"Rock Star Down"
Deranged was playing at a venue with a crowd of about 500 people. The show was going great and Amber stood on the side of the stage smiling at Benji as he was singing & playing his guitar.
Amber & Benji have been dating for a couple of weeks now. Amber never missed a single one of Deranged's shows since she was invited to one by Benji a month ago.
Benji was playing a guitar solo and the crowd was loving it. But when the beat kicked in again with the drums, Benji didn't continue singing when he was suppose to. Amber & Benji's band mates looked at Benji with confusion as he stumbled on stage a little bit.
Then Benji fell down on stage! Amber & the rest of the band rushed over to Benji and took his guitar off of him.
They all saw that Benji had been shot!
The crowd was shocked and then everyone started rushing out of the venue thinking the shooter was going to continue firing.
Amber-''Benji! Can you hear me?!''
Benji's band mates called 911.
10 minutes later, the ambulance and police arrived. The paramedics rushed to Benji as Becky, Dean, Jeff & Matt rushed over to Amber.
Amber saw Becky and ran into her arms crying.
Becky-''Amber. Are you ok?''
Amber-''Yes. But Ben....Benji was shot!''
Dean-''Oh, no.''
Jeff & Matt rushed over to Benji.
Dean-''Did you hear any gunshots?''
Amber-''No. He was playing one minute and then he....he just-''
Amber burst into tears and Becky held her.
Becky-''It's ok. Benji's gonna be ok.''
Dean-''The music must've blocked out the sound of the gunshot.''
Becky-''Or someone used a silencer.''
Jeff & Matt left with the ambulance to keep an eye on Benji.
Dean-''We should take Amber home.''
Amber-''No! I wanna go to the hospital.''
Becky-''But Am-''
Becky could see the worried look in Amber's eyes.
Then Dean, Becky, Amber and Benji's band mates drove to the hospital.
The Hospital.
Benji was rushed into the emergency room as Dean, Becky, Amber, Jeff, Matt & Benji's band mates saw Dr. Michelle McCool and Dr. Layla walk up to them.
Dean-''McCool & Layla, will Benji be ok?''
McCool-''It's a single shot to the chest. We'll start emergency surgery right away.''
Amber-''Please, save him.''
Layla-''We'll do our best.''
McCool & Layla rushed off.
Becky-''Come on, guys. Let's go to a waiting room.''
Becky took Amber and Benji's band to a waiting room as Dean, Jeff & Matt looked at each other.
Jeff-''The shooter is gonna be hard to find.''
Dean-''Amber said the place was sold out. Which means, there was 500 people there.''
Matt-''And they all ran out thinking the shooter was gonna keep firing?''
Dean-''Must be. Smart move, but it makes our job more difficult because one of those 500 people is our shooter.''
Jeff-''I guess we can go back and look for security cameras at the entrance. Or if there's cameras inside the venue.''
Matt-''Right. But usually, with venues, everyone has to walk through metal detectors. How did this person get into the venue without getting caught with a gun?''
Dean-''Good question. Listen, you two go on ahead, I'll catch up. I just need to check on Amber and Becky and let them know I'm leaving.''
Jeff-''Ok, bro.''
Dean bumped fists with Jeff & Matt and they left as Dean saw Undertaker walk into the hospital.
Dean-''Taker, hey.''
Undertaker-''Hey. Michelle called me about what happened. How's Amber?''
Dean-''She's in a waiting room with Becky & the band. I was just gonna go tell them that I'm leaving to catch the person that did this.''
Undertaker-''I can go tell them. It'll give you more time to solve this case.''
Dean-''Thanks, man.''
Undertaker-''Go catch this son of a bitch.''
Dean-''I will. Later.''
Dean & Undertaker bumped fists. Dean left the hospital as Undertaker walked over to the waiting room and walked in.
Becky-''Taker? Hi.''
Undertaker-''Hi, guys.''
