Well well well, Weddings are a magical place. A place where everything comes back to love. It's about two people coming together, who are meant to be bonded for life.
Saakshi looked at herself in the mirror, she felt beautiful. She clicked a picture of herself and sent it to Dev.
She was wearing a Blouse with a Skirt. The group decided just to go to reception. She took her purse and went down. She was driving with Shubman.
She was waiting by the drawing room for her Bhai.
"Where are you going?"
Mrs Gill, Shilpa asked
"Virat Bhai's reception mom"
Saakshi answered.
"You are wearing this?"
Shilpa asked looking at Saakshi from head to toe.
Saakshi didn't answer. She just wanted to end the conversation.
"Wear something nice. Wear a saree, I'm pretty sure Riddhima is wearing one"
"Yes, Mom she is. Because she is Riddhima. I'm not. Okay?"
Saakshi answered and looked upstairs waiting for Shubman to come.
"No boy will marry you if you keep up this attitude"
Shilpa said and sat down on the couch.
"Well, Mom I don't care. You know what I have a boyfriend. So"
"Oh really. Tell me about him"
Shilpa spoke and asked Saakshi to sit beside her.
"It's Dev. We started-"
"Are you kidding me? Dev? You guys aren't a perfect match"
Shilpa interrupted her daughter.
"What? Why?"
"Because he is Dev. He is the topper of your school. And you are you. An average student. You will just pull him down. He has dreams and he wants to accomplish that. Whereas you. What are your plans? From what I heard, he wants to go to a foreign country for further studies and eventually you both will break up. It's a mistake baacha"
She completed her explanation, making her daughter think about her decision.
Before Saakshi could say anything Shubman came down and both the twins went to pick up Dev and Riddhima.
Abhishek and Neha were sitting at the table. Abhishek came to pick her up after the last night incident. Neha was wearing a Long Anarkali dress. Whereas Abhishek was wearing a Blazer and jeans.
"Abhishek I want to talk"
Neha said as she was fidgeting her figure with her dupatta.
"We don't have to talk"
Abhishek said.
Neha was tired of all this. She just wanted to make this right. She wanted the old Abhishek back.
Soon, the group came and joined the table. They were talking in a group but not personally.
Shubman was avoiding talking with Sana. Sana was not making any eye contact.
Ishan was just hoping for one eye contact from Riddhima. Whereas Riddhima was just keeping quiet. She was exhausted from her plan.
Abhishek was not smiling. Just pretending.
Neha was just looking at his man. And regretting her past actions.
Dev was happy. He was never a fan of this group but they were kind and funny. And mostly it was Saakshi. Whereas for Saakshi her mother's words were repeating in her head.
After Dinner, the bride and Groom did their dance. And after one song everyone joined them. Neha wanted to dance so she asked Abhishek.
"Will you dance with me?"
She asked holding his hand.
He wanted to say no but agreed and the couple went to dance.
Abhishek wrapped his hand around her waist and Neha kept her hand around his Neck.
There was no talk but just moves. Anyone could agree that they were in love.
"Abhishek can we please start from being-"
"Don't. Don't ruin the moment"
Abhishek said cutting Neha in between.
"So you think there is a moment between us?"
Neha asked.
Abhishek tried to find an answer but failed.
"Let's start all over again?"
Neha suggested.
"Don't. Just don't"
Abhishek said and left Neha in between. He just walked out of the hall.
Neha ran behind him.
"I'm trying to apologize here, Abhishek"
Neha said as she saw Abhishek in the garden. His back was facing her.
"A sorry isn't enough. Okay? You lied to me. You played with it. And my heart"
Abhishek raised his voice a little
Neha could have stopped him by creating a scene but she knew this was important. It was important for him to get his emotions, and anger out.
"I didn't play with your heart. My feelings were not lies"
Neha said.
"How can I trust that? Tell me how?"
"Abhishek I know I shouldn't have lied but you have to see from my point of view too"
"I never made you feel different from me. My friend never did"
"Yes, you didn't. Your friends didn't. But your action did. Your friend's action did"
She answered.
"How? Tell me how the fuck we did?"
"You guys come in cars, you go the parties and have parties. Your friends wear branded clothes and accessories. I felt left out. And not just your friends, the whole school just a few exceptions"
Abhishek tried to speak but Neha continued,
"The first day when I was at the bus stop waiting for the bus I saw in car so I decided to take a cab. I had to spend my whole pocket money for a halfway ride. Remember the trip, you guys were discussing places like Bali, Mauritius and all. Only Dev and I knew how we were feeling. It's not that easy. Yes agree Dev is not faking because he doesn't care. But I care. I care for you. I care for your friends. They are important to me. Because they are important to you. And the whole point is I fucking love you"
Neha confessed.
Abhishek just stood there looking at her. He just blinked and walked forward and said one thing,
"You love me?"
Neha just lowered her head and said,
"Of course I do. Then why would I be here"
Abhishek closed his eyes and took a breath. He holds Neha's face making her look up at him.
"I love you too. And I understand peer pressure, not like you but I do. So let's just start over again"
Neha nodded and before she could say it back, Abhishek smashed his lips onto hers.
He missed kissing her. He missed her lips, her hair, her smile. He missed everything they did together.
Dev and Saakshi were slow dancing to a song. Dev felt like Saakshi wasn't herself. She was quiet. And not happy.
"Dev can I ask you something?"
Saakshi asked breaking Dev's thought of train.
"Yes coconut"
(Nick Name from unsaidwordsmusingsx)
"What are your plans after college?"
Saakshi asked.
"There's this awesome university in London. So yeah"
Dev answered.
