•Draco's pov•

Tomorrow we return to Hogwarts. Yesterday me, Pansy, and Blaise became friends with the Golden trio. As soon as they left I sent McGonagall my idea and she was thrilled. Not only did she think the speech was an amazing idea, but she also seemed very excited about me and Harry finally befriending one another. I immediately sent Harry an owl explaining this and he said he'd still be more than happy to do it. I smiled wide at his response.

So that was it then. I was nervous, really. I knew I wouldn't be accepted back into Hogwarts with open arms. I didn't really blame anyone, no one knew my story. They knew I was a death eater, whether it be by choice or not that's all they needed to know. Even though it wasn't my choice, I was still awful to people. No one had to accept my apologies and they definitely weren't obligated to do so. I wasn't expecting anyone to, truthfully.

I was indeed shocked at how well my conversation with the golden trio went. I didn't feel that I deserved their forgiveness, but I made it my mission not to make them regret it. I was thankful for the second chance, Merlin himself knew I didn't deserve it. Hell Salazar knew I didn't deserve it. Our talk the previous day had been full of emotion and it was real. Probably the realest conversation I'd ever had my entire life. I truly meant everything I said to them all. I hoped that they knew that too. I just wanted a new start, Harry gave me a second chance when he spoke at my trial.. that combined with saving my life was enough for me to want to prove to him that I deserved the second chance. I didn't want to mess this opportunity up.

If I would've had the time I would've said a lot more to Potter though, there was a lot more I wanted to tell him. For some reason I wanted to tell him everything, the stories I hadn't even told Pansy and Blaise. Some large part of me wanted his understanding and support more than anything.. Which gave me an idea. I got some parchment, and my lucky quill and began writing a quick letter to him.

Dear Potter,

I'm really nervous about the speech. I am not sure how well standing in-front of the school with a giant target on my forehead will go for me. I know we aren't considered decent mates yet, I know that will come with time if it ever does. I am fine with that fact, obviously.

I was wondering though, if you'd like to come over for a little bit? To prepare some sort of speech for tomorrow, that way we don't have to just wing it. If you don't feel comfortable I understand, if you do and would like to come over just apparate here. Thank you!

See you soon, Scarface.


I tied the letter to my owl and off it went, I decided to go shower. I took a long hot shower, and started to get ready for the day. As I got on my pants, I heard the apparation sound. I smiled softly to myself, quickly wiping it off my face and headed downstairs, throwing my shirt over my shoulder for now. I got my wand out to be safe, but quickly put it away upon seeing it was only Harry.

I opened the front door and waved him inside. "Hello Harry, must say I'm surprised you actually showed up." He greeted me back, "I'm not sure why it surprises you, I love throwing myself into situations that I'm not sure the outcome of." We both chuckled at that, and I couldn't help but give him a questioning look. "Why're you looking at me like that?"

"Well you are half naked." I looked down and mentally cursed putting my shirt on quickly. I realized Harry had been staring at my scars. I wanted to put my shirt on before he got in, but I nearly forgot it was still on my shoulder. "Oh my apologies." He shrugged, "no problem, er.. we're both guys. So this speech.. shall we?" I nodded, leading him to the sitting room.

A short while later we were laughing and smiling with each other. "Who knew you were actually decent company?" I said making him laugh. "Well considering half of the wizarding world is dying to get this type of attention from me, I'd say.. everyone but you." I rolled my eyes at him, and sighed, looking away.

"What is it? What's wrong?" He questioned, making me look up at him sadly. "I have a lot I want to say to you, I didn't really want to work on the speech. Well I did, and I'm glad we did. I just feel as if I didn't get to say everything I wanted to say yesterday." He nodded in understanding, and smiled at me. "Listen Draco, you could've just told me that, I would've been more than happy to talk to you. I don't consider us bestfriends, because it's unrealistic that we could go from hating each other for seven bloody years to skipping around together with our arms linked up. Your apology yesterday however, was the start of something though, the start of gaining me and the others trust back. Though I think you already earned Hermione's because she has been babbling on about working on projects with you. The speech is another, that really took me by shock I must admit. Either way I could see us being friends in the future as long as you really do continue being the man I have witnessed the last two days. Now carry on with whatever you would like to say. I am here to listen."


I nodded, taking in his every word. "Ever since I was a boy, I knew who you were. I knew as much about you as one could. Not that it's very surprising, almost all of the wizarding world adored you. When you rejected me that first day of hogwarts, I was bloody pissed. I felt like my idol just shot me down. After a few years though I realized this enemy act we had going had to continue though. I realized it was safest for you to be nowhere near me. As I got older, and my father started to tell me about Voldemort and the death eaters, I never wanted to join. It sickened me, when you found me in the bathroom in sixth year, I wanted to ask for help. I wanted to confide in you, I wanted it to end. I was too scared though, and knew at that point you wouldn't trust me.."

