Chapter 11: Special "Sugar"

A/N: in order for Sam and the boys to try and get more money for a better apartment, as well as in general, he and Taurtis tried to sell some type of "sugar" in doing so. You and Austin, aware of what it actually is, make sure no more of that gets around town. (Art belongs to owin on Deviantart).

You and Austin were walking alongside the boys on the way to the apartments all while also keeping an eye out for where you were going and making sure no one was following any of you.

Austin: You know, kinda feels pointless to even have us come along to watch your backs. It hardly seems like there's many places for someone to even be able to spy on you guys.

Sam: Well, you can never be too careful. Sometimes someone can spy on another in places that they would least expect it.

Taurtis: Besides, we shouldn't be too much further from the apartments.

(Y/N): Good. I need to sit down for a little bit after all of this.

Grain: I just want to nap personally. This entire day and everything that's happened within it have been both physically, emotionally and even mentally draining.

After just a little bit more walking, you finally reached the apartment buildings. When you arrived, Sam noticed someone near one of them as he was washing his clothing just outside in front of one of them.

Sam: Okay, I think this is the individual who's gonna show us our place.

Austin: That guy, really?

Sam: Ehem!

The man, named Green3y3guy, turned around to face the five of you.

(To save time, I'm just gonna call him Green).

Sam: Hello there, sir.

Taurtis: Is this the landlord?

Grian: Why is he cleaning his undies and panties outside of the apartment?

(Y/N): I am perfectly positive that none of those are likely even his at all.

Green: Hello there.

Sam: It's a pleasure to meet you. The 3 of us actually have scheduled a meeting with you because we would like to take a look at your fine establishment. And possibly consider purchasing a place for rent. Ain't that right guys?

He asked Taurtis and Grian.

Grian: Yes, we're really in need of a place.

Taurtis: Why is he naked? The most he's wearing is a very loose shirt and underwear.

Sam: I mean I guess he owns the place. I think he can do whatever he wants, I guess.

(Y/N): Just because he's the landlord of these apartments doesn't mean he can walk around nearly naked whenever he so pleases.

Sam: I mean I'm just saying.

Green: Well well well it's about time you guys showed up.

Sam: I mean, I guess we were doing a little bit of business.

Taurtis: Yeah, that's true.

Grian: Yes....... "business".

Green: I was about to eat 13 bags of Toritos, 5 gallons of mtnDEW aaaand wash my underwear twice.

Austin: Thanks, we didn't really need to hear all that much info.

Sam: Oh, Toritos?

Taurtis: Nice.

Sam: Well sir, did you know that my friend here is actually the founder of the Toritos company! Isn't that just fantastic?

Austin: Aside from the fact that it was pretty much an unofficial business, I'm pretty sure you need more than only two guys working there before you could call it a business.

Sam: That's why we got...

Grian: I was never once invovled or even agreed to Taurtis' stupid business idea.

Green: Hm, very interesting.

Taurtis: You like Toritos, sir? Big fan?

Green: Why yes I am. A bit anyway.

Taurtis soon whispered to Sam.

Taurtis: Could we pay him in Toritos for the rent?

Sam: Let's see.

Sam soon turned his attention back to the landlord.

Sam: Let us see the fine establishment that you have here and we may consider even paying you in Toritos. How does that sound?

Taurtis: Oooo, that could save us a lot of money.

Sam: Definitely.

(Y/N): Oh good lord.

You facepalmed.

Green: Hm, sounds like an interesting deal.

You widen your eyes a bit at the fact that one of their ideas might just actually work.

Green: Just follow me, boys.

He soon headed inside of the apartment building, with you all following behind him. Once you got inside, you were already seeing a lot of overgrowth on parts of the walls and even the ceiling and even a whole in a part of the ceiling.

(Y/N): Oh yes, you truly have reached the pinnacle of making sound decisions haven't you, Sam?

Grian: Try living with him and Taurtis as long as I have.

Green: This place is a top-notch, flawless and brand new building that we just got built last week.

