Summer_Tsuki (Chat Noir)
Miraculous Ladybug: Chat Noir X Flirty Tomboy Reader
Readers pov:
"Yo Alix!" I called out from across the almost empty Art room. "Chuck me the neon green, will ya?"
"You got it (Cool nickname)." The pink haired skater girl replied, throwing me the can of spray paint underhand.
Catching it with ease, I instantly pop off the lid, pull up my face mask and continue my project. With a firm and unshaken hand and trained eye, I get caught up in my work. Every stroke and part nailed to precision.
If I even see a 'hair' out of place in one of my pieces I am unsatisfied with myself. It's a slight character flaw. When I do something, I expect to put everything I have into it.
So when it comes to this project, everything had to be done in a designed and accurate measurement. Being done in a very careful and exact way. I am not going to have anything ruin this.
I stick out the tip of my tongue from the corner of my lip. A habit of mine whenever I'm in deep concentration. Even if I have that distant stare in my eyes when doing something, and look like I can't be bothered, I am still aware of my surroundings. But as soon as my tongue peeks from my peach coloured lips, then I'm lost in my own little world. And nothing can bring me back from it. Not until I'm done.
Adrien's pov:
Nino and I were meeting up with Alya and Marinette at the art club after school to support Alix and Nathaniel on their art pieces.
It seemed interesting because everyone seemed to be doing something related to the heroes of Paris, yours truly, and milady bug.
Unfortunately for everyone, (myself included) Chloe decided to tag along because she too has a piece she'd like to continue working on.
When in reality it's just cut up pictures of her and ladybug. But I guess you can call that art.... at a 7 year olds level. -_-'
"Hey Alya, hey Marinette." I waved as Nino hugged his girlfriend.
Marinette just smiled with a wide grin and I couldn't help but chuckle. She's always had such a funny personality. And she's such a good friend.
"Cool painting Alix." I complimented her work while she and Nino bumped fists.
"Thanks dude." She said after pulling down her mask. "But it's so got nothing over (Y/n)'s." She said jabbing her thumb over to the (h/c) girl in the corner of the class.
"She's been working on hers for the past 2 weeks." Alix told us.
"Wow, that long?" Marinette said surprised.
"Talk about dedication dude." Nino commented, his arm draped around Alya who nodded her head in agreement.
(Y/n) moved here about 3 months ago from (home town). She sits next to Ivan in class, which is good because it stops any behind the scenes interaction between him and Kim.
Her regular style consists of crop top hoodies, tank tops, band T-shirts, jeans, army themed pants, combat boots, sneakers or high tops. Giving off her tomboy vibe.
She gets along with everyone, (with the exception of Chloe of course) but her main clique is with Alix, Nathaniel, and/or Max and Kim.
She just always finds a way to stand out, even if she's doing something so common. I just can't help but notice.
When someone tries to pick a fight with her, she remains in a good mood and makes jokes. She doesn't let anything get her down. And it's pretty amazing.
And sometimes she's a bit of a flirt, but in a joking and teasing way. But she only seems to do that to people she considers close.
And she's pretty athletic too, which makes sense, otherwise I don't really think she'd be talking to someone like Kim in the first place.
She's a great girl, and I can't help this odd feeling in my chest when she smiles at me. It takes actually being with milady and talking to her to get my stomach filled with butterflies. But with (Y/n), who I don't think I've ever had a full conversation with, all it takes is her smile. She doesn't even try. And I don't know why.
"Done." Was softly spoken, a satisfied grin graced her lips while her sparkling (e/c) eyes scanned her masterpiece.
Mr Haberkorn walked over to take a look, placing his hand on her shoulder as he complimented her work.
Alix even rushed over to look at the finished product, and we followed after her. I was speechless. I had no words.
(Y/n) was showered with compliments and despite her personality, she seemed a little flustered, but hid it as she thanked everyone.
"Pretty sweet painting (nickname)." Kim said with a side grin.
"Not as sweet as me though." She said with a small laugh and sent a wink in his direction. He laughed with her and gave her a nuggie.
"Wow, you really captivated the saviours of Paris perfectly. Mind if I get a photo for my blog?" Alya questioned, already pulling out her phone.
"Sure thing." She replied, standing on the left of her masterpiece. Standing next to her painting of Chat Noir.
She stuck out her tongue on the left side of her peach coloured lips, raising her left hand to the side of her face. Raising her index and pinkie, while her thumb was bent over her middle and ring fingers. 🤘🏻
"This for sure is going to get so many hits!"
