Chapter 23: "Author vs OC 2/2"
(Play this song)
Cultist in the radio: "Sky are clear you should be fine."
Knight Tom: "Copy that."
As Tom cut the radio from his followers he then grab one of his mixtape and puts it on as the music starts to play inside his fighter while he was jamming out with the music that is playing Tom then grabbed his radio and contacted to the heroes who are still in the ground.
Knight Tom: "To those any of heroes are listening in this channel do you really think that I'd let you guys live after what you did to my factories the answer is no. Now do me a favor and die."
Tom then turn off his radio and did a quick turn making his fighter plane turn.
As he faces the ground, and he then switches his main gun to machine gun while doing his run Tom then start strafing on the ground where our heroes are on seeing the machine gun coming down towards them David quickly roll out as he grabbed his radio starts yelling.
David: "Striker he here! We need air support now!"
Seeing Tom making his run again David dive for cover as he contacted the others who are separated from each other.
David: "Anyone who can hear me! TAKE COVER HE MAKING HIS RUN AGAIN!"
When David finished his radio call Tom began his gun run as he started to strafe the ground when he started to pull up after making his gun run Tom looked down in the ground seeing the heroes in the ground as he was circled around in the sky Tom contacted the heroes again.
Knight Tom: "Just give it up kiddos you all know you're all going to die I mean seriously what are you going to gain after you beat me?"
David then crawled on the ground hearing the engine of Tom fighter plane still going on he then grabbed his radio and contacted the Father back.
David: "What do we gain if you don't surrender? I'm going to have to kill you myself."
Knight Tom: "That funny you bandit.... Listen here this is my vow to every friend, every child, every person including your loved one are going to die by me so have fun dying by me."
Tom then turns off his radio and continues his gun run.
Suddenly, Tom narrowly avoids a missile that was coming his direction. He then managed to evade gunfire from Blue's ship, which was flying at about mach 20. Tom just barely managed to fly under it and avoid getting kamikazed.
Tom flew off in the other direction, as Blue's ship suddenly went into hover to make a quick turn around and chase after him.
Blue: "Ghost, get Striker on comms."
Ghost: "Done."
Suddenly, Striker's voice came through the comms.
Striker: *Through the comms* "I am close to your location, just give me a sec!"
Blue: "Just be aware that Mr. I-wanna-be-like-Maverick is here. Get ready to go high into the clouds! And be ready to put those upgrades to work!"
Suddenly, Blue hears gunfire next to him. He sees Michael fighting off five cultists. He manages to kill two of them, but the other three manage to poise their guns to kill him.
Blue: "Get the fuck away from my bestie!"
He then threw a Nova Bomb at the last three cultists, disintegrating them into purple light.
Michael looked back and nodded at the Warlock.
Blue: "You feel that? Only best buddies kill kool-aid drinkers together."
Michael: "Huh, nice hit! *Throws shield at cultist knock them down*"
Blue: "To be fair, it's kind of hard to miss with a giant explosion made of space magic."
Michael: "Makes sense. *Catches shield*"
Blue: "Exactly! Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm fixin' to fuck this Top Gun wannbe in the face."
Back to the Dog fight.
Knight Tom: "You're good I give you that."
He was unaware that the ship was unmanned and in drone mode, which meant that it wasn't even at peak combat efficiency.
Tom then spun to avoid more gun fire.
Back with Blue and Captain Marine Man
Michael: "Well this is going great for us!"
Blue: "He's fixin' to have a real bad day."
Michael: "Who you?"
Blue: "I'll make you a deal, if you stop being a dumbass, I'll give you a treat. In fact, here's a down payment."
Blue then gives Michael a crayon.
Michael: "What am I supposed to do with this?" *Throws crayon away*
Blue: "Fuck! I forgot that wasn't a thing until WW2."
Ghost: "Yeah, you kinda shot yourself in the foot there."
Blue: "Mute."
Ghost: "You can silence me, but you can't silence the tru- *BLOOP*"
Suddenly, the Kom'rk lands in front of the two, with Blue walking forward against the strong winds like the badass he is. Though, he didn't appreciate Ghost playing Imperial March.
The boarding ramp then lowers, allowing the two to board.
Striker: *Through the intercom,* "Welcome aboard! Please prepare for sudden movements! Also, for the love of the gods, close up before someone gets shot out!""
The two heroes... well, if we're being honest here, "hero" in HEAVY quotations in Blue's case, then boarded the ship.
The ship then lifted off and went after Tom and Blue's ship.
The mandalorian huntress accelerated rather quickly. She widened the range on her scanner as well as engaged the camouflage. Only to hope it was to help. She took a second before she flipped on the intercom once more.
Striker: "Alright. Being a cargo ship, we can only go so quickly. Luckily, we have had some speed moderation. Now, Blue, get your shiny sheb up here and tell me what frequency I can try to find your ship on."
Still trying to avoid the gunfire from Blue's ship Tom look behind him to see It's still on him turning back to the front Tom then grab a grip on the throttle and starts to do a trick pulling one of his trick on Blue ship Tom managed to get behind on Blue ship and starts firing machine gun rounds towards the ship as he was chasing it.
Knight Tom: "Payback is a bitch ain't it."
The ship then pulled the same maneuvers that Tom had pulled to avoid getting shot, as if to give Tom a middle finger. The ship then flipped upside down and pulled back on the throttle. Tom watched as the ship flew behind him over his head, but not before noticing something.
The ship had briefly deactivated the sunshield, which allowed Tom to look inside the cockpit and see that there was no one in the cockpit.
Knight Tom: "What the fuck? Where is the pilot?"
The ship then simultaneously fired both missiles and guns at Tom.
Knight Tom: "Damn...Flares!"
Tom then popped flares avoiding the missile that were on him as he was trying to get out the machine gun fire as he was pulling all of his tricks but couldn't shake it off.
Tom then noticed a shadow fly overhead. He looked up and saw the Kom'rk flying above him. He then saw something fall from the back of the ship.