I took a second, taking a deep breath, and a sip of water before continuing on. "So I did the first thing I could think. Throwing that hex at you made me even more upset, even though I missed. I remember when you first hit me with sectumsempra. Honestly I was happy, I was hoping it killed me. I was also very proud of you, you grew a set and it was enjoyable after watching you battle so much in your head throughout the years. When Dumbledore asked to help me I almost took it, almost. That is until Bellatrix showed up. Every time I tried to ask for help I failed, I was so scared. It didn't help that every moment after that, one wrong move and they tortured me. I am not sure why I want to tell you all of this, well I guess I do know a reason. I just want someone to understand the reason I did what I did, and I feel you will understand the best given your own situation. I haven't told Blaise or Pansy everything. You're the first to hear most of this.."

He was listening so well, with a face full of emotions and I smiled softly. "I just needed to get it off my chest I assume, I think I relate to you well. I mean the only difference between me and you is that I was on the wrong side and you weren't. Neither of us really had a choice, at first I thought it was all awesome you know? I was young, and a git. I wanted to be just like my father. The mudblood slurs, the hate towards people with lesser money. It was all an act to keep father satisfied with me, I felt like making him proud was all I could be good at in life. I tried to back out of getting the dark mark, honestly I did, but at that point my father began torturing me to get me to agree to his ways. Now I have this bloody thing on my arm forever. I just feel so lost anymore, I want to be a good person, I have always wanted that really. I was just too much of a coward. Now I have the chance, thanks to you, and I know it's too late to make everyone see I'm not all evil.."

I finally trailed off, sitting in a moment of silence. I gave him the time he needed to process everything before he slowly started to respond. "Listen like I said, I don't know if I would consider this a close friendship yet, we have too much history for that to realistically happen overnight, but you will be safe returning to hogwarts. I mean that. I will make sure of it. As for everything you've been through, I'm so sorry. If you would have told me sooner, or asked for help I very much would have given it to you. I'm not innocent really, I was a right prat, even when you didn't always deserve it. I'm sorry you dealt with all of that, I don't think you're evil Draco. I never did, I think you dealt with too much and were handed some awful responsibilities at a young age.."

He trailed off to take a breath, and looked me in the eyes.. "the thought of being around you always confused me. I felt wrong about denying your hand in first year, something never felt right about it, but Ron was the first person to ever be nice to me. I don't fully regret my decision, because Ron ended up being my bestfriend.. but I myself had an awful childhood, my muggle family treated me like arse. You didn't deserve any of it Draco I promise. I understand what you mean by us being in the same boat, I found out from Severus before he passed that Dumbledore was just raising me as a pig for slaughter. He knew when I was just a baby that I would one day have to die to defeat Voldemort, and he didn't know if I would come back or not. We were just two sides of the same coin, as Minerva says."

I couldn't help but chuckle, "you are on first name basis with the headmistress, and you talk to her about me?" He blushed, shrugging, "well you see, I moved in with Remus and Sirius after the war, and Minnie is over for dinner all the time. At hogwarts she'll always be McGonagall but I know her a little more personally outside of school. To answer the latter question, yes we talk about you sometimes."

"How is Sirius doing by the way? I would love to rekindle with my dear cousin." I jumped at my mothers voice, "Merlin mother, how long have you been eavesdropping?!" Harry and mother chuckled, "she walked in about ten minutes ago, you were too transfixed in the conversation to notice. He's doing well Narcissa, I will be sure to invite you and Draco to dinner sometime. He has asked about you as well."

She smiled at Harry, "that would be lovely. Speaking of dinner, would you like to stay dear? We'd love to have you." He returned her smile widely, "if I wouldn't be intruding, that would be lovely, thank you." She beamed at the raven haired boy, "you could never intrude, as I said yesterday you are always welcome darling." Harry thanked her again and off she went, "sorry about that, mother worries." The raven haired boy shrugged, waving it off, "she is fine honestly, your mother is a wonderful woman."

Dinner had just been served, and I handed our house elf Dottie a couple galleons. "There you go princess, thank you so much." She nodded quickly, "thank you so much Master, oh Dottie is so very grateful! Dottie hopes Master Malfoy and Mistress Black enjoy dinner. Master Potter as well'" I chuckled, patting her head, "I've told you before princess, just call me Draco. Mother is Cissy to you, and I'm sure scarhead here is perfectly fine being called Harry." She nodded and scurried off, and I looked up to see Harry watching me in amazement.

