Chapter 2

So I decided to make it one chapter so in this it'll explain how Y/N met Ahri and Lily. The narration will be as if Y/N and Ahri are telling the story to the girls so if dialoge is in this -> [] <- it means that they're talking and not related to the flashback.


-3D POV- (Ahri first)

It was nearing to the night. A peaceful evening with cloudless sky. Many people started heading back home but one specific Bar was still open, Angel's Share.

Inside the last people were leaving and the only ones left were Y/N and Sucrose.

Sucrose: I finished cleaning the tables dad. I'm heading home.

Y/N: Be careful on the way back. I'll stay a bit longer and check what I need to order.

Sucrose: Okay.

[[Silvervale: Wait hold on who is Sucrose?

Y/N: She's my adopted daughter.

Silvervale: You have a daughter?!

Y/N: You'll meet her when she comes back home. Now as I was saying-]]

After checking what he needed to order Y/N was about to leave when the front door opened and a woman with fox tail and ears walked in. This was Ahri.

Ahri: Excuse me are you still open?

Y/N: For a few minutes. What can I get for you?

Ahri: Umm. *looks at the menu* Striped Cloud coffee sounds good.

Y/N: Take a seat, your order will be ready in a minute.

Ahri took a seat at the table closest to the counter and watched Y/N prepare the drink. After a minute Y/N finished and brought the cup to the table and put it down and Ahri looked up at him clearly nervous with a little blush.

Y/N: Enjoy.

With that he went back behind the counter to clean the equipment again. Meanwhile Ahri was lost in thoughts and took a few glances at Y/N while drinking her order.

Ahri: 'Why is he so HOT'

[[Y/N: You didn't tell me you thought of me like that.

Ahri: Sorry.]]

-Ahri POV-

(What she saw)

-3D POV-

After Y/N finished with everything he went to the back of the bar and later came out wearing his casual outfit.

Ahri already finished her drink and was just sitting lost in thoughts. Y/N took the cup and quickly washed it and went back to Ahri. He then had to snap his fingers in front of her face to snap her out of it.

Ahri: O-oh huh?

Y/N: You finished? Because I need to close the bar.

Ahri: O-oh yes. Let me just pay.

Y/N: No need. First drink for new customers is free. I remember everyone who walk in here and I haven't seen you before? You're new in town?

Ahri: Kinda. My friend recommended this place and said that it'll help me sort out my problems.

Y/N: Oh? *leans against the counter* You're in serious trouble or something like that?

Ahri: Yeah, kinda. I'm getting married to a guy I don't love just because of a stupid traditions. My mom tried to stop it but my grandmother still went with it. And he's a total jerk!

[[Silvervale: Woah, you were in an arranged marriage?

Ahri: Yup.

Ceres: And I assume Y/N saved you?

Ahri: Damn straight he did! He kicked his ass with one move too!]]

Y/N: Isn't there a way to break the engagement then? You tried looking into laws?

Ahri: I did. I found out that the only solution is if someone of high status beats my current fiance in a battle and will take his place. But I don't know anyone reliable.

Y/N: Hmm, I may be able to help. But I'll need your name.

Ahri: Ahri, Ahri Vesani.

[[Silvervale: 'Vesani? Why does that sound familiar']]

Y/N: I'm Y/N. Don't worry I'll make a few calls and I'll figure it out. When's the wedding?

Ahri: Tomorrow evening.

Y/N: Good to know.

Ahri: Well, this is a goodbye. Maybe I'll visit when I'll be free.

With that Ahri left while Y/N pulled out his phone and called someone.

Y/N: Arlecchino, I want to ask for a favor.

~timeskip next day evening~

In a very big ballroom there were many demihumans present in fancy suits and dresses. But our main attention shifts to the stage where Ahri was present wearing a wedding dress and next to her was standing her fiance. (AKA unimportant character to the story)

Priest: Should anyone present know of any reason that this couple should not be joined in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace.

Suddenly the door to the hall were broken off their hingers.

[[Ceres: How hard did you hit the door that it broke?

Y/N: I honestly don't know.]]


Everyone looked at the entrance and saw Y/N standing there in a suit with Noctua on his shoulder with a snow white rose in her beak. As Ahri saw him she blushed madly. (Imagine with a white rose)

Ahri Grandma: How dare you! Who even are you!

Y/N ignored her and walked up to the stage as Noctua flew off of his shoulder and gently sat on Ahri's as she put the rose in her hair.

Y/N: I will not let this marriage happen.

Ahri mom(will be revealed later in the story): If you're here then I assume you know the law.

Y/N: I do.

Ahri mom: Then state your name and if you are of high status in demihuman races then you shall battle for my daughters hand in marriage.

Y/N: Very well. I am Y/N Ragnvindr Dreyar! Son of a lighting dragon king Laxus Dreyar! (Mother will be revealed later)

[[Silvervale/Ceres/Lily: You're a dragon!?!?

Silvervale: Why are you shocked?! You're dating him!