That something turned out to be Blue, as he landed on the front of Tom's cockpit.
Blue: "SUP, BITCH!?!?!?"
Blue then took out his pistol and started shooting into the cockpit. All his shots missed, and Tom pulled out his pistol and started shooting back. One bullet knicked Blue's foot, causing the Guardian to tumble behind the cockpit. Blue then used his sword to stab the back of the plane. Blue then peeled a panel off the plane, then dropped a Arcbolt grenade into the plane. Blue then unembedded his sword from the plane, and flew backwards towards his ship, before Ghost transmatted him into the cockpit.
The grenaded exploded, sending bolts of electricity through the entirety of the plane. Under normal circumstances, the pilot would have been fried, but since Tom's armor was insulative, he was fine. The plane, however, experienced a full system's shutdown, and was currently falling from the sky.
Blue took advantage of this and fired his guns at Tom and managed to get a few good hits in on the plane. He then fired missiles towards the incapacitated plane.
Tom, however, managed to get the plane back in working condition just in time to fire off some flares and pull up.
Knight Tom: "DAMMIT!!!.......Did not expect that, did I."
Tom then continues to avoid the gunfire from Blue ship as he then turns on his radio connection to his followers as he radio in.
Knight Tom: "I need back up now! DAMMIT WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!!!"
Cultist: "Right we are sending more right now to back you just hang in there."
As Tom then turns off his radio he then pulls every trick that he knows against Blue and Striker ships as they were chasing him.
Tom then looks above him and sees Blue flying above him upside down. Blue then proceeds to flip Tom off... you know, as a little fuck you to Tom because Tom did it to him.
Blue: "Greetings!"
Blue then flips his ship so that he's flying beside Tom.
Blue: "Heheh, ehhh, I crack myself up."
Tom then goes into full throttle, and Blue immediately does the same to give chase.
Tom then notices that the mixtape that he was playing started playing static.
All of the sudden, it cut out completely and Ghost's voice was heard through the radio.
Ghost: "Attention Top Gun reject! We noticed that the mixtape you were playing is shit, so we're gonna play you an improvement against your will. Okay, byeeee~!"
Suddenly, a new song began playing through the plane's speakers.
Let's just put it lightly and say that Tom was a little pissed. He then turned the radio back on and contacted his followers again.
Knight Tom: "One of you idiots get up here and shoot these bastards down, NOW!!!"
Cultist: "We're trying, but our whole squadron is getting shot down by- AAARRRGGGHHH-"
The radio then cuts off into static. Tom looks around, but doesn't see any explosions or anything around him, and notices that the Kom'rk is still following him and Blue.
It was then that Tom realized that there must have been a third ship that he hadn't encountered yet hiding out somewhere in the clouds.
Tom, sick of the music that was currently playing, took out his pistol and shot the radio... only to realize that it was still playing, meaning it was in the system, and Tom had no way to turn it off.
Tom: "... Well fuck."
Tom then pulled back on the throttle and flew behind Blue. Tom had expected some trick that Blue would immediately pull to get back behind him, but was somewhat surprised when he just kept flying.
Tom fired his guns at Blue, but Blue managed to avoid the bullets. Blue then sharply dipped downwards and started flying towards the water, with Tom following. Tom fired off two missiles as Blue flew downwards. Once again, Blue managed to surprise Tom when Blue allowed the missiles to get somewhat close to him. Blue then started spinning, still flying towards the water, and the missiles started swirling around each other, until they eventually collided and exploded behind him. Tom had to briefly pull up a bit to avoid flying into the explosion.
Blue then pulled up mere inches away from the water, with Tom following suit. Tom tried to fire two more missiles at Blue, but they landed in the water the moment they dropped from the plane.
Tom: "Damn... this guy got a lot better than when I first met him... he must be an ace pilot with years of experience."
In Blue's cockpit
Blue was currently chugging a beer, his eyes not even looking in front of him. He would occasionally headbang to the song that was playing... yes, it was the same song they were playing in Tom's plane, because fuck you.
Back to Tom
Tom chased Blue all the way to an ice cave. Yet again, Tom was surprised by Blue, though this time it was because he didn't think that Blue was ballsy enough to fly into a narrow ice cave.
Yet, that's exactly what Blue did.
And of course, being the sore loser he has turned into, Tom thought that, if Blue could maneuver at full throttle in there, then so could he.
So, the two flew into the ice cave, at full throttle.
Tom was waiting to get a good shot at Blue, not wanting to bring the entire cave down on them.
Blue had a very different plan, as he suddenly flipped upside down and began firing at the cave ceiling in front of him, letting large chunks of ice fall. Blue managed to maneuver around the falling ice, and Tom was just barely able to as well.
Then, at the end of the cave, Blue set his ship into hover mode and flipped the ship over the mouth of the cave and hovered above it for a second. Then, when Tom shot out from the cave, Blue blasted off after him.
Blue fired guns and missiles at Tom, but Tom managed to avoid all of them.
Tom then pulled the same maneuver he used to get behind Striker in the first bout to get behind Blue. However, before Tom could get any shots off, Blue immediately pulled straight up and started to climb in altitude. Tom, of course, chased after him.
Tom fired off bullets and missiles, all of which didn't hit Blue.
At this point, Tom was absolutely livid. So much, in fact, that he neglected to pay attention to his altitude.
Speaking of, Tom very quickly noticed that the jet engines in his plane suddenly stopped working. He then noticed small patches of ice forming around the cockpit glass. He then looked and saw Blue's ship go into hover mode to quickly turn around.
Tom then began to fall from the sky.
He frantically looked around to see what he could do to get his plane back in commission. He then went into a spiral towards the water.
His plane then came back online. He planned on immediately pulling up, but when he looked up, he saw that Blue's ship was in the way, with Blue looking at Tom with a shit eating grin. Tom tried to spin so that Blue wouldn't be in the way, but Blue just spiraled around him to prevent him from doing that.
