Chapter 1
So first things first the roulette has decided and those 3 girls will be added. They're human btw. I also made some mistakes(which I fixed) in the amount of girls so here's the final and exact number:
No more, no less. And I also, sadly, but decided to remove Hime Hajime from the harem and she won't be added back, sorry. Now onto the chapter, enjoy.
(The plot starts after Centorea joined the family and before Suu)
-3D POV-
It was a nice day in Japan. Sun was shining, flowers were blooming and a certain host family was having a guest. Our attention shifts to one specific house.
Inside the house in the living room 4 people were talking. Those being Kurusu Kimihito
Miia the lamia
Centorea the Centaur
And Kuroko Smith
Smith: Ah~ you make the best coffee darling.
Kurusu: So why are you here? You have more girls to introduce to us?
Smith: Not for you but for your neighbor.
Kurusu: Which one?
Smith: The one with a big house.
Miia: Who is he by the way? I've never met him.
Kurusu: I've been planning to introduce you girls but it's hard to catch him when he's home. He leaves early in the morning to get to work and arrives late in the evening.
Miia: Oh.
Smith: Thankfully today he has a day off and that's why I decided to bring the girls today.
Kurusu: Well let's go then. I'll be able to finally introduce you girls.
With that the 4 of them exited the house but were stopped when a girl landed in front of them. This was Papi the Harpy.
And she was also holding something in one of her legs.
Papi: Heyo boss. Look what I found.
She lifted her leg and showed them a flower, but the flower wasn't normal, it had flames as its petals.
Miia: Whoa it looks so pretty.
Centorea: Indeed, it is a very unique find.
Kurusu: I agree with them. What do you think Smith? *silence* Smith?
They looked at her and saw that she was as pale as a person could be. When she heard them calling her she looked at them very scared.
Smith: Papi, where did you find it?
Papi: Oh it was in that big park behind that big house.
Smith: Was it growing under a pure white house in the shade.
Papi: Yes.
Smith: Oh no. We need to return this flower immediately before-
As she was about to finish she was interrupted when the flower flew out of Papi's leg and a Phoenix appeared out of the flower as it was now growing out of its head. The Phoenix wasn't small either as it was as big as Centorea. Kuroko looked nervous and a bit scared while the rest looked confused and shocked.
Phoenix: Kuroko Smith. What is your explanation for this predicament here?
Smith: Well you see. Papi here *points at Papi* Took the flower and brought it to show us.
Phoenix: *looks at Papi* Hmmm, and she clearly didn't know what it was. Which tell me that her parents did very poor job in raising and teaching her what she should touch and what she shouldn't.
Smith: Maybe we can make a deal so you won't tell Y/N? Please.
Phoenix: *looks at Smith* There's no need. I won't tell him that the flower was taken from the garden. *looks at Papi* And let this be your only warning harpy. I watch over the whole garden and if I see you in it again without permission you will suffer the consequences.
With that the Phoenix flew back to the garden. As everyone looked at Smith she sighed and took off her glasses.
Kurusu: Smith who was he?
Smith: That was the guardian of sorts, that flower you saw is a family heirloom of your neighbor from his mother's side. He planted it in the middle of his garden where there is the highest temperature.
Miia: Okay but what did he mean by consequences?
Smith: You see. When you look at that garden you would think that it's a flower park. But no, it's a private garden on a private territory and trespassing on it without permission is a violation of the law.
Centorea: Does that mean-?
Smith: Yes, if Papi went there without permission and the owner found out he could report her and after the 3rd strike she would be departed back home.
Miia: Maybe we could ask for permission to let her go there?
Smith: Wrong. You don't know that man as I know him. That garden is something dear to him and someone trespassing could even lead to death of the trespassers.
Centorea: Then he would be arrested if he killed or even hurt Papi.
Smith: Wrong again. He isn't human and as well has most of the government on his side as most of the higher ups visited his garden and know that he won't be responsible for what he'll do to the ones who go into his garden without permission.
Kurusu: Either way if Papi goes there she will be either departed or killed.
Smith: Yup. So it leaves you only 2 options. Either receive a permission, which is unlikely, or don't let Papi go in there at all. Oh and don't think she's the only harpy who went there without knowing. However they understood the warning and never went there without permission. Now let's go, we've kept the girls waiting for long enough.
They started walking to the house next to their and saw a very big house and Smith's car at the front gate.(It's day)
Smith went to her car and opened the back door.
Smith: Sorry for keeping you waiting girls. I needed to deal with some things.
???: It's okay. We understand that's it's your work.
2 girls stepped out of the car. One with blue/pink hair and wolf ears and tail. And the other with light green hair and little horns that look like tree branches, she also had a little blue pird sitting on her shoulder. Smith closed the car door and led them to the front door, with Kurusu and the girls following, and rang the door bell.
???: This is a very big house.
??? 2: Indeed, I also sense a very big and healthy amount of nature behind the house. Smith why is that?
Smith: You'll see.
After a few moments the doors opened and the two girls blushed because of what they saw.
[Name: Y/N Ragnvindr. Species: ???/???. Age: 27]
(Not gonna lie, if I was a girl I would smash)
Smith: Good day Y/N. I see you're freshly out of the shower.
Y/N: You're quite early Smith.
