
I stood there with my mouth open.

Moi doomed.

On the plus side at least I didn't get run over by the car.

The person came out of the vehicle.

I stood gaping at him

He was not happy. Judging from the look on his face he looked like he wanted to run over me with his car. The guy kept coming closer and closer and oh if looks could kill I would be on the highway to hell.

His whole aura screamed danger. But I couldn't get myself to feel any fear. Call me psycho but honestly, I felt a connection. Like some sort of attraction

Paging Dr Flynn.....

I felt my breath getting quicker and quicker as he kept coming closer and don't even ask about my heart. I bet that thing is soon gonna stop pumping blood now.

Suddenly his hands went to his pockets and out came a gun.

That's right.

A gun.

He stood right in front of me with that killer glare holding it.

"Tell me one reason why I shouldn't pull this trigger" he gritted out.

I couldn't help it. I started to laugh. Like the bubbly kind of i-can't-breathe type of laugh.

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Now he stepped closer. There was technically no space between us now considering the fact that he had backed me up against the wall.

And did I mention that the freaking gun was now pressing on my head?

Showtimes over.

I am so pissed. This is bullshit, I mean seriously you don't have to go that far. I mean I know what I did was wrong and it was a mistake plus I'm only human.
Why can't this man understand that?

Such a douche.

I pushed him away from me with whatever the strength I had. Suffice to say he did only go a little backwards but hey, least we weren't touching.

And let me tell you something: there are certain things that could scare me in life but a man with a gun was not one of them.

Death is something inevitable .It would come sooner or later.

Preferably later.

So I did the first thing I should've done when he came close to me.

I slapped him.

I have my reasons. First of all I was a woman. I deserve respect. I mean all human beings deserve respect, male or female or anything in between, whoever you are.

And what happened to personal space? Or an arm's length?

Like hello dude I know your hot but you can't just sashay into my world because of an accident and then threaten me with a gun and then press it on my head. And then do the chest to chest thing and-

Besides if I was gonna die ,I sure am gonna take my pride with me .And teach this asshole a lesson while I am at it.

He didn't even flinch. His face didn't waver any emotion. He just stared at me hard.

"Don't ever threaten me or any other human being like that again Okay ?
And I'm really sorry about what happened to your car and just tell me the costs for the damages. I'll try my best to pay it off quickly" I said confidently, keeping eye contact with him the whole time.

He said nothing.

Just stared me intensely.

"I know better ways to make people pay. You Sanderson's will pay for everything " he said very quietly and left before giving me one last hard stare.

How the hell did he know my last name?


"Tee you are back early today!" exclaimed Macy the little 5 year old after I stepped inside the house.

"Hey babe " I said softly taking her into my arms whilst walking towards the living room.

I have no idea of who I saw today. And there is a possibility that one of these days, something bad could happen unless his threats were empty...Which I highly doubt considering the fact that he already held his gun on my head.This also meant the girls could be in danger too.

Anything but the girls.

I'd rather get run over by a car over and over again than seeing anyone raise a hand on them.

There were five girls. They were quintuplets. We all share the same mom except two different dad's.

Along with Lucy and me there are seven people living in this house. Where I grew up, that environment was not suitable for my sisters. So that's why at the age of nineteen I walked away from the place I used to called home.

Lucy was my best friend since I was small .She knew about everything that happened.So when I mentioned about moving, she dropped everything she had and came with me.More like forced herself on to it. I tried to stop her but she wasn't having any of it.

So since then we have all been together.
And I don't know what I would have done without Lucy.

Five, five-year-old girls.

Honestly they were like little rays of sunshine to me. Lucy and I took turns to baby sit them when one of us are at work .
Though sometimes we leave our next door old lady to baby sit them if we were really busy.

They were a handful.

Still I wouldn't exchange them for anything in this world.


After all the girls were put to sleep I got ready for work at the restaurant where I had night shifts.

Just when I put my hand on the door knob, I another hand close over mine.

"Thea, are you okay? You seem a bit distracted " said Lucy frowning.

"No no no its fine Luce, besides I would tell you if anything was wrong " I said with a small smile.

"Okay Theodore, whatever you say. And don't worry about the money,we can get through this .I know we can. We always do." she said softly.

I rolled my eyes at her nickname before giving her one last hug and headed my way to work.

It was not the money at stake.

It was our lives.


Hiya lovelies

Hope you enjoyed it

Thanks for reading

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