Lily: We started dating a week ago!

Y/N: Yes I am, but only half lightning dragon. And no I won't tell what the other half is.

The trio: *look at Ahri*

Ahri: I won't tell too.]]

As he announced his name, shocked whispers immediately spread around the guests. But one person wasn't convinced.

Ahri grandma: Lies! If you truly are a dragon's son then show us the birth mark!

Y/N: As you wish.

He took off his shirt and jacket and sure enough on his left part of the chest was a mark of a lightning dragon.

Ahri mom: You speak the truth. And so you will battle to the death. Please follow me to the battle field.

Everyone followed her to the big arena and when all of the guests were seated on the tribunes Y/N and his opponent walked into the arena. Y/N being still shirtless while the bitch Boi had a magic staff.

Ahri mom: If both contestants are ready then let the fight begin!

Jackass: I'll win this for sure!

Suddenly the clouds appeared in the sky and heavy rain with lightning started.

Pussy boi: This is my magic. I can control weather and with this staff it multiplies my power by ten fold! Kirin!

Then a huge dragon made out of blue lightning struck Y/N and raised a dust cloud.

[[Silvervale: He hit a lightning dragon with a lightning spell. Dumb.

Lily: Very dumb.]]

Most people in audience who were smart already knew that Y/N have won. Why? Because as soon as the dust cloud cleared everyone could see Y/N inhaling the lightning dragon. As he finished he looked at the bitchass who was looking at him in shock.

Y/N: Well thanks for the charge up. But the lightning tasted terrible.

Pissboy: B-but how is it possible!

Y/N: Well if you actually listened then you would've know that I'm a son of a lightning dragon king and it doesn't work on me. Now then, my turn. *inhales deeply* Lightning Dragon ROAAAAAAAAAAAAAR!

The blast hit the bitch boy and completely disintegrated him into nothingness. As Y/N finished his attack he then walked away and made his way to the tribunes where Ahri and her family was. As soon as he arrived Ahri jumped on him and hugged him while crying.


Ahri mom: Well congratulations. Now let us go back and continue a wedding.

Y/N: Actually could we postpone it? So me and Ahri would get to know each other.

Ahri mom: Very well. I'll allow it.

~~~flash back end~~~

-3D POV-

Y/N: And from there Ahri started to live with me and Sucrose.

Lily: Now tell them how you met me! Tell them!

Ceres: Do tell as I'm very curious. She said that you saved her from illegal human and demihuman trafficking mafia.

As she said that Ahri bursts out laughing.

Silvervale: Why is she laughing?

Y/N: Because none of that happened. In truth she crashed into my beach house when there was a very big wave and she was trying surfing for the first time.

This time Ceres and Silvervale started laughing.

Lily: Oh come on! You could've at least play along.

Y/N: No.

They then heard the front door open and close and a few moments after Sucrose walked into the living room.

Sucrose: Dad, mom, I'm home.

She suddenly stopped and realized what she said and tried to correct herself but it was too late as Ahri already picked her up and hugged her while crying tears of joy.

Ahri: You finally called me mom. *sniff* This is the happiest day of my life. *sniff*

Sucrose: *looks at Y/N* Dad, help.

Y/N: *sigh* Ahri please let her go.

Ahri did as he said although reluctantly. They walked to the couches and sat down.

Y/N: Also meet 2 new people who will be living with us from today.

Ceres: Hello, I'm Ceres Fauna and I'm a Keeper of Nature.

Silvervale: Hi! I'm Silvervale and I'm a Sakura-Wolf!

Sucrose: I-it's nice t-to meet you. I-i'm Sucrose R-ragnvindr and I'm a f-fox.

Y/N: Don't worry about her stuttering. She's usually like that when talking to new people. So Sucrose, how was your day?

Sucrose: It was good. After our lessons ended my friends and I went to the park.

Y/N: That's good.

Sucrose: Also, our teacher announced that tomorrow we need to bring a parent to school.

Y/N: Why?

Sucrose: I don't know. She said that it would be a nice activity to do and that the other classes are doing the same.

Y/N: Okay. I'll go after I order the ingredients.

Sucrose: Okay.

Y/N: Now let's go and eat and then straight to bed as it's already dark.

All of them went to the kitchen where Y/N cooked with Ahri's help and everyone chatted a bit while eating. After finishing the food Lily washed the dishes with her water magic and everyone left to their respected rooms. But this time Ahri decided to do something different. She walked into Y/N's room with her pillow and found him sitting on the edge of his bed only in his boxers.

Y/N: Ahri what are you doing here?

Ahri: Well seeing that we've been engaged for a while. I've come to sleep together. I'll even give you my tail.

Y/N: *sigh* Well it can't be helped. Get in then.

They got under the covers and Ahri hugged Y/N and buried her face in his chest.

Ahri: Goodnight Y/N, I love you.

Y/N: Goodnight, love you too.


And that's done! Hope yall enjoyed people.

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