Episode 3: Rouge Recruit

(Btw what did you name F/N? Let me know in the comments! And enjoy the episode!)

We're in Mississippi as we see a girl standing by the docks by a building.

She was all by herself until two teenage boys walk out of the building.

Boy 1: Body snatcher. That's the only explanation, man.

The two stops to see the girl by herself.

Boy: My good buddy Cody is now a pod person. Gone in an evening from bad to sad, flame to lame. Nurse, he's coded! Personality paddles, stat!

Cody: Oh, come on. I'm just, you know, picking my moment. I'm taking it slow.

Boy 1: Cody, I've seen glaciers move faster. (Points at the girl) There she is. The girl you've been staring at all week. Please tell me you at least know her name.

Cody shrugs in response.

Boy 1: (slaps head) You lame-o! This ends now. (Drags Cody) Come on.

Cody: Ty, I- (Ty pushes Cody towards her) [grunts]

Girl: (turns around) Huh? Can I help you?

Cody: Uh... dance. I mean, would you like to? With me, that is. Together. Uh-

Girl: I'm really just hangin' out here and... (Sees Cody look down in sadness) [sigh] Hey, why not? After all, where's the harm in once dance?

She walks in with the others as Cody follows her while hi-fiving Ty. Meanwhile we see a blind woman in a house sitting in a chair until she gasp and saw a glimpse of what was gonna happen to the girl.

Woman: No! Don't touch him!

She sees another glimpse of Cody grabbing her arm.

Woman: Oh, my dear child.

Back at the party, we see the girl dancing with Cody. Then Ty whispered to him.

Ty: (whispers) Get closer. (Pushes Cody) Make your move.

After Ty pushed Cody closer to her, the both fall on to the ground. Everyone stops and looks at the two as Cody gets back up to help her.

Cody: Hey. I'm sorry.

Cody grabs her arm as they both started to yell as something was happening to them. The girl yanks her arm away as the crowd started chattering. Then Cody fell on to his back as we see the girl started to have Cody's memories.

Girl: [sighs] My head. Oh, these images! What's happening to me? (Looks at her hands) What am I? (Looks up) Who am I?

We zoom in on the girl as everything fades to black.

We now go back to the party as we see people surrounding Cody. Ty gets next to him and shakes him.

Ty: Cody? Cody, what's wrong? (Glares at the girl) What did you do to him?

The girl runs off while sobbing. She heads towards the exit until Ty gets in front of her. She gets a glimpse of Cody's memories of him playing football pushing the opponent away. Then she did the same thing to Ty and knocked him away on the ground.

Ty: [groans] Whoa. I thought only Cody had moved like that.

We see the girl run off way from the docks. Meanwhile we see the blind woman on the phone with someone.

Woman: That's not what I said. I see pathways, probabilities. I predicted what form her mutant powers would take, not when they would manifest. (Shows picture frames with her and the girl) Yes, I did take precautions. The phony skin condition, the way she dressed. But she's a teenage girl. I couldn't keep her in isolation. [Sigh] Of course you're coming. I know. And the others? Xavier's team? They're coming, too.

Meanwhile at the X-Mansion we see Logan wearing a ninja outfit coming out of an air vent from the attic. As we hear Storm talking to him.

Storm: Impressive. You got past the automated defences by using the air vents.

Logan starts sniffing around as we see Storm hiding.

Storm: But you won't get past me!

Storm caused the windows to burst open as some wind came in. Logan climes back into the vents and tried to get away.

Storm: Testing me, hm? All right, then. It's time you remember why they call me Storm!

Storm caused some clouds to come over the mansion as lightning struck the sky's. She made small tornado on the chimney and sent the rain through it. Logan turns around to see a flood coming his way. He tried to get away, but the water pushed him all the way into the danger room. We see Storm talk to Logan.

Storm: You look a little flushed. And the forecast isn't good.

Logan leaps towards her until she blew him away with her icy wind. Causing him to be covered in ice.

Logan: Now that was cold.

Logan breaks free from the ice.

Storm: Then let's warm you up. (Pressed a button)

After Storm pressed a button, a laser came out of the wall and started fireing at Logan. He jumps in the air and brought out his claws and stabbed them into the laser, causing him to get electrocuted and blow up the laser.