Taurtis: I bet 10% of those things are true.

Austin: I think this guy clearly mistook six decades for weeks.

(Y/N): No kidding. This place looks like it could fall in on itself at any given moment.

As You and the boys were about to walk up to the second floor, you noticed that there was a hole in a part of the stairs.

Sam: Woah, watch your step, Taurtis. There's a hole in the steps.

Taurtis looked down and saw there was another floor under the steps.

Taurtis: What's down there?

Suddenly, Rowan showed up into view just under the hole.

Austin: What the.......?

Sam: Oh, hi Gym Teacher Rowan.

Taurtis: What are you doing down there?


(Y/N): What happened to the apartment building you were hanging out in closer to the school?


Grian: Well, that explains it.

Austin: How the hell is that fucking school even surviving by this point if the board just wants to keep cutting the budget?

You all soon continued your way up the stairs and to the second floor of the building. Once up there, there was another hole that led all the way down to the basement level of the building..

Taurtis: Wow, that is a long drop.

(Y/N): Of course, no broken ass looking apartment is complete without several life risking hazards.

Green soon stopped near the first door of the hall.

Green: This is our first room, take a nice good look and see what you like.

He said as he opened the door allowed you all to walk inside. Once in the room, you found yet another hole through the floor, with Rowan even poking his head out of it this time for some reason, and even huge weeds growing from the wall.

Sam: Well uh....... this room looks homely.

(Y/N): Yeah.... as homely as a crack house!

The room also had a balcony, but it was incredibly small, barely even getting past the door.

Green: You can get a great view of the road, walls, bushes and old people.

Sam: Well..... you get a nice good view of the train tracks at least.

Green: The people staying in this building are also very satisfied with their rooms. Even the legendary USA President, Obama Barrack have lived here!

Austin: He must have been incredibly desperate if he chose to stay at a place like this.

Sam and Taurtis looked through a hole in the wall which led into another room. In said room, they could see Paul Blart staring out his balcony.

Taurtis: Hey look, it's Paul Blart. Hey, Paul!

Paul Blart: Huh?

Paul soon turned his attention to the hole and saw the two boys.

Sam: Hi Paul Blart.

Taurtis: How's it going?

Paul Blart: Uuuuh.... Hi, kids...

The boys soon walked out of the room and met Paul in the hall.

Taurtis: Paul, hi! You want to buy some special sugar?

Paul Blart: Uh.....

Grian: I really don't think you guys should be offering something like that to a police officer.

Sam: There's nothing wrong with it, it's just sugar.

Austin: Plus, Paul doesn't seem like the brightest police officer ever. So, I doubt he knows what it could actually be.

Paul Blart: Umm.....

Taurtis: Come on, it's really good.

Paul Blart: Yeah, I guess maybe just take a whiff of that.

Taurtis gave Paul Blart a sample of the sugar.

Paul Blart: If you don't tell anyone about what you just saw, sure.

(Y/N): I'm not sure why he would be so secretive about living here. I mean, Rowan's having to live here.

Green: So boys, what do you think?

Sam: I mean..... It's nice. But are there any nicer apartments that you may have? Because this may not be our fitting.

Green: This is the best one room we've got.

(Y/N): Oh god. If this is the best room you've got here, I don't even think I wanna ask what the hell any of the other ones look like then.

Taurtis: I mean, these look nice over here.

Taurtis said as he pointed over to the more better looking apartment buildings across from the one you were all standing in..

Sam: Yeah, those look WAY nicer.

Grain: Agreed. I'd take those over this train wreck any day.

Green: No. No. Noooo, boys. This apartment here is the one for you.

Sam: I really don't know about that. What do we have to pay to get into those buildings?

Green: You're gonna need a bit more money.

Grian: How much?

Green: A bit more.

Austin: Aaaaaaaand even he doesn't even seem to know how much it costs.


To try and gain more money, Sam and Taurtis attempted to try and sell the "Special sugar" that had gotten from Storm to other people around the town at the moment. However, no one was interested in what they were trying to sell to them.

