sports festival week 2

sports festival week 2

In Naruto bedroom

Naruto was doing squats to get himself moving for the day, looking up training videos and realize just how hard this was going to be but started to think how good it would be once he surprises his Senpai girl.

When he was finally done, he had started walking School, he was going an hour early as that's where the gym club members would be coming as they are setting things up.

Yesterday they had everything set up on the weekend he had found out, knowing for well though they had to keep things up and probably would be there early.

Some of the students might come up at early as well and it might give him some time with less students there it would help him to find some new ideas how to get rid of Yuto.

The ideas were endless as he was still coming up with a plan, more importantly he needed to make a plan that would work for sure.

Once at school he just couldn't believe his eyes at the cherry blossom trees.

Not only Yuto was already here but his very own Senpai girl was also here.

Heading behind a bush without them noticing and so he could listen in on them.

"You know something I just noticed you always wear your gym uniform instead of your school uniform, why is that?" She asked as now she was curious.

"To be honest with you I always prefer to wear my school gym uniform as I and more comfortable in them than wearing those long sleeve and pants all day, I really only wear them when it's cold outside and that's really only just when it snows," Yuto explain.

"I thought there had to be a rule you can only wear them outside of gym class if your other school uniform got ruined," she said as yuto shook his head.

"They honestly don't mind it, it's not a big deal to them as long I'm not causing any trouble," Yuto said but she still look confused.

"How are you able to wear them though? I mean you go through gym class and you are in the gym club as well, those clothes have to stink," she mentioned as yuto chuckled.

"Oh that is true except I bring multiple gym uniforms, I have one for club, gym class and for my other classes are not for gym," Yuto explain.

"Okay then, that makes perfect sense, I guess," she said as yuto nodded.

"Yes well today I'm going to have less time working it with the other gym club members, so you and I will be able to hang out more often," Yuto explain and that made her smile.

"That's great to hear," she said as they heading inside.

Naruto growled, "You have got to be kidding me."

The thought of Yuto spending time with his Senpai girl made his blood boil now that he had time off.

Naruto had to think of some ideas before preventing the two from spending the day together or at least make sure it's not that long.

He started think of some of the ideas he had before and remembering how he got rid of the gym teacher.

"Hmmm? Now that I think about it that idea could work but I need to do something else with it? Hmmm?" Naruto kept thinking until he realized something with what he heard he decided to go to the art club without switching into his indoor shoes.

Looking around he noticed none of the art club members were around, since it was early they probably would not come until it was usually time for the other students to.

He grabbed a paint bucket and went up stairs to the School rooftop.

Looking around he noticed, Yuto was walking around with his Senpai girl in the school plaza and heading inside taking the left side.

He ran over and noticed the they were about to come out, he open up the paint bucket and look down, "I'm sorry my senpai girl if I get any paint on you by accident."

He pour it down and it stump on all over the two.

"AAAHHHHH!" Both yelled and look at themselves.


Yuto ran back inside and headed upstairs.

When he finally made it to the School rooftop, he noticed no one was there, but he did notice the paint bucket was left where it was.

"Stupid enough to let the paint bucket here, great now I have to clean up myself," Yuto said as he went downstairs.

In the storage room on the right side third top floor, Naruto was in there with the door lock.

Catching his breath as when he realize Yuto was coming upstairs he immediately ran to the other side and got down.

Everything seems fine until he noticed there was paint on his shoes, some of the wet paint must have got onto his shoes when he drop the paint bucket and ran.

"Oh that's just great," Naruto said as he look around and notice a pair of different shoes, it was a good thing that he didn't put on his indoor shoes.

Putting them on and went downstairs, he felt like an idiot not realizing that Yuto would come upstairs to find out who splatter the paint on them.

He was able to hear as yuto had to yell it out loud.

he had to think of an idea to make sure that Yuto wouldn't guess it was him.

He grabbed a bucket that was in the room and went to go outside, he put some dirt in the bucket and got it wet to make mud and then drop it all over him.

When he got to the bath house where students will usually go in and change their clothes or take a quick shower.

He noticed the other gym club members were already walking out and saw Yuto cover and paint as they were all questioning him about it and none of them seem happy when they heard.