"It's amazing."
"Thanks Mari." She thanked the blue haired girl.
"It's a cool painting (Y/n), don't you think so Chloe?" I asked turning my head to face my childhood friend.
She scoffed. And I already didn't like where this was going.
"Oh who cares! Mine~ is way better than that thing." Her head was turned, not even wanting to give (Y/n)'s hard work a second glance.
"Besides, she's got that mangy cat taking over half the painting. Ladybug is way more important. She doesn't even need that lousy sidekick. She can save Paris on her own. Who needs Chat Noir?" Meow-ch.
I'm pretty sure Ladybug is the only person Chloe would ever boast other than herself...
(Y/n)'s left eye twitched before pressing her lips into a smile. And behind that look was something malice.
"Excuse me?" She almost sounded offended. "Chat Noir isn't important??" She tilted her head to the side, leaning it slightly forward as if she misheard what Chloe said.
"Isn't that what I just said, or are you deaf?" The blonde asked smugly. Her smirk only widened as she grabbed an orange chan of spray lint. "In fact he doesn't even deserve to be called a hero. Let alone be in this painting."
Something in (y/n) seemed to snap as she realized what Chloe was going to do. Hate filled her normally gentle or bright features.
Just as Chloe's finger began to press down on the spray can, (y/n) rushes forward, grabbing Chloe's wrist tightly, and moving her arm out of the way.
The end result was Chloe screaming when her clothes became the new target as she was forced to miss her intended one. Her finer was no longer on the 'trigger' and she dropped the can to the floor with haste.
"How DARE you?! Do you have any idea how much my clothes are worth?!" Chloe shouted in (y/n)'s face before she and everyone saw the rage in her eyes.
"How dare I?" She mocked. "How dare you?! Chat Noir is just as important as Ladybug! She wouldn't be able to do half the shit she does if it wasn't for him!"
She's... she's getting mad over that? Defending Chat Noir?
"I'm pretty fucking tired of Ladybug this, and Ladybug that. When the hell does Chat ever get his due? He saves Paris just as much as she does, but he never seems to be the talk of the town." Her eyes were narrowed the whole time she spoke. A passionate yet angry fire in her eyes.
"They are BOTH heroes! He isn't some sidekick like Batman and Robin. They are a team. And honestly, I am fed up."
She takes a deep breath, closing her eyes, letting it out and she smiles. But the look in her sweet expression still proved to have something deadly behind it all.
"Now I'm going to let go of your wrists, but if you try wreaking my hard work again, you'll find yourself with broken bones, and your skin will be bruised until you are darker than the leather that he wears. Ok?" Her eyes now closed as she spoke, the ice cold tone was strong enough to send chills and change the temperature of the room.
But before letting go of Chloe's wrists, she turns her head to Sabrina. "You're a sweet girl, but if you do anything on this blondies orders, it'll take a lot more than just your glasses to help you see."
Sabrina looked terrified. Nodding vigorously. No one has ever seen this side of (Y/n) before. No one knew what to expect.
She hastily let go of Chloe, wiping her hands on her smock as if she didn't want to get infected with a disease before throwing the smock off, and packing her things.
"We'll have to reschedule that run and basketball practice Kim." She said with her gritting teeth.
"What why?"
"Because I'm going to the gym. I need to punch something... preferably with that girls face on it." She spoke venomously as she stormed out of room 33.
Nathaniel and Alix glared and started yelling at Chloe before she scoffed, having Sabrina follow her so she can go home to get changed.
I think I'll keep an eye on (Y/n), I'd hate to see her become Akumatized.
Time skip
Readers pov:
After a long and well needed session at the gym, I made my way home. As I walked, sweaty and tired, I looked down at my watch.
My parents won't be home for another 2 hours. Gives me enough time to take a shower and to clean up after all that venting.
That girl needs a couple slaps across the face, or take a fucking major dose of reality. She's such a stubborn brat. That's a girl who should have got a hard spanking growing up as a child.
But I guess a wealthy parents solution to dealing with a whiny child is to give them everything. So much simpler than siting down and taking the time to discipline them.
Once I make it home, I toss my bag across the floor and against the wall. Grabbing a pair of sweatpants, tank top and my undergarments I go into the bathroom and set them on the counter. Locking the door behind me.
