80: X-quivalent X-change

Logan wanted to appease Shine, and he only wanted it more the longer she gave him the cold shoulder.

Shine had to be one of the best at doing this he'd ever met. She looked past you when you were there, directed her remarks at anyone but you, and pretended not to notice if you spoke to her, or if she did notice, was icy about it.

But she managed to do this with such an empirical air that she made him feel small, even if it was still petty.

Logan could hold up under blunt criticism fairly well, he was used to that, and he tended to just run from conflict if he wasn't enjoying it, but this was not so easy to get out of. It was wearing on him.

Furthermore, he didn't realize how much Shine brightened things up around the house up until he was excluded from it. It must have happened so slowly that no one else had seen it, but she and Wally both made things cheerier and more easy-going while they were around, with the odd humor and easy manner of handling most of the group.

And it was no exception now, especially with him.

The X-men themselves giving him the cold shoulder would have been only slightly worse.

But, as it was, Shine's chill was catching. Jean was not happy with him either, and Rogue even acted kind of testy after Wally had filled her in, though Wally had not intended to make this happen, but Rogue would stick with an idea and get madder about it, and that is what happened.

The men didn't care, and Storm was her usual composed self, but Logan felt snubbed anyway. And Morph, the one person who tended to smooth this sort of thing over, deserted him! He didn't even know where he disappeared to all day. Checking Mystique's space would never have occurred to him.

The whole thing made him depressed, and he stood out by the woodpile, smoking.

Storm found him out there later.

"I don't think we need any firewood," she said.

If that was a joke, Logan didn't think it was funny.

Storm tilted her head. "Logan...would I be right in thinking that you're upset because things are still not right with Shine?"

"What gave ya that idea?" Logan was sarcastic.

"Her coldness has not escaped me," Storm said. "But this won't help... Have you spoken to her?"

"Tried. Never got beyond two syllables," Logan said.

"Her anger is slow to kindle for a reason," Storm said. "Apparently it lasts a long time...but perhaps she was frightened by what happened, and that is why. Do you want me to talk to her?"

"You?" Logan said.

"Perhaps if I explained." Storm didn't usually offer to do this for people, but the situation was making her uncomfortable also. "She would understand."

"I don't want help." Logan turned it down.

"You might need it." Storm was blunt as ever. 

Logan put out his cigar moodily. "I don't know why I care anyway. Just one kid gettin' in a tizzy over somethin'..."

"You disappointed her," Storm said.

She was right.

"I didn't know how serious she'd take it," Logan said.

"I don't think that is what matters," Storm said. "She warned you many times... I don't want to make it worse, Logan, but it seems to me you didn't listen, and you are paying her price. But think, Shine will certainly forgive you eventually, even if it takes a few more days. That is not the problem. I do not think she'd hold a grudge forever. The problem is more of will she ever expect more of you again?"

Again, she was right.

"While she is good friend, she is firstly a teacher," Storm went on. "I think that is her nature. And while she treats people who don't listen to her well, mostly, they are not in her inner circle, and I cannot blame her for this--wanting to be ourselves with people who agree with us, in some fashion, not people who don't. Now she has put you out of that circle, but that affects all of us who are in it. That is why it's important to resolve it. I don't think Shine will never treat you kindly, but like how she treats the others...distantly. Is that enough? Or do you want to be included again?"

"What do you think?" Logan grumbled.

"I can't tell," Storm said. "Not always. What I would want if it were me, of course, is to be trusted, but I don't know about others."

"Of course I want that." Logan was terse because he felt bad. "But I screwed this up, big time. I didn't think what I said would matter that much--I was thinkin' of the team--but it did."

"And you know why," Storm said. "I explained, didn't I?"

"I know why now... I wish I'd known before," Logan said.

"But I think she tried to tell you, comparing it to Morph," Storm said. "You didn't listen."

"You're not makin' this much better, Storm," Logan said.

"I'm not trying to make you feel better," Storm said. "I want this to be right. I apologize if that is hurtful. But this is what I think. Do you want comfort? Or do you want the truth?"