Then, for some inexplicable reason that Tom couldn't decipher, Blue suddenly broke off and flew into the thick clouds.
Tom tried to give chase, but he ended up losing Blue in the thick cover of the clouds.
Down on the ground with David
David was watching the whole thing unfold from the ground, and needless to say... he was very impressed with Blue's aviation capabilities.
David: "Wow....Got to hand that to you Blue."
Back to Tom
Knight Tom: "Where the hell are you damn bandit..."
Suddenly, red lasers blasted from the clouds, and the Kom'rk popped out of nowhere and gave chase to Tom, though Striker had two planes from the backup squadron hot on her tail.
Striker: "Let's get rid of the lackeys shall we?"
The huntress reached over and flicked on the rear targeting before she started firing at the ships behind her. She moved the ship based on the direction she needed to go. However, the kom'rk stayed facing forwarded the entire time. Soon, she saw one blow up and the other was damaged by a piece of debris.
Striker: "And down they go."
Soon, she flicked on her comms and connected the ones who were on the channel specifically.
Striker: "Ships on my tail taken care of. Diverting course to attempt to go after...what did you call him? Top Gun wanna be or whatever."
After managing to get behind the Kom'rk with two more survivors of the back up squadron, Tom locked onto the Mandalorian ship.
Knight Tom: "I have you now!"
All the sudden, the two planes that were backing Tom up were shot out of the sky.
Knight Tom: "WHAT?!?!?!"
With Striker
Striker: "Well that seems friendly!"
With Blue
Blue: "What the hell?!"
Ghost: "The fuck was that?!"
Suddenly, Kahn's voice was suddenly heard through the radio of both Blue and Striker's ships.
Kahn: "YEAH-HOO!!!"
Tom, Striker, and Blue looked up to see a third Hero ship fly down from the heavens.
Tom: "That must be the one that took out the rest of the backup squadron."
Tom then set his sights on Kahn and gave chase.
Khan then led Tom away from Blue and Striker. They began to turn around to help, but two unfamiliar voices then came through both of their radios.
???: "I would suggest you pick up your friends on the ground first."
???: "Yeah, let us wear this guy down some more before you use that seismic charge."
Striker: "Where the kriff did you come from, for one. And for two, Who the kriff is with you?"
Kahn: "Long story short their with me."
Striker: "Well, the more the merrier."
The radios then cut off.
Blue and Ghost looked at each other, and simply shrugged before turning around to go pick up David. Meanwhile, as Striker turned around to pick up Team PTNS and Cal, there was only one thought that crossed her mind regarding these new voices that Kahn was evidently familiar with...
Striker: "Wait...was that a Wookie?"
Back to the Dog Fight
???: "He's on us!"
Kahn: "Hang on I'll try to shake him off!"
Kahn tries to shake off Tom but couldn't as they came under fire by Tom machine gun until he managed to get some hits on the ship causing it to shake a bit after taking the hits from Tom he continues to chase after them until he switch to Missile trying to lock on to Kahn ship.
Knight Tom: "Come on baby."
Knight Tom: "TAKE THIS!!!"
Firing one of his missiles towards Kahn ship, Tom continued his chase on him watching the missile he fired chased after him.
Kahn simply pulled up, and the missile followed. He then spun the ship around and killed the throttle. Then, one of his buddies on one of the mounted guns shot the missile out of the air. Kahn punched the throttle again as the ship pivoted downwards.
Tom then fired another missile... only for it to suddenly redirect into a cliff to the left.
Knight Tom: "... WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!"
With Kahn
???: "Force powers, bitch!"
With Tom
Knight Tom: "*Angry spanish noises*!!!"
Tom chased after Kahn's ship, which pulled up and looped all the way back down mere inches away from the ground.
Tom gave chase and fired his guns, but held his missile, as he didn't want to make a worse version of his earlier mistake with Blue.
Suddenly, Kahn then made a hard left turn and skidded across the snow before flying towards the ruins of the chemical factory.
Knight Tom: "Come on, COME ON!!!"
Tom then chased the large ship towards the ruins of the factory... yes, into. There was apparently a narrow tunnel underneath it... for some reason.
Anyways, Kahn flew into it, and Tom gave chase while firing a missile, which exploded on a beam above Kahn.
Knight Tom: "...Dammit!"
Knight Tom then chased Kahn out of the tunnel.
Knight Tom was about to fire at Kahn again, when Kahn killed his engine and slid across the ice. The sliding across the ice caused Kahn's ship to turn around, allowing Kahn to fire at Tom. He actually managed to hit Tom's wing, and while Tom could still fly, his wing was now on fire.
As soon as Kahn's ship rotated another 180*, Kahn turned the engine back on and took off at full throttle and went back up into the clouds. Tom would have given chase, but at the current moment, he was frantically trying to make sure that everything was still working well enough to fly.
Back with David
Seeing the battle goes on in the air David got confused on the third ship that came out of nowhere.
David: "Who third ship is that?"
Ghost: *Through comms* "Oh, that's Kahn... apparently."
David: "I figured....So that's where he has been this whole time."
Blue's ship then hovered in front of David for a brief second.
David then began to feel a little weird, before he was suddenly transmatted into Blue's ship.
David: "... What just happened?"
Blue: "You just transmatted. And take this."
Blue then hands David a bucket.
David: "Why do I need-"
David then throws up into the bucket.
Blue: "That's why."
Ghost then transmatts the bucket out of the ship, and the ship takes off.
With Team PTNS
Pyro: "So how long do we have to wait?"
Sky: "I'm sure we won't have to wait long."
Striker swung her ship around and then landed not far away from the team. The ramp popped open and Striker walked with it. Her hands on her hips as she stood there.
Striker: "Alright. Get in here, sit down, strap in, and don't break anything. And before you say anything, I am not your mother."
Pyro: "Now that you say it, you are now officially our mother!"
