Episode 2: The X-impulse
We see a house in the middle of the night as we zoom in to a bedroom window while we hear thunder. We go into a room to see a caucasian girl with brown hair in a ponytail sleeping in bed with a book over her legs as we hear more thunder while the wind blew through the room. Then we see the girl's dream as she was flying through the sky until she started to fall while screaming until she got the ground and woke up to find herself in the basement. Then her parents walks down into the basement to see her crying.
G/D (the girl's dad): What happened? (Hugs her along with her mother) Were you sleepwalking?
Girl: No. I fell. I just... I-I fell through the ceiling. (Cried in her mother's arms)
Meanwhile we see Cerebro detecting a mutant.
Cerebro: Discovery. Mutant signature. (Shows the location) the second detection in this vicinity. (Shows the girl) Extrapolation complete. Identity confirmed. Name, Kitty Pryde. Residence, Northbrook. Age 15.
We see Charles put down his helmet as we see the girl known as Kitty crying in her mother's arms.
Kitty's Mom: Now, now, dear. I'm sure you were just having a nightmare.
As the mother was trying to calm down Kitty, the father looks up at the ceiling.
Kitty's Dad: I... don't think so.
Then we see Kitty's pillow and blanket hanging through the ceiling as everyone looked.
Kitty: What am I? What's happening to me?
Then we see Charles with Cerebro as he made a call.
Charles: Prep the Blackbird.
After Charles said that, everything fades to black.
We see a School bus pass Bayville High as student were going in. Meanwhile we see Kurt running towards the school while eating a breakfast burger.
Kurt: (looks at watch) [Ah!] Late again.
Kurt looks around his surroundings then teleported near the school entrance. He sneeks his way towards the entrance until he sees the principal in front of him.
Kurt: [Ah!] Miss Darkholme!
Darkholme: (grabs Kurt's arm with the watch on it and looks at it) [Hmm.] Watch isn't slow. (Lets go of arm) Must be you. Another tardy, Mr. Wagner, and I'm enrolling you in my after-school group.
Then we see Scott walk out the door.
Scott: Hey, light a fire under it, kid. Your teacher sent me to look for it. (Pushes Kurt towards the door while looking at Darkholme) Miss Darkholme. (to Kurt) Stopped off for another breakfast burger gut bomb, didn't you?
Kurt: What can I say? it's an addiction.
Meanwhile we see Kitty at her house, tiptoeing her way towards the door to go to school. She opens the door as her hears her mother.
Kitty's Mom: Dear? I thought we agreed you were staying home today.
Kitty: Yeah, well, like, what's the point, you know? You guys don't want to talk about talk about it. And I'll, like, totally go crazy sitting around here.
Mrs. Pryde : But should you really be at school?
Mr. Pryde: (in the distance) Kitty? Honey, where are you?
Kitty: Please, Mom. Dad'll make me stay.
Kitty's mother looks away and thinks for a bit until she looks back at her daughter.
Mrs. Pryde: All right. Go on.
Kitty blows her mom a kiss then heads off to school as her mother sees her go off. Meanwhile we see the Blackbird in the air as we see the inside as Jean, F/N, and Charles inside.
Jean: Why just F/N and I? Why not all of us?
F/N: Yeah, and why bring me along? Just Jean would've been fine.
Charles: Because you two are the ones who can connect with this girl.
Jean: [sigh] I hope so.
F/N: Same here. But how about the other kid Cerebro found? The one in the foster home.
Charles: Yes. Lance Alvers. Let me worry about that. I like you two to focus on Kitty's parents. Remember, you two are model of what we're offering them. No pressure.
F/N: Whatever you say, Prof.
Jean: [hehehe] And to think I passed a nice, relaxing midterm for this.
Timeskip brought you by F/N laying on his bed, relaxing while listening to a Nickel Back CD on his CD player.
We see Kitty's mother and father talking to the three.
Mrs. Pryde: What are you talking about? How do you know Kitty?
