Chapter 28 Black elder
A soft voice woke me from my rest. "My gem. The elders are here and wish to speak with you."
I sighed sitting up. For the first time, I had felt too sick in the evening to eat a larger dinner so had went to bed hungry leading to me not sleeping well. This morning when I woke up I was just as tired as when I went to bed. I'd lay down on the sofa in my office for a moment to rest. I felt like I'd only been asleep a moment before being woken by Topaz. "Can't they wait an hour longer I'm tired." Topaz's soft chuckle made me open my eyes.
What.... my eyes landed on the Elders filling my office with their size. Oh hell! How am I meant to be taken seriously when I'm sleeping in my office. I sat up slowly rubbing my face. "Forgive me, elders, I've been busy and... sick." Topaz brought the bucket up just in time.
"It is alright Katja. I have also been caught sleeping in my office on occasion when I have been busy. It is harder for us at times as we must care for more than just our duties."
I wiped my mouth with a cloth Topaz offered me. "Still I don't really like vomiting in front of people. I will.... get myself ready and we can.... talk." I said trying not to fill the bucket further.
Blue Elder walked over to me and lifted my head. "You need sustenance Katja of the night wolf pack. I think you will be just fine if you can hold down something less bland than what was in that bowl. I have something that might help... as long as Topaz does not feel I am stepping on his tail."
Topaz stroked my hair and smiled. "Anything to help her Blue Elder."
Blue Elder offered me a bottle. "Sip this whenever you feel sick and you will feel better. Now do you wish to do this here or in the council chamber?"
I looked around the room seeing how full it was with everyone in it. I took a sip of the sweet liquid in the bottle. "Maybe we can start with what this trip was about."
Silver Elder smiled at me. "Two reasons really. When the Elders were formed it was to make a leader of each group. The Black, White and Red Dragon are the exception. They only answer to those they see as good enough. The Red Dragons are under Green Elder."
I nodded. "The only Black Dragon we see as our elder was the ancient one's mate. That is only because he brought us together and stopped all the in-house fighting."
The elders nodded. "And the White Dragons will only call a Gold Dragon Elder. Only Kyanite could mobilise the White Fang as they agreed he was worthy of calling them to arms. Now they fly for Reina of the Dragon fire."
I nodded sitting up more now I felt better. "So there will be problems without a Purple Elder?" The elders nodded. "So how can I help?"
"You are the one that is hurt. You chose his punishment as a Black Dragon... but more than that. A notice was sent out to every Black Dragon as a consequence of the attack on you." Green Elder said.
"A thing not done for an age." Said, Blue Elder.
"We await the response of the Black Dragons and we watch the Purple Dragons for signs of a new strength pushing forward." Silver elder finished.
I frowned looking at my desk. "I don't think I got one of those notes. I'll look when I get time."
"My gem you won't have one. The Black Dragons are deciding what to do with you." Topaz said rubbing my back.
Grate! Now I'm going to be punished for handing out some well-deserved justice. I nodded my head. "Then I shall meet you in the council chamber. These things must have the weight of your history behind them."
Those words seemed to please the Elders. I stood and bowed to them as they left. Once they were gone I moved to the desk. "My gem... what are you doing?"
I smiled as I pulled a fresh sheet of paper towards me. "Writing myself a to-do list. When I'm done with the Elders I'm going to be very tired. I'll forget something if I don't write it down." Topaz's arms came around my waist. I let him pull me back in the chair and his wings came around me. I rested my hands on his. "I need to get changed and go to the council chamber too."
He chuckled opening his wings. "Yes, Black Dragon. I hate to point it out but... I need to carry you."
"I know."
He scooped me out of my seat and out the door as soon as I put my pen down. It didn't take him long to get me to our room. Next, he sat me on the bed and hurried over to the wash basin. I pulled my top off as he offered me the steaming water. "I'd let you wash me if I could afford the time that would be lost."
The smile he gave me was really gorgeous. "Maybe later then! I will need to get you your best clothes. You must look your best in this."
I chuckled. "Why are you being like this my Blue Dragon?" He stopped looking through my clothes and turned to me to answer me. Something in his eyes as he looked at my naked body, told me he saw something different about me. "And what are you staring at me like that for?"
He looked at the nice blue shirt mum had bought me when we took our little cottage in the village just after we had taken it from the bandits. He looked back at me. "I think we need to go shopping."
He came back to my side and poked my belly softly. I frowned at it. Grate! So now I can only wear these trousers. I sighed. "Why do I have a bump?"
"My gem.. I told you Dragons are heavy."
I leaned my head on him. "Alright.... I can do this.... not as fresh as I would like but, I don't have time to find something else."
Topaz rubbed my back. "They will understand my gem."
I straightened taking the shirt he had for me. "Yes, they will. Now what else do we need?" Topaz ran his hand over my bump as I put my top on growling happily.
"Your office is on the way so we can get your armour and weapon."
I nodded. "Then we had better make a move then." He picked me up and practically ran out of the room. I chuckled. "You never answered my first question."
"I am so amazingly proud of you Katja. You are truly the most precious gem in the hoard."
