•Harry's pov•

Two days. Two days before we go back to Hogwarts for an eighth year. I wasn't quite sure how to feel. Ron and Mione were going to be with me, so deep down I knew I was okay. I knew no matter what happened it couldn't get much worse than what had already happened.

Today though, the three of us were meeting up with Malfoy and his friends. I was a bit uneasy, but he had sent us all three a letter explaining he had a lot to say. I picked up the letter looking over it once more, to reassure myself this was a good idea.

Dear Potter.. Harry?

I'm not sure how to start this, or what it's even going to contain. I'm not even expecting you to read the bloody thing so I'll try to make this as quick as I can.

I hope you're doing well after... well everything. My condolences to you, for everyone you've lost. I truly hope you're doing ok Potter.. I have written three letters, one to you, Hermione, and Ron. I hope to meet with the three of you, along with Pansy and Blaise two days before we return to Hogwarts, half past noon, at the three broomsticks.

I understand if you don't want to. I cannot force you to meet up with me or even be nice to me. I've got a lot to say and so do Pansy and Blaise. We will again understand if this isn't something you're okay with. Me and my father have caused a lot of pain in so many people's lives, if it weren't for you I'd be rotting away in Azkaban like I probably deserved.

I will keep this short, and simple. If you're okay with meeting just send me a quick owl, and if you read this far then thank you for giving me your time.

Hope to see you soon, Scarhead.

Sincerely, D.M.

It was odd for sure, seeing him being so nice in the letter. I didn't trust it at first, but Ron and Hermione actually talked me into it. Ron said that he was bloody awful to Hermione the first year, but that now he can't imagine life without her. She agreed and said if she'd never gotten past the grudge, the golden trio would never have been friends.

Though I did agree, I was still uneasy. Some of the stuff Malfoy did wasn't worth just "forgetting" for friendship. A friendship I wasn't even sure I wanted to be honest. I wasn't willing to put myself in any more danger. I just want a normal year at Hogwarts, but my friends for whatever reason seem to want to hear Malfoy out. I will too.

Once I was ready, I apparated to the burrow. I walked slowly to the door, nervous as ever. Of course Ginny was the one who opened the door. "Harry!" She said giving me a quick hug which I gladly returned, before following her into the house. I'm glad me and Ginny were able to remain friends, after the war we decided to separate. Both of us were dealing with a lot, and we honestly just thought we were better as friends. She means a lot to me, but it felt as though we were simply pressured into being together by the media and neither of us liked that.

Molly hugged me, welcoming me into the home, and soon I was being basically tackled by George, Ron, and Hermione. I smiled, hugging them all back. "Hello everyone." I said softly. I hadn't been much of a talker since the war, or affectionate really. I really didn't enjoy it much anymore, but I always enjoyed the Weasley crew, and Hermione of course. Really they're all I had left in this seemingly empty world.

I sat down for a bit, making small talk with Mione about what classes I decided to take to finish off my education. We started talking about the future. "Are you going to take up the Ministry's offer and become an Auror?" Hermione asked gently, not wanting to trigger anything. Sometimes I didn't know what I hated more, the fact that they tiptoed around me to protect me, or the fact that I needed them to.

I shrugged, "while I thought about it. I've had another career in mind I think I could really succeed at." She nodded, and questioned me on what that was. "Well.. I was thinking of maybe returning to Hogwarts, as the DADA professor, at some point that is." She smiled at me.

"Oh Harry, that would be lovely! You're right, you sure would succeed at that!" I smiled, thanking her and checking the time. "Well we better get off, Malfoy said half past noon." I spoke bitterly, still not fully convinced this was a good idea.

"It'll be okay mate, if something goes wrong Mione can punch him again!" Ron said, causing me to chuckle and loosen up a bit. We decided to apparate to the three broomsticks and walked side by side.. by side. Heads up and strong faces. We didn't want to look afraid..

Though I wasn't really afraid of Malfoy and his group, I mean they could pull a prank, but nothing we couldn't handle. I was afraid of the eyes, I hadn't been out in public much. Since the war too many people were all about the "Golden boy".. I hated that name.

"Potter? Granger, Weasley! Hello. I'm glad you guys could make it, I didn't think about how public this was, would you like to go elsewhere and talk in a more private place?" We all turned to Malfoy and my breath hitched a bit, at his suggestion. "That would be great honestly.."

He nodded at my request, "we could go to the manor, if there aren't too many.. bad memories.." He said with a look of regret on his face. Ron looked at Hermione and I, "is that okay with you guys..? Harry, can you handle that?" He asked the last part softly, so that it couldn't be heard by Malfoy. I nodded and so did Mione.