Jean: Please, may we come in for a moment? We'll answer all your questions and anything you need-
Mr. Pryde: Excuse me, miss. You can talk to us out here.
Charles: Very well. I think you know Kitty is going through a very unique transition. We simply want to help her through it. Why don't you tell us about last night?
The parents looks at Charles with a shocked expression then at each other.
Mr. Pryde: Last night is none of your business! Please, just leave us alone!
The two walk inside their house and shuts the door.
Jean: Huh. Next time, let's just call and get hung up on. Less hassle.
F/N: So what now, Prof?
Charles: You two need to make contact with Kitty directly at her school.
Meanwhile we see Logan cleaning his motorcycle. As he did, he turns around as we see another motorcycle coming his way. Logan started sniffing as he reconized the sent of who it belonged to.
Logan: Sabertooth.
Then we see Sabertooth riding his motorcycle on his way to Logan.
Sabertooth: Wolverine.
Then we see Logan suit up into his Wolverine outfit. After that he puts on his helmet and gets on his motorcycle and heads into the city as he passes Scott and Kurt.
Kurt: What's up with Logan?
Scott: Wow! That man is packing some serious attitude.
Kurt: Want to follow him?
Scott: Let's go!
The two head into the garage as Kurt runs up to a van.
Kurt: Should we take the X-Van?
Scott: [Uh] a lower profile, I think. (Runs to his car) And cooler, besides. (Hops into his car and starts the engine.) You coming?
Kurt: (teleports into the car) Hit it!
Scott floors it as we hear his tires squeal.
Scene change brought you by Monster turning into a monster snake as he wraps around you with his tail and goes to bite you as the scene changed to the next.
We see Kitty's school as the bell rings and we see a bunch of students walking through the halls while chattering. Then we see Kitty heading to her locker. she opens it and put her books it, then grabs her gym bag as we see two teenage girls looking at her.
Girl: Riley, check the Kitty pity party.
Riley: [heh heh] Dreading P. E., no doubt. Probably the only class she's not acing.
Girl: Let's [uh] give her some time off, [hmm?]
The girls go towards Kitty, push her into the locker and lock her in.
Girl: World closing in on you, Kitty?
The girls laugh while running off.
Kitty: (bangs on the looker) Hey! Let me out, you jerks! [Ah!] Open this door! Somebody open this door!
Meanwhile we see a teenage boy walks out of the boys bathroom white a can of spray paint in his hand.
He goes by the lockers while whistling and spray them with paint. Kitty hears this and tries to get his attention.
Kitty: [huh?] Hey! Who's out there? (Bangs on the locker) Can you hear me? (Shows the boy spraying the lockers) Let me out!
Then Kitty phased through the locker, knocking the boy away from the locker. Kitty sits up and looks at her hands in shock while the boy spoke up as we see paint on his face.
Boy: Hey, you see what you just did?
Kitty: (gets up) What? I-I, like, just fell out.
Boy: (gets up) Yeah, man, right through the door. That is so cool!
Kitty: (slowly backs away) You're crazy!
Kitty tried to run off until the boy grabs her by the arm.
Boy: No, no. Wait a minute. I'm the one guy around here who gets the beauty of it, 'cause you're just like me. Really!
Kitty looks at him in disbelief.
Boy: All right then. Check this.
The boy reaches out his hands as he caused the whole place to shake as if there was an earthquake started. He made all of the lockers open as Kitty saw this with a shocked expression. She stops and starts panting.
Boy: Getting the picture?
Kitty: No! You're just, like, some freak! Leave me alone!
Kitty runs away from the boy as he was left alone.
Boy: You can run, but you can't hide. 'Cause I'm gonna rock your world.
Time skip, brought you by the boy causing an avalanche into the next scene.
We see the two girls from before exercising outside.
Girl: And one, two..
Riley: Hey, Amy, check who got out.
We see see Kitty in her gym outfit running across the track as the couch blows her whistle.
Coach: Pryde, you're late.