I frowned as he put me down just inside my office and hurried to the armour stand. I walked slowly to my weapon stand next to my desk. Topaz came to my side as he laid my armour out on my desk. "We will have to hang this up soon." I said running my hand down the dark scales.
"No... I will ask Kyanite how he modified Reina's. Then you never need to give it up." Topaz whispered his words as he slipped the armour over my head. I smiled at him as I picked up my weapon. Topaz picked me up and held me as he headed out of the room. "I wish I could carry you further than the door."
"Me too," I murmured already feeling the twinge of pain from moving. He walked in silence that was heavy with our need to be close to each other. "Are you alright Topaz?"
He nodded smiling at me. "We will talk after you are done with the Elders... over dinner." He stopped outside the council chamber and put me on my feet. Stepping back he leaned against the wall behind him. "I will wait here." I nodded took a breath and stepped into the room.
Before me were large chairs in the same colours as the Dragons that occupied them. Looking over the empty ones made me frown. The Purple, Black, and Gold seats I'd expected to be empty. But there was another seat. It sat with the others but its colour looked dim like it had been left uncleaned for a very long time. I stared at the dark brown colour of it. It looks like metal. Like a statue that is made of bronze and left to age.
I walked slowly across the large room towards the Elders. The heavy door started to close behind me making me worry about what was coming. Closed chambers mean Elder business. This can't be good.
"Black Dragon Katja, Purple Dragon has accused you of striping him for no reason." Green Elder said sternly.
I nodded. So here it comes. The consequences of attacking an elder.
"We have had reports from all parties involved. We have found you have given him what he deserved." Blue Elder said.
"This situation sparked a string in the Black Dragons. Garnet sent out a question to all Black Dragons when she heard what you did, we are here to tell you their decision." Silver Elder said standing and walking over to me.
She smiled as she placed a gold chain around my neck with a heavy black stone on the end that was the same as her own and hung just like theirs like they had modified it to fit me. "Welcome Black Elder." A chorus of Dragon voices filled the room as the remaining Elders stood and came to my side.
"I am afraid this will mean more work for you. I'm sure you will manage it as well as Reina of the Dragon Fire has." Blue Elder said smiling.
"This was not what I was expecting." That made them laugh as they led me to the oversized chair.
"After facing off against the strongest Purple Dragon? Oh no Black Elder! Even your Black Dragons would not take him on. It is one of the reasons he got so bold. None of us could do anything to him being Elders. We need to be held to a high standard." Green Elder said winking at me.
I chuckled as I sat on my chair. "He just needed someone to show him you can't bully someone just because they are smaller. Am I allowed to ask questions?"
The other Elders walked back to their seats. "You will not need to. There are a lot of things you will need to know now you are an Elder. The most important is the history of the dragons. I know you are hungry and tired so we will start with the things you need to know before leaving this room and then when we are done here come have lunch with me. We will talk about history. " Silver Elder said smiling and patting my hand.
She returned to her seat as the Green elder cleared his throat. "The first thing you need to know is etiquette. In public we call each other elder, as well as in open counsel. You will need to try very hard not to fight anyone now you are an elder... you do have more grace than we do being a Black Elder but not much."
I nodded. "As you can see some of us wear robes whilst others wear armour." Silver elder said.
"As the head of the Black Dragons when we are here you need to wear your armour. You will be given some grace at the moment." Blue Elder added smiling. "And when you have your hatchling you will need a stand-in."
"I understand Elder. What do I do about my pack?" I asked.
The elders looked at each other. "Your responsibilities as an Elder come first. There are others in your pack. So if there is Elder bissness then you must be here." Green elder said making the others nod.
"I wanted to live in my mum's village. Would that still be possible?" I asked feeling a stone form in my gut at the question.
The silver elder smiled. "As an Elder, you must stay here until your hatchling is born. You understand this?" I nodded. "Well once we don't need to have so many meetings you are free to live where you wish. Being in your mother's village means you will be quite close. We will tell you before a meeting. Reina will need to fly in too I expect."
I smiled. "I'm happy there is some flexibility in that."
"Things have changed Elder. The world will not wait for us anymore. If you wish to live outside of this home then we will support you in that." Silver Elder said smiling and looking back at Green Elder. "I too have thought about being out there in the world for a while. Before all this started there wasn't anywhere for us to go but now... if we win there will be places to go and see that I have never seen before."
"I wanted to build a house by a lake near Mum's village and live there with Topaz." I couldn't help but smile at the idea. Our bedroom would face the lake and every morning the sun would rise and shine on the water just like it did when we stayed there. "When it is built do you want to come and see it Elder?"
The silver elder smiled. "I would love to. Maybe we could all come and visit."
I nodded. "Then we will need a meeting there I suppose. In the meantime, we need to finish telling you what you need to know." Blue elder said with a smile. "It is very good to know you are looking to the future."
"It's hard not to. Reina is so sure..."
"Gold elder." Green elder said.
I chuckled. "Gold Elder is so sure we will win, it's hard not to believe that we will. My mother doesn't trust just anyone. She trusts Gold Elder with her life. Now she is fighting for the freedom she has wanted all her life and with Gold Elder running it... I'm sure we will win."
That made Blue Elder sit back in his chair. "Well, we know Gold Elder is full of surprises. Now that the last few things you must know are..."
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