Kentucky Fried Danse

A/n: Before we start, I want to inform you all on something. Nothing major, just one little detail about the game that has bugged me since day one.

In this story, the B.o.S. invented the T-60 power armor after the defeat of the Enclave instead of the U.S. before the Great War. Gold star for you if you understand why.

Now, on with the story!

3rd p.o.v.

Travis: So, the, uhh... The Minutemen are out there... doing things... in the Commonwealth. What kind of things, you ask? Well... I will tell you. I have heard that they, uhh... they have taken over "The Castle" which I guess was their's a long time ago, but hasn't been for a while... It had been full of fish, or monsters... or monster fish, maybe? I don't know; I didn't really... hear... that part. But the Minutemen are there now, and that's good... for them... and I guess for everyone else, too. So, uhh... yeah. How about... How about some music?


(Y/n): God damn, you even make important news sound boring as all hell.

Just south of Lexington, a certain vault dweller is checking his pip-boy for other stations to listen to.

(Y/n): Let's see... We have Stutters Mcgee, the lullaby station, and immediate headache news radio... Decisions, decisions.

As he is walking, his pip-boy made a small static sound and fades to silence.

(Y/n): !!!... Jesus, I feel like this things about to explode when it does that! Wait... Military Frequency AF95?


???: Automated message repeating... This is Scribe Haylen of Reconnaissance Squad Gladius to any unit in transmission range. Authorization Arx. Ferrum. Nine. Five. Our unit has sustained casualties and we're running low on supplies. We're requesting support or evac from our position at Cambridge Police Staton. Automated message repea-


(Y/n): Hmm. Either the Gunners are in deep shit or there is an actual military unit in need of help... Eh, worth a look none the less.

Pulling out his handy dandy (and easily replaceable) combat rifle, he heads due south to Cambridge.

(Timeskip brou-

Making it there in no time what so ever.


(Y/n) p.o.v.

As I make it into Cambridge, I can already tell this place is one of those kinds of towns. You know, the ones that had their entire populist turned into  feral ghouls and for whatever reason they never left. So after putting a few ghouls down, the sound of lasers and gunfire could be heard further in town. The sight of a barricade can be seen in front of the police station.

Mowing through some more ghouls, I can see my damsels in distress. They are definitely not Gunners that's for sure. These guys actually look professional, from their equipment right down to their attire. Hell, one off them is wearing some kickass power armor! Minus the the helmet though.

???: Target sighted!

Hearing a shriek behind me I turned around and brought the butt of my rifle right to the face of a ghoul thinking it would get lucky. As it staggers back, I then mowed it down along with two more with it. As the now one sided fight started to cool down, I made my way over to Iron Man.

???: Threats neutralized.

(Y/n): Sup.

???: We appreciate your assistance, civilian. But what's your business here?


(Y/n): First off, you're welcome. Second, I'm just helping out like any other civilian would.

???: The way you charged in and engaged those ferals, I find that a bit difficult to believe. Are you from a local settlement?

(Y/n): Oh yeah! A very civilian populated settlement. With lots of civilians in it. Which I, a civilian, am from.

???: ...

(Y/n): Sorry. It's just that I've been through too much military training and services to be just called a CIVILIAN. By the way, what's  up with the questions?

???: If I appear suspicious, it's because our mission here has been difficult. Since the moment we arrived in the Commonwealth, we've been constantly under fire. If you want to continue pitching in, we could use an extra gun on our side.

(Y/n): I'm more than willing to help, believe me, but I'm more comfortable with knowing who I am helping and why.

Danse: Very well. I'm Paladin Danse, Brotherhood of Steel. Over there is Scribe Haylen and Knight Rhys. We're on recon duty, but I'm down a man and our supplies are running low. I've been trying to send a distress call to my superiors, but the signal's too weak to reach them.

Haylen: Sir, if I may?

Danse: Proceed, Haylen.

Haylen: I've modified the radio tower on the roof of the police station, but I'm afraid it just isn't enough. What we need is something that will boost the signal.

Danse: Our target is ArcJet Systems, and it contains the technology we need... the Deep Range Transmitter. We infiltrate the facility, get the transmitter and bring it back here. So, what do you say? You willing to lend the Brotherhood of Steel a hand?

Brotherhood of Steel? Paladin? Scribe? Knight? Deep? This whole conversation just raises more questions than answers!

(Y/n): Er. Sure, why not?