Kitty: Sorry, coach. I was, like, [um] having trouble with my locker.
Coach: All right, you three. To the long jump. Pryde, you're tardy, so you're first.
Kitty walks towards the long jump. Meanwhile we see two boys jump down on top of the school. One of them gets to a skylight entrance to try to get in, until he sees something as the other one gets. Behind him.
Boy 1: (nudged boy 2) Shut up with the clotting around.
Boy 2: (nudged boy 1) Stow it, Griff! Can we just in through here or not?
Griff: Not. It's wired into the alarm system.
Boy 2: Now what, Alvers? (Shows Lance, the boy from earlier, looking at someone on the building) We got, like, no way in this stinking office, and mid-terms start in the morning.
Griff: (walks towards lance along with the other boy) Yeah, and exam answers ain't exactly gonna fetch a prime price after the test. Can't you just, you know, make a door?
Lance: (looks at Griff) Sure. And have them know we were in? They'll change the tests! (Looks back at someone else) I got a sweeter idea... (Shows Kitty) her.
Griff: What? Are you gonna have her long jump through the wall? Come on, get serious.
Lance: (grabs Griff by the arm) You riding me, Griff? Huh? (Squeezes his arm as he caused the whole place to shake) Are you?
Griff: Sorry, man. I-I-I was just-
Boy 2: Whoa, whoa. It's cool , Lance.
Lance: You two losers just line up the customers. (Looks at Kitty) I'll snatch the answers.
We see Kitty try to do the long jump until she trips and falls on her face. She gets up and hits the dirt with her hand.
Amy: [Meow] Kitty-cat's got a tember.
Riley: Take notes, Pryde. This is how athletes do it.
Riley starts her turn and starts running as we see lance about to use his powers. As Riley jumps in the air, Lance caused sand to burst under her, causing her to fall and a bunch of sand fell on her.
Kitty: Huh?
Kitty looks up to see Lance on top the school with the other two boys as he waves at her. Kitty backs up and runs off until she bumps into F/N and fell down.
F/N: (leans over and offers a hand) Hey, you alright?
Kitty: (blushes) Uh, y-yeah. (Takes his hand as he pulls her up and takes off)
F/N: Hmm...
Jean: (walks behind him) Did you find her?
F/N: I did, then she took off.
The two look at the direction as we see those two girls grab both of F/N's arms.
Amy: Hey there, handsome~.
Riley: Why worry about Pryde when you can be with us.
F/N: Oh I'm sorry but, (pushes them off) I don't associate with bitches.
F/N walks off along with Jean to find Kitty.
Meanwhile we see Kitty enter a stage then she goes to kick one of the chairs on the stage. Then she sits on the edge of the table, causing it to lean as the bowl of fruit gets tossed in the air. She tries to catch it but the bowl goes right through her hands. She gets her knees to touch the bowl to see that it's solid. She looks at her hand then puts it through the bowl again.
Jean: Kitty?
Kitty stops what she was doing to see F/N and Jean.
Jean: Kitty, are you all right?
Kitty backs up as they walk towards the stage.
Kitty: That Rah-Rah-Riley a friend of yours? (Leans on a nearby wall) 'Cause, you know, like, (grabs a mask hanging on the wall) I had nothing to do with what happened out there in the sandpit.
F/N: (walks on to the sage with Jean) We know, and we're not Riley's friends.
Kitty: Well, you two look like you'd be her friends. (Puts the mask over her face)
F/N: Oh please, as if I'd be friends with someone like her.
Jean: And there's no need for masks. We know what's going on.
Kitty: You two, like, don't know anything! And neither does that creepy guy out there!
F/N: Lance? Forget about him. This is about you.
Jean: You and your wonderful new gift.
Kitty: [sighs] I don't have any gifts, just a curse.
Jean: Only if you let it be. We'd like to help you understand it. Together we-
Kitty: Look! I don't want any of this! It's, like, hard enough just being, you know?
Jean: Kitty, look, I want you to watch me for a second. Please?
