Chapter 3 Helm of gems and bone
As soon as I left my mum I headed for the one place I knew Topaz would be. Walking to Reina's room felt like a march to the gallows as I knew Topaz would be unhappy with me agreeing to go. I stopped at the door that was open a crack. "So you sure?" Reina's voice sounded like she had been crying.
"Of course I'm sure. Dragon's don't lie...."
"They say it as they see it. I know, Kyanite told me." Reina interrupted Topaz.
I reached for the door and then knocked. The door opened and Reina smiled at me as she wiped her face. Topaz was holding a needle and thread sewing on the opposite corner to Reina who morphed while the door swung open.
"Oh, Katja! I've been monopolising Topaz, you can...." Reina started.
I held my hand up. "I just wanted to tell him I'm leaving to help Mum. I will go and pack, I'll leave you two to talk." Topaz looked to Reina and she nodded.
As soon as I saw the exchange I turned on my heel walking back up the corridor to Topaz's room. I knew he was following me as soon as I tuned my back from the strange link we had after saying the words. I knew he would know if I was wounded if I was away from him as he told me my life pulsed to him. To me, I could point to him wherever he was if I focused on it. He was like a small bundle in the back of my mind waiting for me to pay attention to it.
I left the door to our room open for him when I walked in. I could feel his protective nature coming over him as soon as he made it into the room. "Katja, will you let me help you pack?" His voice was soft as he asked.
I sighed going to his side and closing the door. "How about we talk about what you need before I go while we pack?"
He sighed softly and then hugged me. "We have talked a lot about this Katja."
I sighed leaning into his chest. "We have. So you have already checked me over and I told you I am going. We are going to pack my things and you will see me off. That's why I'm asking. What more do you need?"
He rubbed his chin on my head and whispered. "I need to check you again."
I rubbed the arm he wrapped around me. "If that's what you need then that's what we will do." He let me go and I grabbed my bag bringing it over to the bed as Topaz brought over my clothes packing them as I turned to get my hairbrush and to take off my ring. "You can't get all excited this time Topaz."
He put his arms around me again as I packed my bag. "You didn't complain earlier."
"I didn't have anything to do earlier."
He chuckled. "Don't worry I will keep it strictly Blue Dragon this time." He took my bag setting it on the floor now it was packed. "Lay down please." His voice was all business and it made me smile.
I laid down on the bed and he lifted my shirt. "I don't know why you need to do this so often."
He pressed his warm hand to my gut. "You do know Katja." His voice was all business.
"You told me it could take weeks before you would find anything."
He smiled still concentrating on his task as he gently explored my gut. "It has been weeks since..." He trailed off frowning pressing one aria more than the rest. He sighed. "Stay here I need a second opinion."
He straightened and I grabbed his hand feeling my panic rise. "Topaz did you find something?" I asked my voice shaking.
He turned to me smiling softly. "My hope says yes... my knowledge says I'm not the expert in these things and shouldn't let my hope cloud my judgement. Let me get someone that knows." He squeezed my hand softly. "Let me get to the door then I will come straight back." I nodded letting go of him. He rushed to the door as I sat up. He talked to a Dragon and then closed the door. He came back to me taking my hands. "It's probably nothing."
"Probably is not a sure thing Topaz. If it is what do we do?"
He pulled me into his lap and held me. "Whatever you need my gem."
"I can't let mum defend our home alone Topaz but...."
He stroked my back. "Let's worry about that if we need to." I held his arm and he continued to stroke my back. The door opened making me jump. "Shhh, my gem it's all alright. Lay down again for me." He let his arms drop I still didn't move from his lap. I felt frozen with the fear of what this would mean put in me. He sighed picking me up and laying me on the bed.
He held my hand as the other Dragon came over. "It is alright Black Dragon." The Blue Dragon lifted my shirt and made the same movements Topaz had. She also stopped in the same place Topaz had. She pressed harder then nodded threatening. "Brother a word outside." She growled.
He looked at me and I shook my head. "My wife wants to know what you found sister."
The Blue Dragon looked at me and then sighed. "No one can hold a Black Dragon except their leader or Reina of the Dragon fire. Although most would have more sense than to leave right now." She stared at Topaz her face full of anger. "Brother, how could you say you were not sure? Do you need to be retrained?" She asked trailing smoke.
