Chapter 2: "Hero's from Different worlds"

(Play the song from the top)

Long Time ago in Medieval Age

Story: "Not From This World"


It shows Knights charging into battle as they fighting a force that is attacking the kingdom as this strange army was pushing the Knights back they began retreating to the castle wall as it shows a King standing in the balcony of his castle watching this blood shed keep going. Seeing his army were running or riding on their horse trying to inside of the castle wall the King look down to see one of his Knight general getting his men to safety. 

Knight: "My King what shall we do? She has been trying to get to you for some bazaar reason"

King: "I know what she want and I'm going to go give it to her........In blood....."

As the King remove his crown from his head and give it to his servant one of them bow down to the  King as he raised showing a sword resting on a pillow. Grabbing the sword the King then place it to his side as he then starts making his way down to the ground wearing his combat armor.

Walking at the ground the King then see's his men getting their sword and shield ready as he see's many of his trying to regroup behind the castle wall. Seeing this the King then walks to his horse as it was yelping in fear of all what going on placing his hand on it the horse calmed down as the King then got on it and rode straight to battle.

Many of the King men watch seeing their King heading to battle one of the King general knows where he going order his men to stopped retreating on to hold their ground. As they stop running many brave Knights had their sword and shield ready for the fight turning to his men the general shouted making the men shouted as well showing them they are ready to fight.

Knight General: "WAR!!!!!"

Knights: "War!!!!"

Making past of the evil army it shows the King stopping a small group as they wearing long robes and hood to cover their head and face but in the middle it shows a young girl smiling at the King as she points at the king who pulls out a small battle axe. 

Yandere: "Ah....My love you came finally we'll be together as a happy family. But first you don't need your weapon and your armor."

Looking down to his armor and his small battle axe the King then see it slowly burning the armor and the small axe. Throwing the small axe to the floor the king pulls out his sword and holds it by his two hands. Making the sword glow along with his silver eye as he starts slowly making his way towards the evil yandere queen. But for the two army the two clashed as swords and shield clashed at each other showing arrow flying above them as many bodies hit the floor as blood were covered by swords.

Back to the King he slowly walk towards the Yandere Queen as she continue to use her magic trying to affect the King mind but couldn't as she then see's the power of his sword blocking the magic. Once he in front of the queen the King then raised his sword and swing it down causing a huge shockwave as the queen army were being killed off many of them lay dead on the floor with blood flowing out of their bodies.

As the King men began standing down after killing the enemy they all started looking for the king. As it shows a big huge of dust covering where the King is as they stared at it the dust began to settled showing him having his sword on his right hand. But on his left hand he held the queen head as blood was dripping off the head.

Seeing this the army began to bow to their King as he then tossed the queen head to the floor as he slowly then put away his sword.

Back to the King court

It shows the King sitting in the roundtable as it shows 12 Knights with their helmets sitting right in front of them and their sword laying on the table as well. As for the King he was sitting in the middle having his crown on his head.

Lancelot: "This is the third time that our kingdom was attacked."

Kay: "But why would they attack us? We just proved our world that we can fight and not to messed with."

Tristian: "Maybe they want the stone that we hidden from-"

Gareth: "We don't say his name here Sir. Tristian remember how the Kings feel when he hear that name."

??: "It fine....." 

The Knights turned to the king hearing that from they all look at him seeing lookin down.

??: "The reason why our kingdom is being attack is because of me......Ever since I defeated Henry my own brother and then Salem from Remnant I promised my queen or my wife that I'll try and protect our newborn child but when she died giving birth to the young prince bad things are going to happened and I don't want any of those bad things to take my young son away just like it did to my brother."

Lancelot: "What are you trying to say my King?"

??: "I'm saying that when I died......I don't want my son to be Heir to the throne I want him to have a normal life with him and my future bloodline so he can the other future grandchildren so they can be safe."

Gawain: "But who will be the King when you are gone."

??: "Don't worry in the future one will come and take the throne and he will become King as he will be a Sentinel of Liberty the same thing I am."

Lancelot: "If that you say my King we will respect it....."

...Arthur Knight...

(End the song here)

Back to the Present 


David: "WOAH!"

It shows the Captain moving away from Cal as he was trying to hit David as he was dodging the lightsaber as it was cutting through everything. Not till he force push David to the ground and point his saber on David. 

Cal: "You should've surrender when you have a chance."

David: "Son..... The last time that someone said that to me. I saw a women standing above everyone else we ended up disagreeing."