"The truth," Logan said sullenly, but he did.

"Then this is the truth," Storm said. "And as I've considered it, I think I see why she is doing this. Your habit of running off when there is a disagreement in the team is well known to her. We all have found it frustrating. Whether it's on purpose or not, I perceive that Shine is making it impossible for that to be the answer this time."

"And she isn't allowin' me to talk to 'er, so what does she want?" Logan snapped.

"I was not finished," Storm said coolly.

Logan was silent.

"Yes, she is not letting you just talk either," Storm said. "Talk is easy. She wants proof, I think. I see only one thing you can do. She is concerned about Mystique. You will have to make it right with Mystique."

"With her!?" Logan exploded.

"Think of it this way," Storm said. "Pride is the center of this, isn't it? I believe that was one of her lessons the other week when we talked, actually. The last person you want to apologize to is Mystique. But if you want to prove you learned something, that is the best way to do it. Shine is offended on her behalf, not on her own. She takes protecting people very seriously, as do you, I think. Isn't that why you have clashed over this? You want to protect the team, and she wants to protect Mystique herself, as well as the team."

"Yeah, and she'd pick her over the team's best interest, I think," Logan said.

"Is that what you think she did?" Storm asked.

"Well...it sure felt like it," Logan said.

Storm nodded. "I thought so... Did you tell Shine this?"

"I didn't get the chance," Logan grumbled.

"But we know what she'd say," Storm said. "That even so, it's not okay to sacrifice someone's life."

"But should we sacrifice all of us?" Logan said.

"Do you remember the parable of the lost sheep that she read to us?" Storm remembered another lesson on a different day. "The 99 good sheep are left, to go after the 1 stray? It sounded backwards, didn't it? But then she pointed out we as the X-men would do just the same--go after one member, even if all the rest of us were fine. We don't take risks for people who can take care of themselves, we take them for people who can't. All of us who were with her would have been all right, and even if we perished, I think we have our fates decided...but Mystique? She doesn't. And she is weak, in her own way, and is foolish. She revealed herself to them, out of panic. Perhaps if I were just judging myself, I'd say she needed the most protection. All the rest of us agreed. It's not easy to hear, Logan, but think of war--there are times you have to make difficult calls, to leave some people to fight for themselves because someone else is in more need of help. It's not as if it were her preference, but she made her choice. The Morlocks respect her more for sticking by it. They understand authority well. I can't find it in my heart to resent her for this. Can you?"

Logan ground his cigar under his foot.

"Maybe I get it," he said. "Now. But not at the time."

"I think our single greatest regret as the X-men is that we did not go back for Morph," Storm said, more somberly, as it troubled her also. "What happened to him was our fault, in a way...and he is paying the price even now... We have him now...but thanks to them. We owe them some trust...some willingness to protect their lost sheep, don't you think?"

Playing off this part of Logan's character was brilliant, even if Storm was not doing it on purpose. But honor was one thing both of them understood well.

"Yeah..." he said finally.

"Then we have to," Storm said. "And we should be hoping for Mystique to be able to be redeemed also, just as we hoped for Morph to recover. To Shine, there is no difference between them, or between us, and she expects us to follow that example. I did not fully understand this at first, but I do now. And I think, strangely, it works. If you look at everyone that way, it is easier not to hate them. Where has holding our grudges ever gotten us? Enough of that goes on, that is what I think. Will you accept it? Or keep on this way? It hasn't ever worked for you."

Blunt as a sledge hammer, Storm was.

But she was right still.

Logan never liked to admit that though.

He was quiet.

Storm supposed the only thing to do was to wait and see if he'd do it. And this was another way they had always gotten along better. Storm knew to just leave Logan with something, and he'd probably do it, and Logan knew that if you told Storm something right off, she would usually act on it. They were opposites but had always worked well together for that reason.

So Storm went inside.

* * *

But she went to Shine only a short time later, while Shine was taking a much needed break in one of the studies and drinking chocolate milk with coffee in it. She called it a mocha... These were the days before Starbucks had become as popular as it was in her time, so the others thought it was kind of an odd choice.