Logan: Gotta connect first. Got any other party tricks?

After he said that, Storm brought it a spinning trap, Logan started to dodge it m, then stabs it with this claw. Before they went any further, Charles spoke to them telepathically.

Charles (Telepathy): Stop! It is, at the moment, as much as we can afford, Wolverine.

Logan: (takes off mask after stealthing claws) Hey. When I give a demo, I give a demo.

After he said that, the trap falls apart.

Scott: Is that demo as in "demolish" or "demonstration"?

F/N: Knowing Logan, both.

Scott: What was the point?

We see the teens of the X-Men in the same room as Storm.

Storm: The point, young Cyclops, was to teach you something about finding the weak points in sophisticated security systems.

Logan: That's right, bub. I'd say ours needs a little work.

We see Logan pass by Kurt as he was hanging upside down while eating a bowl of popcorn he's holding with his foot.

Kurt: That was tight. I give it two thumbs up.

Jean rolls her eyes while smiling.

Logan: The vents were pretty easily breached. Gonna need to fix that. Maybe electrify 'em or install poison gas sprayers.

Storm: Wolverine...

F/N: Kinda extreme don't you think?

Logan: All right, all right. Knockout gas, then.

Then we see kitty start to shiver.

Kitty: [ugh!] Is it just me, or is anyone else, like, seriously freaked by all this?

She looks at everyone to see that they're not freaked by it.

Kitty: Oh, right. It's just me? Great.

F/N: Don't worry, you'll get use to it.

Kurt: Yeah. Relax, Kitty. You'll be fine. (Teleports next to her, causing her to gasp.) We're right beside you. (Teleports to the other side of her while handing her the bowl of popcorn with his tail) Popcorn?

Kitty: (gets up away from him) Ah!

Kurt: Oops. [Heh heh.]

F/N: Maybe teleporting next to her like that wasn't the best approach, Blues.

Kurt: Sorry. Next time I'll honk before I port.

Kitty: Whatever.

F/N: Regardless, he is right, Kitty. We're right beside you.

Kitty: Thanks. Look, guys, it's late. If it's no biggie to you, (phase through the floor) I'm gonna, like, drop out.

Kurt: [Ah.] She's fully not into the fuzzy dude. Not that really blame her.

Jean: Aw, she just needs time, Kurt. She'll come around. Stuff like this happens. Ask, F/N.

Kurt: Wait, (looks at F/N) You were like that, too?

F/N: Well, kinda. When I first came here, I had trust issues. The only one who I could really trust around here was Logan. But I adjusted through time.

(A/N: Fun fact, Wolverine and Monster have a Father/son type relationship.)

Charles: (rolls in) X-Men, we have an emergency. F/N, get the blackbird prepped for launch. And since it's a weekend, assemble the full team.

F/N: You got it. What's the mission anyway?

Charles: Cerebro has detected a new mutant in Caldecott County, Mississippi. (Shows the girl from before running around) My mental impressions from the scene indicate a highly disturbed individual. (Shows a man in a car as the girl gets on the walkway and the man hits a streetlight) Our mutant is a danger to herself and possibly others as well.

Man: (Gets out of the car) Hey! What are you, nuts? (The girl runs away while sobbing) Crazy kid!

Charles: X-Men, we have a rogue.

Time skip brought you by Monster in his Shadow Cat form phasing through a wall on the right, looks at the reader then phases through the wall in front of him.

We see the blackbird launch into the night sky and heads for Mississippi. We see the inside of the black bird as we see everyone in their suits.

Nightcrawler: Stealth mode stable. (Shows him piloting) Leveling off at 10,000 feet.

Monster: Just keep her nice and steady. Now hold it right there. And you got it! Nice job, Kurt. You'll make an amazing pilot.

Nightcrawler: (Sits back and relax while piloting with his feet) [Heh.] Thank.

Monster:... Maybe not. Anyways, I've logged our flight plan with the FAA. We're cleared through to Jackson. We'll take the van from there.

Professor X: Good. You're picking up logistics quickly, F/N.

F/N: Thanks, Prof.

Shadowcat: (to Jean) F/N seems so, like, together. So cool, and- (starts blushing a little) He's kinda cute.