Cal: "What women?"

Before Cal could get the answer out of David it shows a rifle pointing out of the debris of a building not so far from the two as when David could say a word a shot ringed out making the bullet past the two as David then kick Cal away from shooter ranged as he then crawl to cover.

David: "There one thing after other. Who else wanting to kill me?"

After saying that another gunfire echoes out as it then shows a Marine running to cover as he took cover and starts firing with his Springfield rifle as he was wearing a WW1 marine uniform. Seeing the gunfight David was about to get up to his feet not till he have gun placed on his head.

??: "Well this day could be any weirder right now. Now then Mr....Um A if that is your name you can tell me where the hell am I? Before I blow your brains out."

Back to the fight

It shows a WW1 Marine reloading his Springfield as he took a peek over the cover he in as he see's the shooter reloading his gun as for the young Marine could raise his rifle he and the shooter was then got wrapped around by vines as they hit the ground as it shows two girls and one boy coming out of cover as the boy go to the tied up knocked out boy.

??: "This Dunce doesn't he know to not charged in."

?? 2: "Well at least the man in the weird suit is busy-"

?? 3: "AHHH!!!!"

It shows a Warlock being throwed away from him as he crashed into a broken wall while David was rubbing his neck and holds the boy pistol as he then quickly disassembled and toss the pieces to the floor.  

David: "You're wasting you're breath kid. You will find it hard to take out freedom."

 ??: "You were saying sky?"

Sky: "Well at least I thought he had him Torn!"

?? 2: "Don't worry guys I got this."

As the girl who have green hair activated her semblance she then use the vines to pull down David, the young Jedi that the Captain kicked and the warlock boy that he threw. As they were tied down to the ground Torn then walked up to the boy and starts untying him after he done the boy woke up and rubbed his head in pain.

?? 4: "Oww...What happened?"

Torn: "You got knocked out idiot...."

Sky: "Don't worry Pyro Natura have it cover right?"

Natura: "Yep."

It shows David trying to break free out of the vines but failed as he then turns to see the others trying to break free. Until David notice person that he very familiar to David.

David: "Micheal??"

Micheal: "How do you know my name?"

David: "Kid are you serious you don't remember? You helped me and my team while fighting my daughter and her team during the civil war we just had."

Micheal: "What?"

David: 'Is this kid serious. Damn it Ramirez what did you make them drink."

Sky: "So Pyro what shall we do with them."

Pyro: "Well let start asking question since they might know what happened."

As Pyro was walking towards the others fighter that he don't know while it shows them trying to break free from vines that is holding them down. Cal was trying to use the force to move his lightsaber towards him but couldn't as he was stuck with the vines when Pyro stand in front of them.

Pyro: "Now who are you guys what have you done to Vale-"

Before Pyro could finished his question a blaster went off as it almost hit Pyro head but went passed him making the group alert to see there is another shooter. As Pyro and his team duck for cover Natura stopped using her semblance making the others fighter's move before as Micheal could grabbed his rifle he was then tackled by a man wearing a black tactile gear wearing a gas mask.

David: "Micheal!"

Yelling after Micheal name David turned to see the four kids that had him and the others down were being pinned down. As David want to help Micheal he know couldn't let those kids died. Having no choice he then turn to Cal who was in cover.

David: "Hey kid!"

Cal: "What!"

David: "I need you to use your lightsaber to block those shot's. You do that I'll take care of the shooter!"

Cal: "Okay I'll distract him!"

Seeing the shooter still shooting at the four kid position Cal quickly turn his saber on and starts deflecting the blaster away from them. David check his utility belt that he have on. Checking on t pouch's he have David grabbed a grenade out from one of the pouch he have and hold's it to his hand. Peeking to see where the shooter is at David then pull the pin and let go of the handle and threw the grenade towards the shooter when the greande landed it and exploded making the shooter stop shooting as David came out of cover and move forward.

Seeing the Captain runs towards the shooter position Cal began relax a bit not till the four kids get out of cover and starts thanking him.

Cal: "You four alright?"

Pyro: "Yeah I'm fine that was pretty cool of you using the sword that you have-"

Sky: "Watch out!"

Hearing Sky scream Cal quickly turned around to see another lightsaber turned on he then quickly turns his on as he block the incoming hit as the two got in lock as the saber he was blocking was yellow.

??: "A Jedi? Well this is going to be good."

