Volume 3: Y/n Flowers' Dramatic Entry

Soon the venue cleared out, and the gang was standing in science. Stephen looked at them, "decent show, eh? Told you they were good."

Scott looks up but then looks back down, "I think I'm gonna throw up."

Scott looks to his left and sees a glowing pink circle, "Wha...what is that?"

Ramona was confused, "what?"

"That glowly thing by the door." Scott asked.

"Huh, I don't know." Ramona said, Y/n is seen with his arms crossed with a smile.

"That, my friend, is a save point." Y/n said as Kim nodded.

"Yep, It's a save point." Kim restated.

"What? Are you serious?" Scott started to rush to it. "I gotta save before she-!"

A woman who worked at the place looked at them before Scott could save, "what the hell?! You're not supposed to be in here! We're closed!"

"Uh, we're..we're with..." Scott froze.

"Hey. Don't worry about it." Envy appeared with her band. "C'mon back here, guys. Let's chat."

She invites Scott, Ramona, Y/n, Kim Pine, Stephen Stills, Julie Powers, Knives, and Young Neil backstage with them to "chat". The tension was definitely there, Y/n seemed bored out of his mind. Envy looked at Scott. "Hi, Scott."

"Hi..." Scott said rather terrified.

"Hi, Ramona." Todd told Ramona.

"Hi, Todd." Ramona simply said as there was silence.

"Um, Envy? I...I...I read your blog." Knives said as the band glared at her.

"So...how was the tour? You played with New Order? You played with the pixies." Julie was sucking up. "You're a superstar now!"

"It's...yeah. It isn't something I can really put to words at this point." Envy said as she looked at Kim. "It's been usual."

"Envy. You're sooooo fashionable! You're my role model, Envy!" Knives...weirdly said again.

"That girl can't get a hint. And I don't even think I'm needed here..." Y/n said as he looked at Kim, who shook her head, a sign that they should wait to see what happens.

"Can I blow your mind?" Julie tried to save this.

"You can try." Envy stated.

"Blah blah blah. Blah blah? Blah blah blah!  And now she's pregnant!" Julie said as Y/n was bored out of his mind. "Oh, I know! I heard babies, eh? Isn't that crazy?"

"God, Julie, it's not that crazy. People have babies." Stephen stated.

"I'm talking to Envy right now, Stephen." Julie snapped back. "Are you guys doing anything fun while you're in the city?"

"Fun in Toronto?" Todd asked.

"Maybe some shopping tomorrow." Envy suggested.

"I'VE KISSED THE LIPS THAT KISSED YOU!" Knives announced as Y/n sighed.

"Alright, Neil. Get her out of here." Y/n said out of the blue while the drummer stretched her arm to punch Knives. Y/n appeared in front of her and caught the punch, pulling the drummer closer before punching her back.

"No way! A bionic arm!" Scott shouted.

"Y/n...?" Knives asked, Y/n shrugged at her.

"Alright, get on out of here. Now." Y/n said as Neil grabbed her.

"C'mon, don't worry about it." Neil leaves with Knives, who reluctantly left.

"So, I guess we gotta fight now, huh?" Y/n asked the drummer, who cracked her knuckles. White and black aura surrounded Y/n the moment he shifted his foot. "Really wanna do this? I'll give you a chance to stop."

"Stand down." Envy told the drummer as the drummer went back to being normal. Y/n then sat back down stopping his attacks, Envy looked at him. "You must be Y/n Flowers, Ramona's twin."

"Yeah? What of it?" Ramona said as Envy looked at Y/n.

"Nothing much, I can appreciate true musical talent when I see it." Envy said as she looked at Ramona, "and to be the twin  of the famous Ramona Flowers...let's not mention your reputation."

"Hm, not sure what you mean..." Y/n's eyes started to fill with white and black. "Think you can explain it to me clearer."

Envy was a little scared, "I-I mean, your criminal record isn't the most hidden."

"Criminal record?" Scott was confused before Y/n looked at Scott, who immediately looked away with fear.

Y/n smiled, "yeah, I stole a candy bar once. Why don't you chat with Ramona, which you've been building up to?"

"You mean your twin, which is dating Scott Pilgrim." Envy stated.