Then band nodded to Undertaker. Then he sat down next to Amber as Becky was sitting on the other side of Amber as she was crying.
Undertaker-''Hey, Amber.''
Amber-''H-Hi, Taker.''
Becky wiped Amber's tears.
Undertaker-''What did the doctors say?''
Becky-''The shot was to his chest.''
Undertaker-''Oh, damn.''
Becky-''I think they won't know the extent of the damage until they do an x-ray and get started with the surgery.''
Then Michelle McCool walked in and everyone stood up.
Undertaker-''Hey, honey.''
Undertaker kissed McCool.
Amber-''How bad is it?''
McCool-''I was fearful that the bullet hit his lung, but the bullet missed his lung by an inch. And it didn't hit any vital arteries. So, the surgery should be fine.''
Everyone sighed in relief.
McCool-''But we have to get the bullet out. Mr. Davids is not out of the woods yet.''
McCool-''I better go. I'll give you all an update as soon as I can.''
Undertaker-''Good luck, sweetheart.''
McCool-''Thank you.''
McCool kissed Undertaker and left the room. Everyone sat down again.
Becky-''See, Amber. Benji is gonna be just fine.''
Undertaker-''Besides, my wife is the top surgeon in the city. If anyone can save Benji, it's her.''
Amber smiled.
Amber-''Thank you, Taker.''
Undertaker-''No problem.''
They all smiled.
Reed & Shaw's Loft Apartment.
Carlo Reed & Michelle Shaw were on the couch in the living room watching the movie The Boondock Saints. Shaw was laying with her head on Reed's lap as he slowly ran his fingers through her hair as they enjoyed the movie.
Reed was a bit distracted because he was thinking about his conversation with Bruce a couple of days ago. Reed has been thinking of a way to talk to Shaw about what they did in Italy, but every time he tries....he sighs and asks or tells Shaw something completely off topic.
Reed snapped out of his thoughts as he heard the music from the movie playing. He looked at the TV and saw that the credits were rolling. Reed looked down and saw that Shaw had fallen asleep.
Reed-''*Smiles at her* Guess I'll talk to you about it some other time, babe.''
Then Reed slowly moved Shaw's head up off his lap so he could stand up and he turned the TV off. He stepped over to Shaw and gently scooped her up in his arms. Reed took Shaw to her room. He laid her down in bed, took off her shoes and covered her up with the blanket.
Reed-''Goodnight, babe.''
Reed kissed her forehead softly and moved her hair out of her face as he smiled at her. Reed quietly left the room and went to his room. Reed grabbed his cigarettes & lighter. He lit a cigarette before sitting on the windowsill. He smoked his cigarette as he stared out the window thinking about what he needed to tell Shaw.
Next Morning.
Dean, Jeff & Matt were in the conference room watching footage from the security cameras.
Dean-''Oh, man. I don't see anyone out of the ordinary.''
Jeff-''The person must've known about the cameras. So, he or she acted normal while hiding the gun.''
Matt-''I can't believe this place doesn't check for weapons. Or have metal detectors. Hell, schools have metal detectors!''
Dean-''Yeah. I learned very fast to leave my metal lighter at home and to take matches to school instead so I could smoke.''
They all laughed as Undertaker walked into the room.
Undertaker-''Hey, guys.''
Dean-''Hey, how's Benji?''
Undertaker-''Surgery was successful. He's gonna be just fine.''
Jeff-''Thank goodness.''
Matt-''How's Amber?''
Undertaker-''Becky took Amber home a couple of hours ago to get some sleep.''
Jeff-''And the rest of the band?''
Undertaker-''They also left this morning from staying up all night.''
Matt-''They were all terrified. They've been a band since highschool.''
Jeff-''They're all practically brothers.''
Undertaker-''Oh, here.''
Undertaker handed Dean the bullet that was taken out of Benji in an evidence bag.
Dean-''Thanks. I should get this to Kevin.''
Undertaker-''Any leads on the shooter?''
