🎵Invisible String🎵

Hello lovelies, Are you in the mood to do something athletic? If yes then continue reading for the Sports Day event happening at our dramatic school.


"Guys please help me out"
Neha said as she sat down on the bleacher with Sana, Riddhima, Saakshi and Dev.

"I'm sorry. We can't. You lied to our friend and broke his heart"
Sana said.

"I know I'm sorry for that and I need to say sorry to Abhay too but help me out. I haven't seen him since that day"
Neha spoke.

"Neha, I understand why you said those lies but we can't forgive you for that"
Saakshi let out as Dev just sat there and listened.

"And Abhishek is at his place. Shubman went to meet after the exams"
Riddhima said.

It's been 3 weeks since the exams were completed. Abhishek left soon after the exams were over every day and ran home without talking to anyone.

"What do I do guys?"
Neha asked again.

"um Abhay never missed any game of Shub and Ishan so maybe he will come today"
Saakshi said.

Neha nodded her head and left.

"Just one question what is Dev doing here?"
Riddhima asked.

Dev just hides his head in his hand. Saakshi let out a chuckle and said,
"Well I convinced him to do so"

Both the girls nodded and paid attention to the game. Right now they were watching Football. In the afternoon, Cricket was going to start.

Shubman walked on the ground followed by his team. Shubman looked around and saw the face he wanted to see.


She was sitting there with Riddhima. Yes, Riddhima was his so-called Girlfriend but Sana did the magic. Sana calmed him.

He couldn't take his eyes off her. And to add spark, Sana started looking back at him. She felt those weird feelings creeping in. She felt the blood rush to her cheeks.

Sana slowly nodded her head and lip syn,
"All the best"

That's all Shubman wanted. That's all Shubman needs.


"Abhay, can we talk?"
Neha asked.

Abhishek ignored her like he had been doing in the past 10 mins.

"Abhishek please"
Neha said as hurt could be heard in her voice.

Yes, Abhishek was hurt but he still loved her.
He turned around and tried not to look into her eyes.

"Abhishek, I'm sorry. I know just saying sorry won't justify my actions but I am sorry. I wish I could go back in time and change but I can't. So I am standing here, asking for your forgiveness"
Neha confessed.

Abhishek lowered his head and walked close to her. He stood in front of her. Too close to her.
He moved close to her lips. Neha smiled a little and was about to kiss but Abhishek moved by and said,
"I don't kiss girls who are not of my standards"

Abhishek started walking away. This was the first time he was this rude. He dislikes himself for hurting her girl.

Whereas, Neha felt her world crumbling. She just wanted to run away but she won't let her love to get away from her.


"So enjoying?"
Saakshi asked as she brought a softy.

"I mean it's okay"
Dev answered as he walked with Saakshi.

"Please. Yeah it's okay but I am making it better"
Saakshi complimented herself.

"That you are"
Dev answered making Saakshi shocked.

Before Saakshi could say anything, Dev pulled her to the near corner and said,
"About that kiss"


"I stopped cause I didn't want to get distracted by those"
Dev said indicating her lips.

"But now exams are over. So..."
Dev continued and moved ahead to kiss her. Just when their lips touch, they hear a voice.


It was Shubman.

"Stay away from My sister"
Shubman said.



"Bhai it's my choice. Who I date"
Saakshi stood in front of Dev and Shubman.

"Yes it's yours after I choose him"
He said.

"Shubman we are not fooling around. I like her"
Dev said without realizing that he and Saakshi didn't have that conversation.

The Gill twins said together.

"You like me. Like, like me like me?"
Saakshi asked looking at Dev.

"Yeah. I mean why would we be... I'm not that type of guy-"
Saakshi stopped him by kissing him and saying,
"I like you too"

Shubman let out.

But that didn't make the new couple stop.

"That's my sister"
Shubman said.

"I'm out"
He said and left them.


Ishan was batting with amazing boundaries and strike rate. He was carrying the team. Ishan was on 99 as he looked around to see the boundary possibilities. He was Sana and Riddhima sitting on the bench enjoying the match.

His eyes stuck on Riddhima who was smiling at something Sana said. But she has her figures crossed. Which made Ishan happy.

Riddhima was hoping and praying with every ball balling. She kept looking at focused Ishan. At first, she enjoyed Ishan's wicketkeeping as he was also the captain. Riddhima saw MSD in him. And while batting She saw Rohit Sharma. And she felt like Ritika as she kept her figures crossed.

And on the next ball, Ishan hit a sensational Six making his century complete. He removed his helmet and blew a kiss at Riddhima. But people thought it was for Sana. Riddhima was the first to stand up and cheer. She capped her hands like he had found a cure for cancer.


