Unholy Alliance
Deep pants filled the night as you sprinted out into the street. Despite feeling like you have been hit by a truck, you were more than happy to get the hell out of that dragon's den. You didn't even have the time to question anything as the glare you were given chilled you to your core.
(Y/n): Hah... What did I do to deserve this?! It's like everywhere I go I keep meeting that murderer...
You finally managed to catch your breath as bright yellow lights caught your eye.
(Y/n): Eh... a burger might be a good substitute for booze.
Your mumblings didn't distract any of the passing citizens as the beige suit you had borrowed flapped in the breeze of Tokyo. Your dress shoes lacked against the street as the ping of the door brought your attention to the usual smell of fast food. Perhaps this would be a good time to see if wounded pride can be healed by a burger.
Well, at least wounded pride tastes good. Washing down the last bits of food with a soft drink, a sigh escaped your lips. Why was today so weird... first your clan was invited to a funeral... then you met the Dragon of Dojima and now it appears that murderer has made his nest in your usual bar. Another sigh escaped through the nostril not plugged up to stop the damage from your earlier fight.
Worker: Would you care for anything else, sir?
(Y/n): Ah no thank you.
With a nod, your wounded body carried you out of the burger joint and back onto the streets of Kamurocho. Glancing around you tried to spot anything of interest. Of course, your life wasn't an arcade game so the streets mainly consisted of people heading home, to the bar, or to Pink street. Or maybe all three.
???: Sir, what is the nature of your relationship with this girl?
(Y/n): That sounds like...
Sure enough, upon turning your head you could see your pal, Matsuda. You didn't know he worked later shifts considering his age. Maybe he needs the extra cash. It was only natural to greet your friend but then you saw who he was accosting. Really... Really?! It's the dragon! The dragon and that little girl from earlier! How do you keep getting involved in this?! Wait... you aren't. You could simply walk off and let Matsuda haul him in. You wouldn't have to worry about that monster anymore and you could live happily ever after. But then again... what would happen to the girl? You're certainly not stupid and the dragon never had a relationship you heard of. So that little girl can't be his. So she would probably be taken away-
???: My dad may look scary... but he's really nice! So please don't bully him!
Ahhh so the dad angle. Huh... It was then a devilish idea crossed your mind. Not only would you square things off with the Dragon but he would be in your debt even! What the hell are you thinking about?! This guy beat the crap out of you earlier and murdered his patriarch! He could probably snap you in half if he really wanted to... but of course, your logic didn't really matter when you were already approaching the three.
Matsuda: Hmm... I'm sorry young lady but this man can't provide-
(Y/n): Hey Matsuda!
The old officer turned just in time to see you approaching. Your sudden voice also attracted the attention of the surprised girl and the perpetually agitated dragon. You gracefully stepped up next to the officer and your eyes locked with Kiryu's.
(Y/n): Matsuda, you're not bullying my friends are you?
Matsuda: Friends? Since when do you have friends?
(Y/n): You old bag of bones... I have plenty of friends. Like this guy right here!
Matsuda: He doesn't seem like the type to hang around a petty yakuza like you, (L/n).
Gah... why did you choose today of all days to actually be a decent cop, you old geezer?! You gulped softly and reaffirmed your stance, pulling an uneasy smile onto your features before directing your gaze to the man and girl.
(Y/n): These two helped me out of a bind. I got jumped by some thugs from a while back and he pulled them off of me. The little lady here called for help as we fought them off! They left my nose pretty messed up but hey it's better than another stab wound.
Matsuda looked from the two before him back to you. He clearly knew you were lying through your teeth. You didn't know these two and if you did, it certainly wasn't from being jumped. But... it's not often he sees you trying to help others than the Murakami... The old man let out a heavy sigh before leveling his gaze at the two.
Matsuda: I'll let you off this time you two. Next time make sure you have the proper ID. Also, you shouldn't be taking out your daughter so late-!
(Y/n): Yeah yeah yeah they know. Go on with your patrol so you can get to sleep already, gramps.
Matsuda: Yeah and you try not to get any more wounds. Your face was already ugly enough without the nose injury.
The old officer waved over his shoulder as he walked down the street in search of another bust on his patrol. Once the old man was out of earshot you turned your direction to the dragon and girl. Kiryu held an obvious skeptical look, defensively squeezing his fists. You opened your mouth to speak only to be cut off by the young girl.
???: Thank you, mister.
The young girl bowed her head to you and it honestly caught you aback. You had simply hoped to hold this over the two but...
(Y/n): It was... nothing. Just consider this square for earlier. Your "Dad" hear messed me up pretty good.
As the dragon began his own sentence you realized this would be the first time you heard him speak aside from the noises he yelled out during your fight. His voice was unsurprisingly deep.
Kiryu: You shouldn't have stood in my way.