"What about it?" Ramona asked, clearly not wanting to be here.

"You guys are a cute couple, you know? You suit Scott." Envy said as Ramona raised an eyebrow.


"So what's your ulterior motive, Envy? I mean like in general." Stephen asked her.

"She doesn't need ulterior motives! Look at her! She's got a writeup in spin!" Julie defended Envy.

"Yeah, Stephen. Wow, I'm hurt, wounded even." Envy wanted to drag this out. "I'm just saying cute couple. I like your outfit, by the way, Ramona. Affordable?"

"Excuse me?" Ramona started to get annoyed.

"I was going to say, Envy, did you get those jeans in New York? They're totally-!" Julie said before Envy shut her up.

"I'm talking to Ramona right now." Envy said as Y/n and Ramona both flinched after she mentioned New York.

"Ramona and Y/n are from New York." Julie had to stay in the conversation at all cost.

"Are they?" Envy didn't seem fazed by this information.

"We're not from there. We just lived there for a couple years." Ramona explained.

"Did you like it? See a lot of the city?" Envy asked many questions. Y/n sat down next to Kim and rested on her shoulder, as Kim didn't move.

"I...I guess, I mostly saw..." Ramona tried to say.

"The steamy underbelly? Strip clubs, backed with parked cars?" Envy pressured her.

"I...what?" Ramona was starting to get frustrated.

"Ramona! The look on your face! I'm kidding!" Envy said...calmly.

"You good over there, Scott?" Y/n asked before Scott slammed his hand on the table.

"That's it! That is it, you cocky cock!" Scott leaped over the table towards Todd. "You'll pay for your crimes against humanity!"

Scott went for a punch but Todd's eyes started to glow and his hair raised. Todd stood up and dodged it, raising his hand in the air, choking Scott. "My neck...kk...your hair...aaa dude wait aaa!"

"Didn't you know?" Envy asked as Todd threw Scott through a brick wall surrounded by aura. "Todd's a vegan. Graduated top of his vegan academy and everything."

"It's not a big deal." Todd said as Stephen looked at him.

"No kidding! I mean, anyone can become a vegan if they work at it, right?" Stephen told them.

"Um no." Envy stated.

"No ovo-lactio vegetarian, maybe." Todd told them.

"Uh...why not?" Kim asked as everyone started to climb through the hole.

"Most people just can't take it. It's a fact of the science. The main thing to know is that I'm better than most people." Todd combed his hair.

"That's what they taught you?" Y/n was unimpressed.

"Hey, go ahead and get snippy. If you knew the science, maybe I'd listen to a word your saying." Todd said as Y/n looked at Todd.

"Hey, Scott. Let me handle this jackass myself." Y/n said as Y/n started walking up to Todd. "When you fight him, let me join you this time."

"We can fight if you want." Todd said as Kim looked at him.

"Yeah, I wouldn't recommend that." Kim bluntly stated.

"Uh hey...not to break the mood, but how does not eating dairy products give you psychic powers, anyway? I've been wondering." Stephen asked.

"You know how you only use ten percent of your brain?" Todd lit a cigarette.

"This another fact of science?" Kim asked the man.

"Well, it's because the other 90 percent is filled up with curds and whey!" Todd blew out some smoke.

"That's the stupidest thing I ever heard!" Scott said as Envy looked at him.

"Maybe if you know the science..." Todd said to himself quietly.

"Anyway, that's why you can't win this fight, Scott. And you'll have to give up on dating this girl." Envy said as everyone was shocked.

"Wait, you know about all this!?" Scott was confused.

"Of course I do! I've been with Todd since we were 11!" Envy stated.

Ramona looked at Envy, "So...he cheated on you with me?"

Envy scoffed, "Don't be ridiculous!"

Ramona got up and looked at her, "I'm not being ridiculous, I'm just trying to..."

"I know what you're trying to do, and it won't work. Nothing will. You're finished, and Todd's gonna make sure it stays that way." Envy told them as Scott wiped his mouth and got up again.

"You...You ass!" Scott went for a kick, "She used to be so nice!!!"

Todd lifted the Scott again and threw him into the air. "AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!"