The group sat down for dinner as Shubman and Ishan won their respective matches.

Saakshi said clicking her glass.

"To Ishan and Bhai"
She continued as other cheers to it.

"So who's coming to Virat Bhai's wedding?"
Riddhima asked.

Virat was their tuition teacher who was famous for not teaching and just chilling. He was their favourite person.

"I am. And I am coming with a Date"
Saakshi said and Kissed Dev's cheek.

The group oh but Shubman just made a face.

Ishan asked.

"Um, I'll just come alone"
He said without looking at Neha.

"A date is compulsory"
Sana said.

"Yes, Saakshi and Dev, You and Neha, Shubmana and I, Sana and... Um Ishan"
Riddhima spoke.

"Come on Abhay"
Shubman said.

Neha said slowly. Even though she didn't know who Virat was she just needed a chance to to with Abhishek.

"You owe me. I was your date at prom and now you are my date at a wedding"
Neha ordered.

To which Abhishek couldn't say no. So he just nodded his head


Shubman was driving Sana home as they lived nearby. Sana was just sitting and getting bored. There was never silence between them. So kill the silence, Sana played the music. As Shubamn's playlist continued.

Soon Sana realized that it was her playlist, that she shared with actually everyone.

"You listen to it?"
Sana asked as Taylor Swift's This Love started playing.

"I mean. Yeah. It's good"
Shubman said.

"I'm impressed. Shubman Gill likes my playlist"
Sana said in a victory tone.

"I always liked you"
Shubman Spoke in a second then realized.

"I mean I appreciate you"
He corrected himself.

Sana nodded her head and looked out at the beautiful sky. She always dreamt of going on a long drive with her loved one. She slowly turned her head and looked at Shubman who was fully focused on driving. He had this cute unintentional frown on his face which made Sana smile.

"Can I ask you a question?"
Shubman asked.


"Do you love Ishan?"
Shubman asked as he Parked the car in front of Sana's house.

Sana thought for a second and tried not to look at Shubman.

"Do you love Riddhima?"
Sana asked back to which Shubman just looked down.

Sana also looked down and sighed and got out of the car without saying goodbye. As she walked home she just wanted to turn around and tell him how much she loved him and just wanted to be with him.

On the other hand, Shubman just put his head on the steering wheel. He wanted to get out of the car stop her and tell her the truth.


Ishan hit the brakes as they reached Riddhima's house. Riddhima was asleep as Ishan struggled with the decision of what to do. He just sighed got out of the car and picked her up in bridal style without waking her up. He. He walked up to her house and went to her room.

Riddhima's parents knew about their friendship so they didn't ask him many questions. They all grew up together. Riddhima, Ishan, Shubman and Saakshi. Soon Sana joined followed by Abhishek.

Ishan gradually put her on her bed. He took out her shoes, socks, watch, and earrings. He put the blanket on her to keep her warm. He looked around the room filled with memories.

Riddhima's room was perfect. Neat and clean. She had a bookshelf. There were posters of the table and formulas but there were also posters of her favourite singer.

Ishan saw a wall full of pictures of the group. And most of them were Riddhima and Ishan. Ishan smiled at the pictures remembering the different days. He took a picture of her with him.

"I can't. I can't R. I just want to go away"
Ishan said on the phone. It was 11 at night.

"Ish breath. Talk to me. I'm there for you"
Riddhima assured him.

"No no. I'm going bye"
Ishan spoke for the 10th in the last 2 minutes

"Okay. Come down. I'll be at yours in 5"
Riddhima said and cut the call.

Soon she arrived at Ishan's place where he stood by the gate waiting for her.

"Come on. Take your bicycle and follow me"
Riddhima spoke and started pedalling.

Ishan followed her as she kept cycling for 20 minutes and as they reached the old place where Riddhima used to live.

Ishan was about to say something but Riddhima said,
"Shut up and follow me"

They reach the back of the house, to the tree house. Their tree house.

They climbed up and sat down.

"Ishan life will give you challenges, either you face them or run away. It's your choice"
Riddhima said.

"I know. But I'm not good. You know"

"You are. Okay. You are. You are just scared. Don't let your fear take away good from you"
Riddhima spoke.

She interlocked their arms and continued,
"See these are just exams. I know people have hyped up them but just write what you understand. Okay"

"Look at me"

Ishan looked at her.

"We have been here before. Right?"
She asked.

"Yes. The night before my first game as the captain"
Ishan answered.

"Good. So now we will go home and sleep. Tomorrow wake up fresh, get ready and give our boards"
Riddhima said and removed her phone.

