Chapter 11 Anger and love
I followed everyone else back to the troop transport we had arrived in. Kyanite came over to me. "Katja... I need to ask you about Topaz." I smiled at the muffled voice coming from Kyanite's wings.
"What about him?"
"I might need him when we get home."
Taking a step closer to Kyanite's wings I whispered. "You can have him soon after we get back. He will insist on looking me over." She sighed. "You alright in there?"
"I'm fine just.... uncomfortable. I hope that we will get home fast."
I chuckled. "Me too."
Kyanite walked away as Topaz got closer. "I will need to be with Reina when we..."
"She said." I interrupted.
"You seem angry." He pulled me into his chest.
"They burned my village." Topaz flinched and pressed me to him tighter. "While it was happening I kept thinking if only the army would send someone to protect us. But no it was the bloody army that destroyed everything! They disguise themselves as bandits and destroyed the lives of everyone in my home. Killing the innocent just because they wanted something for nothing." I shook my head.
Topaz sighed as the others started to board the troop transport. "You want to fight them again, don't you?" His sad tone made me look up at him.
He was looking down at me with his chin up so all I saw was the bottom of his chin and his eye. "I'm angry Topaz. I don't know what I want. I lost my home twice to those bastards! I think I'm allowed to be angry." He nodded and gestured to the transport.
I turned and he put his hand on my back as I started walking. "I will be very busy when we get home. I will come with you and make sure this blood is not yours. That pain I smell on you..."
"I'm not in pain." I said stopping just inside the transport.
"You are... you just don't feel it." He said frowning and looking me over in the dim light.
"Do it when we get home. I'm not in the mood to be poked right now." I snapped.
The door to the transport closed and soon after shook as it took off. "So how about a hug?" He said quietly.
He sat down morphing into a human and held his arms out. I sat down on his lap and sighed. "I'm sorry."
"Don't be sorry Katja. You're angry with good reason so there's no need to be sorry."
I sighed laying my head on his shoulder. "I shouldn't take it out on you."
"That's how anger is sometimes. Like when I was angry over what nearly happened to you. I wasn't angry at you but you took the brunt of that." I nodded taking his hand and holding it. "So let's talk about this when we get back home." He whispered in my ear.
"What about it?"
"We will go to our room and I will check you for wounds then I will need to get to Reina. Then we will need to talk about what happens next." I shifted on his lap. I don't know what we will do. I've got so much anger in me that I want to knock heads! But.... I don't want to risk myself. Topaz rubbed my arm. "You're thinking too hard on this my dear. I won't restrict you if you decide to go." He said softly.
I looked over at Reina wrapped up in Kyanite's wings. "If you were a Dragon right now would you have me wrapped up in your wings?"
Topaz chuckled making his body vibrate with it. "No Katja. We are keeping it a secret as best we can."
"Not if that Blue Dragon keeps running her mouth." I mumbled.
Topaz laughed louder. "She won't be telling anyone. Garnet went to Blue Elder who pulled her aside. He told her that she would lose her colour if she did that again. Garnet offered to do it herself."
I chuckled. "Garnet was pretty angry at her for doing that to us. I take it that is a big no-no for the Blue Dragons?"
He squeezed me a little nodding. "That makes her a good friend." I nodded closing my eyes.
He was right. I am in pain, not physically but emotionally. This Blue Dragon thing for smelling a person's pain is handy. Shifting my shoulder I sighed.
"You feel it now?" I nodded. He rested his hand on my hip rubbing his thumb over my armour. I sighed feeling tired after the battle. The adrenaline wore off a long time ago taking with it the mask that hid my muscle pain from fighting. Now that Topaz had me in his arms the last thing keeping me awake started to slip away. "Rest my dear. I'll wake you when we get home." Topaz whispered softly in my ear.
My eyes started to slip closed as he rubbed my hip. I sighed as the mussle pain sliped away with my mind.
"Katja.... Katja my gem." I opened my eyes to Topaz carrying me from the troop transport.
"Topaz... how long was I asleep?"
He was watching where he was going and his voice was alittle harsh. "It didn't take long. We had the transport to ourselves so they were fast."
I groaned as he opened the door to our room. "That explains why I'm still tired." He walked into the room and closed the door with his tail. He stood me on my feet and hurried to get the wash basin. "If you need to go then..." I started but stopped when he growled at me. "Topaz... you have other duties."
He came back with the bowl steaming in his hands. "She will not need me for a while yet. If things change someone will come and get me." He grumbled.
I frowned at his anger. He put the bowl down and took my armour off, dropping it to the floor. That's not like him. He is always so careful with my armour. He pulled my shirt off and lifted the warm damp cloth from the bowl. His hands were gentle in their work on my body. Washing all evidence of the fight I'd been in away. "Why are you angry?" He looked up at me briefly before going back to his task in stoic silence. "You're angry I fought, even though you knew that's what I was going to do."
"No. You are wounded." He tapped my hand and I sighed.
"Not from battle. I did this to myself."
"I know!" He growled I smelt the smoke of his anger but didn't see it. I stroked his face as he wrang out the cloth turning the water red. "Katja you can't hurt yourself."
"I didn't know I had until my anger cooled a little." He met my eyes. Those Blue eyes shined like pale sapphires in the firelight. I could read them easily. His eyes where so full of hurt that I couldn't help but apolagise. "I'm sorry Topaz. I didn't mean to hurt you." He sighed pressing his head into my chest. His scales were rough on my bare skin. They radiated the warmth of his anger through them. Running my hands over the horns on his head I said. "How can I make this better?"