(Y/n): You know better than anyone what Yakuza do with intruders. I was protecting my patriarch.
Kiryu looked away for a moment before turning back to the girl of which you now learned was named Haruka as he spoke to her.
Kiryu: We need to keep moving before more officers show up, Haruka.
Haruka: Ok mister.
(Y/n): Hey hey hold on where are you going?
The two looked at each other and back to you. Of course, they had no reasons to trust you. To the girl, you were some random guy that just happened to help them out while to the dragon you had just been an opponent hours ago and now showed up conveniently while he was getting closer to solving his mystery.
Kiryu: We're not telling you.
(Y/n): Come on, I just got you out of a bind. Plus, who knows how long until my nose is back to normal after your attacks!
Kiryu: No.
This back and forth filled the night for a moment, drawing the annoyed and concerned gazes of the citizens of Tokyo before Haruka lifted her hand and tugged on the sleeve of the dragon.
Kiryu: No Haruka.
(Y/n): Look... are you two going to a bar?
The question seemed to catch the two off guard.
(Y/n): I don't care what you two are up to, but you set up shop in my favorite bar. So if you're gonna be hanging around Serena for the time being at least let me tag along to this bar so I can find a place to drink away.
Kiryu glanced at Haruka before letting out a sigh through his nose.
Kiryu: Fine. Come on Haruka.
It appeared to be as simple as that. Haruka and Kiryu continued on their way with you softly following in tow. As for why you went along with this strange plan you didn't know. the whole bar scheme was right off the top of your tired mind. but if you got to get something to drink tonight that would make it worth it. Haruka would sometimes glance back at you of which you could only offer nods and the occasional smile. You didn't know how to handle kids. Guessing Kiryu was in the same boat you decided to remain quiet. You even managed to stifle a noise of confusion as the three of you entered into the larger tower in Kamurocho, the millennium tower. Next came the elevator and the three of you rode upward. This was when you finally broke the silence.
(Y/n): I didn't even know there was a bar up here. This is my first time in the tower too.
Haruka: Really?
(Y/n): Mhmm... I've been living here for a while but never really got to see the sights. Unlike your dad, I don't have the time to rest. The Murakami needs me to stay strong as their captain.
Kiryu: I've never heard of the Murakami.
(Y/n): We uh... Our patriarch moved in after your... incident.
The silence of the elevator took over once more before the tense ride finally arrived at its floor. Haruka was the first to walk followed by Kiryu and you. It was then you were amazed.
(Y/n): Eh? This bar is bigger than our entire office?! What kinda person could afford this sorta place...
Your sentence trailed off as the girl before you let her shoulders sag. You swallowed back any other words you had and tried to deflect.
(Y/n): Expensive place like this is bound to have some nice booze. I'll look behind the bar while you two do what you need to.
Without another word, you trailed behind an expensive wooden bar to search for booze. The bare did have a stock of booze and as your fingers explored the label you could pick up on a slight bit of dust.
(Y/n): Haven't been poured in a bit.
You slipped to a knee to look further under the bar only to hear the ping of the elevator. Eh, someone must have called it back down. However, you were proven wrong as you heard multiple sets of steps. Your muscles froze up and you decided to remain behind the bar just in case. The words of the man in charge were very muffled but you could tell just by glancing over the counter that those were yakuza. Though they certainly weren't from around Tokyo. Slipping away would be rather easy, but once again that damn conscious of yours thought about the girl. Kiryu is a monster sure, but even this many guys might prove a bit troubling while trying to manage her too. Hah... why do you have to keep getting involved...
Kiryu glared at the men standing before him. They certainly weren't here for a drink and it didn't help that Haruka was clinging to his leg. He could try fighting through them to get out but he had to consider Haruka and wherever the hell you got off to-
Hayashi: I'm from the 5th Omi Alliance headquarters. Name's Hayashi. I've heard a lot-
???: Catch.
Kiryu watched as an expensive-looking bottle of liquor sailed through the air and landed in one of the hands of the omi yakuza. Then in a move very similar to what the dragon had done earlier, the demon sailed through the air in a devastating dropkick. His boots collided with the man's chest and propelled him back into another good as the bottle bounced in his hands but did not break.
(Y/n): Careful with that! I don't need to pay for a whole bottle of that! I was worried I was messing with some Tojo guys... but if you guys are Omi, then I can kick your ass to my heart's content!
Hayashi: Who the hell are you?! Do you have any idea who you just assaulted you punk?!
(Y/n): Oh I have plenty of ideas. But I don't have to worry about getting in trouble if you can't leave this bar in one piece... so...
Your stance widened softly and your fists raised, a dark purple raising from your shoulders as it almost appeared as if your knuckles shaped into demonic talons.
(Y/n): Let's throw down you punks and I can show you how a demon rips and tears!
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