Kitty watches Jean as she brings her hand up as she used her psychic powers to take the mask out of Kitty's hand and put it on the wall.
Kitty: Whoa. How'd you do that?
Jean: The same way you can pass through walls
F/N: And the same way I can do this.
F/N brings up his arm as his index finger connected with this middle finger and his ring finger with his pinkie. They grew claws along with his thumb as his whole arm grew scales.
F/N: (puts his arm down as it turns back to normal) I can turn into a bunch of different monsters depending on who or what I touch physically.
Jean: Just like you, one morning I woke up, and I had this power. And trust me, I hated it too.
Kitty: I... I don't believe any of you! This is a trick!
Jean: No. No you do believe us. I know because of my other ability.
F/N: She can read your thoughts.
Kitty: No! Stay out of my head! No! (Runs off)
Jean: Kitty! Wait!
Kitty shuts the door to the back stage, leaving Jean and F/N alone. Then we see two arms grab their shoulders. They turn around to see Lance.
Lance: Piece of advice, red and H/C. I'm the only friend that girl's gonna need. And I'll be teaching her what's what. So you two just back yourselves off.
Lance shoved them away while we see F/N get angry.
F/N: (eyes glow yellow as he tries to get to him) Why you little sh-
Jean: (grabs F/N's shoulder) F/N, don't! We don't need to cause any trouble.
F/N: (takes a deep breath then sighs as his eyes turned back to normal) You're right.
Meanwhile we see Kitty grab her books from her locker as we see Lance behind her and poke her shoulder. She turns around and sees that it was him and gets in a fighting position as she drops her books.
Lance: Easy. I won't shake things up, I promise. (Picks up her books and hands them to her) I'm [uh] my name's Lance. We should really talk.
Kitty: Why can't everyone just, like (snatched her books away), leave me alone?
She slammed her locker and walks away.
Lance: You feel sick inside every time you think about it, don't you? (Kitty stops) You want it to go away, but it won't. You're afraid of what might happen. Your parents are clueless. Probably ashamed. And being alone don't help.
Kitty: (turns around) What? Are you, like, reading my mind too?
Lance: No way. (Walks towards her) It's... just that I've been going through it myself. You know, trying to figure it out. (Kitty walks away) But I've learned how to control it. Meet me outside the office in an hour. I'll show you how.
Meanwhile we see Charles roll out of a building while talking on a cell phone.
Charles: Sounds like Lance could be trouble. If he bonds with Kitty, we may not be able to reach her.
Jean: (shows her on a bench while F/N is laying on the ground in the court yard) I agree, and he is reaching her.
Charles: You two have to stay with it. I don't want to lose her. Whatever obstacles get in the way, remember, they can be overcome. Xavier out. (Hangs up) Though some obstacles are more irritating than others. (Shows him over some stairs)
Scene change brought you by Wolverine brings out his claws and swipes them at the screen to the next scene
We see a parking lot back in Bayville while we hear tires squealing as a tire is shown on the screen. Then we see Scott in his car along with Kurt.
Kurt: [Ah!] I've lost him. (Smacks car)
Scott: Hey, hey! Watch the door panel! They're smudge resistant, not dent resistant.
Kent: (points up) There!
We look up to see Wolverine on the roof of a parking lot. Looking for someone. Then we hear a motorcycle approaching until we see Sabertooth on his motorcycle leaping from a rooftop towards Wolverine as he jumped out of the way.
Sabertooth: Unfinished business, runt.
Wolverine: Bring it on, pops. (Brings out claws) Bring it on.
Sabertooth charged at Wolverine in his motorcycle until Wolverine dodged and sliced his front tire off, causing him to fall off the building. He caught the side of it and climbed into one of the floors, meanwhile we see Scott and Kurt hang on to each other as Kurt teleports them away and what's left of Sabertooth's bike lands on Scott's car, destroying it in the process. They reappear next to the car.
Scott: [Gasp] My car!
