•Harry's pov•

"I really don't want to begin classes today. Why must we have potions first? I haven't seen Snape since the trials. I mean I don't hate him anymore, and after everything I'm not sure if he still hates me but I am NOT in the mood to find out today. I shouldn't have come back, this is just not going wel-" my complaining was rudely cut off by a hand. "Harry relax!" Draco hollered making me wince.

"Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to yell but just relax. Snape doesn't hate you anymore, after you saved his life and made sure all of us were cleared he can't. He said it himself." Hermione smiled, "see nothing to worry about. Don't throw yourself into panic Harry. You'll be okay. You have all of us, and we love you." Ron chimed in, with a mouth full of food, "yeah harbear, you have your brilliant husband of course."

Hermione of course scolded him for talking with his mouth full, but I just smiled. "I love you two, even if you're gits sometimes." They smiled at this, "oh we love you too, Harry." Hermione said brightly.

We finished the rest of breakfast peacefully, and headed to the dungeons together. "Sit with me?" Draco asked, hope evident in his voice. I smiled, "sure, why not. I'm bloody awful at potions though." He just shrugged, "I'll help you." I just smiled, nodding. Malfoy was really good in potions, so I had to admit the idea made me a bit nervous.

With that being said, he really was starting to grow on me. The more we talked and hung out, the more alright I was with being around him. He was definitely different for sure, and we actually had quite a lot in common. "Blimey Harry, are you trying to make Snape have a heart attack? Sitting with the Draco Malfoy."

Malfoy chuckled, "it was actually my idea weasel. Did you want me instead?" Ron actually started laughing, a year ago he would've been angry at this. Now this was their usual friendly banter, "no I wanted my amazing husband of course. I guess I'll just have to settle for my girlfriend." Hermione scoffed in an offended manner, "wow you really are the least charming thing in this room, Ronald Bilius."

Me and Ron shared the 'oh lovely we're in trouble' look. Even though she was mad at Ron, we were both going to hear of this later. I had just gone back to my conversation with Draco, when Snape walked in. He finally looked at peace, or at least a lot more than before. The war was over, he had made amends and finally gotten his name cleared for real this time.

The tears he gave me helped save me, save the wizarding world. So I of course went and made sure he was cleared. He stared at me and Draco, "what an odd combination of students." Malfoy snickered and I just awkwardly nodded, "yes, well, me and Draco have decided it's best to leave the past where it's at." Snape gave a short nod of his head, and began teaching about some potion.
I drifted off. I just never had an interest in potions.

For once snape didn't comment. Maybe Malfoy was correct. I was thinking about everything, currently. I wanted to go see Sirius and Remus this weekend, I wasn't used to not being around them and it was quite annoying to say the least. They'd become my family, maybe it was the connection between them and my parents, or maybe it was how they loved me but I felt so close to them. Being away from them was difficult.

I must have caught Snapes attention, "Mr. Potter I ask that you at least try.. to pay attention." I looked up, giving him an apologetic look, "my apologies professor." He just nodded, and continued on. I was shocked, so he really had changed.

The rest of the day drug on, but we were finally done with classes and at dinner. "Well that was dreadful, remind me why I came back here again?" Just as I finished this sentence a fourth or fifth year slytherin came up to me, "uhm, Mr. Potter sir?" I looked up at the skinny black haired girl, "Just Harry, what can I help you with?" She just looked down, swaying nervously, "I just.. I just wanted to well.. I guess I want to thank you. I haven't seen many slytherins say thank you, we lot are a bit bad at accepting help.. so yeah, from me and the rest of the slytherins, thank you." She finished rambling and looked up at me nervously.

I think my smile broke the nervousness. "There's no need to thank me darling, you all deserve to be safe. What's your name?" The girl blushed, "Olivia, but just call me Liv please.." I nodded, "well Liv if you ever need help or just a friend you come find us okay?" She nodded, "thank you, oh and Harry?" I hummed in response, letting her know it was okay to continue.

She leaned down and whispered in my ear, "thank you for saving Snape." I looked up at her with my head tilted, "there's no need to thank me, he's a great man." She just shrugged, "well he is my dad. He wouldn't be without you though." I looked at her shocked, "he's your what?" She chuckled, "he adopted me after my parents got sent to Azkaban for being death eaters. I think in a way he needed me as much as I needed a family. I am not sure if I'd be alive anymore if it wasn't for him."

I smiled, looking up at Severus, who just turned up the very corner of his lip for a split second then turned away. "Well I'm glad you two found each other. As I said, if you ever need a friend, I'll be here." She just nodded, "thanks again, and Draco? Dad said to ask you if you could owl Cissy about next week." Draco nodded, ruffling the girls hair, "Tell him of course, you run along and eat dinner now okay?" The girl nodded, hugging Draco. I turned to him, "well that was odd."

He chuckled, "ever since she found out about our speech and what you did for me, mother, and Sev she had been dying to come talk to you. She's a very important aspect of my life now, and she idolizes you to no end." I blushed, "yeah her and the rest of the world, I can handle sweet kids, it's the obsessive adults that get to me."

Ron chuckled, "Harry James Weasley, my celebrity husband." I snorted, swatting at his arm, "oh be quiet you git."

After dinner, I headed back to my dorm. I was tired, and didn't feel like talking anymore tonight. Of course that failed when Draco entered our dorm.

