If It Means a Lot to You [Seth Rollins + OC] {REQUESTED}

This was requested by Bloodsen! :)

The best way I could figure out how to write this was to switch between Violet and Colby's POV, so that's what I did.

I have one more request to write after this one, and then I'll be updating other things. (Requests are on hold, so please don't ask for anything.)

Enjoy! :)


If It Means a Lot to You - A Day to Remember

V I O L E T :

This music festival I'm at is great and all, but I've just been wandering around for about ten minutes waiting for a band I know to start playing.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket, looking at the time. I sighed. I still had an hour until A Day to Remember, the band I was waiting for, would be playing.

I looked back up and I saw him.

My eyes widened. I quickly turned around and began walking away. I thought he hadn't seen me, but then he yelled, "Violet!"

I began walking faster. A huge group of people was walking toward me, so I managed to squeeze past them all. Once I was past and in the clear, I turned around. It didn't look like he had followed me, so I let out a sigh of relief.

I hadn't talk to Colby Lopez in months, not since he started dating that bitch Zahra.

Leighla was a nice person, and I was actually really happy when they announced their engagement. Even if I still had feelings for Colby, I was okay that he was with Leighla. But then Zahra had to butt her nose into their relationship, and Leighla and Colby broke up.

I know that Colby is partially at fault for this, since it takes two to cheat, but if he and Zahra had never met, I couldn't imagine this happening.

I liked Leighla, but I sure as hell don't like Zahra. She knew about Colby's engagement and his relationship with Leighla, but she wanted him for herself.

Once Colby broke up with Leighla and started dating Zahra, I didn't see him as much. When I confronted him about it, he told me work was keeping him busy, but I knew he was lying.

One day, he brought Zahra home with him, and he showed her around Davenport. He introduced her to me, and I just didn't like her. I couldn't stand her. Once Zahra was out of the room, I confronted Colby and told him that I didn't think this relationship was healthy, and that Zahra was a bad influence on him.

Colby blew up, and we ended up yelling at each other and having a huge argument. Then, he got Zahra and they just left.

I hadn't seen him since.

Until today.


C O L B Y :

Violet ran off. I followed her, but once I lost sight of her, I gave up.

I sighed. I had come to this festival so that we could talk (and also to see A Day to Remember – I wasn't going to miss them), but she obviously didn't want to.

I didn't blame her. I should've listened to her when she warned me about Zahra, but instead, I just yelled at her. I felt terrible, and I just wanted her to know that Zahra and I had broken up.

I glanced at the main stage, and the band that had just finished playing was now moving all of their stuff. There would be a short break, then A Day to Remember would take the stage.

I knew Violet would be watching them, and that gave me an idea.

Saraya had told me that Kevin Skaff – her boyfriend – knew I'd be here, and that I could talk to him and the band if I wanted to. Whenever I saw her again, I was going to thank her for having a boyfriend in a band.

I began walking toward the main stage.


V I O L E T :

I hadn't seen Colby since I ran away from him, so that was good.

A Day to Remember was about to head onstage, and I was in the crowd, waiting. I knew Colby would be listening to them, too, so I had decided to stand near the back.

The band walked out, and we all cheered.

"Hey, everyone!" Jeremy McKinnon – the lead singer – greeted. "Our good friend, Seth Rollins, is here today!" The crowd cheered. Davenport, Iowa definitely knew who Seth Rollins was. "And he requested a song. It's a slow one, which is weird for a festival, but he asked so nicely." A few people laughed. "And it's for a girl. So, sing along if you know it. This is If It Means a Lot to You, dedicated to Violet."

My eyes widened as he played the opening notes of the song. I began weaving my way through the crowd, making my way to the front. I knew that's where Colby would be. People looked annoyed as I pushed past, but they kept singing along.

It's always easy to spot Colby in a crowd because of his hair, and this time was no different. I walked up to him, tapping him on the shoulder. He turned around, and when he saw me, he grinned.

"Violet!" He exclaimed. I just smiled, and he wrapped me in a hug.

"I didn't think you'd be here," I mumbled into his shoulder. I didn't think he'd hear me, since the music was so loud and we were right next to it, but he replied.

"I knew you'd be here, so I came," He said.

Even though I was angry at him, I wanted to keep hugging him. He had dedicated my favorite song to me, and he was here for me.

I did let go of him, though, reminding myself of Zahra and why I was mad at him.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"Just wait," Was all he said.

He looked back at the stage, so I did too. The band continued playing, and once the song ended, the crowd began cheering. Jeremy started talking again, and Colby grabbed my hand and led me through the crowd.

We walked away from the stage, and found a place to sit down.

"Colby – "

"Zahra and I broke up," Colby interrupted.

My eyes widened. "What?"

"I realized you were right," He explained. "Zahra was nothing but trouble, and I should never have gotten involved with her. You're important to me, Vi. Much more important than her. I can see my life without her, but I can't see it without you."

"It's been hard not seeing you," I admitted. "You're the person I tell everything to, and you've been gone."

"Hey – "

"Yeah, I know it's my fault," I interrupted, rolling my eyes. "But I told you that once you left Zahra –"

"You'd talk to me again," He finished. "You're definitely a big reason I broke up with her."

"I...ruined your relationship?" I asked. I hadn't expected that. I assumed that whenever they broke up, it would be because they weren't getting along, or that Colby had figured out how horrible she was.

"Not in the way you think," He assured me. "You've always been there for me. So many girls have walked through my life, but you're the one who's stayed. And I realized something."


"You're the one for me," He replied. "You're never going to leave me, no matter what stupid things I do. And I know that I just dropped this bombshell out of the blue, and I understand if you – "



"Be quiet," I said, smirking.

I grabbed his face, and I kissed him. It only lasted for a few seconds, though, because the crowd started cheering and I could feel eyes on us.

Colby and I both looked over, and Jeremy was just giving us a thumbs up.

I just laughed.


"If you can wait till I get home, then I swear to you that we can make this last. If you can wait till I get home, then I swear come tomorrow, this will all be in our past. Well, it might be for the best."

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