Smith: Of course. With others I can let myself be late. But if it's you I can't. 'I don't want to lose my job ;-;' So these two will now be under your care. Now if you excuse me I'll leave as I still have job to do.
With that Smith quickly left while fast walking. Y/N looked at the two blushing daydreaming girls and spoke, breaking them out of their daydreaming.
Y/N: I'm Y/N Ragnvindr and you are?
???: Oh sorry. I'm Silvervale and I'm a Sakura-Wolf nice to meet you!
[Name: Silvervale ???. Species: Sakura-wolf. Age: 20]
??? 2: And I'm Fauna Ceres. I'm a Keeper of Nature. I'm also sometimes called Mother Nature. On my shoulder is my little friend Blue.
[Name: Fauna Ceres. Species: Keeper of Nature. Age: over a few million]
The said bird jumped on her finger and chirped.
Y/N: I suppose I should introduce my friend as well. *whistles*
As he whistled a few moments after a big Eagle flew from inside the house and landed on his arm.
Y/N: This my Eagle. Her name is Noctua.
Blue looked at Noctua with admiration at how cool she looked.
Y/N: Feel free to come in. There's three more people you need to meet. Your luggage was already moved to your rooms.
Silvervale: Okay!
With that she cheerfully walked into the house while Fauna stayed.
Fauna: May I ask. Do you perhaps have a garden?
Y/N: I do. It's behind the house, feel free to take a look.
Fauna: Thank you.
She walked in as well and Kurusu and the girls approached him.
Kurusu: Good afternoon Y/N.
Y/N: Kurusu.
Kurusu: I've come to introduce you to the girls. This is Miia, she's a Lamia.
Miia: Hello. It's nice to meet you.
Kurusu: Centorea and she's a Centaur as you can see.
Centorea: It's my pleasure to meet you.
Kurusu: And last but not least Papi the Harpy.
Papi: Hello!
Y/N: It's nice to meet you girls. I'm Y/N Ragnvindr. Oh and before I forget. If I see any of you on my territory without permission some very bad things will happen. That includes you Harpy.
Kurusu: I also wanted to ask. Can she have your permission to-
Y/N: No she can not. She decided that it was a good idea to go into MY garden and take a flower which is considered MY family heirloom and one of the last things I have from my mother. If you asked before it all happened then maybe I would've considered it but now she is forbidden to go in there.
Kurusu: I- *Y/N glares at him* -understand. Have a good day Y/N.
Y/N: You as well.
With that Y/N walked back into the house and closed the door while the group walked back to their house.
Y/N: That damn harpy.
As I walked back into the living room I saw Silvervale and Fauna talking to Lily.
[Streamer name: Shylily. Real name: Lily. Species: Orca-Cat Hybrid. Age: 20]
(^This is the living room btw)
Lily: And then he was like Hooowaaah! Witchaaaa!-
-in RWBY-
Ruby: Achoo!
Yang: You okay sis?
Ruby: Yup. Just felt like someone stole my phrase.
Lily: -and after that all of them were knocked out.
Silvervale: Whoa! That's so cool!
Lily: Yes. Y/N is very cool. Umu!
Y/N: Lily stop breaking the 4th wall.
Lily: Okay.
Fauna: I have a question. What species are you?
Lily: Oh, I'm a Orca-Cat Hybrid. My mom was an Orca while my dad was a cat. And so I have a tail like my mom and ears like my dad but I keep them down most of the time. *wiggles her ears*
Silvervale: I never met a hybrid before.
Lily: Oh Y/N is a hybrid as well.
Silvervale: You're a hybrid?!
Fauna: Then how are you allowed to be a host family?
Y/N: I was raised by the humans. 'Half-humans' from the age of 15 and so was allowed to be a host.
Silvervale: Cool.
Fauna: Oh and Lily could you show me the Garden please?
Silvervale: I want to see too.
Lily: Of course, follow me.
With that they left and I layed down on the couch, closed my eyes and finally relaxed. I need to stop working so late. After a few moments I felt someone sit on my stomach and I knew exactly who it was. I opened my eyes and saw my Fiancé sitting on my stomach in one of my old hoodies.
Ahri: Heya babe!
[Name: Ahri ???. Species: Kitsune. Age: 24] (And she's a special guest #1)
Y/N: You really like that hoodie don't you?
Ahri: Yup. *lays down on top of him* So how ya doing?
Y/N: Relaxing. Tomorrow's Wednesday and I'll need to go and check the supplies at the bar.
Ahri: Okay. But right now I require my afternoon cuddles and kisses.
She started kissing me and I kissed back while slowly wrapping my hands around her. When she was satisfied we stopped kissing and just layed there. After a bit we heard a cough next to us and when we looked to the side we saw the rest of the girls sitting ont the other couch looking at us.
Ahri: Oh hi! You two must be Silvervale and Fauna. I heard you when you introduced yourselves. I'm Ahri. Y/N's fiance.
Silvervale/Fauna: What!?/Oh my.
Lily: Oi. Don't leave me out. Or did you forget that I'm his girlfriend as well?
Silvervale: Okay hold on, WHAT!?
Fauna: I think you should explain everything.
Ahri: OH OH! Flashback time! Come on Y/N tell them how we met.
Y/N: *sigh* Alright alright, I'll start with Ahri.
The next two chapters will be flashback to how Y/N met Ahri and Lily. Hope you'll enjoy them.
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