Dean-''If I stare at this screen any longer, my eyes are gonna turn into squares.''
They all chuckled.
Jeff-''So far, there's nothing.''
Matt-''Wait a sec. Look.''
They all looked closely and saw someone in an oversized hoodie. The person's face was hidden and their back was turned towards the camera.
Dean-''So, the person knew about the camera. And judging by that oversized hoodie and the person's height, it could be a woman.''
Undertaker-''I agree. Does Benji have any enemies?''
Jeff-''We should question his band mates.''
Matt-''We should wait until they get some sleep. So, let's head over to their place at lunch time.''
Dean-''In the meantime, we have to find this person.''
Becky-''I'll help you, fellas.''
They all saw Becky walk up to them.
Dean-''Becky, you don't have to. You need to rest.''
Becky-''I can't sleep knowing that an arsehole almost killed someone that Amber cares about. And that person is out there!''
Jeff-''You sure?''
Becky-''I am. Do you have any leads?''
Matt-''We think it might be a woman judging by this footage.''
They showed Becky the footage.
Becky-''Yeah, that is a woman.''
Dean-''We have to go back to the venue. Maybe she dumped the hoodie after shooting Benji.''
Becky-''Ok. Let's go.''
Becky walked out of the room.
Jeff-''Dean, you didn't even try to talk Becky out of doing the case.''
Dean-''Gentlemen, never argue with an Irish Woman.''
Undertaker-''Smart man.''
Dean smiled.
Dean-''And never keep them waiting. Let's go!''
Dean, Matt & Jeff rushed out of the conference room as Undertaker laughed.
30 Minutes Later.
They walked into the alley next to the venue. They put on their latex gloves and opened a dumpster.
Becky-''Do you honestly think the shooter would dump the hoodie right outside the venue?''
Dean-''I don't know. *pulls out the hoodie* You tell me?''
Dean smiled at Becky.
Becky-''Put it in the bag.''
Dean puts it in an evidence bag and Becky closes it.
Jeff-''Hold on.''
Jeff hopped into the dumpster and picked up a gun.
Matt-''48 Calibre.''
Jeff-''The kind of gun that Kevin said we should find.''
Dean-''Hopefully we find DNA or fingerprints on it.''
Becky-''Let's go, fellas.''
They headed back to the precinct.
The Lab.
Kevin was checking if the bullet matched the gun while Jimmy was checking the fingerprints and Jey was looking for any evidence on the hoodie.
Dean walked up to Kevin.
Kevin-''The bullet is a match to the gun.''
Dean-''Nice. Thanks, Kev.''
Kevin-''No problem.''
Dean & Kevin bumped fists.
Becky walked up to Jimmy.
Jimmy-''I got a single full print on the gun. I'm gonna run it through the database now to see if this person has a record.''
Becky smiled.
Jey-''Jeff & Matt!''
Jeff & Matt walked up to Jey.
Jey-''I found some long hairs in the hood of the jacket. They're half black and half purple.''
Jeff-''So, our shooter has long hair that are two different colours.''
Jey-''Yeah. Better find this person fast though.''
Jey-''Well, they could dye their hair a different colour again. Probably doing it right now.''
Jeff-''True. I dye my hair every month.''
Matt-''Sometimes every week.''
They chuckled.
Jimmy-''BOOM! Got a print match!''
Everyone walked over to Jimmy & Becky.
Jimmy-''Sally Winter. She did time in jail for selling drugs.''
Jey-''And look at that picture. Her hair is black and purple.''
Dean-''Nice work.''
Becky-''Let's go catch this bitch!''
Dean-''Thanks a lot guys!''
Kevin-''Good luck!''
The four rushed out of the lab.
30 Minutes Later.
Dean, Becky, Jeff, Matt & other officers arrived at Sally's apartment building. They walked down the hallway, but the apartment door opened and Sally walked out.
Becky-''Sally Winter!''