Storm knew better than to promise Logan would do anything until he'd done it, so she didn't mention that to Shine. Instead she said,

"Shine, maybe I be frank with you?"

"Of course," Shine said.

"You would consider us friends?" Storm said.

"I would," Shine said.

"And one friend to another, I don't think you should keep treating Logan this way," Storm said.

Shine took that surprisingly well.

"Why not?" she asked, like it was a real question.

"As little as he shows it, Logan can be quite sensitive it," Storm said. "And he will take this clear disappointment of yours to heart. You've made your point. If you keep this up, you'll crush him."

"What do you want me to do?" Shine said, leaning on her hand. "I am disappointed. It's either this, or I might rage at him, but that would be wrong."

"He might prefer it to this."

"No, Storm, not when I really get angry," Shine said. "There is reason I do not. Even the edge of anger for me has made me say some of the most biting remarks of my life, and Wally has warned me I get carried away if I don't control myself. But for reasons I already told you, this whole thing is personal to me. I don't trust myself."

"I hope this will not upset you, but I told Logan why it was personal," Storm said. "I thought he should know. Is that all right?"

"I don't mind it," Shine said. "It's not a secret, I just don't like talking about it. You saved me the trouble. I should be thankful."

"Logan understands why you felt the way you did now," Storm pressed. "And he is sorry. You must believe that."

"But is that enough?" Shine said.

Storm knew she couldn't promise anything yet. "We'll have to see, but I'm imploring you not to keep shunning him in this manner."

"I'm not his mother," Shine said dryly. "I can't really punish him, can I?... For much of my life, I always felt like it mattered to no one if I was upset or hurt, and even if that was not true, I feel like it was. My father would give us the cold shoulder when he was in a snit. I picked up that habit from him, I suppose. I tried to correct it, but at times like this, I don't know what else to do. Wally has tried to talk to me, but I can't bear that." She shook her head. "I love Wally, but that is why I can't hear it from him. I am afraid to blow up at him also, and then I would have a fight with him on top of one with my friends."

"I understand this," Storm said. "But you can fight with me if you wish, Shine, as long as we come to some kind of understanding, and I will not be offended. I am sure this was a difficult thing for you, as it would have been for anyone. Anger is not new to me. But neglecting what is obvious, which is the damage it could be doing, is a problem."

Shine was silent, then she grabbed a tissue and wiped her eyes.

"Did I hurt your feelings?" Storm was puzzled.

"No," Shine said. "You don't know how rarely I've had anyone say this to me without making me out to be the bad guy in the situation... Oh, I could get angry at you right now, believe me, it would be easy, but I also can't help but think it feels nice to have someone say what they think without making it an insult..."

"Why would I?" Storm was puzzled.

"Exactly." Shine sort of laughed oddly. "Why would you? I wish more people were like you,  Storm. I'd have far less work to do if they were, and I'd probably be a better person too. I find criticism given the wrong way to do more harm than good."

She stood up, rubbing her arm in an nervous gesture. "Of course, I wonder if you're angry at me."

"I'm not," Storm said. "Really, I just talk seriously, that is all. I can't help it."

"I know all about that," Shine said.

"But I am not angry," Storm said. "I only fear you have not realized how seriously Logan is taking this."

"Actually it's nice to hear that he is," Shine said. "It makes me feel better about it. But this isn't just about me. I worry about Ra--Mystique also."

"I have already figured out that her name is Raven, Shine," Storm said. "But I take it she prefers to remain anonymous."

"I told her I'd slip up about it, and I have," Shine said. "She's apparently accepted my inability to not use it, but she won't be okay with the rest of you doing it."

"And I will refrain," Storm said. "But anyway, I know you are concerned about her, and I think I have come to see why, after all this time. The 99 sheep and the 1, right?"

"Yes," Shine said.

"In which case, I believe we should be supporting you," Storm said. "But not everyone is so quick. Logan has always struggled with forgiving people who harm his friends, and she has many times... In his way, I think he feels we are ignoring their safety."