Scott dropped into the dumpster, Ramona walked over to him, "Hey, maybe you should come up with a strategy, genius!"

"Genius..." Scott says as Ramona looks at Y/n.

"What is he doing?" Ramona asked.

"I think he's having an anime flashback." Y/n told her.

"I dislike you." Scott says as he wipes mouth again.

"Tell it to the cleaning lady on Monday." Todd told Scott.

"What?" Scott asked.

"Because...because you'll be dust by Monday." Todd tried to explain.

"What?" Y/n and Scott were confused.

"Because I'll be pulverizing you sometime over the weekend." Todd said as he clenched his fist.

"I'm sorry...what?" Scott was confused.

"And the cleaning lady...cleans up...dust. She dusts." Todd looks at Envy. "And she had weekends off, so...Monday, right?"

"What in the hell are you talking about, Todd?" Envy asked him.

Stephen looks at his watch. "Look, it's almost 3;30..."

Envy holds her hair, "right, it's almost 3:30, and we've been here for a quarter of this book. Let's call it a night."

"We have unfinished business, I and He." Todd said.

"He and me." Scott corrected.

"Don't you talk to me about grammar...!!!" Todd raised his fist.

"We'll finish it tomorrow. Look, let's sleep in, have a late breakfast, and we'll meet up around 1 pm, okay?" Envy looked at the group.

"Where?" Scott asked.

"Honest Ed's." Envy claimed.

"What? Why?" Scott asked as Ramona's head started to glow.

"Oh Scott, don't you like surprises?" Envy said as the gang separated.

The rain started to pick up and they took shelter. Ramona looked at it, "yeah...I don't think it's stopping anytime soon."

Kim looked over at Y/n's face before pulling him, and gesturing for them to leave. Then Y/n finally smiled, "yes!"

"We'll see you guys at Band Practice." Kim said as Y/n and Kim walked out into the rain.

"See ya!" Y/n waved.

"You guys aren't going to the thing? The Honest Ed's thing?" Stephen asked them.

Kim flipped him off, "blow me."

And so the two walked into the rain, Y/n holds his hands behind his head. "What a waste of time."

"You're telling me." Kim said as Y/n smirked at her.

"Hey, Scott's your ex, who's dealing with all this stuff. At least my ex's don't got all that drama." Y/n teased as Kim looked at him.

"How come you're so close with your ex?" Kim asked as Y/n raised an eyebrow.

"Well one, I think it's stupid that you can't be friends with your ex's. Second I ended on good terms..." y/n said and Kim had a anime flashback.
"What?" Y/n is seen younger, around 10th or 11th grade. "I don't think I heard you right."

"It's whatever, Y/n." Kim had tears and was closer to being as Bitter as she is now. "Guess Scott moves to Toronto. Didn't even have the guts to tell me."

"So you heard from Lisa then..." Y/n said and Kim quickly darted her head to look at him.

"You ass...! You knew?!" She accused.

"No, I didn't." Y/n explained. "Scott and Lisa were friends before we were."

Y/n leaned back on the hill the two were at, resting his head on the grass. "If he was gonna tell anyone other than you, Lisa's the only one he would tell."

"Yeah well, she can have him if she wants his dick so bad." Kim was trying to be angry, but couldn't hide her sadness.

"It...it really does hurt to see you like this." Y/n thought as Kim shed some tears. Y/n stood up, starting to walk down the hill. "Here, stay here. I'll be back."

Y/n walked down the hill, to the school, and walked up to a single door down the hall way. Y/n looked at the plain door before grabbing the handle and changing it, a star appeared on it. Y/n pushed through it and entered subspace, landing on the void of nothing he walked and found a route to take. Not saying much, his thoughts wondered back to Kim, Lisa, Ramona, and... Scott. Soon the void turned into a beach as Scott is seen dreaming. But inside his head, he was hanging out at the beach with Envy. "Wow, Scott, you're so sexy!"

"Ahah, thanks. You know we could..." Scott started to say before Y/n punched Scott back into the tree. "Huh?! Y/n!?"

"You just left without a word huh? Not even gonna break up properly, just leave without a word?" Y/n glared at Scott as Scott wiped his mouth.

