Male Angel Reader x Highschool DXD Girls
A/N: requested by Typical_Assassin. (The girls are Fem Issei, The devil girls and the female fallen angels). Enjoy.
(I just want to get things clear before you read this, things are going to be very different from what you would expect from the series itself. You'll see what I mean at the end).
Being an angel isn't the best thing in the world for most people. Yes, you do have the ability to fly and you live within the realm of haven. But it's not the easiest thing to deal with in the world. Reasons for this is because of the things that most angels do. Some involve things like either scouting, keeping guard for some reason and being sent down to exterminate demons that were running amok on earth. Which that sometimes results in the death of a few angels. And a certain someone just so happened to be the next angel chosen to go down to earth.
(Y/N): oh, you've got to be kidding me. I died and went to heaven just so I can go down to earth and die again?
You were told to go down to earth and investigate due to a rumor bringing up something about the activity of a few devils, fallen angels and something about a sacred gear.
(Y/N): "sighs" why did they haft to send me to do this when they have better forces up there in heaven who could do this way better.
You said as you started walking to the direction of a school where you heard was where the devils and gear user usually go to.
(Y/N)'s mind: I swear to god, this better be the address, the last one I got, I almost got killed by a witch with some sort of magical hair.
You soon landed in a spot where no one could see you and made your wings disappear into your back before you soon started to head inside the school.
(Y/N)'s mind: okay. I'll try to observe the devils and gear user first before I try and deal with those damn fallen angels. I just pray I'll survive.
You started to move through the school to one of the classrooms where they were in. When you got to the classroom, you were introduced to the other students. But it would be very unfortunate for you since you were placed in a desk near one of the devils, Rias Gremory.
(Y/N): What did I do to deserve such torture?
You whispered to yourself as you were having worrying thoughts. And if you weren't any more worried, Rias soon looked at you from the corner of her eye and you felt a shiver roll down your back. It was like she was instantly aware of what you were.
(Y/N)'s mind: shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit.
You knew that you needed to get the hell out of there once class ended. Once the time came, you quickly got up and left, trying to avoid the devil.
(Y/N): I'm not getting anywhere closer to that woman. I'll observe the devils from afar and that's it.
You said to yourself before a voice made you stop in your tracks.
Rias: hey.
You slowly turned around and faced the crimson haired devil.
(Y/N): Uh......y.........yeah?
Rias: (Y/N), right?
(Y/N): yes.....
Rias: I know this sounds sudden for you, but I was wondering if you'd be interested in coming with me real quickly.
(Y/N): uh......w.....why?
Rias: well, since you're a new student, I thought it would be easy for you to know your way around this school.
(Y/N): that's uh.... very nice of you. But I'm fine really.
Rias: really I insist.
(Y/N): I.....I'm very capable of finding my way around.
Just as you had your back turned to her, she spoke in a much more serious tone.
Rias: then did you pick the one place where you knew we were then, angel?
You then tensed up in fear.
(Y/N)'s mind: oh fuck.
(Y/N): ehehehehe. A....angel.....what do you.....
Rias: don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about. I've dealt you angels before from your attempts on me and my friends lives.
You gulped.
Rias: so leg me guess. They sent another one to do the exact same thing?
(Y/N): no, I was only sent here to observe.
Rias: observe what? Me?
(Y/N): They mainly just said for me to just observe any of the recent activity that you devils, as well some fallen angels have been doing. As well as gaining recent news about a sacred gear. I'm only following the orders given. I'm not really one for fighting or trying to kill someone anyway.
Rias: and give me one good reason why I should believe you?
(Y/N): because, I would've done what the last idiot most likely did and try to kill you already.
Rias: that's not good enough for me.
(Y/N): look, I personally don't have anything against you or any of whatever your friends are. I'm just following orders so they can get off my back. I didn't want to be here because of I was well aware that I would most likely die if I did.
Rias: I suppose you're right about that one.
Before rias was about to try something, a girl with brown hair called out her name, catching her attention. This gave you just the moment to get away with quick speed and make it outside the school and hide.
(Y/N): thank fucking god I made it out of there. I am not going back into that damn school just to get some Intel on something that has nothing to do with me.
You then sprouted your wings and flew off. Rias and the others soon came outside and saw that you were getting away.
Rias: damn it.
Issei: Ehehehehe. I guess I shouldn't have distracted you in the hallway huh?
Akeno: any clue where he's going?
Rias: he said he was here to observe issei, us and any fallen angels here. So I think I may have a good clue on where.
You continued on flying away from the school before you thought that you were at least far enough.
(Y/N): Okay, I think I'm at least far enough.
You went down to the ground and landed in a spot near a water fountain.
(Y/N):"sighs" the least I deserve is a break from what I'm trying to do here. I certainly don't see how it could get worse.
You soon heard a familiar voice.
???: how sweet, my little angel boy has come to see me.
You recognized that voice too well.
(Y/N): oh fuck no.
You turned around and saw the fallen angel known as Raynare, your EX. But she wasn't alone. Two of other female fallen angels were with her. A much taller one named Kalawarner and a smaller one named Mittelt.
(Y/N): of all the fallen angels that I would have to deal with, why the hell did one of them have to be you? And secondly, I would never come to see you willingly.
Raynare: awww, you can't still be mad at me after so long.
(Y/N): try me.
Kalawarner: you know this angel, raynare?
Raynare: he use to be my boyfriend before we sadly broke up.
(Y/N): I dumped you because you cheated on me with another angel and risked becoming a fallen angel.
Mittelt: why are we even talking with this angel? We should just kill him now.