Pyro quickly ran into the ship as Sky, Natura, and Torn walked into the ship. They saw Pyro jump up and land on a seat, swaying back and forth in his seat.
Natura: "You sure are excited Pyro."
Pyro: "I like to ride in these kinds of things!"
Torn: "I think you're the only person that could be excited to go into a war zone."
The Huntress sighed and then shook her head. Once everyone was on board, she closed the ramp and went back to the cockpit. She flipped a couple things before she lifted off. If they weren't sitting down now, they would be in a second.
Striker quietly: "Great. Now I am a mother to people who are not even in the same universe...yay."
Back To Cal
It shows Cal with BD-1 walking in the hallway to go through a sliding door, to see a throne room empty. Cal looks around the area to see if he can find anything useful. Cal then looks behind the throne to see a window view of the sky and the battlefield, but then he sees team RWBY watching the view of the battle that was going on outside on the field.
Cal then walks to his team to talk to them.
Cal: "Guys? Guys! I found you! It's me, Cal!"
Cal said in relief to finally reunite with his team.Not until a hologram of Knight Tom appears in front of him.
Hologram Knight Tom: "Well, Well, Well if ain't the lovely Team RWBY that Ruby and I have to rescue you three out of resistance prison."
Cal: "What? What is he talking about?"
Hologram Weiss: "Why yes Father Tom and I thank you and Mother Ruby for saving us."
Hologram Blake: "Yes indeed they were planning to execute us after what we did in the past before the Collapse."
Hologram Yang: "Yep, but right now I'm happy that we are together like we should be before the others took you away from us."
Hologram Knight Tom: "Alpha, Cmonkey, Flatcap, Ryan, Hitman, Locus, Rubes, Divine and Jay are dead. Sam disappears along with Ozpin/Oscar including my mentor. My followers are currently trying to track them but right now..... Let us enjoy our new world..."
Cal: "Alpha, Cmonkey, Flatcap, Ryan, Hitman, Locus, Rubes, Divine and Jay. Who are those people? Do you know them, BD?"
BD-1: "*shakes head* Fwoop-do-boop!"
Cal: "Me neither. Wonder what happened to them? And, that guy, The Father, he was talking with Ruby and the others... were they just talking with that mad man?
BD-1: "Foop-bop-be-woop!"
Cal: "No... this can't be... They... are on his side, and not ours. What... why would he do such a thing like this? Why is he taking my friends and Ruby? No, why are my friends and Ruby siding with that mad man?! It doesn't make sense! I did not come this far to see my friends and the girl I love dearly to see them siding with that Father person or whatever the hell he is?! This can't be right!
As Cal was shock from the discovering of the Mother's identity as she was standing right next to Knight Tom.
Cal: "WHAT?! NO! NO! NO! This can't be! This can't be right! NO! *Force Pushes the throne chair to the wall*
Back to Tom
Knight Tom: "Damn come on! Just hold it steady!!!"
It shows Knight Tom trying to control his ship only to have red flashes on the control board and hears the beeping noise around his controls turning to his side Tom watches to see one of his wings came off with an explosion knowing this Tom look at front all he could see that he was spinning out of control heading towards the snowy forest.
Knight Tom: "Well shi-"
Five Minutes later
??: "If you knew how you were going to die... What will be the last thing you ever do Thomas...."
Knight Tom then quickly woke up only to find himself in the cockpit of his ship slowly crawling out of his personal ship. Tom felt a great pain on his right arm only to find it dislocated sitting on the nearest tree, grabbed the radio with his left arm and started contacting his followers while he was treating himself.
Cultist: "Father, do you respond?"
Knight Tom: "I'm here bandits nearly killed me there...."
Cultist: "Father where are you so we can back you up?"
Knight Tom: "In the Forest, pretty sure far away from our main kingdom or outposts I'll set up my recovery beacon but hurry quickly...." *Snap his right arm back in place while holding back his scream* "Those filthy bandits will come and find me..."
Ending his radio transmission Tom then got up and walked towards his ship cockpit grabbing a weapon bag from the pilot seat that was right next to it Tom then opened the bag and lined up the weapons that he stole and killed. Placing his weapons to the side Tom then grabbed one of the dead Warlock guardian gun that could weaken them as it was a Hand cannon having this on his hand Tom then place it on his holster and starts hiding and burying one of his weapons around his surrounding, so he can use it against the people who are coming towards him.
While Tom was about to finish his setup he then stops and turns around to see Samantha standing in front of him covered in bruises and small cuts around her face, cheeks and arms.
Knight Tom: "Sam...."
Samantha: "Tom...."
Knight Tom: "You came here to finish me off?"
Samantha: "No I'm here to save you, but Tom, just surrender... it's over."
Knight Tom: "Well.....Not till the fat lady sings!"
Tom then pulls his pistol and shoots Samantha as she falls to the floor walking towards Samantha. Tom looked at his down friend and raised his pistol over Samantha's head ready to kill her until.
The sound of an engine quickly became louder and louder before Kom'rk was seen. It slowed down and got lower to the ground before it hovered there. Inside the ship, Striker's voice came over the intercom.
Striker: "Team PTNS, you're green. Give him hell. I'll be back in no time."
Pyro: "You got it mom!"
Team PTNS jumped out of the ship and landed on the ground. Pyro immediately made a ball of fire in his hand and ran at Tom.
Pyro: "Burst!"
Pyro threw the ball forward, making Tom move out of the way of it. Sky quickly made a bow and arrow out of light and fired at Tom, trying to catch him off guard. Tom noticed the arrow and was about to jump away from it, but some vines wrapped around his legs, keeping him in place and the arrow hitting his chest.
Pyro: "Burst!"
Pyro ran up in front of Tom and made a blast of fire in his face, knocking him upward. Torn went behind Tom and slashed him down with his sword, making him crash into the ground. Pyro looked over at Samantha.
Pyro: "Don't worry lady! We're here to stop him!"
