• Draco's pov •
Things between me and Harry have shifted greatly. We still act the same around our friends, and they know nothing yet, but behind closed doors we're much more affectionate. We haven't talked about labels, which I'm alright with. Just knowing he feels the same way is enough for me. We were currently at lunch, holding hands under the table, and it felt nice to share this one thing between the two of us.
(TW Slurs)
When lunch finally ended we headed to defense, still holding hands. We honestly didn't care anymore. Yes we wanted to keep things quiet for now but not hidden. We liked to keep everyone guessing what was going on. "Hey Potter!" We heard a kid yell from the side. "What's up Zalinski?" Harry responded with an eye roll. "Congrats on your new fag relationship with the death eater."
Harry immediately gripped my hand tighter, turning his full body into the kid. "He isn't a fucking death eater." The kid laughed, getting in Harry's face. "So you admit you're a fag, the rest of the world may love and adore you but I see what you really are." Harry was gritting his teeth, "ignore him." I whispered quietly but he was too far gone at this point, "you see what I am? Do you now? Do you think I want the world to love and adore me? What's fame with no parents, what's fame with people I love dead because of voldemort. Do you think for a second if Draco was truly a death eater that I would be anywhere near him? Oh and who the hell do you think you are to judge someone for their sexuality huh? You're right I am fucking bisexual and I'm proud as hell to say that. I'm sorry that you're not happy with yourself, but leave me and my friends the fuck out of your miserable shit."
At this point his magic was pulsing and I think half the school could feel it buzzing. The kid looked shocked but didn't add anything else, slowly backing away from my now heaving partner. I pulled him into the defense room and put my hands on his face. "Listen to me okay? Can you hear my voice?" He nodded, anger still very evident in his eyes. "I don't care what anyone says okay? There's only a few people whose opinions matter love, I have you and our friends okay? Breathe for me."
He hugged me and clung onto my shirt. He was still calming down but it was getting better. "There you go angel, that's it. Good." Remus eventually walked back. "Is he alright?" I briefly explained the situation and he nodded, carefully pulling Harry off of me. "I would love to say it's the last time you'll hear that but it isn't Harry, you just have to learn to ignore them. I will talk to Minerva and get the little punk in trouble okay? Draco are you alright?" I nodded, "I'm okay thank you Professor." Remus nodded and hugged Harry, "take a seat boys, Harry I need to have a word with you after class." Harry walked straight to his seat, hands still shaking. I walked over sitting next to him and gently taking his hand, "it's gonna be okay darling."
After class I walked up to the front with Harry, I was going to leave but he insisted I stay. "What did you need to talk about Remmie?" Remus smiled softly at him, "you sure you'd like me to ask with Draco here?" He nodded, "anything you have to say can be said in-front of him." Remus laughed shaking his head, "oh you remind me so much of Padfoot sometimes. Anyways I was only going to ask when you two got together?" I coughed, shocked by the question, but Harry wasn't even phased by his dad. "We're not together yet, taking things slowly, but don't say anything to padfoot. I like telling him he's wrong. We will come out on our own terms."
Remus looked as though he'd won a hundred galleons. "I'm so proud of you for finally accepting your feelings, Draco I don't think I need to give you the dad talk. Once Sirius finds out he will do it well enough for the both of us, just treat him well." I smiled, "you don't have to worry about that. I care for him deeply. I will do my best." I looked over winking at Harry who was already looking at me with the brightest look in his eyes possible. Remus nodded, "I believe that, you two run off now." I nodded thanking him again and him and Harry discussed dinner over the weekend quickly, and off we went. We only had a few more classes and I wasn't really in the mood for any of them.
"Want to skip the rest of the day and go take a nap?" I asked, earning a laugh from Harry. "Absolutely!" He said cheerfully pulling me in the direction of our dorm. I chuckled, "alright alright calm down." He just kept pulling me along, causing me to laugh the whole way to the dorm. Once we arrived and were in the door, he immediately locked it and kissed me. I was a bit taken back but pulled him close, tangling my hands in his hair.