"What?" I questioned, giving him a weird look. "Are you sure that's actually Draco Malfoy in there?" I chuckled, "you know Dobby was my best friend. Lucius may have treated him like a slave, but he was my favorite little creature. I have never been harsh to house elves and I won't begin now. Dottie was Dobbys favorite elf, so I kept her after you set Dobby free but only because she didn't want freed. She's the only house elf we have left, and she's a blessing, but since she works she gets paid."

He smiled that goofy lopsided smile of his, and my heart fluttered a bit. "I could get used to this version of you, you know." I caught my mothers look out of the corner of my eye, shooting her a quick glare. "Well that's good, prat, because you're now stuck with us slytherins." Harry chuckled, "oh believe me I know, Hermione and Pansy have already been owling back and forth nonstop. Ron sent me quite the owl before I came here claiming that we were now slytherdors and that was final. He even began owling Blaise himself. He didn't like how Blaise talked about himself."

I couldn't help but laugh so hard I almost choked on my dinner, "slytherdors that is bloody hilarious, I will have to give Weasel his credit next time I see him. Bloody brilliant, that git. I'm glad they're both getting along with Pansy and Blaise!" Harry chuckled playfully shaking his head, "this year will be interesting for sure. We are totally going to blow everyone's mind hanging out with each other." I nodded and smiled softly at the idea, Harry sodding Potter planned on hanging out with me. This may just be the best year at hogwarts I have ever had.

After dinner, Harry decided he needed to get home so I walked him to the door. He ruffled my hair, "see you on the hogwarts express, prat. Have a good night Narcissa thank you again for having me. It was lovely." I smiled shoving him playfully, "see you tomorrow, Scarface." Mother gave him a hug, which he gladly excepted. "It was nothing dear, again my home is open to you anytime. Also please owl Draco details on that dinner, I'd love to see Sirius and Remus again." He nodded and assured her he'd talk to them and owl as soon as he got a response, and then off he went.

I watched him apparate off, and smiled fondly sighing. I turned to my mother and my smile immediately dropped. "Don't you start!" I said pointing knowingly at her. A small smirk played on her lips, "you fancy Potter! My little dragon is in love!" She sing-songed, making me roll my eyes. This is the side of my mother people don't usually see, her goofy child-like side. I've seen it a lot more without Lucius around and even when she was teasing me it made me smile. All I ever wanted was to get my mother away from that monster and see her happy. Now I finally got that thanks to Scarface.

"I might find the bloke attractive, because I do have eyes, but I wouldn't go as far as to call it fancying him. I just have a fond liking towards the git- stop giving me that look mother I mean it!" She chuckled, "whatever you say my love." I huffed, crossing my arms. "Mother don't you go playing match maker now. I know that look I'm your eyes." She just winked and skipped off happily making me roll my eyes.

I definitely did NOT fancy Potter. That's absurd. I mean I always thought he was a fairly handsome bloke. His hair was always messy in the right way, and his eyes were mesmerizing. He had that cute little lopsided grin he always wore proudly, and a pretty decent body. So of course I found him attractive, but fancying him never crossed my mind, I didn't plan for it to either. I sighed, now my mother would be trying to play matchmaker, to a match that will never mix.

Even if I did fancy Harry, which of course I did not.. it wouldn't matter. Even if we became close I will always be the ex death eater and he will always be the savior of the wizarding world. Our precious golden boy. Besides I'm pretty sure he isn't even into blokes, considering the last I knew he was dating the young weasel. I shook my head running a hand through my messy hair, thanks to Harry ruffling it.

I mentally cursed my mother for making me even think about it, did I act like I fancied him? I hoped I didn't come across that way. Either way I can't worry about things like that too much. My brain will go into overdrive and I will begin pushing him away, and we will be back at square one. I promised myself before we had even discussed meeting up to talk that, that, would not be an option at this point. It couldn't be, Harry had done so much for me and mother, I could not mess this up.

I sighed, sending Pansy a quick letter telling her that we were sitting with the golden trio tomorrow and finished packing a few necessary items into my school trunk. All while obviously not thinking about the bloke that I do NOT have any feelings for whatsoever.

I spent the rest of my evening, laying in bed drawing. I was only half way through when I realized I was drawing Harry. Stupid Draco. I finished the drawing and added it to the rest of my Harry drawings. Maybe I should get some rest...


A/N here's chapter 2 😅

Hope you enjoyed loves.

Much love,


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