Samantha: "Kids get out of here he-"
Right before Samantha could say anything Tom quickly throw stun grenades stunning the teenagers as Tom quickly got up from the floor punching Torn in face three time and kick him away from him as Tom quickly went to side and dig out a sword and grabbed Samantha off from the floor and stare at the kids having Samantha on his hand.
Knight Tom: "You kids pissed me off so much, but now I have one thing to say: give war a chance..."
Blood splatters on the face's of Team PTNS as Tom stabbed his sword through Samantha as he pulled his sword out of her and tossed Samantha to the side.
Knight Tom: "So..... Who's next to die...."
Pyro looked at Tom as he so casually just killed someone in front of him. Flames came from his body, burning the blood on his face away, as he dashed forward at Tom. Pyro brought a hand back and threw it forward, trying to punch Tom. Tom dodged the punch and kicked Pyro in the face, knocking him away.
Torn: "Don't just focus on him."
Tom looked behind him and saw Torn standing behind him. Torn made a tornado on his blade and slashed at Tom. Tom dodged the slash, but the strong wind blew Tom away. Natura quickly ran at Tom and swung her axe in his back, knocking him up into the air.
Pyro: "Take this!"
Pyro threw a fireball at Tom, but he dodged it in midair. Sky quickly shot the fireball with an arrow, making the ball explode behind Tom, the force sending him crashing into the ground again.
Sky: "It looks like you're having trouble dealing with the four of us."
Natura: "You might want to surrender now. We're only going to give you one chance."
Torn: "I'm not giving you any chance!"
Knight Tom: "Well then you guys ended up at my death door..."
Right when he said that Tom quickly pulled out three knives out of back pocket and threw it towards Sky as one of the knife's hit Sky. Tom pulls out his M1911 out of his second holster and unloaded towards Sky shooting her out of the air sending her to the ground as Tom then turns his attention towards Natura as she attacks him quickly parrying her attack. Tom then stabs his sword in Natura's leg, pinning her down as Tom quickly punches her until he removes his sword out of her and then knocks her out with the backend of his handle.
As Pyro tries to hit Tom with his fire Tom quickly dashes towards him blocking each of his fire attacks as Tom gets close to Pyro he then proceeds to slash Pyro over until he uppercut Pyro and then roundhouse kick him sending the team leader to his fallen teammates. Turning to Torn Tom smirk and spoke up to him.
Knight Tom: "Wish to join your fallen teammates?"
Torn: "Please. Don't compare me to them."
Torn snapped his finger, making several tornadoes surround him. Torn launched the tornadoes as Tom. He was able to keep his footing as he got ready to attack Torn. Torn snuck around in the harsh winds and got behind Tom, getting ready to stab him in the back.
Knight Tom: "Self-taught... and not half-bad still your technique lacks something."
Tom then quickly turns around to block Torn attack as the two continue deflecting each other's swords, not till Tom then gets in sword lock with Torn as the Father spoke up to Torn.
Knight Tom: "Now I see you deny your weapon its purpose."
Torn: "The only purpose it needs is to cut through that big head of yours."
Pyro got up and tried to get closer to help Torn, but the tornadoes around the area are keeping him back.
Pyro: "Sky! Natura! We need to help Torn quickly!"
Still continuing to block each other's blades, Tom quickly kicks Torn away. Tom then quickly places his sword back in it holster waiting for Torn as he watched him running towards the Father Tom then smile a bit as he then quickly pulls sword out of his holster right in time when Torn was bringing his blade down not until Tom cuts off Torn arm the same arm that was holding his sword. Blood splatter everywhere as Tom then kicks Torn away to his teammates.
Pyro managed to catch Torn and saw that he lost his arm.
Pyro: "Torn!"
Sky: "You really tried fighting him alone?!"
Knight Tom: "Wow you bandits sucks now." *Load a new mag to his pistol* "Who dies first?"
Suddenly, a blaster shot knocks the gun from Tom's hand. Tom looked to his left just in time to avoid getting hit by a missile. He then sees Striker charging at him at full sprint. Tom then takes out two throwing knives and throws them at Striker. The Mando shot one out of the air with one of her blasters, then deflected the other with one of her arm bracers.
The Huntress is then thrusted upwards thanks to her jet pack, then shoots at Tom as she descends, keeping him in place so that she was able to drop kick him when she could reach him.
Knight Tom: "You damn Bitch!"
Striker then runs towards Tom. Tom takes out his combat knife and lets her come towards him.
When she gets close enough, Tom swings his knife at her, but she jumps into the air to avoid getting hit. While in the air, she takes out one of her Kal daggers and swings down at Tom, who manages to avoid the attack. She then tries to stab at him, but Tom takes a step back. Striker then switches hands and swipes at Tom twice. Tom stepped away from the first swing and ducked under the second. She then tried to swing at Tom again, but Tom managed to block with his own knife.
He had blocked with such force that the dagger flew from Striker's hand and into the air. Tom swung at Striker again, but the Mando blocked the attack with her arm bracer. She then spun around and backhanded Tom. She then front flipped and kicked the knife towards Tom, cutting his face and embedding itself in the ground.
(Cmonkey Note: Kakashi vs Obito, anyone?)
Before Tom could recover, she used her grapple, wrapped it around Tom's ankles and tugged, tripping the mad author. Striker then dived forward and grabbed her dagger, then stabbed down at Tom. However, Tom spun around, making Striker cut the grapple. Tom then did a kipup, kicking Striker in the face as he did.
He then stabbed at Striker, but the Mando managed to catch the knife using the hole in her dagger. However, Tom had planned on this, and then twisted the knife to wrench the dagger away from Striker.
Tom then swiped at Striker six more times, which the Huntress was able to block with her bracers. However, when Tom noticed that her thighs were unprotected. Thinking quickly, Tom kicked Striker's knee, then managed to cut Striker's thigh. It wasn't a deep cut, but it was just deep enough to draw blood.
Striker, after letting out a yelp of pain, used her flamethrower to put some distance between her and Tom.
