18: Life of an X-traterrestrial

Everyone rather expected that Mystique's official inclusion into this circle would have caused more waves than it did.

But, in fact, she caused far less problems than Kitty or even Kevin had.

Perhaps that was predictable; she'd spent her whole life learning how to blend into any group she was in, and even if she couldn't possibly have acted like an X-man, she could be non obtrusive.

Even as a prisoner there, she'd been quiet and tried to avoid interacting with them, and now it wasn't that different.

Only real change was she was not avoiding Shine, and she was far more compliant.

Even Scott said he was surprised that she'd accepted the situation so easily, but he supposed it had to do with it being an arrangement this time.

The kids weren't bothered by her either. They all knew she'd helped Kitty out, so they didn't feel scared about someone who would normally be considered a criminal staying around them.

Warren was, of course, not happy with it.

He half considered going home himself.

But here he realized that, in the months he'd been there, he'd gotten used to not being alone, and the idea of going back to it was almost unbearable. He had no life to speak of if he did. Here he had a haven.

He could put up with Mystique for that, he thought, even if he resented her inclusion.

Everyone else accepted it with little to no complaints. Gambit wasn't happy about it, but he kept it mostly to himself, knowing it would get him nowhere to complain.

Kitty, of all things, seemed to find a weird sort of solace in Mystique's inclusion. Perhaps because she was now not the most controversial choice of guests herself. Or maybe because Mystique didn't seem to care about her one way or the other, so she escaped the feeling of constantly annoying other people.

Shine found it amusing to watch Kitty sort of follow the older woman around, though at a distance. She wondered when Mystique would notice it herself. She seemed oblivious to anyone liking her.

Colossus also had no problem with Mystique, so at least two people were not making it awkward.

Compared to the first go-around, Mystique knew she was in a better position this way...but she was not at ease either.

Shine was the one person she seemed able to get along with fairly well...as she just gave up trying to fight with her now. 

It was only a day or so into the arrangement when all this had become clear to them, and they actually talked a little about it.

"It's weird, isn't it?" Shine said thoughtfully. "The moment when you realize you went from enemy to an accepted, if not always liked, facet of the house?"

"Why does that sound like you speaking from experience?" Mystique said oddly.

"Didn't I ever tell you how it went for us at first?" Shine said. "Huh....odd, I should have ages ago. Well, you will get a kick out of this story, and I give you permission to laugh at my frustration, because I probably will. The first day I got held at claw point and attempted power drained..."

She told her the whole story, from meeting Kurt, to going after Creed (a surprising turn), and then finding The Way and making some actual friends.

After this point Mystique knew the rest, but by the time she'd been caught, they'd almost started getting along, especially with Scott. 

"And then I almost got you kicked out," she said unceremoniously.

"Not just you," Shine said. "And I never blamed either of you for that."

"I remember," Mystique said. "But they did."

"Well, they do a lot I don't agree with." Shine shrugged. "But we are friends now, finally. Not even sure when it happened. Oddly, I have gotten quite fond of them too." She smiled wryly. "It's nice to have friends who act like adults. I mean, even my adult friends on the last mission could be quite childish. I have older friends in other places, but it's been years since I've seen them in person now..." She looked a little nostalgic for a moment.

Mystique had to wonder just how many places they'd been, and how much they'd seen that she couldn't have fathomed.

Made her shiver a little.

"So, ever met anyone like me?" she said dryly.

"How would you describe yourself?" Shine asked.

"I don't know. It wouldn't match whatever everyone would say," Mystique said. "I can be sure of that."

"You've figured me out, huh?" Shine said. "My trick of always doing what people don't expect."

"Didn't you tell me that was your trick?"

"I think I did.... Huh, did that one to myself, didn't I? Well, to answer your question...no, quite honestly, I haven't," Shine mused.

Mystique frowned. "Really? In who knows how many...no one has had the same...life course as me?"

"Why do you think so?" Shine said. "You think your experiences are common?"

"I would think so," Mystique said. "People never really change through the decades. I assume not between worlds either."