(Y/N): Well then, guess we don't really need to worry about that substance that got with them from getting very far around here.

Grian: They weren't exactly specialists when they were selling those Toritos and they aren't specialists now.

Austin: They'll be more disappointed when we confiscate their "sugar" from them later.

(Y/N): Oh, no question about it.

The three of you would continue to watch Sam and Taurtis try and fail until there was a ring on your phone that got your attention.

(Y/N): I wonder who that might be.

You pulled out your phone and answered.

(Y/N): Hello?

Ghost: Hey (Y/N), it's Ghost. I think something just went down over here, think you and Austin can come up.

(Y/N): Not right now unfortunately. We're currently at the further part of town with Sam and the boys to give them "protection".

Ghost: Well, put me on speaker phone, Austin might need to hear this as well.

You soon tapped a button on your phone and put Ghost on speakerphone.

(Y/N): So, what's the problem up there?

Ghost: I think someone might have been sneaking around my house. Not only did I hear some rustling in the bushes just outside my house, but one of the bushes looked like they got messed up and broken in places, almost like someone got snagged in them.

Austin: Did you get any good looks at who the person might have been?

Ghost: Nope, by the time I got outside, they were already long gone.

(Y/N): Damn.

Ghost: Looks like that stalker comment I made back at lunch time is becoming a lot more legit than I'm willing to admit.

(Y/N): Guess you're not the only one still dealing with a stalker problem. The person who's got Salex's phone texted me again a while ago. And the last one they sent me so far was really odd.

Austin: Wait, how come you didn't tell me about those sooner?

(Y/N): I was going to get onto it at some point, but Invader showed up then Sam called us to his place.

Ghost: What did they say to you?

(Y/N): Well first, I told them they must have the wrong number just to see what would happen, and they made it very clear that they had the right one after all. Then, on our way to the train station they said I'll know of them soon enough and ONLY THEM.

Austin: Well, that last one certainly doesn't sound like a creepy thing to say.

Ghost: If this is still being seen as a prank, this person must be really wanting to get close to you for it. Maybe it's one of the girls?

(Y/N): That, or the person is probably gay and they think that no body would usually suspect or see that kind of thing coming.

While the three of you were speaking with Ghost over the phone, Sam and Taurtis had decided to go and meet with Storm in order to try and get more of the "sugar" from him. Much to their luck, he was there.

Sam: Oh good, there he is.

The two of them approached Storm in the alley.

Taurtis: Hey, you wanna buy some special sugar? Oh, wait.....

He said as he soon just realized.

Storm: Well hello there again, kids.

Sam: Hello there, sir. We would like to buy more of your delicious sugar. My friend, Taurtis, has got a real hankering for that stuff. We've got quite a lot of money, but we'd also like to sell some more of that sugar and get even more money.

Storm: Sorry boys, I'm all out of sugar.

Sam: What?

Taurtis: Would you like to buy some?

Sam: We really need some more of that sugar.

Storm: But, I have been hearing that you boys need more money though.

Sam: You heard correctly, we really do need more money. You think you can give us a little bit of money?

Storm: I can give you boys a loan, since I'm so nice.

Taurtis: I like this guy.

Sam: What a swell guy!

Storm: However, in return, I need you boys to sell some candy for me.

Sam: Oh, ok.

Storm handed the boys packages of a "special candy". The packaging for the candy in question had the name of "Hello Panda" on it, most likely a cover up just to pass it as actual candy. He then gave the two boys quite a big handful of money.

Sam: Wow, look at all that money. 22 yen!

Taurtis: Wait, so he's giving us Candy to sell AND money?

Sam: Seems like it.

Storm: I heard that there may be some buyers at the park. That should help you out in selling all that Sugar and candy.

Taurtis: Hmmm, could you excuse us for a moment?

Storm patiently stood by the side as Taurtis soon had Sam huddle with him and the two whispered to one another.

Taurtis: This doesn't make sense, Sam.

Sam: What are you talking about?