"Now smile"
She said and clicked a selfie of them.

"You look cute in messy hair"

Ishan smiled at the memory of them that he cherished. She was the one who always picked up his phone. And was there for him.

He took the picture and kept it in his pocket. He went to her and held her hand, as she was deep in sleep.

"Riddhima Mehra. I don't know what to say. I was the dumbest person on the earth. You were right there and I was blindsided by our friendship. And now when I look back, just want to make everything right. I wish I could tell you the truth. But I can tell you one thing, and that is. I... I love you. Always have and always will"
Ishan confessed to sleeping with Riddhima.

He got up and kissed her forehead and left the home.


"I'm not getting on this"
Saakshi said as she stood folding her hands

"Hey come on"
Dev said as he was on his bike.

"You what I'll just call bhai"
Saakshi said.

"Saakshi, I'm a nice driver. Unlike someone"
Dev spoke out.

"What does that mean?"
She asked.

"Nothing. Just get on this"

Saakshi sat on the bike and tried to figure out where to put her hand.

"Shoulder or waist"
Dev spoke as he wore the helmet.

Yeah, Saakshi was Scared. She has never sat on a bike. Shubman likes cars. She likes cars. The bike was never in the picture.

Soon Dev started driving and Saakshi started enjoying the ride. She in the beginning kept her hand on the shoulder but then she changed it to waist. Keeping her head on his back. Enjoying the wind.

They reached her home.
"Come in"
Saakshi said.

"It's late and your brother"
Dev said

"Come. Please"

The couple went to her room.
This was the first time Dev saw Saakshi's room. Which was just plain. White room. Nothing else. Just a cupboard and bed.

"Why so plain?"
He asked

"I don't know. Never felt the need to decorate"
She answered.

As they lay down on the bed, they heard the voice of fighting downstairs.

"I guess I should leave"
Dev said as he was about to leave but Saakshi stopped him and said,
"Please. Don't. Just stay"
Her voice was low.

Dev felt weird hearing her parents fighting but he stayed for her. She wrapped her hand around and slept on his chest.

Dev heard Shubman from the balcony after 10 Mins.

Dev got up as Saakshi fell asleep. He went outside to see the twin's balcony was attached.

"She's sleeping"
Dev answered.

"Good. Wait what are you doing here?"
Shubman asked.

"She asked me to stay"

"Did she hear them..?"
Shubman asked.

Dev nodded.

Shubman cursed.

"What happened?"
Dev asked.

"She doesn't like fights. And when they fight, she becomes their punching bag"

"Punching bag?"

"Tomorrow they will blame her for everything. They will tell her she's good for nothing and all shit"

"What? Why"
Dev tried not to shout.

"It's been like this since forever"
Shubman said looking out.

"But why her only?"

"They think she is not good. Like she doesn't study or"

"And you?"

"They tell me too but it's more on her. Because I'm the football captain"

Dev just looked at the twins. He didn't expect this.

"And that's why we didn't like you. Our parents compared us to you. You were that Sharmaji ka ladka for us"
Shubman continued.

Dev wanted to argue but didn't feel right. Dev just nodded his head and tried to walk out.

"Where are you going?"
Shubman asked


"Well, not from the door. Go from here"
Shubman said indicating the balcony

"Are you kidding me?"
Dev exclaimed.

"You like her, can't you jump for her?"
Shubman challenged him to which Dev was ready by jumping down.


Abhishek stopped the car at the old place.
"This is where you stay, right?'
Abhishek said sarcastically.

Neha didn't want to debate so She just got out of the car and started walking.

Abhishek highly dislikes this part of himself. He was closely watching her go home.

Soon he realized that a guy stopped and started talking to her. And within a second they were holding her hand. Without wasting a second Abhishek got out of the car and punched the guy in his face. scaring Neha a little. But when she recognized that it was Abhishek she felt safe.

Abhishek held the guy's hand and said,
"How dare you to touch her?"

Before the guy could say anything he continued and said,
"Say sorry. RIGHT NOW"

The guys said sorry and ran away. Abhishek hugged Neha making her feel comfortable. Abhishek started walking with her to her home. He kept looking at her until she reached the door.

On the other hand, Neha was confused. She was scared of what happened. She couldn't understand the situation. And the other side she was happy that Abhishek still cared. There is still hope.

Oh a weddings are always good. The atmosphere, the feelings, the vibes and love are in the air. Who doesn't love a wedding?

To you more keep voting and Commenting.

You know you love me,


Okay, we are coming to an end!!!

Only one chapter and epilogue are remaining. 

Ughhss I am getting emotional!


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