Chapter Twenty-Eight

Eid Mubarak beautiful people.. Hope you'll have a splendid day❤️❤️

To everyone out there:

Yasmin pulled out the last baking tray from the oven,setting it on the counter before turning to switch off the oven.She put her hands on her hips,letting out a loud sigh before picking up the warm,yummy custard biscuits and placing it into the tupperware on top of the other biscuits.She rolled her head,trying to work out kinks that had formed.

“I told you,you didn’t have to do so much work.” Yasmin turned her head to smile at Huzaifa who leaned against the counter top,looking at her with a concerned look.Yasmin turned to face him as she leaned on the opposite counter.

“Tomorrow is Eid and I unfortunately don’t have a habit of baking in advance.Plus I’m done,now I just have to make Iftaar preparations.”

Huzaifa pushed himself off the counter,“How about I order margarita pizza,thick base and a seafood pizza from Romans so you don’t have to cook?”

Yasmin’s smile broadened and she nodded her head,“That will be amazing,but you need to go pick it up.So order it now and then you can go pick it up.”

“Won’t you come with?”

Yasmin shook her head as she walked past him,patting his shoulder,“Nope,I’m tired so you can run around.Better order so you don’t catch the whole Iftaar rush there.”

Huzaifa reached his arm around her waist,pulling her into his chest as he gazed down at her,“Are you ordering me around?”

Yasmin put her hands around his neck as she gave him an oh-so-innocent smile,“Noooo.I’m just telling you.Now please order so we can get our food on time.”

“You lucky you cute.”

“I know.” Yasmin tapped his nose as she pulled away from him only to be pulled back and she gave him a curious look,“Now what?”

“My kiss.”

Yasmin rolled her eyes as she leaned up to kiss his cheek,“There you go,mister now can you order while I go shower?I really want to shower,I feel yucky.”

Huzaifa loosened his grip on her as he pulled out his phone from his back pocket,“Take a bath,your body will feel less sore.”

“That’s a good idea.You a genius.”

“Thank you,dearest wife.Now go,once you get out which should be by when I need to go fetch the pizza,I’ll leave.”

Yasmin nodded,“That’s a plan.”

Huzaifa winked at her as she left causing Yasmin to shake her head and he turned to find Roman’s number on his phone.He phoned and placed the order before going to sit down in the lounge,switching on the TV to watch the transmission of the pelting of the Jamarat.As the transmission changed to Makkah,showing the Kabah and the rush of the Tawaafe Ziyaarat.A pang of sadness hit him as he watched the Tawaaf and he made dua in his heart.

Ya Allah call us to Makkah.Ya Allah make us of the bless who perform Hajj and Umra.Ya Allah call me and my wife to be blessed by your mercy on the day of Arafat,on the plains of Arafat with our hands held up high.Ya Allah we can only come when you call us.I beg you to call us,to see your House.

Huzaifa made this dua as he wiped way a tear that had fallen,he relaxed into the couch as he begun to recite the Takbeer along with the Takbeer that sounded on the TV.When the news came on,Huzaifa glanced at the clock before looking at hhis room door,worriedly.

Yasmin had not come back,she usually took baths but they never lasted this long.He got up to go check on her,walking to the room.He walked into the room.making his way to the closet which lead to their bathroom and walked to the close door.He knocked as he called out Yasmin.

“Yasmin” No reply came and he knocked again,calling out louder,“Yasmin!” No reply came again and this made Huzaifa get even more worried,he put his hand on the door handle.Should I just go in?What if something happened to her?I mean she could possibly not be in clothes and that would make her feel embarrassed,heck even I’d feel embarrassed?Let me call out one more time,if she doesn’t reply I will open the door.I will deal with the consequences of her being unclothed after I know she’s okay.“YASMIN!?”

Huzaifa hesitated for a couple of seconds.To hell with everything else I need to know she’s okay.He pressed down the door handle,opening the door before taking a step inside.He opened his eyes,looking from the basins around the room to the shower and then finally to the middle of the bathroom.He gave a sigh of relief when he saw Yasmin’s head on the edge of the bathtub.He took another step into the bathroom,avoiding looking anywhere else and he concentrated on her head.He walked closer,alternating his eyes between the floor and her head.Once he stood near her head,he kneeled down keeping his eyes on her face.He saw her eyes closed,he reached to touch her naked arm,his mouth going dry at the thought of how would she react.