"No sister I did not want my hope to blind me into seeing something that was not there. It is what the Elder always says 'When it comes to a shared hoard asking someone to tell you what you already know is essential.' That is our training."
She frowned at him and opened her mouth. Her words made my anger boil shakeing off my fear. "Thank you for your help Blue Dragon, you can go now." She shook her head at me and opened her mouth to contune her dressing down. "Do not make me pull rank in my own room. I leave my colour at the door, so don't make me bring it in." I said sternly.
The Blue Dragon frowned at me and then sighed. "I think I will go and talk to the Black Dragon's understudy."
"Do what you must." I said sitting up.
The Blue Dragon puffed smoke and stormed out of the room. "My gem calm down. Nobody will make you do anything you don't want to. I will defend your honour if they try." He sat up as he spoke. I watched him as he offered me a hand. "I mean it, Katja. No one!" I took his hand and he pulled me closer. "Now you will go with your mother. You will protect her. Then you will come back here and we will talk. Is this what you want?"
I looked up at him. "What do you want?"
He stroked my face. "To wrap you up in my wings and keep you safe."
"You will let me go?"
He morphed and kissed my forehead. "On one condition."
He squeezed me. "Your mother must know."
"OK, but I tell her at home."
He nodded. "I can live with this."
"Mum went to talk to Kyanite so if you need to keep me safe... you have a few minutes." He growled happily as he turned in to a Dragon again. He wraped me up in his wings. As the warmth of his arms and wings surrounded me I smiled. "You want me on the first group out don't you?" His eyes moved around the room watching for danger like he had done before when holding me like this.
When I spoke he looked down at me. "I want you to do what you need to."
He tucked his head in my cocoon. I stroked his cheeks as he closed his eyes. "You need me to do something my dear Dragon, I will do it."
He sighed opening his wings. "My Black Dragon has a job to do. I'm going to be honest with you and tell you I'm petrified but you need this." I smiled at him as he got off the bed. "Come on, you need to get in the air." He walked to the corner taking my armour from the stand. I stood as he came back. He slipped the armour over my head and stroked the scales. "I need you to do what you need to do. That is keeping your mum safe."
"And you sure you are ok with this?"
He nodded picking up my bag. "It sounds strange but the longer you are pregnant the more I will want you safe."
I frowned. "Why?"
He sighed putting his arm around my shoulder and leading me to the door. "A conversation for when you get back. Your answer would lead to hours of questions again."
I stopped him from opening the door by putting my hand on it. "Just one more question Topaz." He frowned then sighed nodding. "You didn't miss this earlier did you?"
He dropped my bag and hugged me. "I don't know what to tell you."
I hugged him back. "I'm not angry."
He shuffled his feet and then sat back on his tail so he was nearly eye level with me. "It is why I got excited... why I needed to check again. I didn't want to tell you yet but... you need to go."
"So you had to tell me. Why didn't you want to tell me?"
He closed his eyes. "I knew you would be scared."
"I'm scared. For all the reasons you know. You are really sweet but I needed to know. If I had I would have told mum no."
He stroked my face smiling at me. "Then I have been a fool."
"Not a fool just misguided. I told you I don't want to take a child into battle."
He nodded hanging his head. "Are you angry with me?"
I shook my head. "No. You are letting me do what I need to and putting yourself aside for it. So soon I will do that for you. Now you have your job here with Reina and I need to go help Mum. When I'm done we will talk." I said taking his hand. "The sooner I go the sooner I can come back."
He nodded standing and picking up my bag. I opened the door and we walked out hand in hand.
It was only a short walk from Katja and Topaz's room as he had insisted we have a space in the dragon home. I stopped outside the door that led in the room we shared in the Dragon home and took a deep breath. Once I was ready for a fight I opened the door.
Michi rolled over on the bed. "Duha? What are you doing here?"
I smiled walking into the room. "Dropping off our son and collecting our daughter to back me up. Our home will be attacked soon."
He got out of bed and came over to me. "We need to talk." He said closing the door.