"You're right about that, but that isn't really what I meant," Shine said. "Your life is somewhat unique even among superhumans, which is how I'd classify most of the people I've met. For whatever reason I seem to be good with them, maybe because I see everyone as the same.  But you're not a category I can easily place."

Mystique gave her a wary look. "And why is that?"

Shine leaned on a table. "Well...someone who's lived so many lives...that's not something that most people can do. They go through life as themselves only. I've know plenty who switched from bad to good....and a few who went the other way, though, usually, I didn't know them that well--they wouldn't let me.... But someone who could start over multiple times, over and over...that's new."

She shrugged. "At least, who wasn't driven crazy by their power. You're quite lucky this world works different than the last I was in. I knew a girl--not well, mind you--who had to drink blood in order to transform."

Mystique gave her a disgusted look. "Please tell me that was hyperbole."

Shine shook her head. "They called it a quirk there.... I know I've slipped up and said it here, but so far no one seems to have noticed. It's a better name, isn't it though? Mutation sounds unnatural, but quirk sounds cute. I think that's why they adopted it. When everyone is becoming a mutant, no one wants to be thought of as one anymore."

Mystique thought about that. "Sounds like an easier world."

"It wasn't," Shine said. "It was worse than here. I'd much rather have the hostility be right in my face than be so ingrained in the system already that it would take decades alone to undo the mere assumptions they make, let alone the outright aggression. Imagine having to explain to a kid Jubilee's age that breaking their own bones and shorting out their brain in order to impress a crowd is, in fact, not something a normal society of people would encourage as healthy."

Mystique blinked. "That is a literal example. "

"Oh, yeah," Shine said. "You don't know how good you have it, comparatively. But who knows? Another 100 years may be that future.... That was about the time difference there. I do miss having cell phones, but other than that, it's quite nice to be in a simpler time. There, not having a power made you the freak. As you can imagine, I got the benefit of that." She shrugged. "Luckily, I can fight, but there was a rather soul crushing feeling that if I couldn't, I'd have been disqualified without a second thought, and it would have been final. Nothing I could have done to change it."

"And that is how mutants feel here," Mystique said, bitterly.

"Yes, but you have hopes of it changing," Shine said. "I had little hope of that there. The quirks would only grow more with every generation. It was teaching them to retain sanity amidst that kind of madness that was the trick." She shuddered. "And Raven, not to be morbid, but you quite possibly might live another 100 years, so...watch for it, all right? I got to tell Logan this also."

"And does that baffle you, the idea that we could see that, and you won't?" Mystique said.

"Who knows?" Shine said. "I'm not bound by time the way you are. But I am not free of it like God is. It's something in between... In between is always how DJs operate. C. S. Lewis captured it quite well in the wood between worlds in the Magician's nephew. That is always the idea...or the hall with doors in Alice in Wonderland. The place that time doesn't touch, because it's only to get you somewhere else, where time flows again, but not the same time."

She tugged her hair. "We must keep our connection to that in-between space at all times, or we may lose our grip. Once, someone almost destroyed mine by destroying my ability to link up with it. I think I was never closer to perishing than that time." She shook her head. "But it was how I met Wally, so I'm not sorry. But I never want to go through that again."

"So how did you get this ability?" Mystique asked.

"A long time ago now," Shine said. "But why does it matter?"

Mystique shrugged. "You know all about me, and I know nothing about you. I'm curious."

"Hm...you know, no one has asked us that much about ourselves," Shine said. "But then, they ask each other very little also, I notice. And we usually already know, so there's not much talk about it. Do you really want to know?"

"I'm not sure where else I'm going to find a story like this," Mystique said. "The only thing I can compare it to is Apocalypse, which you don't like, and he tells nothing."

"Because he does not want to reveal his weakness," Shine said, offhandedly. "Like the cowardly little worm that he is. But I don't fear you. If you really want to know, I can answer."

"Perhaps you should fear telling me," Mystique said. "I deal in secrets."