"Wha-? I did tell her! Oh I get it, a dream!" Scott said as he cracked his knuckles. "Sparing match!"

Y/n glared as he gained black and white aura that surrounded him, shifting the whole dreamscape and sifting it. "This isn't a game!"

Y/n ran to Scott and went for a punch, Scott seemingly blocked it but he was knocked back by a kick to the back of the head. Scott threw a kick at Y/n but the aura stopped him from anything hurting. "Right, you're like Hulk..."

Y/n backhanded Scott into a tree with his fist, making Scott crash through multiple trees. Y/n changed the tree to wrap around Scott, Y/n punched Scott in the face so many times his knuckles started to red. Y/n looks at Scott, holding him by the throat. "You can die in your dreams, in your sleep. Apologize to her."

"I-I'M SORRY!" Scott shouted before Y/n snapped his fingers. Scott leaped out of his bed while Y/n sighed.

"There. I hope that brings you some comfort...or closure." Y/n said as he walked away. Behind him, it's revealed that he brought Kim to see the events.

She smiled a bit, "thanks Y/n."
"It's not me, it's you make no mistake ~ Ba Ba Ba! You're having your cake, you're eating it too!" Band practice, Saturday Night. Stephen looked at Ramona, "hold on! Stop! Do we suck?"

"What? I don't know, do you?" She asked.

"DO WE? WE DO!" Stephen started to panic as Kim looked at him.

"Shut the hell up and start over!" She shouted.

Soon Stephen was satisfied, "That was...better."

"Oh, hey, Kim, Y/n, we have another thing tonight....we're meeting at Lee's after their show." Scott told them.

"Actually boys, we're busy. It's date night." Kim said with a smile.

"What do you guys do? Does Y/n just cook for you?" Scott asked with a smirk.

"Date as in Y/n pays for something, you go along, and give your opinions?" Stephen asked.

"Pfft-!" Y/n started to chuckle as Kim glared at them.

"Okay, did it ever occur to you that I might actually have a plan for the date?" Kim asked the two.

"..." They were first silent.

"Kim, you're a hell of a catch." Scott stated.

"You're a damn fine woman, Kim. Damn fine." Stephen added.

"Whatever, let's just play the set list again, assholes..." Kim said before Y/n and Kim are seen walking down the side walk. "So, are you ready?"

"I should be asking you that." Y/n said as he finished tying his shoes, "after all, you've never made a jump like this before."

"You said it would be fine...right?" Kim raised an eyebrow as Y/n nodded.

"Should be." Y/n put his hand towards their front door, as a star appeared. The door opened by itself as Y/n walked through it.

"Should be...?" Kim looked at it before shrugging and walked through it. She reached the void but couldn't find Y/n anywhere. "Y/n? Y/nnnnn? He was right in front of me.."

"Come on, I thought you'd be in the other side already." Y/n came back and intertwined their hands while pulling her forward. They went towards the other side as Y/n put out his hands. "And so, the date starts. Welcome to New York."

"Uh..." Kim looked down to see a bunch of water. "Where are we....what are we on?"

"The Statue of Liberty." Y/n casually said as Kim gave him a slight glare.

"Bring me to the ground. Now." Kim said as Y/n rolled his eyes.

"Fine, fine." Y/n grabbed Kim and jumped off.

"What are you doing?!" Kim shouted as she grabbed tighter.

Y/n dove into someone's mind and leaped out of a route, leading them to the main land. "There we go."

Then imagine 4 pages of Kim rambling to Y/n about his actions.

"Ideas for the date?" Y/n asked as Kim looked at him.

"No concerts." She stated.

"I'm tired of those too, so don't worry bout me." Y/n spoke out, "Hm, guess I can show you the place as we look for materials for the concert. And since we're in the area, let's head to Central Park!"

Y/n lead Kim to the center of the city as she looked at all the colors and people walking around, "This huge park in the city center, a half-mile wide and 2.5 miles long, is one of the greatest places to be to relax."

A montage is shown as Y/n takes Kim places; Y/n and Kim head to Times Square as Kim's face pops up on the big screen; Y/n shouting out from Empire State Building; Y/n and Kim listening to someone play on top of the Brooklyn Bridge; taking a train out of Grand Central Terminal as Y/n sleeps on Kim's shoulder.