"Alright." I said as he guided me away from the door to a chair.
"Duha... when you lose our home to the humans will you come here and stay with me?"
I smiled. "That was my plan." He dropped his head on my lap. "Are you..." I stroked his head and trailed off feeling the shaking in him. When he looked up I saw his tears. "Why do you cry?" I asked feeling confused.
He looked at Chea and then met my eyes. "I... I talked to the Blue Elder."
He took Chea from me and laid him in the cot near the fireplace. "Are you ill Michi?"
"No. It's not that.... my project..." He said turning back to me.
I frowned and took his face in my hands. "What is it Michi? You're worrying me."
He ran his hand across my leg. "I never wanted you to feel like you are losing out so..."
I waited for him to say more but he couldn't. I could see his need to talk and his reluctance to for fear of what I would say. I sighed. "Just tell me two things. You are alright and this is not you asking to leave my pack."
He laughed then shook his head. "I'm fine, and no I'm not leaving you."
I kissed him. "That's all I need to know. I will do my job then come back and we can talk. Alright?"
He hugged me tight whispering. "I don't know if I can hold on to this anymore."
I held Michi while he cried. He is so desperate to tell me that he can't hold back any more. "It's good news whatever it is. News so good that my big strong gorilla is crying in my arms."
He laughed sitting up and rubbing his eyes. "Blue Elder told me I couldn't have children for a reason he could fix. I asked Silver Elder for advice and she said I should ask myself what I wanted. I'd made my peace with not being able to have my own children. So at the possibility of it.... I thought about it."
I smiled at him. "So that's what you want?"
"I wanted the possibility. I know it's not guaranteed but I would like to try." He smiled up at me.
"If that's what you want Michi, then when I come back we will talk to the Blue Elder." He kissed me softly.
It ended when Chea started to cry. Michi moved to him as soon as he did and picked him up. "I will wait for you Duha. Like I did before."
I moved forward on the seat offering Michi the stuffed toy Katja had got Chea. "Your wait will be much shorter this time Michi. I promise." I kissed him on the cheek and stood. "I need to talk to Kyanite then meet with Katja."
"If Kyanite is not with Reina then he will be at the home hoard. It's where he goes when he needs space."
I gave them both a kiss and then left. Closing the door of our room I frowned at the stonework of the walls. He's so sure I will come back to him. I've never promised him that I would before why did I do it now?
Shrugging off the thought I headed up the corridor leading deeper into the Dragon home. I have no clue where the home hoard is. The rights of the Dragons we lost happened in the council chamber and their bodies were taken away... I need to ask. Stopping a passing Dragon I asked. "Where would I find the home hoard?"
The young Dragon stared at me and then bowed. "Follow me Black Dragon." The Dragon almost whispered.
I followed this Dragon through halls and corridors watching their scales shimmer through all the colours of the Dragons. Finally, they stopped at the top of a corridor that slopped down and was wide enough to take ten dragons next to each other. On each side of the entrance were two grand statues of dragons. One looked like a scroller while the other looked like a solder. I frowned at the staues. Why do I think of the elders when I look at these?
The Dragon gestured to the corridor and walked away. I would have thought they would have someone guarding this place. I thought as I started to walk down the dim corridor. The corridor seemed to be endless until it turned, then it led on again. I counted seven turns until it ended in an ominous black hole. The air smelt as hot as the cave felt. I took a breath and started moving. I smelled the bodies of the Dragons we lost in the fight in the still air of the chamber beyond.
When I stepped into the darkness my eyes adjusted eminently. Kyanite knelt at the base of a huge pile of gold and gems. I walked over to him and knelt next to him seeing his eyes closed, his hands tightly held together infront of him. He looks like he is talking to his pack that has passed on.
I pulled a bright coin from my pouch placing it on the pile. Kyanite kept his eyes closed but uttered quietly. "May your coin buy you what you seek, whether it be peace or sanctuary."
"I buy peace for my bones and hope for aid in times of need."
He opened his eyes and looked at me. "Are you in need of aid?"
"I am. Garnet refused my request for troops."
He frowned. "We can take troops from places far from the army to give you more. Why would she not think of that?"
"I don't know."