Naruto acted like he did not know and went into the bath house to get himself changed into his gym uniform.

"Hey! Naruto!" Yuto called out as Naruto turn around and look at him calm but quickly switch to look surprise.

"Yuto!? what happened to you?" Naruto ask looking surprised when in reality he was only faking It.

"Someone spilled paint all over me and... I a friend of mine... Thanks to whoever did it I'm stuck to clean up that mess until I can't find out who did it, have you see anyone with pain on them?" Yuto ask him as he wanted to know.

"No but as I was coming into school, someone with a mask over their face have ran over to me and spilled mud all over my clothes," Naruto explain and even show him his school uniform that got ruined.

"All right then, whoever did this is going to be in big trouble," Yuto said has he got undressed and put a towel on before taking a shower.

Naruto left and decided to head to the gym, despite he was not an actual member he was allowed to steal train during the free time he had before class.

Naruto knows joining the gym club would not only help him train with equipment that that other students that are not part of the gym club would not be accessed to and it would help him get closer to Yuto.

Lifting some weights as remember he really only train when he was in gym class as there was no other reason for him to train that much after being banished.

'why am I thinking about my past?' Naruto thought as he kept training until he heard the bell ring and went to class.

Class went on as usual until it was time for lunch.

Naruto was sitting only a few tables away as he was looking at his Senpai girl from afar.

It was a nice moment until a blue hair with messy bangs, He wears black swimming goggles and has white eyes, of course it was Hojiro Zameshiro, another member of the gym club.

"Naruto it's time for me to give you my test, you must answer truthfully and swore on your word!" Hojiro said as he sounded so serious about it.

"Understood," Naruto said calm as Hojiro pulled out a picture of him and Itachi Zametora.

"Who is the strongest me or Itachi Zametora?" Hojiro ask.

Naruto thought about it and then said, "Itachi after all he is the leader of the gym club."

Hojiro got very annoyed, "should have known! but one day I will prove to him and you by surpassing him! All right you won," Hojiro start whisper under his breath, "even though you would got more points if you choose me."

Hojiro had left after which Naruto took notice of who was coming to the table where his Senpai girl was.

Yuto was of course had to be here, "sorry about earlier, I still can't believe those someone would pull a prank on us like that."

"It's all right, it's not everyday that happens anyway," Naruto kept listening in on their conversation.

"What really annoyed me is that the teacher actually made me put on my regular school uniform this time, I just cannot wait when only sports events, honestly I hate wearing these clothes," yuto said as Naruto kept looking at a senpai girl.

Now kind of look annoyed, "it's just wearing a long sleeve shirt button up and pants I don't understand really."

"Really I just don't like wearing these, I'm a T-shirt and a short kind of guy except when it's very cold out it went snows, other than that but still I can't wait to show off some of my skills to you on the field," Yuto said which got Naruto angry.

The thought of him is showing off like that would really piss him off but then remembering what he did earlier, "hmm?"

Naruto got up and quickly left, he went to the locker room and went into Yuto locker taking his gym uniforms along swim uniform.

Quickly making sure no one was around and then he took them out of the locker room and went to the wall.

He threw them over and it was just in the nick of time lunch was over.

Naruto headed back to class, with a smugs mark on his face, knowing what he was getting angry about was not going to happen, no one was going to impress and show off his Senpai girl besides him.

By the time it was cleaning time, Naruto went on cleaning until a silver fox with red eyes who is none other than Iruka Dorufino.

"Hey Naruto, now that we have some time come with me to the pool in your swim uniform and I'll explain what my challenges to you," Iruka Dorufino told him before leaving.

Naruto was a bit annoyed doing these challenges because he had to spend less time with his Senpai girl but he had to do it in order to become strong and to get rid of Yuto.

At the swimming pool

Naruto was in his blue swim trunks as he look and saw Iruka Dorufino waiting for him.

"All right Naruto, I want to see how good you are with swimming like a dolphin, so if you're ready give me ten laps in the pool," Iruka said as he blew his whistle.

Naruto jump into the pool and swim back and forth exhausting as it was but this was going to become part of his routine if he was going to become a member of the gym club.