The kiss didn't last too long, but when he pulled away he had a red face and was out of breath. "You look pretty hot post snog potter." He glared at me, shoving me playfully. "You have no idea how badly I wanted to do that when Zalinski was saying those things about you." I smirked, running my hand down his face, "what did you want to do love?" I asked teasingly. He immediately kissed me again, this being a much more heated snogging session.
When we finally pulled away I was out of breath this time and it was amazing. "Bloody hell, it's still so weird kissing you. I've wanted to do that for years." I said chuckling. "When should we tell people?" He asked quietly and I shrugged, "whenever you're ready darling. We don't have to yet if you're not ready, we haven't even decided what we are." Harry nodded, "I'm yours." He responded simply. I blushed, and kissed his forehead. "And I am yours my love." He smiled and pulled me down onto his chest. "We will tell them eventually."
Not long after laying down, we drifted into a quiet slumber.
"HARRY! DRACO!" I jumped to the sound of our names and quickly realized the beating on the door. I jumped up quickly, opening the door to Hermione, Ron, Blaise, and Pansy. "Where were you all? I was worried sick!" Hermione said in her motherly tone. "Obviously we were here." I said groggily, not in the mood for human interaction. "Oh sleepy Draco is so cute." Pansy cooed pinching my cheek. I swatted at her hand, "oh bugger off." I muttered going over to wake Harry up, who somehow slept through all of that mess.
"Hey, wake up darling." I whispered softly, not loud enough for the rest to hear. He grumbled and tried to grab my shirt. I chuckled. "Everyone's here." I whispered in his ear, and he let go sitting up groggily with a groan. "Go away." He half shouted before flopping back down. Everyone chuckled this time. "Harry love it's dinner time, your husband misses you!" Ron exclaimed making me laugh.
Harry made grabby hands at Ron and Ron skipped over jumping on top of him with a loud 'thump' and a groan from Harry. "Get off of me you oaf. I just wanted a hug." Harry pouted and Hermione grabbed my arm. "What in Godric's name did you do to him? He's in the best mood I've seen him in, in years." I sighed, of course Hermione would notice from a pout that Harry's in a good mood. I gave her a quick shrug and a wink. I basically justified her thoughts but I didn't mind. She was too smart to outsmart.
"Harry if you get up we get food." I said sternly, and this sparked something in him. "FOOD?!" He jumped up quickly and we all laughed, "you've spent too many years with Ron." Me and Hermione said at the same time, and then everyone went silent for a moment. "You've only spent a few months around Hermione and you're basically her so.." Harry started and everyone was laughing again.
"He's always been her. He was just too much of a prat to admit it." Pansy said and I glared at her. "Shove off." I mumbled, she grabbed me and hugged me tightly. "You know I love you." I smiled hugging her back, "yeah yeah, love you more. Now let's go eat please." She nodded, and we all started to walk down together. Harry was behind me, Pansy, and Blaise with Ron and Hermione. I could hear them whispering. "You guys were cuddling!" Ron exclaimed, making me roll my eyes. "Yes and, me and you cuddle?" Harry said in a very annoyed tone.
"It's different mate, you guys have to like each other." Before Harry or I could respond, Hermione chimed in. "Ronald I've told you already to butt out. They will tell us when they're ready." Harry groaned, "I get the sentiment Hermione but there's nothing to tell you guys honestly. I'm not shagging Malfoy and I don't plan on it." My heart hurt a bit at the Malfoy, but I guess Harry did say he didn't want them to know.
"Hey love, are you alright?" Harry asked when we returned to our dorm. "Fine." I mumbled immediately grabbing my sketchbook. "Hey, look at me what's wrong?" He said with a soft voice. "Nothing. Said m'fine." I mumbled again wanting to be left alone at this point. "Draco." He said sternly, and I turned around. "What?! I said I'm fine, bloody hell." He flinched at my tone and backed off. I wanted to immediately apologize, but I felt like now just wasn't the time. "Sorry." He said quietly.