Kyanite stood offering me a hand. I took it standing slowly. "Have you talked to Reina?"
I nodded and then jumped when a great noise started in the centre of the cavern. The sound of grinding filled the space then light appeared in the braziers overhead. "Duha of the night wolf pack." A loud grinding followed the boom of the voice. I turned and stared at the giant pile of bones that moved. "You add to the home hoard to buy your aid. I offer to you the thing offered by your ancestor."
The bones moved offering me a rotting bag with something heavy in it. I took it from the bone Dragon. Inside was a helm made of bone that was the same size and shape as the bone Dragons skull but hollowed out so it could be worn and the wearer could look through the eye holes. It looked like it was encrusted with gems.
"Your pack helped me in the war of Dragons. The spiders wouldn't help, the other yaspilrmeth wouldn't help. Only the night wolf pack came. We Dragons had a war of colours. Black vs White, Blue vs Green, Purple vs Red. I was as grey as the one that led you here when I found this home."
I watched the bones as they spoke the great mouth clacked as it moved with the words but it seemed more habbet than a need to move her mouth. Her voice seemed to come from everywhere at once rather than from her grate more.
"Then there was my colour. I like Reina of the Dragon fire was burdened with the one colour to make all jealous. All Dragons love gold and need that with them to feel whole. I hid myself away from the other dragons who tried to have me as their own. Only one Dragon showed me they wanted me, not my colour. The Black Dragon. He told me we could bring the Dragons together but only if I was able to bring the humans and yaspilrmeth in. The only ones that came were the nightwolf pack."
"I have not heard this story grandmother. Please tell me why?" Kyanite asked.
The bone dragon moved her head and stared at those empty sockets at Kyanite. "This history we agreed not to share. It is a great shame for us that we couldn't live in peace for so long. Even now there is tension in the colours. We needed to come together and your pack saw that. You helped us defeat the one colour that no longer exists. Their bones are here. They see their folly now. They used the one thing they had over the rest of us. Their ability to see what is to come. They used it to put fighters in our way and to call for peace between the Black and White Dragons as they knew doing this would give them an army. Your pack lent me their strength and I was able to bring the Green, the Red and the Blue Dragons under my wing. This is why there is no Red Elder. They recognised they needed to me under the Gold Dragon."
She shook her great head slowly sighing. "They call the dragons to see now as recompense for the loss of the others. I gave that skull to your pack with the stone to show that we are joined. We owe your pack for the blood spilt while we rested safely. We were only safe because of your blood. Kyanite will give you everything you need."
I bowed to her and smiled. "Thank you."
"Do not thank me Duha. We owe you. Your life was full of promise before that was taken from you. The world now needs the Dragons to protect the night wolf pack as we should have before. We need you strong again."
I took a breath and asked. "Could you tell me how to help my sister?"
The great Bone Dragon had started to lay back down. She stopped looking back at us. "Your sister's mind blurs from lucid to full of confusion. It is the mind of someone so hurt by the past that they wish to stay in the past. The only help she can have is a reason to stay in the future. Reina of the Dragon Fire is working on that. She can see as well as I can that your sister's mind clears only when given a task. So she has one."
"So she will be ok?"
The room filled with soft laughter. "Duha your sister has always cut her own path. This is no different. You do not owe her your help. You feel guilt for not hearing her heartbeat before you fled the flames. That guilt is misplaced. You were young and as afraid as Katja was when you saved her from that burning village. We see you Duha, your own struggles. Your sister knew you could not stay and help her. That was why she lay in the fire they set around her. She played dead to hide from them. The madness came later when she could not bear the pain of those burns and her loss. She has to come back from it herself. You can not force her back."
With those last words, the Bone Dragon laid back down. I looked up at Kyanite. "Your grandmother is very wise."
"That is one of the things that made her scales turn Gold. In our blood is the need to look at anything that shines. The Gold Dragons appear when we are most in need of guidance. What I now know of our past makes more sense than what I know about Gold Dragons. Thank you, grandmother. I knew you would make me feel better." The room filled with a soft grumble like the one Topaz makes at Katja. "Come Duha let's get you your reinforcements." I smiled as he took my arm and led me up the tunnel.
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