But while all that was going on, a certain face was plastered on Y/n's face, Kim couldn't help but notice it as they looked for materials. Y/n closed his eyes. "When I left, nobody thought I would make it, either by my own choice or that I wouldn't be able to survive. It was hard being a 'Flowers' kid..."

Hahaha! Look at this loser!

Gonna get your mom to come and beat me up?

From that father, there's no hope for you.

Y/n squints his eyes shut as Kim looks at his face. She puts her hand on his cheek and kisses his lips. Y/n opened his eyes in surprise as Kim backed away, "I...uh...got the stuff."

Y/n smiled, "is that so? Well then. I guess we can leave now."

"I know, it's probably hard leaving here." Kim said as they walked towards the star door.

"No, it's easy actually. Having a much better time with you guys." Y/n says as he looked at Kim. "You're planning the next date."

"Heh, I'm fine with that." Kim said as she looked at Y/n, "but let's take a bath. Me and you."

Sunday, 5:30 PM

"Check out my rad haircut! Totally ready for the show now!" Scott said as Y/n couldn't tell the difference.

"Yeah...what did you do?" Y/n asked.

"That's a hair cut? You got a haircut?" Kim was unimpressed as well.

"So, we're really gonna do this?" Stephen asked the gang.

"C'mon yeah! It'll be fun. This is like, our moment, dude." Scott encouraged.

Kim slumped in her chair. "A moment that will live in horrible infamy forever."

Stephen held his head as Scott smiled, "then it's settled!"

Y/n rolled his eyes, "fuck it, why not."

"Yeah, I guess. Why not?" Kim crossed her arms. "It's not like I have a reputation to uphold."

"It's..erg...I dunno, I'm worried." Stephen put his head on the table.

Scott patted his head. "It's not like before, dude! We're better! Our songs rock! Your songs rock! And Y/n's songs rock! It's just us! And it's fun, okay? We're gonna relax and mess with them and it's not gonna be like before."

"What's before? What happened before?" Kim asked Neil.

"Kid Chameleon." Neil said.

"Kid Chameleon." Stephen groaned.

"Kid Chameleon?" Y/n asked.

"Yes Indeedy." Scott said as he had a flashback.

Lee's place that night.

"Sigh, alright." Y/n is seen by himself at the Palace. He rubs his eyes before walking over to the bar.

The woman working behind the counter recognized him, "oh my, are you Y/n?"

Y/n tiredly smirked, "depends who's asking."

The woman winced at his eyes, "you're quite known in the 'drinking' industry. Though you look like a mess."

"When am I never a mess? Since you don't know me, the answer is never." Y/n pointed to a drink, "get me what she's having."

"Huh, oh the Stardust Supreme? You sure you can handle it?" the lady asked as she poured the drink.

Y/n scoffed cockily with a smirk, "you're underestimating me, and that's strike 1."

"Yo." Kim looked at Scott and Ramona.

"You guys came to see these assholes twice?" Scott was confused.

"Uh...no. We came to see you." Hollie told him.

"I put them on our guest list, doof." Kim explained.

Joseph looked down, "I came for Todd Ingram and Todd Ingram alone."

"I used to date him." Ramona took a sip of her drink.

"Okay, talk amongst yourselves. I gotta go check on Stephen Stills. He's in the bathroom throwing up, can you believe it?" Scott started to walk away.

"Yes." Kim bluntly said.

"Hey...did you really have a date last night , or what?" Ramona looked at her.

"I mean I did, but I did some other things as well. Like scrapbooking." A cry for help.

"I...see." Ramona was a bit concerned.

"I also had a very nice bath." Kim said as Crash and the Boys came out in the stage with gloves and goggles.

"Wake up! Prepare to have your minds obliterated by... THE BOYS!! AND CRASH!" they shouted.

"Looks like Crash and the Boys had a hostile takeover." Kim says as Ramona and Kim started taking. "I was obsessed with this guy Simon."

"Putting his picture in your locker obsessed, or sacrificial pagan ritual obsessed?" Ramona asked her.

"Um...the former." Kim said.