Jean: Cute? Stiff maybe.

Shadowcat: You don't think he's cute?

Jean: He's like a brother to me.

Hearing all of this, Nightcrawler gets jealous and teleports.

Monster: Kurt? Where'd you go?

Then we see Nightcrawler on the nose of the blackbird. Then he started to slip off until he teleports inside the blackbird and lands on Kitty.

Professor X: (Shadowcat pushes him off) Kurt, the blackbird is not the place to be fooling around. You frightened Kitty.

Nightcrawler: (Gets up) Sorry, Kitty.

Shadowcat: (gets up from her seat) [Ew.] Just, like, stay away from me! (Walks past Wolverine)

Wolverine: Kids.

Time skip brought you by Nightcrawler teleporting right in front of the screen, waves at the reader and teleports away.

We see a plain land right next to a limbo as Miss Darkholme and the (H/C) Male walk out it. The limbo driver opens the door for the two as they walk in. We see the blind woman from before sitting next to Darkholme.

Woman: You made good time, Raven. I can tell you brought company, too.

Raven: Our organization's mysterious founder has certain, resources, Irene. (Transforms into Mystique.) As for the company, this is Damian Nelson, one of our founders followers.

Damian: (gives a devilish smirk) Pleasure to meet you.

Mystique: Now, what happened? I left the girl in what I thought was your safe keeping.

Irene: At the school dance, her mutant powers manifested and she accidentally made physical contact with a local boy.

Damian: (Sarcasm) Oh, fantastic idea for letting someone like that near humans. Great job.

Mystique: (ignores Damian)  Absorbing his memory and physical abilities. Wonderful. We keep her hidden away in this backwater for the better part of five years, and in five minutes it all falls apart. We cannot lose her. Especially not to Xavier. That's one of the reasons why I brought Damian along. One of his abilities are enhanced senses, we'll be sure to find her in no time.

Damian: Nothing can get pass my sense of smell.

Mystique: She possesses the potential for limitless power. You can see the future, Irene. Where will she go?

Irene: Home. Or what she thinks is home.

We now see the girl walk towards someone's house as she started to see some of Cody's memories instead her head. She goes towards the front door with a smile on her face then reached for a key on the roof.

Time skip brought you by Damian with his eyes closed until he opened them to reveal red demonic eyes, smirks a devilish grin, then turns his left hand into a demonic claw and claws the screen into the next scene.

We see the some of the X-Men inside a van in front of a hospital.

Wolverine: This really necessary?

Professor X: Yes, Logan. The boy, Cody, is the key to finding our rogue. But he's unconscious, and his mind is elusive. (Shows a hospital room with Cody, his family, and his best friend Ty in it as Jean walks in wearing a nurse outfit.) To isolate his memory patterns, I need someone on the inside.

Ty: (Jean place her hand on Cody's head) He'll be OK, right? You'll help him?

Jean: Yes. We will.

Jean sent Cody's memories to Professor X as he knew exactly where she'd be. Then we see Monster on the roof of the hospital as Professor X speaks to him telepathically.

Professor X (telepathy): Monster!

Monster (Thoughts): What's up, Prof?

Professor X (telepathy). I want you to go ahead of us and find her. Be careful and try not to get spotted while in your monster form.

Monster (thoughts): Got it! I'm on my way.

Monster starts running of the roof top. He jumps of the edge and started to transform. His body started to get all hairy as he started to grow wings from his arms. He started to grow a small muzzle and fangs as his ears started to grow big and over his head. His feet started to turn into claws until we finally see that he completely transformed into a monsterous bat as he did a bat like screech. Then he started to fly into the night sky so no one can see him.

Meanwhile we see the limbo stop in front of the house.

Irene: Now what? (Puts a hand on Mystique's shoulder) You won't her, will you? After all, Raven, She's your-

Mystique: I know, Irene. I know. (The driver opens the door) Trust me. She will come with us willingly, (Turns into Wolverine) Given the right incentive. (Looks at Damian) Damian, keep watch and make sure no one interferes.

Damian: Just don't have too much fun.

Mystique goes inside the house in her disguise. Then we see Damian sniffing as he just picked up something then grins his devilish grin.