"I give no secrets power over me," Shine said. "Wally and I have both always been open books, and that it why we go well together. Only, if you ask him about himself, he will go on for long time about his Flash career, I warn you...not that I won't do the same thing, so be wary of getting into this."

"I doubt you could answer all of my questions," Mystique said. "But start with the power itself. What is it, really? Divine?"

"Of course," Shine said. "It's difficult to explain it, and that's the honest truth, not my dismissing it... Let me see..."

She sat down now and thought.

"Do you know how when you read, you immerse yourself in another world, and the rules of that story become normal to you, if only for a brief time? And your imagination is the only limitation? And the longer you read, the less limiting it is, especially with a good author? Take that feeling and multiply it by 10, and then imagine you could literally open a door and enter that experience."

She gestured widely. "Here I am."


["Lucid Dream" -- Owl City.]

"Really?" Mystique said. "So this whole thing..." She looked around. "...it's like living a story to you?"

"Yes...I've been told I seem more...awake, shall we say, than the average person," Shine said. "Observant, right? That's the reason. My mind is hooked up to this world with the same kind of intensity as it would be in a book. You can notice details in a story you don't notice in real life usually, unless you're a very gifted person. We have too much distracting us. But a DJ picks up this sort of focus. Now, I will say, it gets weaker with time. You start to blend in, and it becomes more like your own world. You're distracted. But at first, it's intense--so intense that we often get sick from it if it's too fast. And we experience lag the first day or so, tired, foggy...and then after that, hyper awareness."

She tilted her head. "Which goes away. But I do notice I get a little touchy those first few days. And then it's a huge help after that. Makes one heck of a first impression, but it's necessary. Sometimes we are thrown into the middle of a conflict, or world in chaos, that happened recently. If you didn't pick up on things at hyper speed, you'd never last. Being in a new world, can you imagine? Nothing is the same. We don't wander through Wonderland at an easy pace, like Alice did. If any DJ has had that leisure, I envy them a little. But I think I like it this way. I hate to be left out of the action for too long."

"Does it scare you?" Mystique asked, real quiet. "Going through that door, not knowing what you'll find on the other side?"

"It does," Shine said. "But I have this sense of exultation I get from nothing else, also. Interesting thing about World Walking...you feel you are in the palm of God's hand as you do it. The door wouldn't open without a purpose, and that's a kind of  assurance few people get all the time. We'd get spoiled on it if we only ever did missions--thank goodness we do ordinary stuff also--but it re-centers me...reminds me I have purpose...a high calling. And the fear is only part of the knowing, that if it is dangerous, it would be real. And you have to rely on God wholly, because we go in blind in some ways. No amount of research ever is enough to simulate the real thing." She shook her head. "Like with any foreign country, you know."

Mystique was listening in quite closely. Some of this she could understand.

"What would possess you to do something so insane?" she asked bluntly.

"Wouldn't you?" Shine said oddly. "The first time, I thought I was going mad. To think I could help another world--who was I? I was a nerdy teenager who never even went to public school and had few friends. How could I go somewhere out of my element and do anything about it? But God said to me, 'Do you think it's your power or Mine?' And I said, 'Yours.' And He said, 'Then what are you waiting for? Jump!'"

She closed her eyes, remembering. "That first time was dreadful...and beautiful.... I almost fainted from the shock.... I know how to steady myself now...but when I opened my eyes and I saw where I was, I knew. You'd always know, in the depths of your being, that you're in another world." She shook her head. "The air is different. But, funny, you don't feel any less human. I suppose that is what has always made me feel it's just me following God's lead. I'm not superwoman. But I always could do whatever I needed to do, and I'd know only as I did it. Gives people the impression I'm fearless and clever. Jokes on them--looking back on it, I never know why I did it.... Oh, I suppose my system adapts to it after a while. I know I act different at home now. You've seen enough, you know, but, even so, no new challenge ever feels like it's me."