She then took out her second dagger and swiped at Tom three times, which Tom deflected using his knife. Tom then stabbed at Striker again, and again, the knife got caught in the hole in the dagger. This time, it was Striker who took advantage of this by twisting her dagger, knocking the knife from Tom's hand. She then dropkicked Tom hard enough that the batshit insane spider-man wannabe was sent flying about five feet.
Tom then got back up, only to be hit in the face by the butt of a rifle so hard that it initiated a Mortal Kombat X-ray.
When Tom recovered, he turned around to see Michael wielding his rifle like a battle club.
Taking that hit Tom then spit out blood to see the down Mandolorian before he could take on the WW1 Marine Tom grabbed his pistol on the floor and then put three bullets on Striker thigh making her stay down, so she won't interfere against Tom again.
Knight Tom: "That will keep you down.... And for you, You're going to die."
Micheal: "OH, HELL NAW!!!"
Micheal then proceeds to ready his rifle and bayonet he then charges at the Mad Author quickly stepping to the side Tom then steps to the side and quickly disarms Micheal from his rifle as Tom kicks him a few inches away from him Tom then throws the rifle to the side.
Knight Tom: "Is that all you got, bandit?"
After saying that Micheal then pulls out his shield which made the father laugh seeing that he was laughing the marine charged at Tom trying to hit the father with his shield only for Tom to dodge it as he then uppercut Micheal stunning him as Tom quick kick him in the face sending him to the ground as Micheal quickly got up Tom then see's one of the tree branch above them that Tom got a gripped on as he then spin around hitting Micheal two time before sending back to the floor.
Again Micheal got right back throwing his shield towards The Father Tom then caught it having the shield in his hand Tom then threw it to the side as he and Micheal exchange blows against each other not till Tom then kick Micheal hard in the ribs which caused a Mortal Kombat X X-ray showing that Tom crack Micheal ribs and then kick him in his leg causing his left leg have another X-ray showing the bone getting dislocated.
Screaming in pain Micheal tries to hit Tom only for it to be blocked as Tom give Micheal a right hook and then kick him to the ground trying to get up Tom place his foot on Micheal chest and process to punch Micheal over and over again only for Tom fist to be cover on Micheal blood grabbing Micheal collar he then picked the injured Marine up and punched him again causing Micheal to be knocked out.
Knight Tom: "Is that all!!! GIVE ME A CHALLENGE!!!"
Suddenly, Cal releases a powerful Force Push to send Tom flying in the air to hit a tree branch on his nose for it to bleed a bit and hit the ground on his back. As Tom is slowly getting up, he hears a lightsaber igniting and sees walking towards him while slowly getting up.
Cal: "So, you are the almighty Father, am I correct?"
Knight Tom: "Well you are speaking to him, you stupid Bandit. You came here just to avenge your fallen teammates?"
Cal: "Of course I did. And I'm taking you down, so that you won't have to harm anyone or any more lives on this planet!"
Knight Tom: "Really you think you're the hero well let me tell you kid you are not a hero what I did for this planet I saved it from themselves! You're a plague bandit and you're kind have corrupted this world with your greed and hatred and it comes down to me to save this planet from your kind.....But."
Tom then quickly went to the side and dig out a shotgun that he buried earlier cocking the barrel Tom give Cal an evil grin.
Knight Tom: "I am more happy to do it plus When you get to hell tell your fellow Jedi comrades I said hey..."
Cal: "We'll see about that."
As Tom fired the shotgun, the small spread of the 12 gauge pellets, Cal used Force Slow just in time to stop them from hitting him.
Knight Tom: "WHAT?!"
As Tom said that, Cal dashes right and towards Tom, slices the shotgun in half with his lightsaber to disarm Tom. Cal then Force Chokes Tom to lift him up in the air for him to gag and tries to breathe for air.
While being choke-hold by Cal, Tom then grabbed a stun rod that kept on his back pocket as he threw right next to Cal causing the young Jedi to be shocked as Cal stopped using the force he dropped Tom as he then grabbed one of his knives that were on the floor. As the stun rod runs out of power Cal looks towards Tom only to see the mad Author getting some cuts on the Jedi only for Tom stabbing Cal in the knee sending him to the floor.
Knight Tom: "Is that all?"
Tom then grabbed his pistol off the floor again and aimed it at Cal.
Cal: *smirks* "Yeah... a shocking one".
Tom raised an eyebrow as he felt sorts of electricity around his body, screaming in pain. As he stopped screaming, his body dropped to the ground unconscious, to reveal BD-1 on his back.
BD-1: *victory beeps*
Cal: "Nice going, buddy."
After the shock Tom slowly got up only to the droid right next to Cal.
Knight Tom: "You little Fuck!"
BD-1: "*laugh beeps*"
Cal: "Just give up, already!
Pissed at this Tom then got to his feet and grabbed his sword from the ground he then kicked BD-1 away from the two as Tom quickly shot two bullets into Cal with his pistol after doing that Tom placed his pistol away.
Cal: "Why do all this... just to make people do your bidding...?
Knight Tom: "Well like I told you I'm this planet hero I give these people hope but since you bandits came along all I get is trouble!'
Saying that Tom then stabs his sword on Cal's right arm pinning it to the floor as Cal screams in pain smiling at this Tom then places his pistol above Cal's head ready to kill the Jedi.
Knight Tom: "Now any last words?"
Suddenly, Tom's gun was once again shot out of his hand. He turned around just in time for David to punch him in the face hard enough to get sent flying back a few feet. Seeing the Captain Tom then slowly got to his feet and smirked at David.
Knight Tom: "So the Captain is now finally here?"
David: "Well I'm here now...Is that what you want?"
Knight Tom: "Yes it is what I want but if I could kill her and then defeat Team of Teenagers, a Mando, a Marine, and a Jedi then I will have no problem killing a drunken Warlock and his Ghost and the Grey Jedi including you."
David: "Well let's see..."