I went to turn around to apologize but he had left the dorm. I sighed sitting on my bed with my head in my hands. I didn't mean to snap at him, that doesn't excuse it I guess. I was just thinking too much at dinner, I know he doesn't want people to know that we are whatever we are, but it's just confusing. I don't see why he doesn't want people to know, is he ashamed of me? Is it because of my dark mark?
He probably doesn't even like me, maybe this is all just one big joke to mess with me. I really don't think he'd do that though. I don't know what to think. Before I could do anything stupid I just opened my sketchbook and started drawing away. It's the only thing that completely shuts off my mind.
When I was done I gently tore the portrait I had drawn of me and Harry, and wrote 'I'm sorry I suck.' on the back. I drew a quick heart and placed it on his pillow, I threw on his tshirt and curled into bed. Laying there thinking about everything. Harry isn't the same kid I knew before, he isn't out to get me. I don't need to put on the Malfoy mask around him, and I needed to stop putting it on in general. I'm not my father and I don't want to be.
I didn't realize I was crying until I felt the tears running off my face. I mentally cursed hiding my face in my pillow. I shouldn't have snapped, why am I such a fuck up? I finally got the man I want and I screwed it up in the first week. I will have to try harder, if he ever even speaks to me again. I closed my eyes, "G'night Harry.." I mumbled to myself..
When I woke up the next morning, Harry was back in the room. He was studying his potions textbook. "Harry, I'm so so sorry I didn't mean to snap. Please don't stop talking to me forever." Harry jumped, obviously he hadn't realized I was awake. He looked over at me with a raised eyebrow, and motioned for me to come over. I immediately sprung out of bed, jumping to his side. He chuckled and pulled me into his side, kissing my head.
"Listen love, it's okay. I gave you your space is all. I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. We all have our moments, I wish you'd have communicated better, is all. I myself snap sometimes. I'm not going anywhere." I nodded, curling into his side. "I'm sorry, it's just, I overheard your conversation on the way to dinner and I started to overthink. I know why you want to keep things secret but I feel like it's also because you're ashamed to be with me. I'm sorry I didn't talk to you about it."
He cupped my face making me look at him, "Draco I am not ashamed of you. At all, I just want us to figure us out before everyone else tries to. Never ever feel that way, once we've decided where we want to take this, I am prepared to show you off to the world." I blushed, looking into his eyes. "You mean it..?" He nodded, leaning in to kiss me softly. "I mean it my love, you're stuck with me, and when we're both ready I will let the whole world know."
"Thank you for being so understanding, I'm still learning how to talk things out and not just slip the Malfoy mask on." He kissed my forehead softly. "We are healing together my love, you saw me yesterday. I am not very good at controlling my magic when I get angry. I have nightmares, I shut down too. It's all gonna be alright. We're in this together." I smiled at that, pulling him close to me. "Together."
He hummed happily in contentment, leaning down to connect our lips again. "I'll never tire of being able to do that." He said with a cheeky grin. "Oh me too, it's different.. being happy and all." He nodded, "I know what you mean." I sighed, "my mother has asked that we go see her this weekend for tea by the way. It must get lonely in the manor by yourself, well besides Dottie of course." Harry smiled at me, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me in between his legs. Resting his chin on top of my head.
"I would love to go see her, I forgot to mention, saturday we're having a dinner I'm sure you heard Remus talking about it yesterday. Come with me please?" I smiled, "I don't want to impose." He chuckled, kissing the top of my head. "Nonsense, Sirius literally said yesterday he expected you because we're a 'package deal' I think he likes you more than he likes me at this point." I laughed softly, "who doesn't? I'm brilliant. Alright, I'll join."
"You are brilliant." He said making me blush, "thank you." I said softly. "Want to help me figure out this potions homework? I still can't grasp it." I nodded, grabbing his textbook. As we worked through the potion we bantered on and flirted, and I couldn't help but smile the whole time. I realized then, I was in love with Harry Potter.
A/N hope you enjoyed loves.
Much love,
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