"That would be fine Malfoy, but so help me God if this is a-" he cut me off, "Harry I promise, I have no intentions of any malice. I simply have some things I'd like to get off my chest, as do these two. The manor is safe, my mother is there but she also would like to speak to you at some point in life so better now than never. I promise you can hex the living crap out of me if anything bad happens!"

I nodded, somehow his words managed to reassure me. Maybe it was the use of my given name, or maybe it was something else.

Shortly after the conversation, we apparated to the Manor. Hermione had a troubled look on her face, "are you okay Hermione? If you're uncomfortable you can leave, I'll understand." Malfoy asked, giving her a sincere apologetic look. She shook her head, "there's bad memories everywhere I go, this is just another one I'll have to face."

He smiled, "you're all so brave, true gryffindors you lot are. Right this way." Surprisingly there was no joking tone to his voice. He led us to their kitchen table, where Narcissa was. "Mother, you remember Harry, and Hermione and Ron." She smiled sadly, looking directly at me. "Harry dear! I'm so glad to see you, thank you, thank you so much for speaking on Draco and I's behalf. I didn't deserve it at all, but I appreciate it greatly. I am so thankful Draco is getting a second chance, he was just a boy.."

I shifted a bit, not really uncomfortable, just surprised. "Mrs. Malfoy-" she cut me off, "Black. I am divorced. Either way, call me Narcissa." I smiled brightly. "Okay then, Narcissa, you do not need to thank me. If it wasn't for your bravery and love for Draco here, I wouldn't be alive. As for Draco himself, you're right, he was just a boy. We were all kids, and I knew he truly wasn't evil inside, just in fear. We all do things we shouldn't out of fear sometimes. He chose the right side in the end, you both did." She smiled brightly at me.

"I appreciate that so much, truly you're wonderful, you remind me so much of James." I smiled in return, thanking her again. "Oh and before I leave you guys to it, Hermione dear? I'm so sorry for standing back while Bellatrix was so evil to you, you did not deserve that no matter what your blood status is. You're welcome in my home anytime, all of you are. Ron I'm also sorry for how your family was treated by mine. I'm deeply sorry for everything." We all nodded, thanking her softly for the apology.

Narcissa left us all to talk and everyone sat silent for a second. Pansy breaking the silence, "alright I suck with words and emotions and shit but let me just be straight up. Potter I am sorry. I was so scared in the moment, and so in fear of what would happen. I didn't want you dead truly, I never had any hard feelings towards you. I was just so scared, and I hate admitting being afraid of anything, and I know you most likely won't forgive me. Which I understand completely, but I just wanted to formally apologize for trying to get you killed. I truly am unbelievably sorry."

"Pansy it's alright, I do forgive you. Actually before I came here I had already forgiven you, we were all scared. You, like the rest of us, did what you had to, to survive. Slytherin children were dealt a bad card from the start, most of your parents pushed you to one side, and it was obvious. All is forgiven." She beamed, almost relieved, "I don't deserve it, but thank you Potter. Really."

She put her head down, afraid of showing too many emotions and I just nodded. "Granger I also wish to apologize to you, I was so.. cruel for no reason. I'm sorry, sincerely." Hermione held a tight lip smile, "it's quite alright. I've moved past it. Thank you for apologizing."

Blaise was the next to talk, "Ron.. Thank you for saving me from the fire.. I never got to properly thank you.." he said it almost weakly. Ron smiled, "to be fair mate, thank Harry, if it wouldn't have been for him suggesting we had to save you guys. I was leaving your arse there. Sorry to say it."

We all chuckled at that and Blaise looked directly at me, "thank you, all of you. Our world is safer than it ever has been and being a slytherin doesn't feel dangerous anymore." I nodded again, "I wasn't leaving either of you in that fire, again we were just kids, the war caused enough young loss without losing two more. As long as I'm around at Hogwarts this year, you guys won't have to worry about being messed with for your parents' status or for being slytherin. We will all be safe."

I couldn't help but notice how Malfoy stared intently at me, the whole time me, Pansy, and Blaise talked. I made eye contact finally, and he.. blushed? Clearing his throat. "We thank you Potter, truly, but we're prepared. We deserve it if anything-"

"Rubbish!" Hermione spat, "all of your names are clear. So no one deserves anything! You all WILL be treated like humans, we will make sure of it." Malfoy sighed, thanking her, we all knew better than to argue with Mione. He then gave us another serious look. "The reason I truly asked you all to meet is simple, I would like to apologize. First to Weasley." Ron looked up, meeting eye to eye with him. "Weasley, I'm sorry for the way I threw prejudice at you and your family. I've sent them all apology letters already, to which they all seemed to say they forgave me. I just felt like yours should've been a little more personal. So I am sorry, and to all three of you, if at any time you want to hex me or if you don't feel the need to forgive me, I understand. I am apologizing with no hope or expectations of forgiveness."