Taurtis: Why would he give us money, and we keep the money that we sell? What does he get out of it?

Sam: Well, you know that good feeling you get when you help someone?

Taurtis: No.

Sam: You've never felt that?

Taurtis: No.

Sam: You've got problems, Taurtis.

The two of them soon finished huddling up and Sam turned to Storm.

Sam: Uh.... thanks for the candy and money sir. We look forward to selling it. We'll be seeing you around hopefully.

He said before he began to walk off, with Taurtis soon following behind him.

Storm: Be seeing you around, boys.

He said before a light smirk formed on his face and he walked backward further into the alley.

Sam: Taurtis, I doubt there's anything suspicious about that guys just giving us this money and stuff. You may or may not have a personality disorder.

Taurtis: What? Nah!

As the two kept on walking, You were just about finishing your conversation with Ghost.

(Y/N): So, sometime tomorrow, we can all meet up at your place and discuss the whole issue that appears to be starting to develop here. Because I'm thinking that this is more than just a prank. And I'm beginning to have a hunch about a few other things as well.

Ghost: Alright then. Be sure to keep an eye on your way there. This person might just try to follow you on the way.

(Y/N) & Austin: Right.

You then hung up and placed your phone back into your pocket.

(Y/N): We should probably keep our eyes on Sam and Taurtis now just to make sure they don't actually succeed in selling that stupid sugar.

Austin: Right, I really don't want to get side tracked because of their antics.

You, Austin and Grian saw Sam and Taurtis walking to the direction of the park. The three of you soon followed behind them and it wasn't long before you were able to catch up and walk alongside them.

(Y/N): So then, I guess you boys aren't having much luck selling that "sugar".

Taurtis: Not exactly....

Sam: But we still managed to get some money out of this AND even get some special candy to try and sell.

Sam said as he pulled out some of the money and candy he was given.

Grian: Ummm.... where did you guys get all of that?

Sam: Oh, that nice man from before in the back alley just gave us this money and this candy for us to try and sell.

Austin: Candy?

Sam: Yep.

Austin: Riiiiiight.

Austin soon leaned over to you a bit and whispered in your ear.

Austin: If push comes to shove, we might need to knock Sam and Taurtis out to get all that stuff away from them.

You nodded in agreement as you soon arrived at the park. Once there, you saw that a couple of people were playing around there. Some of those said people happen to be people from school or up town. There was Silly, Yuki, Invader, Starforce, Paul Blart, Okami and even PufferFishPete. Okami being the only one who was sitting on a bench and watching the other people play of course.

Sam: Nice, we've got a few people here that we could sell this stuff too. Let me see. I've got four special candies.

He said as he pulled out the candies from his pocket.

Sam: Excuse me, everyone!

His voice managed to attract the attention of a few people at the park.

Taurtis: Would you lovely people be interested in trying some very special sugar?

Silly: What's supposed to be so special about it?

Taurtis: Everything. You can eat it. You can....... do anything else with it.

Behind Sam and Taurtis, You and Austin were making gestures to everyone to not take what they were offering.

Silly: Um...... I'll pass.

Yuki: Me too.

Sam: Dang it.....

Sam soon turned his attention to Okmai and got an idea.

Sam: Hey, I see Okami over there. Maybe we can give some to her. She'd definitely buy it.

You all headed over to Okami as she was just sitting down on a bench.

Sam: Hi, Mrs. Okami. How's it going on this fine evening?

Okami: Oh, hello boys. What brings you all here?

Sam: Well Mrs. Okami, you see, Taurtis, Grian and I are all having a bit of a money-related problem at the moment. And I know that you've helped us out so much. But if you could buy this delicious candy... Oh, Taurtis, could you also show her some of that special sugar?

Taurtis: I'm playing :C

He said as he was playing on a seesaw with Yuki.

Sam: Show her some of the sugar! We need to persuade her with the sugar.

(Y/N): He says out loud.

Taurtis: Oh Uh.....

Taurtis got off the seesaw and walked over to Okami as he pulled out some of the "sugar".