"You okay Harry?" Was I? I didn't know how to answer that question, especially from Draco. "I think?" I tried to speak confidently but it came out as more of a question than an answer. "Do you want to talk? Or is there anything I can get you to make you more comfortable?" I smiled weakly, "no.. no I'm alright. Well actually, can you grab my sketch book? I would summon it but I'm drained and my magic gets a bit out of whack nowadays."

He nodded walking over to my desk, "didn't know you drew Potter." He said genuinely, I just shrugged. "It helps keep me grounded, I haven't found very many healthy coping mechanisms besides this one." He nodded again, sitting next to me. "Can I watch you draw?" I looked over, shrugging. "Sure, I don't mind."

So we sat there, while I drew Ron. He was quiet for the most part, but at some point he laid his head on my shoulder. I blushed but kept drawing, not even looking at him. I knew if I did my mind would run with the situation. I couldn't wait to go away this weekend, and clear my head.

When I was finished, I showed him with a smile. "Wow that looks just like him. You're really talented!" I blushed, flipping through my book. "Here." I said showing him a picture of him. His eyes widened. "You drew me..?" I shrugged, "yeah, I kind of draw whoever comes to mind. I hope that doesn't seem creepy it was supposed to make you smile."

He did. "It's not creepy, it's amazing. I love it, thank you." I nodded, starting to draw Hermione. We sat like that for the rest of the night, until he finally yawned and said he needed to sleep. Ruffling my hair. I sighed watching him walk over to his bed.

I rolled over away from him and just laid there thinking. Not sleeping was better than nightmares so I just laid there. For some reason the only thing that would come to my mind was Draco, him laying on my shoulder like we'd been friends forever. The problem was it felt that way to me too, like it was just the normal.

How do I go from hating him, to tolerating him, to drawing in the same bed while he lays on my shoulder? I didn't mind really, ever since we started talking and actually hanging around each other I really started to feel close to him. Maybe it's just one of those things that was supposed to happen.

Everyone talks about destiny, and I think it's bullshit for the most part.. but right now there's nothing else to explain this feeling. All I knew was Draco sodding Malfoy was slowly becoming someone I felt comfortable with.. much like I do with Ron and Mione.

Now, that?
That scared the bloody piss out of me.

I was never good with letting people in, and with him I just couldn't help it. It seemed the more I tried to push him away the more I couldn't. I started to breath uneven, and my first thought was to run. I got up and quickly slipped out of the room running over to Ron's dorm. I knocked and knocked and knocked. Eventually he opened the door groggily.

"Oh Harbear, come on, come here." I walked in and he pulled me to his bed. "Theo is it okay with you if Harry stays over? He doesn't do well alone when he has his panic attacks." Theo just nodded, "of course Ron." Ron thanked him and pulled me into bed. He pulled me close and just held me there. "You're okay, it's just me and you, I'm right here. You're my best friend Harry no one's gonna hurt you."

I eventually drifted off in Ron's arms.

"Harry?! Are you okay? I was so worried about you!" Hermione said as she ran into Ron's dorm. "Be quiet Mione! He had a bad night, he's still asleep." I opened my eyes slowly, seeing Draco, Pansy, Blaise, and Mione. "Not anymore." I said and Ron sighed. "Did you sleep better?" I nodded, sitting up. "Thank you." He ruffled my hair, "you know you're welcome anytime."

"So are you two like actually together secretly or what?" Pansy asked and Ron glared at her, "no. We spent half our lives together, he's my brother. When my brother needs me I'm there. I'm comfortable enough with myself, my relationship, and my sexuality to be okay cuddling my bestfriend to sleep when he needs me."

Pansy put her hands up in defense, "I didn't mean it in an offensive manner. I respect that I'm sorry." Draco was frowning, looking straight at me. "What's wrong Dray?" I asked, ignoring Hermione's look at the nickname. "You scared me is all, I woke up and no one knew where you were.." I sighed getting up and hugging him. "Sorry, I will leave a note or something next time. It's just that Ron helps me sleep when I'm in a state like that. Maybe it's just having a person there, or maybe it's because I'm safe with him. I just panicked and ran there."

We still didn't let go of the hug for a couple of seconds, and Hermione and Ron glanced at me with questioning looks. They knew I wasn't much of an affectionate person outside of them and my family. I just shrugged, it seemed to calm Draco down because he was smiling when I pulled away. "Your guys' friendship is so pure. You have something special."

I just smiled, "My Won won." I cooed pinching his cheeks. Hermione giggled at Ron's face. "I'm glad you came to Ron, Harry, you're getting better at being okay with help. I'm proud of you." I smiled, giving her a big hug. "Thanks Mione. I'm trying, for you guys." Mione just pulled me in closer, "which is good. One day I hope you try for yourself Har." She whispered that last part quietly.

Me and Mione didn't hug nearly as long as me and Draco had. I pulled away, sighing, "now that we've given me a morning therapy session, I'm going to get dressed and meet you all down for breakfast, okay?" Everyone nodded and I hugged Ron quickly, thanking him. I sighed walking back to my dorm and laying back in bed.

I wish people would leave me and Ron alone sometimes. Yeah our friendship is a little different, but like Luna says 'different makes the world spin.'

I decided not to think too much, chuckling fondly at the thought of Luna. I got dressed and headed to breakfast, I couldn't wait for this week to be over.


A/N hope you enjoyed loves.

Much love,


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