“Yasmin.” He called out causing Yasmin’s eyes to flutter open,gazing at him covered in the mist of sleep before her eyes went wide when she felt the water surrounding her,“Uhh,you weren’t answering so I came in.I’m going to pick up the pizzas.Bye.”

Huzaifa fast walked out of the bathroom,leaving behind a red faced Yasmin who’s mouth had fell open.Oh shit.Did he uhh see anything?She wondered as she got out of the tub,rubbing down her body.Her mouth ran dry and she quickly wore her bathrobe before coming out.She thanked Allah for giving her a brain to not lift her body out of the water as she browsed through her clothes,trying to find something to wear.Aghh.I really need to buy new hoodies.She thought before turning to Huzaifa’s side of the closet,smiling when she spotted his black hoodie.She grabbed it pulling it over her upper chest and then she wore her sweatpants.

Yet when she exited the closet she remembered what had happened and she facepalmed herself for sleeping in the tub,plus her hearing power was almost nonexistent when she fell asleep.She hoped she did not flash anything before a thought hit her as she sat down at her readers corner.Even if she did flash anything,Huzaifa would not mention it.He was too much of a gentleman to do so and he knew she would feel embarrassed.There was a part of her though,that made her feel fuzzy inside.He had taken the risk,thinking that maybe she was in danger and after all it was the thought that count more then anything.He had thought she was in trouble and stepped in.He did what any husband in his place would have done.

Yasmin got up to set the table so she would not be running around Magrib time like a headless chicken.She set the table and went to sit down in front of the TV.She smiled at the sight of the Kabah and the Hajji’s.MashaAllah what a beautiful sight!The one place on earth perhaps where colour,rich,poor,caste,country all fell away and people only stood as Muslims.Nothing mattered when you stood shoulder-to-shoulder,became friends and shared your food.How lucky were those who had stood on the Plains off Arafat,pelted the Jamaraat,scarificed their animal,cut their hair and now performed Tawaafe Ziyaarat.She wondered what it would be like to share the days of Hajj and Umra with her beloved husband as a dua formed in her mind.

Ya Allah bless Huzaifa and I to visit Your house.To make Tawaaf and offer our salaah in Masjid-ul-Nabwi.Ya Allah,whether it is Hajj or Umra,Ya Allah please call us.

She reached for her phone when it pinged,smiling when she saw a message from her mother-in-law slash mummy,Asmaa.

Asmaa mummuy:Tomorrow you’ll must come for breakfast after Eid salaah.
Asmaa mummy:Don’t bring much,only what I told you to bring.Don’t try and be clever with me.

Yasmin laughed at her mother-in-law’s words before replying.

Yasmin:Jee mummy we’ll be there.I won’t bring much.
Yasmin:Mummy,do you need anything thou?

Her phone pinged again,this time a message from her mother.Yasmin exited her chat with Asmaa and entered her mummy’s chat.

Ma:Tomorrow tea supper by your big uncle
Ma:Huzaifa’s first bakri eid don’t be late

Yasmin:Okay ma.
Yasmin:I’ll bring tea stuff

Ma:Yeah do that
Ma:What are you wearing to your in-laws? To your big uncles house?

Yasmin shook her head at her mother’s questions yet there was a smile on her face.Every year they had this conversation and this year would be no different,she just knew what reply she was about to get to her answer.

Yasmin:To my in-laws because we’ll probably help with the skinning im going to wear tracksuit pants with a tshirt then I’ll change into a jeans and top outfit

Yasmin did a mental countdown as she saw the grey ticks change to blue,but before she could see her mother’s typing status Asmaa mummy sent her a message.She exited the chat and opened the other one.

Asmaa mummy:Yes yourself and my useless son tell him I called him that Nothing else or else I won’t let you in.
Asmaa mummy:Oh and wear whatever you want to wear but old clothes because we help with the skinning sometimes or even to just hang up the sheep
Asmaa mummy:Can’t count on these men not to mess up something

Yasmin giggled as she typed out her reply.

Yasmin:Trackpants and a tshirt is okay?With scarf?

Yasmin exited the chat to her mother’s chat where she rolled her eyes.She knew this was coming so she was not surprised.

Ma:Why are you going to help?They have enough men and that big mouth cousin of his
Ma:Don’t help okay. And why jeans and top? What about the dress you got in your gifts?