Damian: So you finally arrived.

Damian opens the door to the other side of the limbo.

Irene: Where are you going.

Damian: I'm gonna take care of some business.

Then his eyes turned red with flames coming out on him as he gets on all fours and leaped towards them as he grew a muscle and fangs as fur grew and horns from his body and his hands and feet turned to paws with sharp claws. Making him look like a demonic wolf. Damian ran towards the scent to find who he's looking for.

Meanwhile we see the girl looking at Cody's photo album while sitting on his bed.

Girl: All this is, uh... Me? Mine? (Puts the album down and walks to a mirror on a dresser) But, which me am I?

The girl gets aggravated and knocks everything on the dresser off. Then we see Mystique as Wolverine kick the door open.

Girl: Who-Who are you and what do you want?

Mystique (Wolverine's voice): You, girlie. (Brings out claws) I want you!

Mystique charges at the girl and leaps towards her as she moved out of the way, causing Mystique to crash through the the closet door.

Mystique (Wolverine's voice): (walks towards her) Stand still. I'll make this quick. You're dealing with the X-Men now, and you ain't got a chance.

Girl: (picks up a piece of wood) X-Men? I don't understand. I just want you to leave me alone! (Hits Mystique in the head and runs off)

Meanwhile we see Monster in his monster bat form in the sky. We see him land in a tree and hangs upsidedown.

Monster: That girl has to be around here somewhere.

Then all of the sudden we see Damian as a demon wolf pounce on him, causing the both of them to land on the ground. Damian was about to bite Monster until he lets out a supersonic screech, launching him off him.

Monster: (gets up and turns back to normal) Damian...

Damian: (gets up and turns back to normal while smirking) Hello brother.

Monster: (Walks in a circle)  I should have known you'd be here. The question is, why?

Damian: (walks in a circle) I'm just here for a mission of my own. Taking you down will be a bonus for me.

The two stop and stare at each other. Then they charge at each other as their eyes glow.

Meanwhile We see Wolverine, Nightcrawler, and Shadowcat looking for the girl in an alley.

Shadowcat: So does this, like, bite or what?

Wolverine: The Prof says the girl's mind is confused and difficult to pinpoint. (Opens a dumpster) So keep lookin'.

Then we see Wolverine sniffing around.

Nightcrawler: Vhat, got a scent?

Wolverine: Yeah. I smell fear.

Back with the girl, we see her about to jump over a fence as Mystique was behind her now disguised as Storm.

Mystique (Storms voice): (grabs a grenade and pulls the pin) One well-placed lighting bolt, (tossed the grenade at the girl) One ex-mutant.

The girl jumps off the fence as the grenade explodes over her. The girl lands right in front of Irene.

Irene: Rogue. It's me, Irene. Try and remember.

Rogue: [panting] Who? Wait. Irene. Yes, but... I'm so confused. Strange thoughts in my head. (Shows flashbacks of Mystique attacking her as Wolverine and Storm) People chasing me.

Irene: Easy. Easy, honey. The police are coming. (Reached out her hand to help her up.) The X-Men will not risk a confrontation.

Rogue: The X-Men? (Takes Irene's hand)

Irene: (Helps Rogue up) Yes. Mutant hunters. Now hurry. I have a friend who can help you. I'll take you to her.

Rogue: I don't know. All of this is happening so fast. I don't- (Sees Wolverine, Nightcrawler, and Shadowcat running towards her) It's him! The one who attacked me! (Runs off as one of her gloves was pulled off) Run, Irene. Run!

Wolverine: (goes after her along with the other two) That's gotta be her.

They all pass Irene as she held on to one of her gloves. Rogue hops over a fence to get away from them

Rogue: Please, leave me be!

Nightcrawler teleports right in front of Wolverine to stop him.

Nightcrawler: Wolverine, wait. She seems to be terrified by you. Let me try.

Wolverine: [Sigh] OK, kid. Just don't mess up, capiche?

Nightcrawler: (salutes) Yes, sir. (Runs off)

Wolverine: I'll go find the Prof and see if Monster is with him. And squirt, (Nightcrawler stops and turns around) put on your best face. (Nightcrawler gives him two thumbs up then puts on his human disguise then runs off.) No sense freakin' the poor kid out than she already is. (Shadowcat runs past him.) And keep an eye on the half-pint here.