"Okay, go on..." Ramona said.

"It wasn't really happening, he went to another school. We kind of dated for a bit and it was kind of fizzling. So then Scott showed up, and...yeah. In retrospect he was kind of a dick. Simon, well, Scott too, I guess." Kim explained.

"That's it?" Ramona asked.

"Yeah..." Kim nodded.

"Okay, Canadians are officially boring people." Ramona glared at bit.

"I told you I didn't want to talk about it! It's ancient history." Kim said as Ramona looked over at the bar. "Okay moves down here and Scott was...well. Exactly the same, but completely different? You know. Something happened to him. Envy Adams, I guess."

"That unbelievable bitch." Ramona said as she sighed.

"So, where does 'he' fit in to this?" Ramona asked, looking at her brother from afar.

"I've been meaning to ask, is Y/n's hair your normal hair color?" Kim asked, Ramona held up a finger.

"I asked first." Ramona said as Kim sighed.

"With Y/n, it's...complicated. At first, I didn't know too much about him. He seemed like a nice, gullible guy. Kind of out of touch with the world, but at the same time having the wisdom of someone who's experienced so much. Guess that made me like to hang around with him." Kim explained as she took a sip of her drink. "He was very closed off about his past, everything else he was open about. I didn't learn about what happened between you until quite recently actually. He was the first to know about my crush on Scott, first of my friends to meet my parents, first to see my cry...at least badly."

"And he did fine in school? I mean, when I knew him, he was just a kid." Ramona asked.

"Well, he did date our friend, Lisa, but he never told me why they split up. Nor why the two of you haven't talked much despite being in the same scenes for a while now." Kim admitted.

"It's not that I haven't tried, it's just that he's.... A runner." Ramona rubbed the back of her head.

"He wouldn't be the only one." Kim looked at Ramona, taking another drink. "I figured you guys were back to normal. But Y/n is the type to hide his emotions until the last second."

"So how do you do it?" Ramona looked at Kim.

"Keeping it level headed, it's how we made it work." Kim said as Ramona sighed.

"Getting a bit too wholesome, got any cool stories to share?" Ramona said as Kim thought about it.

"Well, there was the time where he saved the President, made an entire fleet bow to his knees, leveled thousands of towns." Kim said. "But that was just a Monday."

"Why didn't you lead with that?!" Ramona shouted as everyone froze. "What is everyone...staring at? Oh."

Whilst talking, the group notices Todd and Lynette making out, exposing their infidelity. Kim smirked, "grosssss."

"You think he'd improve with age." Ramona said.

"I think it's time for another drink." Joseph put out his hand, Y/n tossed him a drink without looking. "Thank you."

Later on, the group notice that The Boys! And Crash!! were able to play without the use of instruments. Ramona then encounters Envy at the bar, Ramona and Envy then get into an argument and begin to fight, Ramona armed with a giant mallet. But....Midway through...

"WE ARE SEX BOB-OMB!! WE ARE HERE TO MAKE YOU THINK ABOUT DEATH AND GET SAD AND STUFF!!" Kim shouts as Sex Bob-omb appears on stage in costume (Stephen Stills as Johnny Cash, Kim Pine in a gothic lolita dress, Y/n dressed like a zombie, and Scott in a second-hand suit).

"What the hell are they wearing?" Oh yeah, Knives was here too. Ramona and Knives were confused just ask Scott sees Envy about to kill Ramona, and jumps from the stage to hit her 'weak point', the back of her knees. Envy falls to the ground as Y/n walked over as well.

"Uh, what the hell happened?" Y/n asked, clearly a bit drunk.

"Well, it seems Scott just saved us...but how does that work?" Ramona asked.

"Um...well; whenever we were making out, I would..." "okay, stop right there." Ramona and Y/n both said that.

"You'll pay for this for the rest of your brief life, Pilgrim!! TODD!! KILL THEM!!" Envy shouted.

"Todd? Oh, your boyfriend. He's been gone for a while." Y/n stated.

"I haven't seen him since..." Scott thought back as well.

"Yeah, that's funny! Where is he?" Ramona asked. "Todd's cheating on you with your drummer, you stupid ho! He's a creep and you're a bitch and you all deserve each other!"