She shrugged. "The experience is for repeating challenges and not bothering with them as much, not for new ones. Another mistake people make about life, I think. The whole point is that things are always new and always old at the same time. I do think we have a better sense of that than other people do. Keeps us humble and interested in the people around us, knowing that they will be be both like and unlike anyone we've ever met. And that comes back to you, doesn't it?"

She chuckled. "I told you I'd go on too long about this."

Mystique was mulling it over. "I see," she said finally. "I didn't before, but it's doing this that changed you, not being born different."

"I think so, but in all wisdom, I suppose it's both," Shine said. "I was always a little odd, you know. Strong willed, unafraid of things that other people are afraid of, and determined not to let people stop me from what I thought mattered.... I find all that is necessary to do this job. But power like this is not something you're born with, and I don't think it should be. What would an infant do with it? Some people in superhero worlds can phase and teleport, like Kurt and Kitty. And some in magic worlds can create spells that let them do the same. But no one is born with the knowledge and skills of what this is. You learn."

Mystique shook her head. "And what is it like, being around people who will not understand that?"

"I rather like it," Shine said. "I have always wish I was understood better as a person, and I think we all do. But I don't find I need anyone to understand what we do all that well. I like it being special. In fact, we're liable to like it too much. It's bad to become like a clique when you're world-shapers.... One thing I learned early on is that World Walkers are not allowed to mingle that much, unless they are a team. I have several friends who are varying shades of world travelers, and one who is on our level. Actually he recently married a friend of mine...which I am still coming to terms with." She made a very odd face. "But we can't visit that often. He lives in my world, but we only visit maybe every other year, if that much. Too much plotting and combining of power has made monsters of good men, I think. I have most unfortunately met a few nut jobs who let it get to them." She shrugged. "And so have you. Apocalypse is one of them."

"He's.... You think he's like you?" Mystique said.

"Oh, I doubt anything that refined," Shine said. "But he can portal, can't he? Stumbled on the power in some past, life no doubt, and it finished what was left of his sanity by then. I know the story by now. And I can read the signs. Those types always think they should run the world. Let's just agree if you ever hear me say that non-ironically, you can kill me. Or else stop me by whatever other means necessary."

"You...don't sound like you're kidding," Mystique said.

"I'm not." Shine looked dead serious. "I do not think it will happen to me--I have Wally, and we keep each other grounded. But all men are fallible. If it did, I have told my friends they must stop us, and quickly, while it's possible. But I think it's a good sign--if you tell people to keep you accountable, you are less likely to ever lose it. Those who don't do that are the ones in danger. No one should trust themselves so much they think they cannot fall into error.... I once talked about this to Wally's friend, Batman.... He has a contingency plan for all of his close friends and himself, in case they should turn. I asked him if he thought he ever would, and that is what he told me. No one should trust themselves enough to think they cannot make a mistake. I remember I told him that no one should doubt themselves so much they think they can do nothing right either. You should have seen the look he gave me."

She laughed. "Sometimes I think optimism is the hardest thing for people to accept, after all. But he's right, and I agreed. I was only trying to caution him against going the other direction--he's kind of a moody guy. But I think he's happier now than he's ever been, so that's good.... Can thank my friend Diana for that."

She tapped the table. "I think I've gone on long enough, though. Did I answer your questions?"

Mystique was thinking about it.

Then she said, "I still don't think everyone you are trying to help is going to respond, including me. Or why you do it the way you do, I don't understand that. But after hearing what you see it as, I will say this much: If I had to pick who I hoped would end up being right about all this, it would be you."

"Really?" Shine said. "You don't prefer Apocalypse's hellscape idea?"

"You mock me, but really, it was never a matter of what I thought was better," Mystique said. "I don't think much about it, as long as I make it somehow. I don't know that I think this sunshine and roses view of this power that you have is going to win out in the end--I only think it would be preferable to most people. Not that I'd help you.... There's not a lot in it for me."