Danse: Outstanding. Haylen, take Rhys inside and bind his wounds.

Haylen: Yes, sir.

Danse: Rhys, once you're on your feet, I want you to make certain that the perimeter is secure.

Rhys: I'm on it.

Danse: All right civilian.


Danse: It's time to prove your worth. Head inside the police station and resupply yourself, then let me know when you're ready to begin. Let's move out, people!

Haylen: All right big guy, let's go.

Rhys: Yeah, yeah... I'm comin'.

I make my way inside and head straight toward Danse.

(Y/n): Hey, Paladin.

Danse: You ready to move out?

(Y/n): Let's do it.

Danse: Outstanding! Follow me, and try not to lag behind.

He pulls out a helmet out from behind him and puts it on (does he have magic pockets, too?), heading out the front door with me close behind.

Danse: We'll take this alley, follow me.

(Timeskip... brought to you by chibi (y/n) checking out Danse's armor)

So after a long ass walk and a little target practice with some raiders on the way to our destination, Danse decided to fill me in on why the B.o.S. was here even though I never asked. So long story short, they discovered some technical phenomenon on their technicators. So with technical curiosity, they decided to technically investigate the... technicality? Alright, I wasn't paying attention most of the time.

Danse: There it is, ArcJet Systems.

Thank God...

After a small conversation about doing it clean and quite, and not shooting at him, we head inside.

Danse: It was corporations like this that put the last nail in the coffin for mankind. They exploited technology for their own gains, pocketing the cash and ignoring the damage they'd done.

Oh dear God, he's an iron hippie!

Further in, we come across half a dozen destroyed protectrons.

(Y/n): Huh.

Danse: Look at these wrecks. It appears as though the facility's automated security's already been dealt with.

(Y/n): Obviously.

Danse: Damn it. I was hoping to avoid this. Look at the evidence. There isn't a single spent ammunition casing or drop of blood in sight. These robots were assaulted by Institute synths.

(Y/n): O... kay? Well, stay on the look out for... anything.

Danse: Roger that. Let's move out.

The Institute? Is he talking about the college? Well we make our way through more rooms and enter a large space with a terminal.

Danse: Looks like a dead end. See if you can find a way to get that door open. I'm going to reconnoiter the area.

(Y/n): Reco what now? You know what, nevermind.

After I hacked the terminal open-


-I open up the sliding doors only to see a bunch of mannequin looking bastards.

Danse: Nice work. Let's get- Synth ambush! Light them up!

Synth: By order of the Institute, you must die.

(Y/n): Ohshit!

We open fire on what I now know as synths and make our way towards a hole in a wall that leads to another room full of more of these things. So after killing more synths and a few active turrets, we make it to the ArcJet engine core. In front of us is a big ass jet engine.

Danse: The transmitter should be in the control room at the top of the core, but it looks like the elevators are are dead. We'll have to keep heading down for now and find a way to get the facility's power back online.

As we go down to the ground level, I head over to a passage while Danse stays behind with the jet engine. Making my way deeper in, I am met with another terminal.


I start up the auxiliary generators and head back.

Speakers: Engine core power restored. Thermal Engine fueled, primed, and standing by for your command.

As I make it back I am greeted with Danse fighting synths falling from above, but what caught my attention the most was the big... red... shiny button right in front of me. I look up at Danse fighting the synth, then back at the button, then back at Danse.

(Y/n):... I do like his power armor, though.

I press down on the button and hope for the best.

Speakers: Command accepted. Commencing five second countdown.


Danse guns three synths down only for more to take their place.


He uses the butt of his laser rifle to bash a synth that got too close to him.


One of the synths was able to jump on  Danse's back. He got a hold of it and tosses it at a group.


Wow, this is a very long countdown.


(Y/n): Hurry the fuck up!

Speakers: Engine firing.

With a thunderous boom, the room was lit up with the engine spewing flames on everything under it. Every synth was burnt to ashes as Danse just takes a knee. As the engine dies down, I make my way out of the control room and over to him.

Speakers: Test firing complete with an efficiency rating of 96.7 percent.

(Y/n): You're alive! Thank God! (Damn)

Danse: Got... cooked by those flames, but... thanks to my power armor I'm in one piece. The important things is that we're still alive... and we have a way to get to the transmitter. Let's go.

We make our way to the elevator nearby and head up to the control room, avoiding Danse's heated up armor. As we step out, we are greeted by yet even more synths.

You get the idea on how it ends.

