Chapter 51

As the week moved on, I slowly started to pull away from Xavier. I started to do stuff that I normally wouldn't do such as not holding his hand or turn my cheek when he tried to kiss it. I had to fight the urge to do it myself, and it pained me more than it should have.

While I was doing this, I was spending more time with my group, rebuilding the bonds that had been formed long ago.

Xavier noticed the change in my behavior, but he didn't question it. He might not have questioned it because I still sat by his side during meals as well slept beside him each night.

He wasn't the only one who noticed the change in my behavior. The pack also noticed the change, and they talked about it behind our backs, their voices low and some concerned.

Some of them compared me to his first mate most of the times when they thought they were alone, and this caused my heart to break because I was not like her... at least I hoped that I wasn't.

There were people who came up to my defense, but they were slowly becoming less vocal as doubt settled in their minds.

Parker and Charlie worked hard to get me information that week, but I still felt like it wasn't enough.

I still felt like I wasn't prepared to face him, even though I had won the fight against Xavier that day. I had felt proud of myself but also guilty because Xavier had gotten mad and almost lost his shit.

And that was what my week had looked like until Friday when things started to take a turn for the worse.

It started out fine where I had spent most of the day with my son and cousins watching Barney and other kid shows that they liked. We were munching on food that wasn't good for us, but I didn't care because it felt like the last time I would be there for a while.

Clara sat next to me with her head on my lap. She didn't care that Bryson was messing with her hair or the fact that she was missing her favorite tv show.

No, she was more interested in seeing how far she could blow a bubble which had my attention as well. We watched it grow bigger and bigger until it popped before she started to do it all over again.

Both of us ignored TJ's complaints about her being loud because we were so engrossed in what she was doing as she blew one bigger... and bigger... until someone popped it, startling us both.

Clara and I looked up to notice Xavier staring at us with an amused smile on his face. Clara scowled and got most of it back into her mouth. "Rude," she said, pouting. "Why did you do that for?"

Xavier didn't reply but looked at me with guarded eyes. His face was a mask while he looked at me, but I could tell that he was afraid I would say no. "Do you want to go on a date with me tonight?" he asked, hesitantly.

"Formal wear?" I asked, causing Xavier to nod his head. I closed my eyes and bit back a groan because I knew I was going to have to contact May because she wanted to do my makeup and hair if I ever went out on a date with him. "Ok, I said, opening my eyes. "But you are not allowed in the rooms."

Xavier frowned and a flicker of hurt flashed through his eyes.

"I am contacting May. She made me swear that if we ever go on a date, then I have to call her and kick you out."

He raised an eyebrow but stayed silent.

"She loves to do makeup and hair," I explained, "and she loves to shock people with her "creations.""

Xavier hesitated but nodded his head. "We will leave at seven," he said. "I will send someone to watch the kids."

I nodded my head and grabbed my phone to see that it was already four o'clock. "Shit," I said, widening my eyes. I looked at him with wide eyes. "Can you watch them while you wait for whoever else? May is going to take three hours to do everything. She might try to take longer, but I promise we will be done by seven."

Xavier nodded his head while Clara got off of my lap. He watched as I got up and walked over to him with his whole body becoming tense.

I placed a kiss on his cheek and smiled at him. "You're the best," I said, before running off and contacting May.

Please, I prayed silently, letting the mask I was hiding behind fall. A wave of guilt and exhaustion washed over my body while I called May. Please, never forget that.


May took those three hours to get me ready, but I was done at seven like I had promised Xavier. She was gushing and squealing about how she was excited that I was FINALLY going on a date with my one true love.

I let her talk and talk my ear off and kept silent.

When she was done, she squealed and gave me a hug, telling me how beautiful I looked.

I didn't say a word to her because I didn't know what to say. However, I did give her a hug back before leaving the room with her trailing behind me.

I nervously walked down the stairs with May stopping at the top. I had my hand on the railing as I walked down with my other holding the dark blue dress I wore.

Xavier and Parker were standing near the bottom of the steps with Xavier's back turned towards me. He was telling Parker that he didn't know if I would show up when Parker caught sight of me and stood up taller.

"Holy shit," Parker said. "You cleaned up nice, Cass."

I looked down as Xavier turned my way. My face turned red when I saw his shocked expression as if he hadn't expected me to be dressed at all.

"Cass," he said, softly. "Look at me, please."

My throat went dry, but I did what I was told do and looked up at him. I watched as he held out his hand and took it, promising myself just one night where I had to hurt neither myself nor him.

His grasp was warm, and I could tell that he was nervous that I would pull away from him. He helped me off of the last step and pulled me closer to him. "You look beautiful," he said with such sincerity that it caused my face to turn a darker shade of red.

"Umm... thank you," I mumbled, rubbing the back of my neck, sheepishly. I cleared my throat and licked my lips. "You don't look so bad yourself," I noted, causing him to smile hesitantly.

And he didn't. He was dressed in a five-piece suit that complimented his body and made my mouth go dry. His black hair was somewhat pulled back but rather messy because he had been running his fingers through it.

All in all, I was happy that I found a man like him. He was all that I had ever wanted and all that I ever needed, and he was someone that I could potentially find myself with for the rest of my life if he decided to take me back after all of this.

"So... I don't look like I am trying so hard?" he asked, furrowing his brows.

I shook my head and placed a kiss on his cheek. "No," I said, smiling at him. "Though, I don't think you want the tie on."

Xavier grimaced but nodded his head. He watched as I took the tie off of him and unbuttoned the top two buttons. He didn't say a word when I ran my fingers through his black hair and gave him his normal bushy hairdo that I grew to love.

"There, feel better?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

He nodded his head and hesitantly leaned down to kiss my lips. "Ready?" he asked, softly, causing me to nod my head.

"Yes," I said in the same tone. "I am driving, though, unless you want me to fall asleep on the way there." I gave him a pointed look causing him to shake his head.

"I don't want you to," he said. He reached into his pockets and pulled out his keys. "Here," he said, handing them to me. "Are you ready to go?"

I smiled and nodded my head and grabbed his hand when he offered it to me. "Yes," I said, and we started to walk towards the garage where his car was.

Goddess please, let this night go without a hitch. Please.

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