"I would not bribe you," Shine said seriously. "I didn't tell you this to overawe you. That is not my way--or Wally's. In fact, he'd laugh at how somber I'm being.... This is why I need him here. I'm too inclined to these dramatic speeches.... But as for what's in it for you, only you can decide that. I don't beg people to join us, and I don't sell the truth. Proverbs says to buy the truth and do not sell it. Jesus said to give all you have, all you possess, for the truth of God's word. I think the message is clear. We cannot sell this to people. Only God can give it, and people must buy it from Him. We give it freely, the truth he gives us. But that's not enough. We always say 'get to know God for yourself', as David told Solomon, his son. Anyone who knows God, knows that sharing our truth with others only gets so far. One must have it inside of you. But if even the little taste of it they get from us makes them want more, how much more would the full thing?"

She shrugged. "I leave that up to God. You will fight Him, not me. But I'm not upset about it. Jacob wrestled with God, and he was the founder of Israel. Most of us argue with God at some point and fight him. I think God might prefer it to running from Him, honestly. I did that for years myself. Worst time of my life. I'd take the times I was arguing with God over that any day. When I got mad at God, I still felt like He was there...though He doesn't usually answer anger. But hiding from God is awful. And if you don't watch it, you end up eaten by a whale." That must have been a joke, because she was smirking.

"You know...like Jonah?" she said, seeing Mystique didn't get it.

"Am I supposed to know what that is?" Mystique said.

"Ye gads! I thought people at least knew the stories back then," Shine said.

Mystique rolled her eyes. "Sorry to disappoint you, but there's been little time for studying ancient religions in my life."

"Yes, in 80 years, you never had time to breathe," Shine said snarkily, "I'm sure. None of those husbands of yours ever dragged you to chapel just for show?"

"A few, but nothing about it interested me," Mystique said. "God and I do not take any notice of each other."

"You're wrong about half of that," Shine said. "And I am proof of it, and so is Kurt. So, even, is Rogue. But I will let you realize this in your own way.... You know, thank you, though.... It felt good to talk about this finally.... I do get tired of being mysterious sometimes."

"Well, now that I know all your secrets, I suppose I don't have to take you seriously anymore," Mystique said slyly. "Isn't that half of your intimidation?"

"No, my intimidation is willpower." Shine's eyes flashed. "And I think you'll find that's not daunted by secrets coming out."

"I figured," Mystique said. "You have a short trigger for someone who's normally so calm. I think you really are sensitive and just don't want anyone to guess that."

Shine faltered for a second, then she swallowed her retort. "Well, you're right about that. But don't let that out, okay? I don't need people trying to start it with me for real."

"And if I do?" Mystique said.

"You won't." Shine stood back up. "You wouldn't have the nerve...or perhaps the cruelty, to do so. And if we start playing that game, we'd destroy each other, wouldn't we? I think that's one Pandora's box I don't need to open, don't you agree?"

"Agreed," Mystique said flatly. "Unfortunately, you already know my secrets, and I didn't even have to tell them to you, so starting a war based on that is not wise for me. I just wanted to see what you would do."

"A word of advice," Shine said. "I wouldn't poke the bear with too many people around here."

She picked up the books she had with her. "I gotta go start my class. Later."

She exited.

Mystique spent quite a while thinking about what she'd learned.

Was it really true that Shine had not talked to anyone else about this so far?

What a strange life for someone to lead...stranger that Apocalypse, in a way. He was self serving, and perhaps rightly so. But to use power like that, of your own volition, to help others...

Mystique was starting to think Christians really were kind of nuts. All of them seemed to act like this. Like all they had was just to use for other people.

[I wish I could say all Christians acted like this, but, sadly, they don't.

But there are some like the ones in this story, and I've always been a little in awe of their lives, even though I understand why they feel that way. It's just actually pulling it off that's the trick.]

[I hope you all enjoyed this little look into World Walking. I decided against doing a whole section about it for this story, though you can check my MHA one if you want more of a breakdown of it scientifically and lore-wise. But I didn't like to not put it in anywhere, and I also liked the idea of more characters getting to talk about it.

Hint: There may be another conversation like this coming up soon, with a different person, and there's some lore to go into there also. So if you happen to be into this, good news for you.]

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