Taurtis: I promise that you are gonna absolutely love this sugar right here.

Okami: Special Sugar?

Taurtis: Yeah, it's really good.

Sam: Yeah, get a whiff of that and you'll see just what we're talking about.

As this was going on, Silly walked up to You and Austin and stood beside you.

Silly: What are you guys doing all the way down here?

(Y/N): Sam and the boys wanted us to come with them for "protection" reasons while they get moved into the apartments up here.

Silly: Well.... shouldn't they still be getting everything moved into their new apartment rooms.

Austin: Well yes, but long story short, the boys came across this strange guy in an alley who gave them "special sugar", one of the apartment buildings is crap and now the boys are trying to sell this "sugar" as well as "candy" in order to make more money to pay for one of the better apartments. Thankfully they haven't sold a single one of those things, minus to Paul Blart.

Silly: Wait...... why do you say Sugar and Candy like that.

(Y/N): Because It seems it's not what the boys actually have.

Okami got a good look at the "sugar" and knew that something was very wrong with it.

Okami: Boys, where did you get this sugar from?

Sam: It came from this really nice guy from the alleyway near the store. We followed him into the alleyway, at least me and Taurtis did, and he gave us this special sugar.

Taurtis: He was a really nice man.

Sam: He said he was a nice guy and that we could trust him so why not. And when someone says they're nice and that they can be trusted, then you know that they're telling the truth.

Okami: I see.......

Taurtis: Would you like some?

Okami: Oh.... I'll take all of it.

Sam: Wait, wow! Really?!

Taurtis: That's great!

Okami gave the boys 64 yen while Sam and Taurtis gave her all of the sugar and the candy that they had.

Austin: Oh good, now that I don't have anymore to try and sell.

Okami: Now boys, do you think you could get the shady man that you met earlier to meet you again. You need to tell me the time and the place.

Sam: Oh yeah sure, we'll ask him if we can meet him again. He's such a swell guy. I think you're gonna love him.

Okami: Very well. See you then Boys. Come along, Silly.

She said as she got up.

Silly: Oh, okay mom. I'll see you guys later.

She said before she hurried over to Okami as the two of them soon walked off.

(Y/N): Well, that takes care of one problem there. But, we still have the source of it to deal with.

You and Austin soon got into a huddle with Grian.

(Y/N): Okay, so it doesn't take much to understand that those two were clearly given drugs by that shady man near the store.

Grian: Right.

(Y/N): And if the boys get anymore of this stuff and continue to try and keep selling it, this could cause issues. Because even if they suck at selling them right now, they likely won't stop until they finally manage to get someone to buy it.

Austin: Correct.

(Y/N): So, we're gonna need to put a stop to this before that can ever happen.

Grian: How do we do that exactly?

(Y/N): Later tonight, we're gonna follow the boys while keeping ourselves hidden from them so they don't know we're there. And in the cover of night, we should be able to lunge from one of the rooftops just above the alleyway and get the jump on that shady man. And if he fights back, me and Austin will aim for his pleasure points to take him down fast.

Grian: Hmm, I'm not really sure about this idea. Plus, do I really need to be involved with this?

Austin: Well, to be fair, you don't exactly have a home to go to right now. And if Sam and Taurtis get in trouble with anymore of that stuff, they'll likely try to drag you down with them.

Grian: Ugh... that's true...... Fine. I'll help...

He reluctantly agreed in a groaning voice.


After Sam and Taurtis had managed to get Storm to meet them again later on tonight, they then went to Green with some of the current amount of money that they had and were able to convince him to give them and Grian a room in one of the better apartments. It was one of the rooms on the third floor. It was a bit smaller than most of the rooms in Sam's old home, but it was still in much better condition and there was more space compared to any of the rooms in the crappy apartment. You had texted Silly to let her and Okami know that Sam managed to get Storm to agree to meet him and Taurtis at midnight in the alleyway. Currently, it was getting close to midnight and both Sam and Taurtis were heading on their way to meet Storm in the alley. You, Austin and Grian had carefully followed the two of them on their way there. Once arriving in the spot, the three of you quietly walked up the stairs next to the store and reached the rooftop of one of the buildings as a means to keep yourselves out of view from either Sam, Taurtis or Storm.