"That's bull! Todd loves me! He'll love me forever! He's kind, sensitive, caring, thoughtful, talented, kind, and pure hearted! We've been best friends since we were eleven!" Envy then told the story. "Once upon a time, there was a boy and a girl. They loved as next door neighbors in a small town called Montreal, and their love was as pure as pure can be. But it was not to last. One day, the boy and his family moved away to a distant land of mountains and dairy cows. The girl grew up alone, and never found another she could truly love, though she tried her hardest. And then, at last, when all seemed lost, the boy returned. Promising they would never again part, the boy displayed his affection in a most remarkable and unprecedented fashion, by making a crater in the moon. Soon enough, the boy had to leave for the faraway school where he would learn the ancient secrets of his people, the Vegans. There on the train platform, the boy and girl vowed Always To Be True and Never To Waver... and that's how I know he truly loves me and we'll always be together forever and ever!!"

Everyone was silent, in shock, disbelief and WTF. Ramona looked at Envy, "Envy..,it only gives me the teeniest bit of pleasure to say this, but, the thing with the moon? When we were in high school, Todd did the exact same thing for me. He it for me first."

"What?" Envy thought about it. "Is that why there are..."

"Uh, one of the other holes was me, yeah." Ramona said as Envy was confused.

"And the other one?" Envy asked.

"Y/n was drunk one night and punched it." Kim admitted just ask Envy sees her boyfriend coming out of the bathroom, with Lynette right behind him.

Y/n busts out laughing to which Envy gets mad at. "AHAHAHA! YOU GOT CUCKED BY YOUR OWN DRUMMER!!!"

Nat gets green with Envy, "WHOSE ARE THEY!? THE PANTIES ON YOUR HEAD!!"

"How did that happen? That's crazy!" Lynette said as she took it from Todd's head.

"You!! Right under my nose this whole time?! You're so fired!" Envy said as she swung the hammer at her.

"Whatever! Sayonara, Suckers!" Lynette shouts as she is surrounded by aura.

"Envy! She's teleporting!!" Ramona shouted.

"SHE CAN TRY!" Envy said as she managed to smash off the drummer's bionic arm as she teleports out of the scene.

"Fancy a bionic arm? I would take it for Y/n but..." Kim looks at the drunk man. "Yeah..."

"I'll mount the arm on my bedroom wall if you paste Lynette's underneath in your scrapbook." Ramona crossed her arms.

"Okay, come on. I was messing with you before. As if I have a scrapbook. I've just been working on this stupid secret dress with Y/n." Kim said.

"Oh, man. That's a relief. I guess we can keep being friends." Ramona said.

Meanwhile, Todd was backed in a corner, "j-Just a minute!! It's...uh,..not what it looks like!"

"WE MADE A VOW, TODD!" Envy swung by Todd caught it with his powers.

"I won't fight you, Envy." Todd threw the weapon away.

"That's now all you won't be doing!' God, you asshole..." Envy shook with rage.

"C'mon baby, she meant nothing to me. It's just a thing in the past." Todd said as he hugged her. "You're my girl."

"Oh Todd..." Todd tries to get back in Envy's good graces, only to receive a swift knee to his crotch. "LET'S BOTH BE GIRLS!"

"Respect." Y/n says as he drinks straight out of a bottle. Enraged, Todd uses his psychic powers to fling Envy to the front of the sound stage, then flipped off at a shocked audience, not afraid of his actions.

Scott slams Todd with his bass. "I think it's time to end this volume."

"Oh, it's on Pilgrim, you're going down... Vegan style." Todd picked up his Bass as Todd and Scott then proceed to have a Bass Battle, but... "that's right, Pligrim. I actually know how to play Bass."

Todd throws Scott with his powers, "if you're so good at Bass, why are you still zapping me with psychic powers, you chode?"

Scott is aided by the powers of The Boys and Crash (the opening band for the evening), but are pushed back. "Give it up, Douchebags."

"I had to goals tonight." Y/n said as everyone looked at the black and white aura starting to surround the place. Y/n made a path to Todd and Scott with a bottle in hand, "the first was to drink as much as I can so I wouldn't feel anything tomorrow, the second was to kick your ass." Y/n shakes the glass bottle in his hand, not getting anything. Y/n threw it to the ground and looked at Todd, "and I'm done drinking."