Ron shrugged, "look mate, we've all lost a lot. I mean bloody hell, my brother is gone. We need to appreciate the little things in life, you being a right arse in school isn't something I want to hold onto. Even from this short conversation I can see you've changed, or maybe you were this person underneath your mask all along, either way it's forgiven. I can't say it can all be forgotten but I don't want to ponder on it for another second."

I was a bit surprised, everything was going so well and it just shocked me. Ron was right, and I don't get to say that a lot. Draco had changed. I could tell clearly that he wasn't the same prat he always had been. The Malfoy mask had slipped off, and we were getting to see the true genuine Draco Malfoy, for the first time.

"I am so sorry for the loss of Fred, honestly I always admired him and George. They could make any situation funny, as for you, thank you for the kind words. While I'm not deserving.." he trailed off as Hermione gave her famous glare, "sorry let me rephrase. While you're not obligated to forgive me, I appreciate it none the less. As for you, Miss. Granger. I am sorry to you, so deeply sorry. My use of the slur was highly uncalled for and inappropriate in every situation it was used. You're the brightest witch I've ever met truthfully, and my foul treatment was nothing you deserved. I'm so sorry again."

She smiled at him, and so did I. This change was big, and apparent, and honestly it was very refreshing. "I'm not going to say it's alright, because using slurs like that is NEVER alright. I appreciate your compliment, and I much appreciate you apologizing. I can tell you've changed, and that you mean the apology. So while it isn't alright that you said those things, I forgive you and will put it behind us. You're an exceptionally bright wizard yourself Malfoy. Maybe we could work together on some projects this year. We'd blow them all away!"

"I would love that! Last but not least, Potter..."

He trailed off and I looked up at him, my stomach did a flip and I wasn't sure why. I was nervous to hear what he had to say to me. After all, I've been his least favorite person for the last seven years.

"Potter, where to begin with you. I guess first I must thank you, thank you for speaking at my trial, and thank you even more for saving my life." I smiled at him shrugging, "your trial was truly no big deal, you didn't deserve to go to Azkaban. As for saving your life, even though you were an insufferable prat most of my life.. I was fond enough of you to not want you to die. Especially after what happened here.."

"Well thank you again anyways, and I too was fond enough of you to not want you dead." He winked and we chuckled, then his face dropped to a serious one once again. "I also.. I just wanted to say I'm sorry. For.. everything. I was a total arse to you, for so long just because I was jealous. All I've wanted was friendship with you, and because of everything all I did was hurt you..

I'm sorry Potter, and again I understand if you don't wish to give me forgiveness but it feels good to get all of that off my back." I smiled, "you're forgiven Malfoy, I appreciate you apologizing so much. You have grown a lot, you all have, and even though I was doubting this meeting today, I'm glad we came." Hermione and Ron agreed with me.

"I do however have one more thing to say.. we would like to make a truce. I want to see more house unity at Hogwarts, and it starts with us. I mean after all, what's more unified than the lot of us walking together on the first day. Heads will be spinning!" I thought about Draco's statement for a second, glancing at Ron and Hermione.

"I think that's a lovely idea Draco!" Hermione said thrilledly. Draco smiled, "I want to send a letter to McGonagall, if you're okay with it Harry on the first day I would like to give a speech, you and I, after the sorting ceremony. I want us eight years to set a bright example for all of the first years!" I nodded at this, smiling again, I haven't been able to stop the whole time here. It all seems too good to be true.

"I would absolutely love to do that with you Draco!" He froze and blushed, smiled wide. Everyone else looked at me smiling as well. "What..?" I asked.. never knowing what the bloody hell is going on. "You called me Draco."

"Well if we're going to be friends, then Draco it is."

Friends. Hm, this year would be interesting for sure.

After we discussed the speech, we caught up a bit. We all left giving each other hugs. It was weird honestly but I was excited for this new year at Hogwarts, maybe we'd finally be the change my parents always fought for.


A/N so basically I originally unpublished this because I hated it, I've done a little work and gotten it to a stable point. It's definitely not as good or as slow burn as I was hoping for but it's better.

The whole book is already written so I'll be publishing a chapter a day until it's all posted, thank you for all the love and support like always.

Long Live Drarry.

Hope you enjoyed!

Much love,


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