Austin: Alright, we're currently in position.

(Y/N): Now all we gotta do is wait for the right opportunity to jump his ass.

Grian: Why exactly are we doing this if you already informed Silly and Okami about this?

(Y/N): Because, if they're either running late or something goes wrong, that's when we come in.

Storm soon showed up in the area.

Austin: There he is.

Austin whispered as You three kept your heads poking out a bit from the side of the building as you watched him carefully from below. However, You soon took notice of someone else being in the alley just a couple feet away from the boys and Storm.

(Y/N): Wait, what the.....?

Austin: What is it?

(Y/N): It's Paul Blart, I can see him trying to sneak up on the shady guy.

Austin: Oh god, he's gonna screw this up, I just know it.

On the ground of the ally, Sam soon took notice of Paul as well.

Sam: Oh, hey Paul Blart. Wait.... why do you have a gun?!

Storm looked over and saw Paul as well. However, he wasn't the only other person there. As Okami and Silly, both of which were wearing a sort of swat team-like gear on them, were both on the other side of the ally with weapons at hand as well.

(Y/N): There's Okami and Silly.

Paul Blart: Uh.... you boys should leave.

Paul carefully whispered to Sam and Taurtis, who soon started to move out of the way by getting behind Okami and Silly as to not get shot.

Sam: Hey! Wow, Wow, Wow! What's going on?!

Taurtis: What the heck?!

Paul Blart: Freeze, Scumbag!


(There's no weed card here to save you, storm).


Grian: I think I speak for everyone when I say that we should probably take cover before they start shooting each other.

(Y/N): Good idea. Hit the deck!

The three of you quickly moved away from the edge of the roof as Storm, seeing that both his escape routes were blocked off, attempted to pull out a gun. However, seeing him attempt this, Okami, Silly and Paul opened fire on Storm, shooting him dead.

Taurtis: No! You killed him!

Sam: Oh my god! They shot him, Taurtis!

Taurtis: Noooooo! He was our friend!

You, Austin and Grian soon slowly got back up after the shooting had stopped.

(Y/N): Oh boy, it's actually kinda surprising how much time can fly and you can tend to forget certain things about people.

Grian: What are you talking about?

(Y/N): I completely forgot that Okami was part of a swat team. I'm just surprised Silly's in a swat team so soon. Could have sworn she was waiting until after high school to do that.

Austin: Knowing Rowan, he must have gotten impatient.

The sounds of your talking could be heard from the ground, drawing Paul, Okami and Silly's attention to one of the roofs.

Okami: WHO'S THERE?!


They demanded as they soon pointed their guns to the roof, this immediately prompted the three of you to yell back in response.


Austin: Chill! Chill!

Grian: For the love of god, please don't shoot us!

They soon lowered their guns as soon as they were able to recognize your voices.

Silly: (Y/N)? Austin? Grian?

The three of you walked over to the side of the roof, slowly and carefully to reveal yourselves to them.

Sam: Wait, what?

Taurtis: Did they follow us here?

(Y/N): Of course we did!

Okami: What are you three doing up there?

Grian: We were planning on trying to get the jump on that shady man from up here just in case things didn't go well.

Austin: Then you guys showed up here, all guns blazing.

Sam soon stepped in, still upset about them shooting Storm.


Taurtis: Quick question actually, why did you bring your daughter? Doesn't this seem a bit dangerous?

Okami: Oh don't worry boys, she's in training. :D

Austin: I knew it.

Sam: I mean, I guess that makes sense. But back to the topic at hand. Why did you guys kill him?!

Taurtis: We needed more of the sugar!

Sam: I was losing my sugar rush and I just wanted a little more! I don't understand why you did this! He was our friend!

(Y/N): No, he wasn't!

Sam: Yes, he was!