Shadowcat: (stops and turns to Wolverine.) Hey!

Back with Rogue, we see her in a back yard running away and passed by a swing tied to a tree branch. Then Kurt teleports on to the swing.

Kurt: Guten tag, fräulein. (Good afternoon, miss) (Rogue turns around and gasps) Please, don't be frightened. (Teleports off the swing and on to a bird bath.)

Rogue: What do you want?

Kurt: To help you. (Hops off the bird bath) We're the good guys. Especially me.

Then we see Shadowcat phasing through the fence.

Shadowcat: Half-pint? I'll show him.

Shadowcat sees Kurt talking to Rogue.

Kurt: I was like you once. Alone, unsure of what I was. Afraid to show my face. Can you believe it?

Shadowcat: (walks over to them) She doesn't look so tough to me.

Shadowcat tried to sneak up on Rogue until Kurt tried to stop her.

Kurt: Kitty, no!

Shadowcat tackled Rogue on to the ground as Rogue gets a memory of Cody's doing Wrestling on how to knock off an opponent. She knocks off Shadowcat then gets up. Kurt grabs her by her arms until she hit his watch and he turns back to Nightcrawler. Freaked out by his appearance, she pushed him away by placing her bare hand on his face. Doing this, she ended up absorbing both his memories and his powers until he lets go of her and passed out. Rogue teleports away as Shadowcat tries to wake up Nightcrawler.

Shadowcat: Nightcrawler?  Nightcrawler! Kurt? Kurt!

Scene change brought you by Damian transforming into his wolf form, then pounced on to the reader. He growls at the reader then chomps down into the next scene.

We see Rogue teleport into a graveyard.

Rogue: What just happened? Where am I? Ich verstehe Deutsch? (I understand German?) I can speak German? The fuzzy one, Kurt. I'm him. Like I was Cody. I think I'm catchin' on now.

Rogue starts looking around the graveyard.

Rogue: But how did I-? (Teleports from the ground and reappear on top of a tomb) [Gasps]

Then Rogue tried to teleport again and she started having fun by teleporting all over the place in the graveyard until she land on a concrete bench but it was so old that it fell apart.

Rogue: When is this all gonna end?

Meanwhile we see Shadowcat trying to wake up Nightcrawler.

Shadowcat: Say something, Kurt. Please. Tease me, scare me, anything. Oh, please don't be dead. Come on, Kitty. Ok. What would Wolverine do? I mean, besides dice up, like, half the landscape. Wait. The professor can read minds, right? [Thinking] Maybe he can hear my thoughts.

Meanwhile we see Professor X, Cyclops, Jean, and Storm grouped somewhere near by.

Professor X: Odd. The trail seems to have gone suddenly cold. I can no longer read Cody's brainwave patterns.

Jean: But if he's gone, then-

Professor X: Then it may simply mean the effect of transference is temporary. Our problem now is to find the girl.

Wolverine: (hops over a fence) Try about ten gardens due west. Kurt's trying to keep her from bolting. (Looks around) and where's F/N?

Professor: Odd, I thought he would be with-

Kitty (thoughts): Professor! Professor!

Professor X: Kitty. Kitty? Not-not so loud. [Telepathically] Slowly, please. Order your thoughts.

Shadowcat [Thinking]: It's Kurt. She hurt him. She did something to him!

Professor X [Telepathically]: Stay where you are, Kitty. Help is on its way. [Out loud] Wolverine, it's Nightcrawler. The rogue has his mind and his abilities.

Wolverine: [Growls] (Takes out his claws) This is my fault. I shouldn't have let the little squirrel in charge. (Hops over the fence.)

Professor X: I'm getting a clear reading now on Kurt's brainwave patterns. And it seems that Monster is close by. I'll try to contact him.

Meanwhile we see Monster tumbling on the ground as his wolf form. He gets back up and transforms back in his human form with out his gloves as we see Damian in his wolf form.

Damian: Had enough, brother?

Monster: In your dreams, Damian.

Professor X [Telepathically]: Monster, where are you? Why haven't you returned?