"I know that," Shine said. "But I can't change it. Believe it or not, there are things even Wally and I cannot do. Some risks will always be there, and we accept them."

"Very well," Storm said. "You may accept them, but not everyone is like you. Is it right to punish them for having a hard time with it?"

Shine was quiet for a long time while she thought about that, and Storm let her think.

Finally her face softened.

"All right, Ororo," she said. "Perhaps you're right about this, but I will have to pray about it. I can't just turn this off. God must help me. But perhaps you mentioning it to me is a sign from Him that it has gone on long enough."

"That is all I can ask." Storm was satisfied. "And I know you will do the right thing in the end, but I was more worried that you would cease to respect Logan at all after this, and I do not know if that is fair."

"You're very worried about him," Shine noted, suddenly getting a bit of a sly gleam in her eye. "I will tell you, between us women--and don't let the men in on this--but it's not actually so hard for a man to re-earn respect. If he puts enough effort into it. It's when they give up on it that we despise them the most. I know many women who have high standards but don't really expect men to meet them; they only expect them to always be trying to."

"How odd," Storm said.

"You're no different than I am," Shine said. "And the men would prefer it that way. They like to feel they earn things, and if we gave them the impression that we didn't want anything more from them, they'd get bored. Fastest way to lose one is if he feels you no longer need anything from him. The best thing is when we make it a mix of them both succeeding and not being fully there."

"How calculated," Storm said.

"Women don't need to plan it, Storm, it comes naturally to us," Shine said. "The problem is when we get insecure and go too far one way or the other. But again, don't let men know. They like to think they are surprising us."

"I do find it surprising at times," Storm said

"Yes, it's crucial that we do," Shine said. "I do too. But I have to wonder if I feel surprised because I choose to not think about it enough to be surprised.... Food for thought."

[Not sure if all men would agree with Shine, but I can see why she'd think this way. By the way, I wouldn't take any of her remarks overly seriously, and get offended about them. She's being ironic most of the time, though I know it can be hard to tell with the way she talks...kind of what makes it fun though.]


* * *

Towards the end of the day, Morph and Mystique had played just about every card game they knew.

Mystique finally loosened up a little, though not enough to really be called friendly, but she didn't say everything like it was either a complaint or an insult.

Morph was going to leave at some point but lost track of time, and then he heard some of the Morlocks were running around the halls. That they didn't come in was a wonder in of itself.

In fact, this was because Wally had come by unnoticed some time earlier and put a sign that said: Do not Enter--Under Renovation on the door, with a picture on it.

Wally thought it was a funny joke, because one could say it was Mystique who might have been under renovation, if she'd have let herself be.


Morph found the sign later when he checked to see if the coast was clear.

"That's classic!" He thought it was hilarious. "Who put this here? I bet it was West. That guy has a real sense of humor."

"What?" Mystique came to look and got the strangest look, like she was trying not to laugh.

"This is funny, you have to admit," Morph said.

"It's...insulting..." Mystique's tone said she was still trying not to laugh.

"No, it's not. It's genius," Morph said. "I'm putting one of these on my room as soon as I can find one."

[I would too, honestly.]

Someone came into the hall then, and Mystique stepped back and yanked Morph after her, shutting the door.

"What are you doing?" Morph asked.

"Do you want to get caught in here?" Mystique hissed. "Especially with that sign up?"

"Oh...huh..." Morph said. "I don't really see the problem."

Mystique rolled her eyes and waited.

Morph thought about it.

"Oh...Oh, come on, it so obvious it was a joke," he said.

Mystique knew people who'd been killed over jokes like that, and made a very "done" face.

"I'll just pretend to be Shine," Morph said.

Indeed, as the door was knocked on after that, he had a reason.

Mystique hoped it was Shine--or Wally, come back to laugh at them over the sign.

In fact, she didn't want to answer. If it was a Morlock, she'd be giving herself away.

The person didn't wait for an answer. They yanked the door open.

It was Wolverine.

"Oh, hi," Morph said, not changing forms yet.