Smoke bellowed up my body engulfing me in a cloud. "I do not know Katja." His voice rumbled with the language he used but it was not meant to carry far.
"Then I will think about something. Now my Blue Dragon, head up." He lifted his head meeting my eyes. "You have a job to do. Then when you come back I will have something to cheer you up."
He growled with his anger then continued to wash me. Slowly he undressed me washing the horrors of the battle from my skin, until I stood bear before him. "Other than bruises and your hand you are uninjured.... my Black Dragon." His hesitation over my station made me realise he may have taken my words the wrong way.
I smiled as he stood to get me clothes. "You understand I meant it as a compliment?"
He nodded as he brought me clothes. "I do my gem. Leave your armour... I will clean it for you when I get back."
I couldn't help my smile becoming wider. "Alright."
He offered me the bundle in his hands and looked at me. "I need to go."
"But you want to stay." He nodded puffing more smoke. "I'm not going to leave without talking to you. We agreed Topaz. I'm here until we can talk." He sighed and eyed me once more before leaving the room.
I quickly dressed and went to the hidden place where he stored his hoard to take my coin purse out. All I can do is hope it's ready. Then I have time to set up what he needs right now. I smiled looking at the bright coins inside the purse. "I will make it up to you Topaz."
Michi met me at the troop transport. He hugged me as I watched Topaz walk away with a sleeping Katja in his arms. "You're covered in blood." He said looking at me.
"None of it mine Michi."
He smiled looking relieved. "Good. Come we need to talk and I left Chea in our room." He took my hand leading me away from the big box I'd travelled in.
"How has Chea been?"
"Oh, he's been a little angel. I may have spoilt him a bit."
I chuckled. "How did you do that?"
"Green Elder told me about a honey milk drink. I gave him some and he loves it."
Smiling at Michi as we turned down another corridor I saw it empty. "Why is it so empty?"
Michi shrugged. "A lot of people are with the Blue Dragons or the Purple Dragons. A lot of people wanted to help so I arranged to have them put to work. Your battle has called them all in."
I laughed as he stopped at the door to our room. "Glad to help."
Michi smiled as he opened the door. As soon as I stepped in I took my armour off putting it on the stand next to the helm I got. Next, I headed for the wash basin and stripped down to wash my body. Michi sucked air through his teeth. "Duha! Your bleeding." He whispered heading for the door.
I shook my head at that as I continued to wash myself. I dressed myself and walked over to Chea. His chubby arms waved as he looked up at me. "What do you think Pup, is daddy overreacting?" I picked him up cuddling him to me as I walked to the fireplace.
The door opened and a Blue Dragon walked in followed closely by Michi. "Your mate says you are wounded Duha of the nightwolf pack."
I smiled at her. "Hello again Blue Dragon."
She smiled at me giving me a small bow. "You are in a far better state than some of your Black Dragons are."
She growled. "They have become sick. The illness going around is affecting us too. Reina of the Dragon Fire is sick with it now... you are friends with her yes?" She lifted my shirt and tended my wound while she chatted away.
"I am and I know she is in the early stages of labour."
The Blue Dragon smiled as she let my shirt drop. "Your wound is all sorted. Not too bad just a small wound. It is true she is, and has asked for Topaz to help her." She shook her head. "That man is not a specialist in these things, but he makes Reina of the Dragon Fire comfortable." She chuckled. "Sorry Duha of the nightwolf pack. I enjoy talking to someone who knows everything already and I do not need to hold my tongue. I wish to offer Katja of the night wolf pack and apology for shearing her condition. I hope she has told you or I could be in trubble again."
"She told me so have no fear of being in truble. Anytime you need to chat, I will be ready to buy the drinks. I will keep what you say to myself what you shouldn't share. You don't need to tend my wounds to chat I hope."
She smiled widely then patted my shoulder. "I will take you up on that. Hopefully, we can become friends."
I bowed to her. "I hope for that too."
She left as Michi sighed. "What was that about?" He crossed his arms looking annoyed.
"Just chatting about Reina and the sickness going around."
He nodded sitting down as I took a sleeping Chea to his bed. "That sickness is spreading through the forces. How was your battle?"
"We did a lot of damage to them and found that it was the army, not bandits that attacked Katja's village." I said looking at Michi.
His shock turned to anger. I walked across the room and kissed him. "We have more important things to talk about than the past."
He frowned. "Just tell me if Katja is alright?"
I stroked his cheek making him lean into my hand. "She will be alright. The man that did it is being punished and the man that ordered it will get him soon."
He put his hands on my hips. "Must be a full moon, you're full of energy and feel so puppy-like."
I smiled. "If I was a wolf I'd wag at you."
"I suppose we should talk about what you want to do." My answer came in the form of a kiss. I pushed him down to the bed and he looked up at me with a mix of shock and surprise. "I suppose that is an answer."
I growled softly and nibbled his neck. His hand slipped up my shirt pulling it off me. He didn't try to wrestle me today. Instead, he let me take the lead as I stripped his clothes off. I growled at him softly as he rolled us both so he was on top of me. It was my turn to lose the last of my clothes. He kissed me softly as he ran a hand up my body. "Duha... I love you."
I smiled at him and whispered in his ear. "I love you too."
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