I set the water, letting it run as I get undressed and comb out my hair. Once that was done, I stepped inside the shower, sighing as the hot water made contact with my body. I instantly felt calmer as I was doused with the steaming water, the sweat being washed away with all my anger towards that heartless, good for nothing, Barbie doll.
After a good 30 minutes I turn off the water and squeeze my hair before stepping out of the shower. Wrapping a towel around my body and then a second towel to dry my hair. Once my body was dry I started to get changed.
I pause. But I don't make much of it. It was probably just my cat.
She probably just jumped down from a table or windowsill...
Then again... she isn't exactly in the position to be doing that stuff.
Once dressed, I leave my room, carefully looking around. Nothing or no one was in sight.
*tap tap* I nearly jump, and turn around... well... I did guess it was the cat..
I just didn't expect it to be this one...
Who am I to just leave a hero outside.. there's nothing wrong with that.. right?
Yeah I'll be fine.
I don't hesitate to walk up to my window and unlock it, letting him in. I step beck so he had room.
"Well hello." He said casually. Yeah, cuz talking to a girl you don't know, or anything about this scenario is casual.
"Nice place." He said as he scoped out my room, which was thankfully clean. Art supplies or art related things and band posters were the majority of my blue, grey and white themed room. Black tinted it here and there. Along with picture frames.
And some of those pictures being of the heroes of Paris. Only a couple, above my computer desk.
"Thanks I guess." I said unsurely. "Chat Noir, what are you doing here?"
"Well you see purrincess, a little birdy told me of an incident at your school earlier this afternoon." He said with a small grin.
"I just wanted to make sure you were feline fine." God he is so much more attractive up close and in person.
You mean not becoming the next akumatized villain.
I hummed, crossing my arms. "Right, and here I thought kitties ate birds for breakfast." I smirked. "I'm surprised it managed to get a chirp or two." I mused.
"Meow-ch. Do I really come across as someone who would hurt the innocent?" He says as he puts his hand to his chest, covering his 'wounded' heart.
"Purrhaps." I teased, smiling. "I don't exactly know you." I said as I stepped closer towards the hero.
His eyes widened as he heard the pun. I must be seeing things, because I think I saw his cheeks turn a light pink underneath his mask.
"You like puns?"
I press my lips together, tilting my head side to side. "Purr-obably. Maybe if they were the pawsome ones."
He just grinned in response. "Well lucky for you, I'm the expurrt."
Am I seriously talking to Chat Noir?
"Well as great as it was talking to you, my flames of fury have been distinguished. I was just in a temporary bad mood. You don't have to worry anymore." I explained.
He just nodded his head and started looking at the pictures I had hung up.
His grin becoming cocky. "I take it you're a chat person?"
Now that wasn't even a pun, that was a play on words.
He saw the pictures I had of him and ladybug, and how he was the majority. But at the moment he was looking at pictures of my pet.
"Yes. And that's my kitty. Mini Mew. She's an Egyptian Mau. I sometimes call her M&M." He tilts his head and his ears flop. Kawaii!
"I watch a couple anime's and one of them was Tokyo Mew Mew or Mew Mew power." I explained. "I was 8 okay?!" I said defensively as I laughed, and he did too.
"That's purrty cute." His tail swaying as he spoke
I can't help but look at his ears and have thoughts flooding my mind
If his ears and tail move, acting upon how he's feeling like an actual cat...
I wonder..
I press my lips together, trying to suppress my smile as I reach my hand out-
"What are you- *purr~*" I open my mouth, but no sound comes out as I silently squeal at the fact that he can purr!!
"N-no s-sto- *purr* *purr*" I giggled as his face heats up in embarrassment.
"So cute!" I have a soft spot for cats alright? Sue me.
Soon he couldn't stop purring as I pet his head and played with his ears. And out of cat instincts (at least that's what I'm making myself believe) he wraps his arms around me, hugging me and nuzzling himself against me.
The action caused me to freeze, my hand might have stayed in place, but he was still nuzzling his nose against my neck. And I felt his tail wrap around my right leg...
Now it was my turn to blush.
"C-chat Noir?" All I got was purring.
I think I broke him...
How do I tell my parents that I have a new pet chat????
Who is also the hero of Paris???
"(Y/n) *purr~*" How does he know my name? Oh wait, he and ladybug probably read the ladyblog and Alya might have mentioned my name.
What do I do?
Hope you all liked it. Should I leave it like this or make a part two?
This one shot (possibly two shot) was for Summer_Tsuki hope this met your expectations
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