David then quickly grab Micheal shield from the floor and threw it at Tom blocking from the hit as the shield bounce off from Tom he then look up to see The Captain ran up to him and punches him sending him 15 feet away from him quickly getting up his feet David then tackled Tom as the two wrestle on the ground as Tom tries to take David pistol but only get hit elbow in the face.
Stun by the hit David punches Tom in the stomach two or three time over and over again not till Tom kick David to his knees as he then punched him in face sending the Captain to the floor before Tom could land a hit on David the Captain then uppercut Tom causing the mad author to stumble around from that hit.
Dizzy from the hit David quickly run to Tom as the two continues punched each other in the face as the two continue exchanging hit to each other David then give Tom a right hook causing Tom to stumble back to the tree branch as David rush towards Tom as the father then pick up the knife that was on the floor and tries to stab David as the two were using their strength David slowly began to crush Tom hand that was holding the knife.
Feeling the bones that are being crush Tom grunts in pain feeling his bone getting crush not till David then pop Tom left arm socked out of place feeling that his arm broke Tom then screamed in pain not till David grabbed a hold on Tom head and punches him over and over not till Tom then headbutt and kicking David away from him. David spit out blood that was coming out of his mouth and then look at Tom who on the floor crawling towards something taking no chances David then walked towards Tom ready to kill him only for Tom grabs his pistol and shoots him three or five time in the chest taking the hits from the bullets that David got shot by Tom he then falls to the floor and watch Tom slowly get right back up only to see Tom face to be cover by his own blood.
Knight Tom: "Damn....Really thought that you will kill me there Captain....Now then...." *Makes a loud sound pop by placing his left arm back in place.* "I win...."
As Tom slowly limbs towards Cal who is pinned down to the ground by his sword Tom kick Cal causing the young Jedi to be knocked out as he then pulls his sword out of the young Jedi having blood tripping the tip of the blade of the sword Tom puts it away and slowly limbs away as Tom see's four transport of his follower coming towards him.
Knight Tom: "Finally help arrived...."
Then, out of nowhere, two missiles take out the first two, and a gun run from Blue's ship takes out the last two.
Tom turns around in time to get drop kicked in the face by Blue. When Tom recovered, Blue immediately slashed at Tom four times. Tom couldn't block the attacks because of how quick they were, but his armor saved him from any bodily damage.
The last slash then sent Tom flying a few feet away.
Tom then got up and looked at Blue with a look of pure rage, before howling to the sky.
Tom: "Every single time you bandits continue to fight! Why can't you just die already and admit that I won already!"
Blue: "Traveler, you people are all the same. Look, just because you're good at building our houses does not mean that you're untouchable."
Knight Tom: "Wow now that racist."
Ghost: "And we give a shit why?"
Blue then slashes at Tom at a speed that the latter was not prepared for, and the slash ended up sending Tom flying back a few feet. Tom managed to grab his knife again and swung at Blue, but Blue deflected with such force that the knife got sent flying out of Tom's hand.
Blue then slashed Tom five times, before doing an uppercut slash that sent Tom into the air. Blue then jumped up and slashed at Tom as they were in the air, basically air comboing him. This then sent Tom flying into one of the flaming planes that had crashed.
Blue: "Kahn! Do the thing!"
Kahn then appeared out of nowhere and threw what looked like a ninja scroll into the air.
Kahn: "Shinobi... TENSHIN!!!"
The scroll then erupted in a flash of bright light, and the next thing Tom and Blue know, they find themselves on top of a giant skyscraper on a rainy night.
At this point, Tom has had enough.
Tom then pulled out an experimental collapsible sword.
The two then proceeded to charge at each other.
Back with David and the others
Kahn, and the crew aboard this new ship, helped David and the others onto Kahn's ship. They managed to apply Striker's med-kit that she always had on hand and managed to bandage her up. As for Torn, they had to put him in the Bacta tank that was in the ship.
Whilst the rest of his crew cared for everyone else, Kahn took a seat next to David.
David: "So... where did that weird ninja scroll thing come from?"
Kahn: "I got it from those ninja girl friends of mine that I mentioned when we first met. I got another one on hand to bring them back when Ghost gives the word."
David: "I see.....I want to question it, but yet again I won't..."
Kahn: "Smart idea. Their world gets weird sometimes. Hell, even they get weirded out by it on occasion."
Back with Tom and Blue
The two clashed swords again, Tom pushing against Blue and sending him back a few feet. The two then charged at each other and slashed at each other numerous times, each attack deflecting the opponent's.
At one point, Tom managed to knock Blue's sword out of his hand and into the air. Tom was about to strike again, but mid attack, Blue jumped onto his hands, kicking Tom in the process.
Blue then caught his sword with his feet and spun it five times, three of those strikes landing on Tom.
Blue then front flipped, sword still between his feet, thus slashing at Tom. Blue did so again, this time maneuvering the sword so that it stabbed down at Tom.
Tom managed to block the attack with his sword. Blue used the sudden deflection to backflip back onto his feet before slashing at Tom thrice.
Tom managed to deflect these attacks, and actually managed to slash Blue three times, which sent Blue sliding back a few feet. Blue then charged at Tom again and swung his sword at him. Tom made a show of trying to block, but just as the two swords were about to connect, Tom collapsed his sword, which caught Blue off guard. Tom moved and watched as Blue's sword barely missed his face.
Blue: "What?!"
Tom then flipped onto his hand, kicking Blue. Tom then flipped back onto his feet and extended his sword. Tom then slashed Blue five times, sending the Guardian flying back a few feet.
When Blue recovered, he looked up and saw Tom.
Then, a flash of light appeared from beneath the building, and two helicopters rose up behind Tom.
Tom: "It's about damn time you chuckleshits got here!"
Ghost: "How in the Darkness did they even get here in the first place!?"
Tom: "Long story short, they paid a visit to that world your friend Kahn is so fond of."
Blue then readied himself for another bout.
