempt, Silver Elder saw and smiled. "If this is settled then maybe we can take a brake. Gold Elder needs to sort out her White Dragons while Black Elder has a brake from the hard seat that is making her squirm. These other matters can wait a few hours."
"There is one more matter that we will need to at least bring up around this White Dragon. The spy that was feeding information to the army." At that, the elders all looked at me confused. "I apologise Reina of the Dragon fire I thought you knew. Kyros found out someone was reading your reports and I worked out who it was and told Duha of the night wolf pack to send me reports to feed them. I should have told you myself."
Reina shook her head. "Everything got a bit hectic out there. I'm sure everyone meant to tell me but in all the commotion it never got handed over. This is nobody's fault."
The White Dragon was staring at me this whole time and finally spoke up. "You know who they are. Tell this White Dragon who and I shall bring them here in chains."
"Not in chains White Dragon. We must save the person who gave them their position to look at those reports and the embarisment of knowing they appointed the spy that nearly cost us the battle. It was Kyanite that helped him find the position he needed to send the messages to the army. When I worked out he was the spy I fed him the bad information that had the army target the gate. Once we knew it was him the tables turned in our favour."
White Dragon looked to Reina. "Fetch him. While we are having a brake I will get my husband here as it may make him talk. They are friends and I think having Kyanite here will poke him into talking more freely."
"Then we will have a brake. I am afraid that means no napping." Silver elder said smiling at both me and Reina.
We both laughed. "I will try Elder. Would you mind if someone could get Topaz?" I asked rubbing the pain that was starting to dull in my back.
Blue Elder walked over to me while one of the Black Dragons at the door rushed off to get Topaz. Blue Elder frowned when he put his hand on my back. "You are in more pain than you should be... do you know why?" His voice gave away his concern.
"A consequence of the attack on me Elder. Topaz knows all about it and has advised me about moving about."
He turned to the door. "Bring me the Blue Dragon in the 8th room of the Blue Dragon hall." He turned back to the others. "These things may need to wait as Black elder may need more help than her Black scales let show."
Green elder bowed and stood with Silver elder. "If that is the case we will close the session until the Black elder is seen to. Gold elder, are you staying?" Reina shook her head. "Then this session is closed. White Dragon if you could get to the spy and keep an eye on him that would help us a lot."
"About now he will be in my office picking up the report to hang from the notice board in the market. He is Raven." White Dragon's eyes narrowed and she shook her head. "He may hand himself over once he reads the news he is to hang."
White Dragon left as Topaz and another Blue Dragon entered the council chamber. "Blue elder is something wrong with Katja?" Topaz asked with a look of worry pulling at his face.
"She has discomfort and took painkillers but they did not take the pain. I worry about where the pain is." His voice was like a sack full of gravel falling on a stone floor and Topaz dropped his eyes with shame.
"I'm sure he did not mean to disrespect anyone elder. He was just worried about his gem." I said as Topaz got to us.
The small Blue Dragon I had met before smiled and looked up at me. "Topaz could you carry Black Elder to my office and we will sort all this out."
Topaz picked me up as Blue Elder rumbled. "I will come with you. I wish to know more in case I need to aid her in council again."
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