With the last synth down, we start searching for the transmitter. I ended up finding it on one of the synths.

Danse: Let's get out of here. We'll  take the service elevator to the surface.

We get in another elevator and end up in a bunker.

Danse: Bunker looks clear. Let's move out.

We leave ArcJet Systems and meet up outside. I can still feel the heat radiating off of him.

Danse: Well, that could have gone smoother, but mission accomplished.

(Y/n): Yeah! You know Tin Man, we work pretty well together.

Danse: Agreed. It's a refreshing change to work with a civilian who can follow orders properly.


Danse: That being said, I believe we have two important matters to discuss. First and foremost, if you'll hand me the Deep Range Transmitter I'd like to compensate you for your assistance during this operation. I think you'll find this weapon useful. It's my own personal modification of the standard Brotherhood Laser Rifle. May it serve you well in battle.

He hands me the weapon.

Righteous Authority

(Y/n): Oh, cool! Thanks.

Danse: You're welcome, civilian.

(Y/n): "sigh"

Danse: Now... as far as the second matter goes, I wanted to make you a proposal. We had a lot thrown at us back there. Our op could have ended in disaster, but you kept your cool and handled it like a soldier.

No shit.

Danse: There's no doubt in my mind that you've  got what it takes. The way I see it, you've got a choice. You could spend the rest of your life wandering from place to place, trading an extra hand for a meager reward.

What's wrong with honest work?

Danse: Or, you could join the Brotherhood of Steel and make your mark on the world. So what do you say?

Hmmm... On one hand, there is something about these guys that just doesn't sit well with me. On the other hand, I really like that power armor! Also, this will give me the chance to make him stop calling me a CIVILIAN!

(Y/n): Alright Danse Danse Revolution, I accept!

D.D.R.: That's what I wanted to hear. Meet me back at the police station, and we'll discuss the details.

(Timeskip brought to you by chibi (y/n) keeping his distance from a red hot glowing Danse)

Back inside the police station, I meet up with Danse without his helmet on.

Haylen: Paladin Danse... glad to see you alive and well, sir.

Rhys: Are we in luck, sir?

Danse: Mission accomplished... we have the transmitter.

Rhys: Finally... some good news for a change. Nice work, sir.

Danse: I didn't do it alone. Haylen, Rhys... It's time to welcome our newest recruit to the recon team. He shows a lot of promise, and with the proper guidance, I think he has the potential of becoming one of the best.

I guess that's my queue.

(Y/n): I'll try my best to live up to your shiny expectations.

Haylen: You don't have to prove anything else to me. Getting that transmitter was enough.

Rhys: So decided to stay, huh? I expected you to take your payment and run.

.... Oh, you're one of those kinds of guys, huh?

(Y/n): Oh, thank God! I was actually worried about everybody.

Rhys: What?

(Y/n): You see, I was wondering how a military body like this is capable of disposing it's own waste. But, no worries, I just found the asshole!

Rhys: Why you little-

Danse: Rhys, that's enough. Like it or not, you're going to have to learn to work together. And you, you need to understand what it means to be a part of the Brotherhood. We're not soldiers of fortune. We're an army and we've dedicated our lives to uphold a strict code of ethics. If you intend to stay within our ranks, you need to obey our tenets without question.

(Y/n): Once again, I've been through this kind of stuff before. I get where you're coming from.

Danse: Perfect. Then there's no need to give you a long lecture, so I'll get right to the point. I only ask for two things from anyone under my command. Honesty and respect. You fall in line, you stay in line. I give you an order, and you follow it. It's as simple as that. Before I release you to Haylen and Rhys for your assignments, there's one last order of business. From this moment forward, I'm  grant you the rank of Initiate. This is only a training rank... I'm not permitted to grant ranks any higher than that.

(Y/n): Sounds fair.

Danse: Outstanding, soldier.


Haylen: Ad Victoriam, Initiate.

Rhys: He doesn't even know what that means, Haylen.

Danse: "Ad Victoriam" means "To Victory". In our eyes, defeat is unacceptable because we're fighting for the future of mankind. Our rallying cry is more powerful than any weapon you could carry. Remember that. Now... I need you to report to Haylen or Rhys for your next assignment. Dismissed, soldier.

(Thank! Fuck!)

............ Did I just sign myself up to be the group bitch?
A/n: Crap, we've got Brotherhood.
*pulls intercom towards mouth*
Lock up the calculators.

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