Yasmin shook her head.Her mother had not let go of what Ruksana had said up until now and constantly reminded her despite Yasmin already having forgotten about the event,even forgiven Ruksana.She had told mummy to pass the message along but her mother had not forgotten and how could she forget?Someone had spoken badly against her beloved daughter and she would not let it go.

Yasmin:Mummy don’t be like that
Yasmin:What happen happen but tomorrow is Eid so I’ve forgiven and forgotten mummy do the same
Yasmin:It's cold I'm not wearing a dress

Yasmin exited the chat to go see what Asmaa mummy had to say and she smiled.

Asmaa mummy:I told you anything is fine
Asmaa mummy:Don’t worry about Rukaya and Ruksana wear what you want to after dada’s talk I doubt they’ll open their mouths plus dada will be there

Yasmin felt  bit of a burden fall off her shoulder at Asmaa’s words and she believed her enough to nod her head.

Yasmin:Jee mummy
Yasmin:But if you do need anything just message me mummy

Yasmin went out of the chat to her mother’s chat and she could practically hear what her mother had written.

Ma:I don’t care
Ma:She shouldn’t have spoken such nonsense but help if you want to don’t listen to your mother when do you listen to your mother

Yasmin sat there,twiddling her fingers before she decided to write something that would make her mother smile.

Yasmin:Ma you acting like a drama mother the ones who trouble there daughters don’t become like that I already have one villain in my story I don’t need another one must I tell daddy to disconnect Zee and Star Plus?

Yasmin giggled at the reply that came through.

Ma:Haha not funny daddy’s baby

Yasmin:Like mummy isn’t nana’s baby

Just then the front door opened,Yasmin put her phone down to greet Huzaufa who came through.He immediately lowered his eyes when he saw her and Yasmin now really wondered if he saw anything.


“I never see anything I swear.I was looking down the entire time and I never lift my head even once I promise.I never even look at anything except your head and I only touched your arm I promise I never look or see anything else.Nothing I promise.So you don’t have to be embarrassed.And please don’t be mad.I promise I called you three time then I got worried when you never answer so I came in otherwise I wouldn’t have come in.I promise.”

Huzaifa finally stopped and Yasmin looked at him with a raised eyebrow,wondering what the hell had gotten into him?A bit relieved that he had seen nothing but more amused at his rant and the thought that she was mad or embarrassed.

“Are you done?Do you want to maybe sit down after that?” Huzaifa lifted his head,eyes wide with shock.


Yasmin held back her smile with much difficulty as she walked closer to him and took the pizza box from his hands,“You adorable I swear.And don’t worry I trust you enough to know you would not look.Even if you did,as you said you have a right.”

Saying that she walked away,informing him of what Asmaa mummy had said only for him to stare at her back before he ran his hand through his hair,a smile on his face.Another step forward and gosh was he happy.

"Oh mummy said you useless."

Huzaifa’s mouth fell open,"That's mean.I'm not useless." He picked up his phone to message his mother while Yasmin laughed away.


Yasmin stood to the side with the other women as the men brought forward one sheep,towards the hole they had dug.She watched her husband closely,as he held the sheep’s legs together and bind it just enough to keep it still.Ismail grabbed those legs while Muhammed grabbed the back legs.Huzaifa held out his hand,speaking while holding the sheep’s head,moving the fur back to find the place where he would slaughter.The sheep moved around but the men held him down.

“Yasmin,hand me the knife.” Yasmin put the knife in his hand before moving back to stand with the women.Huzaifa read the dua and in one go cut through the three veins.People thought that when Muslim’s cut their sheep,they tortured the sheep but it was the absolute opposite.There was no waiting around when the sheep is on the ground,the other sheep were kept away from the sheep being slaughtered and nothing was done to the sheep until the last breath had left the sheep.

People have no issues with KFC,McDonalds,Burger King and other franchises cut billions of animals,no one says anything but let Muslims slaughter livestock whose meat will be distributed to the poor and needy,everyone has a problem.The world and the world’s mindsets were very difficult to understand.

The men untied the legs,watching as the last breath left the sheep and Yasmin took the knife from Huzaifa before handing him a cloth to wipe his hands,“Last one of the day.” Huzaifa yawned and Yasmin smiled as she put the knife into the bucket filled with water.

“Tired already?”

“Yeah.This day has been long.I can’t wait to eat.”

Yasmin looked at him with a mischievous glint in her eyes as she took the knives out of the water,“First go bath after you skin the sheep,you stink.”

Huzaifa glared at her before smiling as he looked over his shoulder,“Ismail,Muhammed how about our wives help us skin this sheep?After all they just sat looking at us when we did the others.”