He kept on doing the laps until it was done, when he finally was done he got out of the pool breathing heavily.

Iruka Dorufino smile, "not bad at all."

"Thanks," Naruto said with his hands on his knees still breathing heavily.

Right after it was all over the last and final member of the gym club had came to Naruto.

Looking up at the man I knew it was none other than Unagi Denkashiza.

He has spiky, dark green hair with two yellow, lightning-shaped strands at the front.

He wears orange swimming goggles on top of his head and, he has bright orange eyes. He has a lightning bolt scar on the left side of his head.

He knows this student used to be a formal member of the delinquency but when he came to gym club he reform and became a member of the gym club, Naruto remember hearing all that from the other students.

"Naruto, I have will be needing your help later on after school closing time, so be ready if you want to become a member of this club," Unagi told Naruto before walking away from him.

Iruka look surprised, "just to give you a word of advice, be careful when you're around him he can be mean at times and I have no idea what his task is going to be if it's going to be off school grounds."

After that Naruto got change into his gym clothes and went on with the day.

With Yuto

Yuto was looking excited to get change into his gym clothes as he was going to need them for the sports events.

However when he got to his gym locker all his gym clothes and swim trunks we're gone.

"Who the hell stole my stuff!?" Yuto got angry.

During the sports festival, Yuto had to wear the uniform except he took off his long sleeve shirt and had a white short sleeve button up shirt.

It piss him off that he still had to wear his regular school uniform, he was now on the side being the coach.

Naruto got the chance to enjoy the sports festival and got a bit closer more to his Senpai girl.

As he was able to run on the same running track with her, competing and swimming and other activities that was fun.

When Naruto got a break, he went to his notepad and write down a note.

Putting it in his senpai's locker before getting a drink of bottled water.

By the time it was was for everyone to go home when it was 6:00 p.m.

Naruto was waiting for Unagi.

Unagi had came to him wearing a green t-shirt and blue jeans with green and orange sneakers.

"Let's go I don't have all night," Unagi said as they left and went to an abandoned part of the city.

"So what's my task?" Naruto ask as Unagi give him a crowbar and a red and white fox mask.

"I'm going to need your help to deal with some old delinquents friends of mine," Unagi said as he gotten himself a baseball bat and a devil's face mask.

They went over and found the remaining five delinquents.

"Hey!" Unagi yelled out to them and the delinquents realize they were in for a fight.

Naruto realize this could be trouble but had to focus and he kept focusing on the thought of what would have happened if he lose and what could happen to his Senpai girl.

No he will not allow it.

He first took on the one with a purple shirt as he quickly grabbed the weapon and rip it out before hitting the delinquent in the shoulder and kicking him hard in the gut.

Naruto felt surprise as he forgotten that he had the strength, the next one was with a red shirt, running at him and try to hit him.

Naruto grab them by the arm and then slam him onto the ground kicking him hard in the face.

The last one was with the same delinquent he had to deal with when it came to expelling his last rival.

Only this time, Unagi was here to help as he grabbed both of his arms, "I hold him you beat him."

Naruto was not going to stop as he went on beating the delinquent until Unagi let go and toss him to the side.

Unagi and Naruto ran away.

When they got far away enough they took off their mask, "hey thanks Naruto, I'll put in a good word and you'll be a member of the gym club tomorrow."

"Thanks, I'm glad to be a member of the gym club now," Naruto said with a fake smile as he had no interest in really drawing but with the benefits it would come he was going to do what he needed.

"By the way I want you to know the reason why I wanted your help was because those delinquents of mine used to be my old friends, they got themselves into a lot of trouble and I want them to understand what life might be for them if they keep going on with this," Unagi explain as he wanted Naruto to understand why he wanted his help.

"I understand," Naruto said as Unagi smiled.

"Good, I'm only telling you this is because you are my trust and the others, I'll see you tomorrow," Unagi said before running off.

Naruto was walking back home until while still being part of the abandoned buildings he noticed one that look very abandoned.

There was police tape and this building looked to be very old.

Heading inside there was a basement with some room and a pole down.

It got Naruto thinking of all kinds of ways he could do with the plan he was trying to come up with.

He headed back upstairs and went back home.

To be continued

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