"Morph, what are you doin'?" Wolverine said. "Why are ya in here? Who put that stupid sign on the door? Was that you?"

Morph reverted back. "Nope, but it's a good joke, isn't it? You ought to get one of those. The kids won't come in your room, then."

"Those little mites already did," Logan sniffed. "Pretty sure they stole somethin' too."

"Oh, come on, they're kids. They probably thought it was for public use," Morph said.

"Plenty of them are thieves," Logan said.

"What do you expect?" Mystique said without thinking. "They have no other choice."

Then she regretted directing attention to herself.

Wolverine turned to regard her stiffly. "I guess you'd know all about that, huh?"

Morph kind of moved a little in front of her, to her surprise.

"Logan, you didn't come in here to bully the inmate, did you?" he said. While it was said like a joke, Morph didn't really look like he was joking.

"I'd rather know why you're in here at all," Logan said. "Our company not good enough for you?"

"I was hiding from the Morlocks," Morph said. "Seemed like the best place to do that. They kind of make me nervous."

"They should," Logan said. 

"Anyway, Scott didn't want her wandering around," Morph said. "So technically I'm doing my job. Why are you in here?"

"Came in to do somethin' I really don't want to do," Logan said. "And I wasn't goin' to do it, but here I am."

Mystique figured he wasn't going to kill her, because that would be something he wanted to do... She couldn't imagine what he could be talking about.

"And what is that?" Morph was equally confused.

Logan figured saying it in front of Morph wouldn't be that bad...maybe it would be easier that way, actually.

"I... So, yesterday they had us in a corner, and we all knew it."

Mystique still couldn't imagine where this was going.

"Yes?" she said, expecting some kind of criticism about how she'd made it worse--in hindsight, she had realized she had, in fact, exposed herself when it wasn't necessary, but at the time, she'd panicked... Also Wolverine had outed her, and she was sore about that, even if she couldn't blame him for doing so.

"You were real dumb to tell 'em like that." Logan must have been thinking the same thing. 

"Logan--" Morph could only imagine how he'd feel if it were him getting told this.

"Shut up and let me finish this," Logan said. Or he never would, he added mentally.

"Guess I made it worse." He looked at his feet. "I don't like you, and I never have, but I didn't intend to get anyone killed. It was you or us, I figured, but it's not my way to sell people out either. We try to be above that."

"And you certainly succeeded," Mystique said bitingly. But she was shocked.

"Uh...not really helping," Morph said.

"Wasn't trying to," she said thinly.

"Both of you are kind of the same." Morph shook his head. "You hate apologizing, and you hate accepting apologies. Let's make this easier, Logan. You're basically saying that was a really dumb thing to do, and you're sorry. Mystique, you can't really talk because you did it to yourself, so let's call it even? How about that?"


"I have no feelings on the matter," Mystique finally said.

"Me neither," Logan said. "I just wanted to clear things up. While she's here, she's our responsibility, even if we don't like it, so it... Likstar was right: All of us need to work together, not split hairs."

"That's as close to saying he's sorry as he gets," Morph informed Mystique. "I knew you'd come around, buddy. That's not you, really."

"This is quaint and all," Mystique said with killing disinterest, "but I'm not real interested in apologies or whatever this is supposed to be. I'd have done the same if I were you, in a heartbeat."

"I believe you," Logan said. "But the X-men are supposed be better than that."

"All of you and your high standards," Mystique said carelessly. "Well, fine, you have tried to absolve yourself. If your conscience is cleared, I'd prefer to be left alone." She crossed her arms.

"I think that's as close as she gets to accepting an apology," Morph said. "I really can't tell."

"Shut up," Mystique said.

"I still think you're wasting yer time," Logan said to Morph. "But whatever. I'm done. Get that stupid sign off  the door."

He slammed it behind him.

"That was weird," Morph said.

Mystique sank into a chair.

"Are you...all right?" Morph was confused.

"I don't think I can take many more surprises." Mystique leaned on her hand. "I have to get out of this house."

"Oh, could it be that actually moved you in a weird way?" Morph guessed, half kidding. "I mean, I was moved, and it wasn't even me."

