That Would Be Enough [Sami Zayn + OC] {REQUESTED}

Requested by littleredhearts

For whatever reason, I kept thinking of That Would Be Enough from Hamilton as I wrote this. Mostly because of the whole "whoa, I didn't know you were pregnant!" thing. xD I figured I'd name it after the song. :)

I normally stick with ring names (as opposed to real names) when writing one-shots, so I hope that's okay. I did write it in 1st person, though!

I hope you like it!


"Are you ready?" Bayley asked, looking over at me.

We were both standing in Gorilla, as I would be going out to the ring in just a few minutes. She, as well as the rest of my friends, knew what I would be doing in that ring. The fans, however, did not.

I took a deep breath. "As I'll ever be."

"Hey, everybody has to stop wrestling at some point," She said, in an attempt to comfort me.

"Yeah, I know," I said, shrugging. "I'm just really going to miss it, you know? I've been doing it for so long."

It looked like she was going to respond, but she looked behind me instead. She smiled a little, said goodbye, and walked away.

I turned around, and I saw Sami coming toward me. All the nerves I had disappeared, and I smiled at him.

He had had a match not too long ago, so I wasn't expecting to see him before I went out. It was a nice surprise.

"They're going to understand," He said, referring to the fans. He reached out and grabbed my hand, rubbing small circles on the back of it with his thumb, but I didn't take my eyes off of him. "Go out there and make them miss you."

I laughed, and he smiled. My music started playing, so I turned around, took one last deep breath, and stepped through the curtain.

"Please welcome to the ring, Colbie Mour!"

The crowd was cheering, and it put a smile on my face. They had been saying that I had an announcement throughout the show, so they knew that whatever I had to say was important. I'm glad that they were excited for it.

I grabbed a microphone before stepping into the ring. I soaked in the cheers before finally bringing it to my mouth.

"Wow, it's been a while, huh?" I asked. "As you guys probably know, I haven't been in the ring in about a month and a half. I was not cleared to compete against Bayley in a number one contendership match for the Raw Women's Championship. I haven't been in the ring since." I paused before continuing. "I'm still not cleared to compete."

The crowd booed at that, and I laughed.

"Hey, I feel the same way," I said. "It's going to be a while before I'll be allowed to compete in this ring again. Which leads me to my announcement – the one you've been hearing about all night. I'm officially announcing..." I paused again, looking down. The crowd began chanting "No!" and I couldn't hold back my smile anymore. I looked back up. "I'm officially announcing that I'm pregnant."

The crowd immediately burst into cheers.

"You guys are the first people I've told," I said. "So, I'd like to ask my husband to come on out here."

His music hit almost instantly, like he was going to come out whether I asked him to or not. The crowd cheered as Sami Zayn came out, a very surprised look on his face.

When he finally got in the ring, I was prepared to speak, but he kissed me before I could get any words out. The crowd was chanting "Yes!" now.

I started blushing, realizing that millions of people were just watching us kiss, so I quickly took a step back. I kept my microphone at my side as I spoke.

"Not what you were expecting, right?" I joked.

"Definitely not what I was expecting," He replied, shaking his head. "You've known for a month and a half?"

I nodded. "Yeah. I wanted everything to be special when I finally told you, and it just took them this long to give me time on TV to do it." I brought the microphone back to my mouth. "Okay, guys, I know this is good news and all, but I need to add one more thing." I sighed, and the crowd seemed to know what was coming. "With this pregnancy, I am also announcing my retirement." They were chanting "No!" again. "Hey, someone has to stay home and watch this baby, while Sami Zayn is out here winning championships."

The idea of Sami winning titles sounded good to them, so they started cheering.

"The WWE has been my home for a really long time," I continued. "I am so incredibly thankful that they took a chance with me, and I'm thankful that I've been able to come out here week after week to perform for you guys. Through the ups and the downs, you guys made it worth it. Thank you."

I was tearing up now, finally realizing that I was done wrestling. Sami closed the space between us and wrapped me in a hug, and I just hugged him back.

Suddenly, Bayley's music hit, and she walked down the ramp, smiling. When she got in the ring, I quickly went over and hugged her too.

"You could've mentioned that you were pregnant!" She exclaimed.

I shrugged. "It didn't come up." Sami laughed at that, and Bayley pouted. "I'll tell you next time, okay?"

"Next time?"

Before I could respond, Becky Lynch's music hit, and I grinned as my friend who isn't even on the same show as me came to the ring.

Instead of hugging me, she said, "You made me think something horrible happened!"

"Nope, just pregnant," I said.

A few more of our friends came out, congratulating us. Eventually, though, the show had to end, so we thanked the crowd for coming out and headed backstage.

Everyone went their own ways, and Sami and I were left by ourselves.

"You're pregnant," He said, softly.

"I am."

"My wife is pregnant."


"I'm going to be a dad."

"You're going to be a great dad," I told him.

"You'll be a much better mom," He argued.

"Hey, we can both be good parents," I said, laughing. I reached over and grabbed his hand, placing it on my stomach. Being barely two months into the pregnancy, I wasn't really showing. "I love you so much, and this baby is going to love you just as much."

He didn't say anything in response, too mesmerized by the human growing inside of me.

Finally, he said, "I love you, too. We're going to rock at this parenting thing."

"We are." I smiled.

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