Wolverine looks down until we hear a boom. Then a car got tossed right under him, tossing him in the air. We see Sabertooth under him as he picked up another car and tossed it up at Wolverine, tossing him up again. He lands on the roof as it fell apart, causing him to fall on the same floor as Sabertooth. Then we see Sabertooth push a car towards Wolverine, pinning him towards a wall.
Sabertooth: One shall fall by the other's hand. Our destiny, we can't change it.
Wolverine: I didn't know you went for that philosophy bull shit.
Sabertooth: Once I'm done with you, I'll go for those other two!
???: Hey, hairball! I got your destiny right here.
Then we see Cyclops fire at Sabertooth with his laser, causing him to let go of the car and hit a van. Then Wolverine pushed the car off him as Nightcrawler teleports and charge at Sabertooth until he bounced off him and lands on the ground.
Nightcrawler: Typical.
Sabertooth walks towards Nightcrawler until Wolverine pounced on him and slide towards an elevator. Wolverine brought out his claws until Sabertooth kicked him off of him as the Elevator closed. Wolverine sliced the elevator doors open as the elevator went down.
Sabertooth: A taste of things to come, Wolverine!
Then we see Cyclops and Nightcrawler run up to Wolverine.
Nightcrawler: [Ha!] We showed him. We are the X-Men!
Wolverine: I don't fight your battles, so don't fight mine.
Wolverine walks away, leaving the two teens alone.
Nightcrawler: [Ah] he loves us.
Cyclops: (sarcasm) Oh yeah. Big time.
Nightcrawler: What do you think that guy meant by, "go for those other two?"
Cyclops: Don't know, hopefully who ever they are, they can handle themselves.
Meanwhile, we see Kitty's school as Lance waits for her by the office.
???: H-H-How do you take control?
We see Kitty walk towards Lance.
Lance: By admitting something no one wants to cop to. That we are outsiders. That there is something wrong with us. (Kitty looks down in sadness) Hey, don't fret it, embrace it. The way I see it, fate dealt us winning cards, if we play them together.
Kitty: Nothing is making any sense.
Lance: That's why I'm here, to light your path. And the first step leads us right into that office.
We see Kitty faze through the wall. She sees what she did and gets excited. She goes towards the door and unlocks it to let Lance in.
Kitty: Did you see me? Did you?
Lance: (walks inside) Yeah. Wow, Kitty (close the door) . How did it feel?
Kitty: Oh, it was, like, totally unbelievable. (Hugs Lance)
Lance: You're making it yours, Kitty. Once you own it, nothing can own you.
Hearing this, Kitty smiled. Meanwhile we see Kitty's parents run towards the professor with Jean and Monster.
Mr. Pryde: Where is she?
Jean: She broke into the office.
Mrs. Pryde: She... she's never done anything like this before.
Charles: Jean, Monster, go with them. (They run off as Charles follow) I'll catch up.
Meanwhile we see Lance typing on the keyboard for the computer in the office.
Lance: [ha ha!] (Takes disc out of the computer) Test answers present and accounted for.
Kitty: That's what this is about? Cheating?
Lance: Hey, this shitty school uses these kind of tests to keep us down, Kitty. (Puts disk in jacket) No more! We take control. (Faces towards the computer) Now, let's modify some grades. Pryde. P-R-
Kitty: No!
Kitty stops Lance as he gets up from the chair.
Lance: Look, there's no victim here. We're just everything the score.
Kitty: This doesn't feel right. I-I've changed my mind. (Walks away) I wanna go.
Lance: (grabs Kitty) Whoa! Whoa. What are you doing? Come on, Kitty.
The door opens as we see Jean and Monster with Kitty's parents.
Mr. Pryde: Let go of my daughter!
Mr. Pryde run towards them until Lance spoke up.
Lance: Far enough, old man.
Lance uses his powers to cause the whole room to shake, making a bookshelf to fall over, Monster push him away before it lands on him.
Kitty: No! Stop!