Tom charged at Blue again. Tom slashed at Blue six times, four of which Blue was able to deflect. Tom then delivered an uppercut slash at Blue, which sent the Warlock flying into the air.
As he was in the air, one of the helicopters fired a missile at Blue. Blue then whipped out his pistol and shot the missile before it reached him. He then used the resulting smoke to deliver a surprise Nova Bomb at the chopper. Unfortunately, the chopper had enough time to move out of the way.
When Blue landed, Tom immediately delivered a powerful stab towards Blue. Blue was barely able to block it, and it sent him flying back a few feet.
When Blue struggled to get up, he heard rumbling above him. He looked up to see that there was lightning. Tom also looked up, though it was because he thought that Blue had another trick up his sleeve.
And to his credit, he wasn't entirely wrong.
Tom then watched as a very powerful bolt of lightning struck Blue. It then proceeded to shock him for 20 seconds. Tom turned around, thinking that the lightning had just done his job for him. However, when he heard the sound of someone getting up behind him, he turned around to Blue emitting small bolts of electricity from various points of his body. What surprised Tom even more was the fact that all wounds that Blue gained during the fight suddenly healed in an instant.
Blue then proceeded to a move that we here at the Wattpad Authors Association like to call "Unlimited Power on super steroids".
Tom managed to (somehow) block the hailstorm of Arch Light with his sword, though a few bolts managed to hit his skin... which was very painful.
The attack chopper behind him, however, caught the full brunt of it. The pilots inside were disintegrated into blue light, and the chopper spun out of control and hit the levels below.
The second chopper, however, was still operational, and shot a device at Tom. The device then attached to Tom's back. The deceive then split into six shields on mechanical arms, which surrounded Tom.
Tom then charged at Blue with these shields in front of him, which had temporarily combined to form one super shield. Blue attempted to slash at the shield to knock it out of the way, but the shield exploded the moment the sword made contact. The blast then sent Blue flying a few feet, and actually sent him over the edge of the building, but Blue immediately stabbed the wall and used the momentum to swing himself back onto the roof.
Tom then tried the same charging method again, but Blue managed to notice something. He saw the points of connection on the shield.
Blue then let Tom come towards him. When the insane author was close enough, Blue swung downwards and managed to split the shield into two. He then slashed two more times horizontally, turning the two shields into six. This exposed the mechanical arms, which Blue managed to sever in two slashes. Blue then kicked Tom a few feet away from him.
Now, Tom was already absolutely livid at Blue. He had hacked into his radio and changed his music, proved he was a better pilot, blew up his factory, and sent him a mean video that made fun of him and hurt his feelings. Now he broke Tom's new toy.
Long story short, Tom was angry.
Blue then charged at Tom, then delivered a powerful slash, which sent Tom flying off the edge of the building.
Blue: "... Shit, I was supposed to capture him..."
Blue then turned around, ready to call Kahn to tell him to get him out of here. However, he suddenly turned around when he heard a helicopter behind him. He then saw Tom dangling from the bottom of the chopper.
Knight Tom: "Playtime's over, bitch!"
The chopper then shot a missile at Blue, the blast of which sent him over the edge.
Tom then looked to the pilots.
Knight Tom: "Make sure he's dead!"
The chopper then shot out a small drone, which suddenly sprouted mechanical wings. It then dived down to catch up to and kill Blue.
It certainly caught up to him, but when Blue noticed it, he pushed himself off from the side of the building and onto the drone. Blue then stabbed the drone with his sword. Ghost quickly hacked into it so that he could pilot it.
While Blue held on via sword in the cyber-cranium, Ghost piloted the drone into the side of the building and pulled up. He then avoided a shit ton of debris that was falling due to the first chopper crashing. Once they were close to the top, Blue fired a Nova Bomb at the ceiling.
Blue then burst through the ceiling and flew above the roof. Ghost piloted the drone towards the chopper. Said chopper then fired two more missiles at Blue, but Blue managed to avoid them, then threw the drone at the chopper. The chopper, of course, exploded.
The blast threw Tom towards Blue, who grabbed Tom's face. Tom punched Blue in the stomach, so naturally, as they fell down the side of the building with debris from the chopper falling around them, Blue punched Tom back.
Ghost: "Kahn! Now!"
This was said as the two kept punching each other.
Suddenly, Tom and Blue were engulfed by a bright light. When it rescinded, Tom and Blue were back in the forest. Tom landed on his ass, while Blue managed to land on his feet and accidentally did a superhero landing.
Tom was about to get back up, but when he looked up, he saw that all of the heroes who were able to stand and fight had surrounded him, pointing their weapons at him.
Knight Tom: *Coughing in blood* "No, no, no.....I can't lose at this.....Not when I'm so close.... And not at the hands of a filthy bandits! I could've saved-"
Blue: "Okay, you seriously need to take a break from all the Borderlands 2. You definitely ain't Handsome Jack."
Blue then kicked Tom in the face and knocked him out.
Blue: "Alright, let's pack it up and go."
The rest of the still in commission heroes just looked at each other and shrugged. Most of them went back to Kahn's ship, except for David and Striker, who were kinda confused.
Striker: "What's a Borderlands?"
David: "Something you don't want to know....Come on..."
David then proceeds to enter along with Striker as soon as they leave the forest it shows the body of Samantha as blood were in the snow laying there Samantha left hand slowly began to twitch turning it to ball of fist...
A few hours later
A giant army of cultists stood outside the ruins of the factory.
At a very safe distance away, the heroes watched as the spectacle happened.
Kahn pulled out a detonation trigger.
Kahn: "Kaboom."
Blue: "Striker... I owe you an apology... that was a glorious sound."
At a noodle stand in the ruins of Vale, Mike Davidson, Jace Kesler and Alan Derick were eating noodle cups.
Mike: "... So... are we supposed to be doing something?"
Jace: "I dunno..."
Mike: "... Should we do something?"
Alan: "... Nah, I'm sure it's fine..."
The three then just kept eating their noodles.
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