"um, that's great. Dev, I was thinking maybe we should you know, um be... Alone"
Saakshi tried to speak without breaking into tears.
"What? What are you saying?"
Dev asked and stopped dancing.
"Please don't stop dancing"
Saakshi said.
"You are trying to break up with me and you want me to dance?"
Dev asked.
"Dev please understand. I don't want to pull you down. I want you to achieve everything. And I'll just make things slow. And you will be in London"
Saakshi said.
"You kidding me? You will never ever pull me down. You keep me sane. You inspire me. And about London, you can join me in too"
Dev spoke as he tried to dance.
"Dev what will I do in London?"
"Remember you said you like books. And stories and you have a good imagination? Why don't you try in literature?"
Dev suggested.
"Dev i... It's just"
"Hey, we can go to London together. We can together. Your parents won't be there to nag you. And I'll be there. It will be just us. You and me. And you will inspire me every day. I love you"
Dev confessed.
Saakshi felt her world stopped. She never thought that this day would come. And here she was with none other than Dev.
"I love you too"
Saakshi said and kissed him making Dev smile in between.
Shubman rolled his eyes seeing his sister kiss. So he just stood up and went to a random room.
When he entered the room, he found out Sana and Ishan were talking. Shortly, they stopped talking as they saw Shubman walled in.
"Hey buddy"
Ishan greeted.
Shubman saw Sana standing in a beautiful gown. She looks so damn gorgeous. She looks too good to be true. He couldn't take her eyes off her. He just wanted to go and kiss her. Make her his. That's when one thought struck his mind. He never saw them kissing.
Ishan asked.
Shubman just nodded and smiled.
"You guys are together, right?"
Shubman asked.
To which Ishan and Sana looked at each other and nodded.
"What's going on?"
Riddhima asked as she came in.
"Nothing, just asking out a lovely couple, how they have been dating for some time and I haven't seen them kiss"
Shubman let out with a smile.
"Shubman, what are you doing?"
Sana asked.
"Nothing. Just prove to me that you guys are together. By kissing"
Shubman spoke.
"We are not doing that"
Ishan said.
Shubman gave a cold look at the couple.
He knew he was winning the argument.
On the other hand, Riddhima was scared. She knew that it would take a turn towards them too. And What if Ishan kisses Sana?
Her best friend.
Sana was just standing there staying numb. She was frustrated and just wanted everything to end.
Ishan was confused. He knew Sana didn't like to lose. So he had to do what had to be done.
Ishan looked at Sana, then at Shubman followed by Riddhima. Ishan turned his body towards Sana.
Which made Shubman make a fist. Riddhima saw that and held his hand. Making him calm down.
Ishan didn't want to kiss Sana. So he thought, he would talk to her and kiss her forehead. A kiss is a kiss, right?
Ishan started walking towards Sana and before he knew he was on the ground. He felt a pain on his face. He looked up to see Shubman kissing Sana.
He would have punched him back but looking at his best friend being with the one he lobed made him smile.
One second Sana saw Ishan walking and another second Shubman kissing her. It was surreal for her. Shubman kissed her like she was the only thing that mattered.
As Sana didn't want to stop kissing him. She didn't care about the past or who was in the room. For her, it was just Shubman and her.
Riddhima left the room, giving them space. Followed by Ishan.
Shubman stopped the kiss as Sana was breathless.
"What were we doing?"
Shubman said.
Even though they had stopped kissing Shubman hadn't left Sana's face.
"I don't know. Whatever it was, it made me realize that it was you all along"
Sana said and smiled.
"So what is this?"
Shubman asked.
"3 words. 8 letters. Say it and I'm your"
Sana said looking into Shubman's eyes.
"I love you"
Ishan was sitting outside. He wanted some peace. He was sitting on a beach. He turned around when he felt a presence beside him.
It was Riddhima.
When Ishan turned his face, Riddhima applied a cream on his face. Ishan was bleeding a little bit.
"It's gonna hurt"
Riddhima said.
"Not more than it's already been"
Riddhima slowly applied the cream near his nose and lips.
Riddhima ran her fingers through Ishan's lips. She was just looking at his lips, whereas Ishan was looking at her.
Riddhima was wearing a blue saree with a backless blouse.
"I'm sorry"
Ishan said making Riddhima look up at Ishan into his brown orbs.
"I'm sorry for being dumb. For being naive. You were beside me all along and I was just... I don't know. I loved you. I love you. I always have loved you. I loved you even before I knew what love was. It's just.. It was just beside my friendship"
Ishan confessed.
Riddhima felt a teardrop on her face. The words she has been dying to hear. Those words were everything. Those simple words.
She took a breath and said,
"Ishan. Oh, Ishan. My Ishan. I love you and you only. I was just dumb and thought by making you jealous I could get it out of you. I should have just talked to you and everything would have been fine. But I was too proud to do that"
Riddhima said.
"But it's all over. No pretending. No fake dating. Just us. I love you, Ishan"
She continued.
"I love you too"
Ishan said and was about to kiss but couldn't because of the punch.
"Fuck you, Shubman. You are gonna pay for this"
Ishan cursed which made Riddhima laugh.
"Next week, you and I will go on a date to your favourite restaurant. Followed by a long drive to your favourite lake. Where we will watch Stars on My Car Roof. And when the clock hits midnight, I will kiss. I will kiss for the first time under the stars on the car roof, in front of the lake. And I'll make you breathless, my Majesty"
Ishan suggested which made Riddhima blush hard.
You know you love me,
So this is it. This is the end. But not end. 2 more small chapters are coming and with a surprise, so don't miss it.
Keep waiting for the notification!
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