Yasmin’s mouth fell open as Nailah and Laaibah complained while the men agreed.

“You’ll can’t make us do that.” Nailah said and Huzaifa laughed when Muhammed reached out to touch her causing her to move back quite fast.

“Yes,we can.”

Yasmin glared at Huzaifa but she got an idea when she saw Asmaa,“Mummy?”

Asmaa looked at her from where she spoke with Yaseen,a smile on her face while Huzaifga’s eyes went wide,“Jee?”

“Huzaifa,Ismail and Muhammed are forcing us to skin the sheep with them but we still have to make tea and get ready before the others come.Once they done they’ll shower and sit down but we’ll have to work.”

Asmaa looked at the men with what could best be described as a death glare being thrown at the now silent men who seemed to be trying to hide away.Asmaa pointed a finger at them,“Don’t even dare to ask the women to help you’ll.Do it yourselves or let the workers help you’ll.They already have work to do and they did help with the first couple of sheep as the workers were late.Now start and let them go do their work.”

Huzaifa and the other men glared at their smiling women,as they quickly went to work.Yasmin hugged Asmaa when they came into the house,they all burst into laughter.

“Mummy,you are the best.”

Asmaa patted her cheek,“Thank you but now go bath then come help me sat the table for tea.Yasmin,you can make the tea,your hand tea is really nice.”

“Jee mummy.”

Shukar alhumdulilah,Asmaa and Yaseen’s house had enough rooms for them all to keep their clothes and bath.Yasmin had been busy brushing her hair when Huzaifa came in,he glared at her while she gave him a smile.

“I’m not talking to you.” Yasmin giggled when he walked into the bathroom and slammed the door shut.Her poor hubby.He might be mad at her but she knew how to make it up to him.

Huzaifa came out of the bathroom and found Yasmin in the same position.She had betrayed him by taking mummy’s help of getting out of him spending time with her since breakfast so now he wouldn’t talk to her.He turned his head away from her and made his way to the cupboard where she had hung his clothes.He frowned when he opened the cupboard,not seeing his clothes.He looked around the room and found his clothes on the bed,besides Yasmin.

Yasmin stood up when he came to get his clothes,getting in his way.Each time he tried to move around her,she blocked his way.

“Huzaifa.” He did not say a word,only tried to move around her but Yasmin blocked his way,“Huzaifa,I’m sorry.” He again tried to move around her but this time Yasmin pushed away her shyness at the fact that he only had on a towel on his waist as she put her hands on his shoulders,causing him to freeze and look at her,almost shocked.Yasmin leaned forward,pressing a kiss to his right cheek,“I am sorry.” She did the same to his left cheek,repeating her words and she held back a smile at the small smile that almost showed up.She pouted,repeating her actions but when she got no response she pulled away,“Fine be like that.”

She begun to turn around when Huzaifa’s hand wrapped around her arm,causing her to stop and look at him,eyebrow raised.Huzaifa lowered his head until he looked her in the eye before speaking.

“You missed one place to kiss,my queen.Maybe if I get that kiss you’ll be forgiven.”

Yasmin smiled,knowing that he was now talking to her and she knew where to kiss him.She stood on tipie toes,lifting her head to press her lips against his in a short kiss before pulling back.

“Now am I forgiven?”

Huzaifa smiled mischievously as he turned her around causing her to squeal,her back against the hard contours of his chest as he whispered in her ear,“If I wasn’t afraid of my towel falling I would be tickling you but since I am,you better be warned once we get home no one can save you.”

Yasmin looked up at him through the mirror a horrified look on her face,“Oh shit.”
As salaam mu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa brakatu everyone

I hope you all liked this chapter and yes it is quite long to make up for it being late 😊

Eid Mubarak once again

Secondly sorry for this late update (I think it's late) I had a full week as I was busy with my teaching practicals and Eid preparations.
I wrote this in two and a half hours,one sitting.

Thirdly please go give this book a +1 in The Fiction Awards best spiritual book. It will mean a lot to me.
Thank you to everyone who did this in the previous round and brought us to the final round.

Fourthly as we go about our day please do not forget to pray/make dua for all the people in Kashmir who are right now disconnected from the entire world including their own families,who cannot go out of their house for mere necessities and medication. If we could do it for Sudan we can do it for Kashmir.

Remember the Ummah in your duas and keep on smiling

Fi Amanilah

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