Okami: Boys, he was a drug dealer.

Sam: Wait, he was a drug dealer?

Taurtis: Were we doing drugs?

Paul Blart: Remember kids, don't do drugs and stay in school.

Sam: What? Noooooo we would not.

Taurtis: I would never.

Sam: Drugs are bad.

(Y/N): You guys must have been on some drugs, because you couldn't even tell one guy in a business suit standing in a back alley selling strange white stuff and saying it's sugar was clearly a drug dealer!

Taurtis: But he said he was a nice guy.

Sam: Yeah, how can someone be a bad guy if they say they're a good guy? It doesn't make any sense! It doesn't add up! Right, Taurtis?

Taurtis: Yeah!

Okami: He was lying to you.

Sam: Oh.

Taurtis: That actually does kinda make sense.

Taurtis: But.... he said that we could trust him though!

Sam: Yeah, plus the stuff he was selling to us was so fun. It was probably healthy.

(Y/N): Yeah, like Crystal Meth!!!

Silly: Look you guys, You can't trust everyone that you meet.

Paul Blart: Yep! Not even me!

Austin: Well, if it's any correlation, I never trusted you the moment you first showed up on the scene.

Okami soon pulled out a gun on Paul after what he just said.

Taurtis: Uh oh.

Sam: She thinks he might be another drug dealer!

(Y/N): Get down!

Paul Blart soon dropped some Money to Okami, much to her confusion.

Taurtis: Wait, is he trying to bribe them?

Paul then booked it out of the alley, jumping over a fence and running across the street.

Austin: Now he's managed to rank himself from incompetent to incompetently suspicious for me.

Sam: Well uh.... thank you Okami for killing our friend... who I guess wasn't actually our friend. I guess we better head home now. It's pretty late and all and we should really.....

(Y/N): Oh no you don't.

Sam gulped as he slowly looked up to you.

Austin: You know the drill. We upheld our end of the deal. You uphold yours.

Sam: Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh! Can't we have this talk another time.

Austin: Stop your whining, It'll only take about a few minutes to get over.

(Y/N): But if you wanna keep complaining, we can always make it longer.

Sam soon groaned in annoyance before speaking again.

Sam: Fine.......


You and Austin had just gotten off the train and back to the part of Buraza Town you live at. The two of you had the visible look of slight frustration on your faces.

(Y/N): I didn't think it was possible...... but Sam has managed to show just how truely blind to things he is.

Austin: How in the absolute hell can he be this oblivious, ignorant and so willing to ignore all of the basic facts that we literally presented to him and still try to say that he's in the right?

(Y/N): I know. No one in their right mind should ever be able to find sniffing someone's hair, write over more than 5,000 love letters and even collecting freaking toenail clippings of someone as anything remotely normal.

Austin: Sookie has even given him clear and obviously unsettled to downright disgusted looks at him for a lot of the stuff that he's done. And he only writes it off as her being "overwhelmed".

(Y/N): Yeah, she's overwhelmed by how much of a creep he actually is.

Austin: I can't lie..... I nearly just wanted to deck him in the head and hope maybe a part of his brain that hasn't been working would maybe jump start.

(Y/N): Same honestly. But, I don't want to go down that route. Not unless he reallys tries to go too far or something.

Austin: Ugh........ let's just head to bed and get some rest. Besides, your parents will have our heads if they find out we've been out for so long on a school night.

(Y/N); Fine. But, I really think we should try getting Sam a therapist.

The two of you walked inside and closed the door behind you before immediately heading your way upstairs. However, on your way there, you soon noticed something setting down on the table.

You both then went inside the house and closed the door behind you both. However, once you both got inside, you noticed something on the table.

(Y/N): Hold up.

Austin: What is it?

(Y/N): There's something on the table over there.

Austin looked over to the table as well and noticed a piece of paper on it.

Austin: Odd..... that wasn't there before.

The two of you approached the table to see what was on the paper. Austin was about to pick it up, but you soon stopped him.

(Y/N): Wait, don't touch it.