Lance: They're just gonna confuse you, Kitty. (Drags her) We're out of here. (Cause the whole place to shake)
Mrs. Pryde: Kitty, please! We can work through this together.
Kitty: Let go of me!
Monster runs towards.
Lance: We're in control now. We make our own way.
Mr. Pryde: Kitty, I've pushed you to this. I know. I wanted to pretend nothing was wrong. I'm not perfect, I'm learning, just like you are.
Kitty: (tears up) Daddy?
Lance: Forget them! Come on! I'm bringing this place down!
Lance used his powers to cause the building to crumble. Jean kept the parents safe by using her psychic powers as Monster dodged all of the debris and tries to get closer to them.
Jean: You called your gift a curse.
F/N: But if you go with him, we guarantee you it will be.
Mrs. Pryde: Please, Kitty. Listen to them!
Mr. Pryde: Sweetheart, we love you!
Lance: They're too late. You're with me now.
They go through the hole Lance made until Kitty phased her arm out of his hand.
Kitty: No! I'm not!
Kitty runs off away from m him as he growls in anger. Then Monster punched him in the face, causing him to fall on his back. Lance looks at Monster in anger and caused some debris to fall on both him and Kitty. Seeing this, Lance runs off as the whole school falls down. We see Charles close by as he used his telekinesis to speak to Jean.
Charles: (telepathic) Jean, your powers. Use your powers.
Jean: (telepathic) What about Monster?
Charles: (telepathic) Don't worry, he has a plan.
Meanwhile while the professor helps Jean, we see Monster with Kitty under some debris.
Monster: You okay?
Kitty: Yeah, I'm fine.
Monster: You think you gen get us both out of here?
Kitty: I'm, like, not sure.
Monster: That's what I thought. (Takes off one of his gloves and reach out his hand) Grab my hand, one of my abilities requires me physically touching a fellow mutant.
Kitty: This isn't gonna, like, hurt me, right?
Monster: No it won't, I promise.
Kitty grabs Monster's hand for a second until he lets go and grabs his head as if he was in pain. He looks at his hands as they turned into claws and became shadowy along with his arms, then his body became shadowy along with growing a tale and his legs as his feet turned into claws. Then we see his face as it turns into a shadowy shape of a cat with yellow eyes as he let out a roar that should like a
Monster: (looks at claws) A shadow cat? How fitting. (Looks at Kitty) Let's get out of here.
Kitty: R-right!
Then we see Monster and Kitty phase through the debris.
Kitty: Whoa.
Kitty's parents see her safe and sound as she goes to them and give them a hug.
Monster: Everyone grab on to me. I'll phase us through.
We see Charles outside the debris as Monster phased them through.
Charles: Yes, Kitty. It is a gift, and you used it well. You even helped Monster.
Monster: Yeah, (transforms back) thanks a lot.
Kitty: (Hugs her mother) Mom, I'm so sorry. And, Daddy, these people, they, like, want to help me. I trust them.
Mr. Pryde: I know, sweetie. And so do I. (Looks at Charles) Professor, I think we have some things to talk about.
Charles: (smiles along with Jean and Monster) Yes, we do.
Time skip brought you by Kitty thinking about F/N.
We see some fire fighters taking care of the debris as Lance was watching far away as someone was behind him.
???: Such a shame. And I was rooting for you too. You had a wonderful speech about our abilities as well. I couldn't said it better myself.
Lance: And you are?
We see a 17 year old male with long (H/C) hair, (S/C) skin, and (E/C) eyes wearing a trench coat, jeans, and black leather boots.
(H/C) Male: Your new partner for someone who would agree with your way of thinking. And don't worry, thanks to another ally of ours, you have an opening at Bayville High. She has so much to teach you, young Avalanche.
The male grins an evil grin as everything fades to black.
(A/N: Aaaand done! I hope it was worth the wait. So what do you think? What was your favorite part? Let me know in the comments and I'll see you in the next episode!)
Next episode: Rogue Recruit
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