The raven haired angel looked over to the short blonde one and whispered to her.
Raynare: you have nothing to worry about, if there's one thing I know about (Y/N), he's not one into conflict.
She then looked back to you as she started to approach.
Raynare: either way, it's in the past. And it's good to see you here.
(Y/N): why, so you can break my heart again?
Raynare: no, as a matter of fact, I felt bad for the way I treated you.
She was then closed to your face as she placed a hand on your cheek.
Raynare: maybe we can start over again and...... catch up~
She said while seductively whispering it in your ear. You blushed a little while getting angry.
(Y/N): yeah, no thanks. I've given you one chance. One is enough.
Raynare: come on, don't make me beg. Plus, we can give you protection from those devil bitches that you were trying to observe earlier.
(Y/N): did you?
Raynare: why else would they send you down here? I'm not as dumb as you may think.
(Y/N): even if I went with you, I know that you and you're two other freaky little friends there might do something fucked up to me.
Kalawarner: like we would do that with a weakling like you.
(Y/N): you're right, you couldn't handle all this.
She growled in annoyance and summoned a spear of light.
Raynare: calm down, he's only saying that to be tough. I should know, we did date.
(Y/N): like I said, I'm not going with you even if it was to get away from those devils.
Raynare's expression and tone then changed.
Raynare: we'd figure you'd say that.
(Y/N): uhhhhh w.......wait what?
Before raynare could say more, they noticed that Issei and the other devils soon arrived.
Rias: I figured you would be here, Raynare.
Raynare then looked over and to your surprised, shoved your face in between her boobs.
Raynare: You devils certainly know how to spoil a good moment. Me and (Y/N) were just about to get caught up.
You moved yourself away from her as she had her attention to the devils. Raynare then decided to antagonize them.
Raynare: hey Issei, I see that you're looking a lot better since our last date. How's that wound in your stomach?
Issei growled in frustration.
Issei: shut up!
Raynare: I take that as a yes.
Xenovia: you damn bitch, you'll pay for toying with her emotions.
Raynare: You can try, but I have doubts you'll succeed.
(Y/N): Are you serious?! You were saying all that stuff about wanting to get into my pants, and yet you sit there and talking about having dated her? I mean, seriously?! Are you a lesbian or straight?! Do you actually even love me still or just trying to make me jealous?! STOP CONFUSION ME!!!!!!!!
Mittelt: ow. Could You be anymore louder?
Raynare: I merely dated Issei just so I could kill her before she could do anything with the sacred gear. The date with her meant nothing.
Issei: That's it!
Rias: Issei, no!
Issei attacked raynare but was stabbed in the leg by one of raynare's spears of light and she got swatted away by one of her wings.
Rias and Her Peerage: Issei.
You started to back away further as you knew a fight was about to occur. The fallen angels had their backs to you and the devils were too busy getting ready to take on the 3 angels at once. You soon sprouted your wings and flew off as fast as you could. As you were, Raynare gave a toothy grin.
You were panting a lot from flying for so long without much rest. It was almost like you were on another side of the world now.
(Y/N): Thank. Fucking. God. I've had to have lost them at this point. I've flown for hours without end. Man, fuck this. Fuck this task. Nothing is worth this. I would rather be stripped of my placement as an angel and live on earth again than dealing with this absolute hell.
Raynare: I guess that can be arranged.
You went wide eyed in horror as you heard raynare's voice. You tried to take off again, but multiple spears of light hit the ends of your clothes and wings and pinned you to a wall.
(Y/N): shit!!!!
Raynare: I have to say, that was pretty impressive of you to be able to try and get away from us.
(Y/N): so you and you're fallen angels managed to find me. But whop.
Raynare: oh, I guess I wasn't specific on when I say we.
(Y/N): hm?
You felt a pair of arms wrap around your neck and you looked next to you to see...... Rias?!
(Y/N): what the?! Why the fuck are you here?!
She placed a finger over your lips.
Rias: I'm sure you're probably asking a lot of questions right now.
(Y/N): Raynare, what the fuck did you do when you became a fallen angel.
Raynare: after You dumped me and I was casted out of heaven, I was furious with you. But Over time, I realized the mistake I made. I knew that you were the only man for me. I wanted you back. So I just had to do a few things. That's where Rias and her little peerage came in.
She said as the the other fallen angels and Rias' peerage approached.
(Y/N): I can only imagine that you got smacked around by her a few times.
Raynare: -_-
(Y/N): I take it that I'm probably.......
Akeno soon gagged you to shut you up.
Akeno: that's better.
Raynare: now as I was saying, Me and Rias had a very long and interesting talk with each other and one thing led to another. We tossed aside our differences aside and reached an agreement we could all come to terms with.
(Y/N): ?
Issei: we all came to an agreement that we help her retrieve you. And in return we get you too.
(Y/N): ?!
You struggled to get free, but the spears were too strong. You let out muffled yells through your gag, cussing and swearing at raynare. All while the girls started to go near you and wrap their arms around your arms and waist.
Raynare: I've spend some many years alone without you. And I'm not ready to spend another. you're staying here with me and everyone else here.
Rias: you'll be much better off here with us anyway.
Issei: hehehe, maybe we can all get to know (Y/N) a little bit more~
You went wide eyed even more and shook your head no. They all smirked and started to strip.
(Y/N): ;-;
A/N: (This took 3 or 4 days to finally finish and put together. I really hope any DXD fans will be agitated with the direction I took the characters in this story. Was just trying something new again). Next is Fem Haxx x Male Reader.
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