How he asks you out


You met up with Charles at the same spot the whole week but today he wasn’t there. You were getting worried so you called him (he gave you his number). After 2 rings he answered the phone.

“Hello this is Charles Xavier who am I speaking with” You smiled at his English accent.

“Hey Charles its (Y/N) are you alright? I thought we said to meet at the café” you asked a little bit unsure. Maybe you got the place wrong.

“I'm sorry (Y/N) but I’m busy at the moment” Well it would have happened eventually.

“O umm well sorry for calling you then.” You take the phone from your ear and were about to  end the call…

“Wait, love!!” you are confused but held the phone back on your ear. “Yeah?” you asked unsure.

“How about we meet again tomorrow” You nearly drop your phone but held onto it as you answer. “Y-yeah s-sure” you stutter. “How does 6 Pm sound to you??”

“Yeah that s-sounds great” You stuttered . “Alright I’ll pick you up in the front of the café we met, is that alright love?” You blush madly as he called you love.

"Yeah that sounds great I will see you tomorrow then” “I'm looking forwards to it love.”

“Goodnight Professor Xavier” you could hear him laugh at the other end of the phone. “Goodnight Miss (Y/L/N) ”he says before hanging up. You  smile to yourself as you walk out of the café to your small apartment, looking forwards to tomorrow night.


After the incident (Mister Brown doesn’t talk about it) the stranger just left and hasn’t shown himself since. But you just couldn’t get him out of your head though. You were walking home from another day of boring work when you saw the mysterious man sitting at one of the tables at a little café across the street. He was wearing a blue turtleneck at the moment with black sunglasses. His gaze fell on you and he motioned you over. You walked over and sat across from him. “I see you didn’t kill him, it’s a real shame” You said with a smirk. He however didn’t return it. “I'm looking for someone and you might know him” You turned your head slightly “If you want to know one of his companions, I have to disappoint you I started just a week ago” he nods and gets up. “But I might be able to hack into the security system and see find can find him” He sits back into his chair. “What would you like in return??” “A drink when I find it and your name would sufficed” “he smirks “That sounds like we have a deal miss, I’m Erik” he says while giving you a piece of paper and walking away. Erik…..


You where sitting in Hank’s lab working on a device to hack in nearly everything (It looks like a watch) when Hank stood up and walked over to you. “Wow t-that r-r-really impressive.” He stuttered. You smiled at him. “Thank you but it’s not that hard though.” You say before turning back to your work. Hank however didn’t moved and watched you work on it. “Umm(Y-Y/N)” You look up from your work again and look at Hank who was as red as a tomato. “M-may I see your m-mutation to analyze it for my r-research” “umm of course how about we meet at our spot in about an hour?” You say with a smile thinking about your spot at one of the larger vents in the ceiling. “Yeah I see you there” he smiles and walks away to his desk and starts working on his experiments. You watch him work for a moment before turning back to your work, not seeing Hank looking at you from behind his desk.  


You where watching as Sean was standing at the top of the mansion with some kind of weird suit Hank had made for him. You were standing in the garden beneath him. You held your fingers crossed hoping that it would work or at least that he didn’t fall and break his neck. He said something to Charles before he stood up straighter and stepped a little closer to the edge. He held out his arms like he was spreading his wings and jumped of the roof. You held your hands to your ears to avoid fainting but he didn’t get the chance to shout because he was falling to fast. He fell into the bush below leaving a Sean shaped hole. You gasped and ran to him. “Sean!!” You shouted as you made your way into the bush. You heard a grunt and walked closer to it. You gasped as you saw him laying there with leaves in his hair. You let out a laugh as you knelt beside him. “Sean??” you asked again. He looked at you and smiled. “Are you an angel??” he said soft. You blushed and whipped wiped a strand of ginger hair off his forehead. “No Sean it’s me(Y/N)” “(Y/N)?” You nodded and he smiled again. “I wanted to ask you something before but I didn’t dare...” You tiled your head in confusion. “What did you want to ask” “D-do you want to go out with me??” he said while you  helped him sit. “I would love to Sean but first let get you checked out I think you have a concussion. “you smiled. He started laughing but winched. “I think you may be right” he said while rubbing his red curls.


You where training with Alex at the moment because Charles thought that if you could take electricity from items that you maybe could absorb powers too. You were standing next to a female mannequin when Hank came in. “I made these things for you guys” he showed us some kind of disk and a bracelet. He gave you the bracelet and he and Charles hooked Alex up to the disk thing. You walked back to the mannequins and looked at the boys. “Alright Alex I want you to hit the middle mannequin and only the middle.” Alex nods. Charles and Hank starts walking out while you do some stretching. “Wooh wait a second she’s not staying” he said pointing at you. “No she’s not she is going the absorb your blast if it goes wrong.” Charles says to him. “No no no I want no one standing in between me and my target if I’m shooting. I don’t want her to get hurt.” “Alex I’ll be fine I trust you so you must trust me” Charles and Hank leave so it’s only you and an angry Alex. “Ready?” he asks. “Ready” he nods and you hold your hands in front of you. Alex relaxes and shoots his laser. A secular ray comes from his chest and shoots the mannequin, but he loses his balance and shoots the ray at the whole bunker including you. You scream as you feel the air being knocked out of you. The door opens and Hank and Charles walk inside. Charles walks in with a fire extinguisher. Hank moves to help Alex up but he runs to you. “(Y/N)!!!” You grunt an open an eye to see a worried Alex. “O my god(Y/N)are you all right? I already told you this would go wrong” You blink and rapidly sit up before fist pumping the air “That was AWESOME!!” You say while jumping  up. “W-What??”Alex stutters. “Alex I’m perfectly fine maybe a bruised butt but nothing more” Alex gives you a sheepish smile and shakes his head. “I still feel bad” “Well if you make me a nice dinner my butt will feel less bruised” You say while winking at him. “Deal” he says while nodding.

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