Meanwhile with the Captain

It shows David slowly walking towards looking for the shooter as he reach where the shooter was he didn't found no one there expected sniper there laying on the ground. Inspecting the area where the shooter was David then stops inspecting and spoke up.

(Play this song till the end)

David: "Bad move for trying to sneak up on me."

 Saying that David then turned to see a Girl Mandalorian standing behind the Captain as David face her having a small stared off. Not saying a word to the Captain he then speak up again to the Mandalorian.

David: "Kid please don't make me do this."

Still no response from the Mandalorian David then sighed until the girl quickly draw her blaster out and starts shooting at the Captain missing David by three singaler shot one hits him in the leg as it just glazed him. Grunting of being hit the girl tried to shoot David again not till she was then punched to the ground by David fist.

David: "Damn what kind of armor did Divisional nine given you."  

Shaking his left fist he then turn to see the girl slowly getting up from the floor pulling out a vibro blade out of her thigh. This made David chuckle at this as he ready himself as the two then circle each other not till the girl attack first making David quickly tries to block the knife from hitting him. Until David punched the girl in the helmet setting her a back a bit.

(Something like this)

Taking the hit girl then charged at the Captain as he was still trying to block her attack the girl managed to cut the Captain a bit in the chest and in the arm. Not till she got roundhouse kick by David until he gets hold on both of her arms making the two stared at each other until David grabbed her vibro blade and threw to the side as David then kicked her away from him without any think this upset the girl as then the charged tackling to where the others are fighting.

As the two hit the ground got serpated from each other a picture came flying out of David suit pocket. Making his eye's widen to see his family picture of his wife holding his newborn daughter.

This picture that my character is carrying

David: "NO!"

Quickly getting up from the floor he tries to reach for the picture but it flew off as David then see's the girl charging at him. As the two quickly got on hold from each other the girl then punched David in the rib four or five time not till David give he a nice hard right hook in face as this cracked the visor of her helmet. Trying to get the picture that is slowly flying away David kick the girl away as he runs trying to get the picture.

As it shows different people fighting two lightsabers clashing at each other a 4 men team fighting a WW2 soldier, A Warlock guardian  and SCP foundation guard while Micheal was using his shield fighting against another Marine while they were fighting Micheal, Pyro and Cal notice a picture flying past them as they stopped and looked at it seeing the picture of Ruby being held by her mother Summer. Seeing the picture lands to the ground the three then stops fighting along the others knowing there something wrong.

?? 1: "I feel something off from you Jedi what wrong?"

Cal: "I don't know but that picture that past us I saw someone familiar." 

Seeing David rushing towards the picture that is laying on the ground he felt something wrapped around his body making David fall to the floor. Seeing the girl in Mandalorian armor walking towards him David then quickly freed himself as he got up to his feet as the girl pulls out a another vibro blade he tries to disarmed him again not till she then pushed the knife into David right shoulder.

David then quickly then bashed his head against her head three times making the girl stumble backward letting go of the knife she have on him. As David stumble to the side he then quickly remove the knife off his shoulder and turn to see the girl trying to reach the blaster and the picture that was right next to it. Not taking any chance of this David then grabbed the girl and raised her in the air while choke holding her with one arm.

He then slammed her to the ground causing the floor to cracked a bit as David pins her down to the floor as she was holding her blaster with her right arm while David have her right arm in the lock while still pinning her.

David: "Drop it! DROP IT!"

He then procced to snapped the girl right arm out of place making her screamed in pained. Hearing the bone snapped out of place this made the other shiver feeling like they have their bone snapped. But still fighting trying to break out of the Captain lock as she still hold her blaster David have no choice but he fall the floor still holding her.

Still struggling to break free  David wrapped his arm around her neck choking her again on the floor as she was trying get out of the choke hold that he have. Using her left arm trying to break free David then used his right leg to hold her left arm as he was not letting go.

Having trouble to breath the girl then slowly move's her leg more until she slowly stops moving as the girl then dropped the blaster to the floor. Feeling the girl not moving as she stops fighting David lets go of her as she then rolls away from him knocked out. Once David was getting up from the floor David kicked the blaster away from until spots the picture of is family picking up the picture David looked at it and sighed in relief as he then puts it inside of his suit pocket.

Once putting away the picture David then turns around to see the other people staring at him as Cal, Micheal and Pyro spoke up to the captain.

Micheal/Cal/Pyro: "Why is Ruby was in the picture."

David: "Well......This is awkward "

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