Monster [Thoughts]: Sorry Prof. But I'm dealing with family problems right now.

Professor X: Well you must hurry, the rogue is near your location.

After Monster heard that, he decided to end his fight quickly, so he turned into his snake form and spit acid in Damian's eyes.

Damian: AHHHHHHHHH!!!! (Turns back to normal and rolls on the ground holding on to his face.)

Damian gets back as his face starts to heal. He turns around to see that Monster is gone.

Damian: Well played, brother. Well played.

Damian runs off to find Mystique as we see Monster behind a tree as he digs himself out from a hole he made as a mole monster. He transforms back into his human form. He starts sniffing around until he picked up something.

Monster: I think I've got her scent. She's at the nearest graveyard.

Professor X: Alright, I'll send the others and-

Monster: Actually Prof, I wanna talk to her alone. Just for a bit.

Professor X: Are you sure?

Monster: If anyone knows what she's going through it's me, she needs to talk to someone who had the same experience.

Professor X: Well... Alright. But do be careful, Monster. She's more focused each time she uses her power.

Monster: Got it.

Monster runs towards the graveyard to search for Rogue.

Scene change brought to you by Monster turning into his monster mole form then digs his way into the next scene.

We see Rogue sitting in front of a tombstone until she hears someone walking towards her. She sees Monster walk towards as she gets up.

Rogue: (Backs up a little) Stay away from me.

Monster: (Gets closer) Relax, I just wanna talk.

She backs up some more until she tripped. Monster quickly grabs her before she fell on the ground.

Monster: Are you alright?

Rogue: Y-yeah.

The two then looked down at their hands to see that they're physically touching each other. And yet, nothing is happening. Monster didn't transform and Rogue isn't gaining his memories or his power.

Monster: Is... something supposed to happen to you? Because I know something is supposed to happen to me.

Rogue: I think so.

They let go of each other's hands and looked at each other. Rogue grabs her head.

Rogue: Oh, these memories. I'm so confused.

Monster: I know the feeling. I can relate.

Rogue: F/N. You're F/N Nelson. You're like the others!

Monster: Hold on there. If you know who I am, then you know I'm not gonna hurt you. Listen, I know exactly what you're going through. Your scared, you feel like you can't trust anyone, you don't know what's real or fake. But if you ever wanna talk, use this.

Monster gave Rogue a communicator. Rogue hesitated on taking it. But for some reason, she felt like she could trust Monster. So she takes the communicator as Monster gave her a genuine smile.

Monster: I'm not gonna ask you to join us straight of the bat, but to just think about it. (Walks off) Remember, if you do decide to join, give me a call.

As Monster walks off, Rouge looks at the communicator and smiles. Unknowingly to her, she was being watched by Mystique and Damian. Damian runs up to her as as Mystique watches getting an idea on what's he's trying to do.

Damian: There you are! (Rogue looks at Damian.) We where looking all over for you.

Rogue: F-F/N? I thought you already left.

Damian: Oh no, my twin brother found you before I did. Did he ask you to join him? Please tell me your not planning on joining him and his group. Oh wear are my manners, I'm Damian Nelson. You must be Rogue. Irene told me about you so we can take you somewhere safe.

Rogue: Alright, but why shouldn't I join him?

Damian: Not only is he a mutant hunter, but he plans on using the mutants they captured for his own personal army. (Rogue looks at him in shock) I tried to reason with him and have him join us, but he says that he rather make an army of mutants to attack the humans so that they would be better off treating them like gods. So please, don't make the same mistake as my brother. Don't fall into the wrong path.

Rogue looked at Damian in a shocked manner. Could F/N really be all that bad as Damian says he is.

Damian: I'll let you think about it. Just take what I said to heart.

Damian walks off as Mystique smirks behind a statue, getting an idea. Meanwhile we see Shadowcat with Nightcrawler.

Shadowcat: Come on, Kurt. Wake up. You know, I'm.. I'm still not big on facial hair, but, like, the pointy ears are starting to work for me.

Back with Rogue we see her thinking until we see Mystique disguised as Cyclops running towards her.

Mystique (Cyclops' voice): Thought you could escape us, did you? You should've taken Monster's offer when you had the chance.