Sally pulled out a gun and fired! They all went back around the corner as Sally kept firing!
Dean-''I had a feeling I was gonna get shot at today!''
When the firing stopped, they all saw Sally climb out of the window onto the fire escape.
Becky-''She's running!''
Jeff & Matt ran after Sally out the window and chased her down the fire escape. Sally got to the ground and ran down the alley. But Dean stepped in front of her!
Sally turned and ran the other way. She ran under the fire escape just before Jeff & Matt jumped down to the ground. Sally smirked as she ran to the other end of the ally. But then she got tackled down hard by Becky! Becky stood up and aimed her gun at Sally.
Becky-''Sally Winter. You're under arrest for the attempted murder of Benji Davids.''
Sally sighed as Becky smiled.
Later That Evening.
Becky, Dean, Jeff, Matt, Amber, Benji's band & Undertaker were in Benji's hospital room. Benji was told who shot him.
Benji-''Sally did this?''
Dean-''So, you know her?''
Benji-''She's my ex-girlfriend. I'm the one who reported her to the police about selling drugs. I was hoping the time in jail would be a wake-up call for her. I wanted to help her because she was also doing drugs. I didn't want her to end up dead because of the drug world.''
Becky-''Well, she will be treated for her drug use while doing time.''
Dr. Layla walked in.
Layla-''Hi, everyone. I'd hate to break this up, but Benji needs his rest and visiting hours just ended.''
Dean-''Ok. Thanks, Layla.''
Layla smiled and left the room.
Dean-''Rest up, buddy.''
Benji-''Bye, guys.''
Dean, Becky, Jeff, Matt, Undertaker & Benji's band walked to the doorway as Benji grabbed Amber's hand.
Benji-''Can I ask you something?''
Amber-''Sure. What is it?''
Benji smiled.
Benji-''Will you be my girlfriend?''
Amber was surprised.
Benji nodded with a smile.
Amber-''Yes! I'd love to be your girlfriend.''
They kissed.
Benji-''I'll see you tomorrow morning?''
Amber-''Of course.''
They kissed again
Everyone left the room.
As everyone was walking down the hallway, Amber was smiling in disbelief as Becky looked at her.
Becky-''Amber, are you ok?''
Dean-''She's speechless.''
Matt-''That smile speaks for itself.''
Jeff-''She might be in love.''
Becky-''I'm happy for you, sis.''
Amber-''Thank you.''
They all smiled and left the hospital.
Dean & Becky's Home.
Dean was sitting on the couch lost in thought when Becky walked into the living room after saying "goodnight" to Amber.
Becky-''Amber is gonna fall asleep with a smile on her face tonight.''
Becky smiled at Dean, but then she realised he didn't hear her. Becky sat down on the couch.
Dean snapped out of his thoughts.
Becky-''You're miles away. Where'd you go?''
Dean-''*Smiles* Sorry. I wasn't too far away.''
Becky-''Thinking about what to do next with Seth?''
Dean-''I have an idea, but....''
Becky-''Oh, you're thinking of calling him?''
Dean-''Yeah. But what if he doesn't even wanna see Seth, let alone talk to him?''
Becky-''Well, you won't know until you call him. Try explaining the entire situation to him and maybe he'll see it from your point of view.''
Dean thought about it.
Becky-''Hell, he might already see it that way because he knows Seth as well as you do.''
Dean smiled sadly.
Dean-''Thanks, baby.''
Dean kissed Becky.
Dean-''I'll give him a call now. It's only 9:30pm.''
Becky-''Awesome. I'll go make us some tea.''
Becky kissed Dean's forehead before getting up and going to the kitchen. Then Dean picked up his phone and called someone.
Dean-''Hey, there. *smiles* It's been a while, huh?''
Unknown-''It sure has been.''
Dean-''I'm sure you have some idea about why I'm calling.''
Unknown-''I think so. What's up?''
Dean-''I need your help with Seth.''
To Be Continued.....
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