He turned into Logan. "I'm sorry is just not somethin' I say."

"He didn't say it," Mystique said. "And stop that. It's annoying."

"Not my fault you don't know how to have fun with your power," Morph said, turning back into himself.

"A mutation is not fun," Mystique said tersely. "And everyone knows that. Either is useful or it isn't--that's all there is to it. No wonder Rogue's changed living here..."

"I really don't see the problem," Morph said. "If you have fun with it, it doesn't seem like such a burden. Don't you think mutants could use more of that?"

Mystique couldn't argue that point, so she ignored it.

"I'd heard of the Wolverine before," she said, in a lower voice. "He'd be surprised to know what kind of person he was before he lost his memory."

"I don't think he would be that surprised," Morph said. "We all have a past. Except maybe Jubilee."

"Not that kind of surprised," Mystique said vaguely. "But it doesn't matter anymore. I wonder how he thinks it really matters being on a team with people he's going to probably outlive by a hundred years."

"That is dark," Morph said.

Of course, then he thought Mystique must be thinking the exact same thing about herself.

For all he knew he might be in the same boat.

What a thought...

"I don't know though," he said after minute. "Maybe that's not what matters. Anyway, it's not like you can't die from anything other than old age. Might as well enjoy the time you have with the people you have it with. It's not like anyone knows when they're going to die. Look at you, you've almost gotten yourself killed multiple times. Of course, I shouldn't talk."

Mystique's whole expression said that didn't matter that much.

"Unless you just stop caring," Morph said.

"Oh, no, I think the longer you live, the more you fear death." Mystique made a rare comment on her way of thinking. "Children are always the least afraid of it, but with age, it gets closer...and if you don't age, I think it becomes harder to want to risk any other form of death. Perhaps that is just my fear, but survival has become my only objective. The irony is not fully lost on me, but that is what happened."

"That is weird," Morph said. "I'm kind of glad I don't really know if I'll live a long time or not, because I think I just take it one day at a time, no trying to bargain with fate or anything... I mean, you can fix what you can fix..." He got a strange look. "But there's no way to stop everything from happening to you. Just gotta be ready when it does, I guess. One thing, I wouldn't want the last thing I did to be something I'd not be proud of... That's about it. I guess that's why I kept pushing for being normal again after that Dark thing... It's not like I never thought about ending it all, but then that'd be the last thing I'd ever have been... You don't survive this long doing the right thing just to throw in the towel because of evil, I guess. Sounds a little too optimistic I suppose, but that's what I want."

Mystique actually didn't think it sounded that dumb.

She kind of wished she had the strength to want something like that...but she never had. If the last thing she ever did was one she wouldn't have regretted, she'd have been more pleasantly surprised than anything else.

She put her chin in her hands.

"A few times," she said slowly, "I thought about trying to go down the straight and narrow...a very few, really, for how often I made the other choice. But it could never last. I'm comfortable with the way things have been, and I can't leave it. Perhaps some people are just born that way."

"I don't think they are," Morph said. "Anyway, even if it's comfortable, that doesn't mean it has to be that way. I'm still figuring this out, but it seems like it's just every day, trying to make the right choice. Until it stacks up. I don't think there's one moment where you go from being bad to good, or good to bad...for most people anyway."

"Perhaps if I saw any benefit to the right way, I'd have tried harder," Mystique mused, listlessly. "But I never did, and now it's too late."


"If it wasn't, I think I'd have changed my course a long time ago," Mystique said. "I have moments of thinking I should, but I forget." She smiled almost too bitterly. "It's hopeless. Even after Kurt forgave me, it was the same thing. Efforts like that are no good to people like me."

Morph thought this was about the most depressing thing he'd ever heard.

It was too depressing. He couldn't take it anymore.

"I just realized I forgot about Jubilee," he said quickly. "I'd better go say hi before I offend her."

Mystique knew exactly what he was doing--escaping.

But it neither offended nor surprised her. She expected as much.

"Who's keeping you?" she said dully.

Morph left the room.

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