Rogue runs away as she bumps into the real Cyclops. She gets confused and pushed him out of the way as he lands on the ground and blasted the power lines with his laser vision, causing it to explode. After seeing this, Rogue runs off as Cyclops gets back up. She ran into Mystique as Jean.

Mystique (Jean's voice): You should've listened to Monster. I guess some people just won't be helped!

Mystique raised her hand as Rogue teleports into the air and started to fall until she teleports closer to the ground. She sees Monster run up to her.

Monster: Hey, are you alri-


Monster: (stops) Huh?

Rogue: (backs up) I thought I could trust you.

Storm: (walks behind her) Child, what is it. (Reached her hand towards her) We're you're friends.

Rogue grabs Storm's arm with her bare hand as they both screamed in pain. She lets go of storm as the others ran towards her as lightning started striking down.

Cyclops: Hey, what's with the effects? Is-? Oh no. No!

Rogue floats up into the air as she started to create a thunderstorm. Jean creates a force field over her and Cyclops.

Jean: I can hold it off a little.

Cyclops: Give it up. She's got Storm's powers, but not her control.

The storm Rogue was creating started destroying the graveyard. Lightning struck the power lines.

Cyclops: The power lines. If they hit that water, Storm will be fried!

Monster: I got her!

Monster ran to Storm who's laying down in a puddle, and lift her up and quickly ran away before the power line hit the water. Then we see Rogue struggling with Storm's powers.

Rogue: Too much power! I can't control it. I have to-

Before she could finish her sentence, she teleports away from the graveyard causing the storm to die down.

Monster: That was crazy.

Professor X along with everyone else went up to the four.

Cyclops: Wha- what do you think happened to the rogue?

Professor X: Ah. She's gone... somewhere. Her mind is jumble. I can't trace it.

Monster: Hmm...

Professor X: Something on your mind, Monster?

Monster: The weirdest thing happened, Prof. I physically grabbed her hand before she fell. But nothing happened. I didn't transform nor did she get my powers and memories.

Everyone looked at him in shock.

Professor X: That's very peculiar. And I strongly suspect the hand of another at work here.

Wolverine and Monster sniffed around.

Wolverine: Mystique and-

Monster: Damian, aka the Demon. I should've known those two would be working together.

Cyclops: The Demon?

Monster: His powers are similar to mine, except he turns into demons. And he's also my brother.

Shadowcat: Then we have to go after them.

Professor X: There's been enough damage done today. And the girl must come of her own free will, or not at all. And we must first tend to our own.

Storm and Nightcrawler start to wake up. Wolverine puts Nightcrawler down.

Nightcrawler: Huh? (Looks around.) Looks like I missed quite a party.

Shadowcat: Kurt! You're all right! (Hugs Nightcrawler as he was about to faint) Easy, you fuzzy elf. Everything is going to be just fine.

Nightcrawler looks at Monster.

Monster (mouthed): Fuzzy elf?

Time skip brought you by F/N and Rogue looking at their hand, thinking about what happened.

We see Cody awake in the hospital with his best friend Ty with a football in his hand.

Ty: What ever this was, try to shake it off quick, OK? (Gives him the football) The game against Jackson is next week, and the last thing we need is Stevens talkin' your position.

Then out the window we see the Blackbird flying in the air out the window. Meanwhile back at Bayville High, we see Raven talk to Rogue.

Raven: Welcome to Bayville High. I'm sure you'll be very happy here. Happy and safe.

Rogue: Sure. Thank you. (Walks out of the office.)

As Rogue left, the paperclip on the desk started jingling as we hear the mysterious man from before.

???: The girl has great power. Similar to Demon's. She is a fine addition to our side.

We see the man behind Raven as she turns into Mystique.

Mystique: Yes. Thanks to his help, we were lucky to get to her first.

???: Indeed. You are certain any residual memories of the three X-Men have faded?

Mystique: Positive.

We see Rogue as she looks at the communicator that Monster gave her as she was thinking about him after everything fades to black.

(A/N: Wow, what a twist! What was your favorite part? Let me know in the comments below. And be sure to hit that vote button so more people can see and I'll see you guys on the next episode!)

Next episode: Mutant Crush.

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