"Y/n, are you vegan?" Scott asked as he could feel the aura.

Y/n rose in the air as did Todd, "No, I just have anger issues."

"What? You think you scare me? Do you see me sweating?!" Todd asked.

"No, but you will." Y/n said as he teleported in front of Todd and slammed him into the ground. Todd have a punch to Y/n's face, but he didn't even flinch, "my turn."

Y/n punched Todd upwards, making them launch into the sky. Kim looked at him, "don't go to Mars again!"

"What? I can't hear you! Try saying it with a smile!" Y/n said as Y/n kicked Todd into his crater on the moon. Todd went to throw some Moon chunks at him but Y/n waved his hand as White and Black aura came out. Y/n destroyed the chunks and grabbed Todd, he then crushed his throat. "I forgot, can't hear anything in space. Let's head back down."

Y/n took off at a blinding speed and slammed Todd in the ground, sending a shockwave back. The gang looked at Y/n's power and still in shock. Wallace looked at him, "why haven't we been hanging out more?"

"There, that should be enough time. Guys?" Y/n asked as two guys came out with finger guns.

"THANKS, Y/N! FREEZE! VEGAN POLICE!" the men said, "Todd Ingram, you're under arrest for Veganity Violation!"

"What'd I do? What authority do you represent?! You can't do this! I didn't do anything! You can't prove anything! I'm a rock star!" Todd said, injured heavily because of Y/n as Y/n still held him by the throat.

"We have it on record that at 12:27 this afternoon you did knowingly consume a restricted food item." One of the men said.

"Gelato, bitch." the other said.

"Hang on, are you saying that Gelato isn't vegan?" Envy asked.

"Eggs and Milk, Envy." Y/n told her.

Envy looked at him, "...is Chicken Parmesan Vegan?"

"Is it?" one of the men looked at Y/n.

"I'm not sure, isn't 'parmesan' like a rodent or something?" the other asked Y/n.

Y/n was unamused, "you guys need to go back to training. Chicken isn't vegan, it's meat, Parmesan is cheese. Cheese is dairy, dairy is milk."

"YOU LIED TO ME!!" Envy hit Todd.

"The rules are simple, Todd." One of the men said.

"No vegan diet..." the other said.

"No vegan powers, bitch." Y/n said as he held Todd tight as the men got ready to fire.

"The de-veganizing ray! I can dodge this and take Y/n down!" Todd tried to escape it he couldn't. Scott headbutts the powerless Todd, who is reduced to a pile of coins.

"And so the day was saved." Y/n speaks in a narrating voice.

"What are you doing?" Kim is seen sitting in bed as Y/n writes his book.

"Uh, nothing! Nothing at all!" Y/n says as he continued. "Afterwards, Scott receives an extra life. Finally, Sex Bob-omb gets to play, while the audience comments on their performance (some consider them amateurish compared to the now-defunct Clash at Demonhead). As they play, the audience gives mostly positive critiques, except for an indifferent man with a shadowy profile wearing glasses who merely says "No comment" and walks away. Scott notices the man briefly as he leaves the concert space."

Y/n and Kim talk as they walk home when Y/n is approached a man in shadow wearing glasses. "Uh...Hi sir, can I help you...?"

"Yeah actually, you can." the man said. "Your use of Subspace is impressive and you're fighting the glow pretty good as well."

Kim seemed on guard, "who is he...?"

"Not quite sure myself." Y/n said as he stood a hit in front of Kim.

"I've seen all the jobs you take, you are hard worker indeed. Impressive for someone who's related to Ramona." the man says it Y/n dashed towards the man. The man puts out his hand as Y/n gets it with a small orb, "here."

"Gah-!" Y/n fell down.

"Y/n!" Kim dashed to him as y/n immediately got up and looked around, but the man was gone. "Are, you okay? What just happened?"

"I'm not..." Y/n looked in the cold shadowy distance, his hand starting to glow. "I'm not sure yet..."

Next Time: Y/n Flowers' Best Summer Yet!

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