Austin: Why not?

(Y/N): Just in case they might have left their prints on it somewhere.

Austin soon nodded before moving his hand back and the two of you looked at what was written on the note. On the note, it had said; "It's pretty rude to not be answering my texts, so I just decided to leave you a little note while you and your buddy are gone".

(Y/N): What the hell?

Austin: Crap! We must have forgotten to lock the door before we headed off to Sam's place.

(Y/N): Guess this now gives us a permanent reminder to do so any time we leave then.

Suddenly, your phone began ringing. You pulled it out of your pocket and you soon gave a surprised and even angered look as you saw that the person who was calling was "Salex".

(Y/N): I'll be damned.

Austin: What is it?

(Y/N): This person has the nerve to call me at this very moment.

Austin: Wait, seriously?!

Austin walked over and got a look as well.

Austin: Let's just see what this person's game is.

You nodded to him before soon answering the call and even setting it to speakerphone for Austin to hear.

(Y/N):............ Hello?

???: Kekekekekeke. Hello~!

The voice replied. However, it didn't sound like it was the person's actual voice. Rather, more of a lower pitch version of what the actual voice could be.

Austin: Oh god, and they're using some freaking voice emulator.

(Y/N): Just what the hell do you want?

???: I was just wanting to call to check and see if you got the note I left for you yet.

Austin: Yeah, we saw your little note. And it'll be a little reminder for us to keep our place locked when we leave!

???: Kekeke! Well, I just wanted to have a little chat with (Y/N), but he rudely decided not to answer anymore of my texts from that point. So, I had to resort to other stuff.

(Y/N): What the hell is your game here? I'm doubtful this is just a simple prank.

???: You'll know soon enough. After all, I made that clear before when I sent you that text telling you that you'll get to know of me. And ONLY ME. And trust me, I'll make sure that'll be the case soon enough.

Austin: And just how do you intend to make that happen?

???: Well, I don't want to spoil things, but let's just say that the drug dealer you guys helped take down was more than just your average drug dealer you could meet on the street. Well..... at least not entirely anyway. But that's besides the point.

(Y/N): If you know about that, then I can only guess that you've been the person who's been following me and Austin during those first few days of school, aren't you?

???: Guilty~

Austin: So then, stalking and robbing from the dead. Have you no shame?

???: Well, with what I have planned, I'm forced to do a few questionable things. But, it'll be worth it in the end.

(Y/N): Well why wait? We're right here and we're waiting!

???: I won't come just yet. I'm having so much fun messing with and teasing you. I'm especially enjoying how things have been going for Chan during this so far~

You soon balled your hand into a fist and yelled into your phone.

(Y/N): You better not so much as even get near Chan!!!

???: Oh dear, quite the anger. You're rather adorable when you get angered like that~

Austin: It'll be adorable when we find you and tear you to pieces with our bare hands for what you did!

The person on the phone soon let out a sadistic laugh in response to Austin's threat.

???: Ahahahaha! Well, until we get to that point, I wish you all the best of luck in finding me.... that is, if you'll ever be able to before it's too late~

The person soon hung up and ended the call. There was nothing but dead silence in the room for a moment between the two of you.

(Y/N) & Austin:................................

You both looked at each other and knew things in town were about to get serious.

(Y/N): When we go to Ghost's house tomorrow, we DEFINITELY need to make sure that whoever this is doesn't follow us.

Austin: Yeah, whoever this is means business. We need to find out who this person is before things get any worse.

(Y/N): Before we go to sleep, we better not just make sure to lock the door, but the windows as well.

Austin: Right. I'd much prefer whoever this is to not come in while we're sleeping.

You and Austin both went around the house, locking up any and all doors and windows to make sure that they were all locked up just to make sure that whoever this was doesn't walk in while you're asleep. After you had finished up on that, You and Austin soon went to bed, all while having an uneasy feeling inside. As all of this had been happening, the person was somewhere within the shadows, enjoying the fun that they were having with the situation while waiting for the right moment to make their move.

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